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Very Best of Modern Coin Magic (DVD) The best of modern coin magic is a collection of sleights and routines from the classic book of coin magic by J.B. Bobo. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $20.00 $0.01
The Ultimate Coin in the Balloon with Michael Bairefoot (DVD) Amaze your audience with this visually stunning reputation maker!
In stock. $40.00 $0.99
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In the Beginning There Were Coins Starring Jay Noblezada (DVD) NOW SHIPPING! The ULTIMATE introductory course in coin magic. Over TWO HOURS of TRAINING! Make the decision to master coin magic today!
In stock. $29.95
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In the Beginning There Were Coins Starring Jay Noblezada (DVD Download) NOW SHIPPING! The ULTIMATE introductory course in coin magic. Over TWO HOURS of TRAINING! Make the decision to master coin magic today!
In stock. $24.95
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Coin Under Watch Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD) Vanish a coin and make it appear under a spectator's watch. THERE ISN'T A STRONGER MOMENT IN ALL OF COIN MAGIC. Completely impromptu, an absolute MUST for every coin magician.
Out of stock. $20.00 $0.17
Coin Ovations by Reed McClintock (DVD Download) Discover Reed's rare brand of coin magic-smooth, graceful and in-your-face!
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Coin Ovations by Reed McClintock (DVD) Discover Reed's rare brand of coin magic-smooth, graceful and in-your-face!
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At The Table Live Lecture - Marc Lavelle April 18th 2018 video DOWNLOAD As a full-time magician, Marc Lavelle is no stranger when it comes to knowing how to wow a crowd. His routines and effects stem from his passion for tinkering and creating, a passion which has been used to consult on hit TV shows like Magic Kids in France and Tricked in the UK. His charm, wit, and c
In stock. $9.95
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Coin Squeeze (DVD+Equipment) Get huge reactions when you make coins pass thru a solid wall of brass. Fantastic Pocket Trick!!!
Out of stock. $18.95 $10.50
Butter Coin by Alex Lourido The Ultimate Utility Coin! This coin allows you to perform all the moves that once required a Flipper Coin, Rub Away Coin, and the Folding Coin!
Out of stock. $32.00
Cutting Edge Cards and Coins with Jason Dean and John Born (3 DVDs) This is a must for the serious card and coin worker. Dean and Born are two of the hottest young magicians in the Midwest. Their magic is fresh and original, and just a bit EXTREME!
In stock. $59.95
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Gaffed Coins (World's Greatest Magic) (DVD) Copper/Silver/Brass &2 Copper / 1 SilverIf you could have one set of magic DVDs, this would be it! This benchmark collection features just about all of magic's most enduring and classic effects and routines. It's a fabulous compendium with many of the top masters in the world of magic teaching their
In stock. $19.95 $4.99
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Extreme Coin Magic by Joe Rindfleisch (DVD) Coin magic beyond your wildest imaginings!
In stock. $34.95
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Showoff with Coins (2 DVDs) Your coin magic will never be the same! Learn more than 70 showoff moves in TWO JAM-PACKED DVDS! An incredible value for anyone passionate about visual coin magic. Highly recommended!
In stock. $49.95
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Flipper Coin by Tango (50 Cent EURO) Two coins are freely shown and placed in the left hand. Commenting that the weight of the two coins is too heavy, the magician gives his left hand a rest by placing them in his right hand. But alas, his right hand gets tired as well, so to solve his problem he lessens the burden of his right hand by
In stock. $45.00
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Super Coin by John Kennedy (DVD + USA Gimmick) Carry this revolutionary new coin gimmick and you'll have an entire magic show in your pocket!
Out of stock. $95.00
Smashed (With US Coin) by Jay Sankey - Trick No palming! Super easy! If you can hold a pencil you can perform this reputation-maker! Can be performed with an ordinary pencil and a BORROWED COIN! You can even perform this shocking effect with an INITIALED coin!ou can immediately HAND-OUT the pencil with the coin still stuck on it!The PERFECT TR
In stock. $30.00 $24.00
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Revolutionary Coin Magic 2.0 by Jay Sankey - DVD The wait is over! The mind-blowing companion DVD to the world wide bestseller REVOLUTIONARY COIN MAGIC is here!Over TWO AND A HALF HOURS of wild new coin magic featuring a parade of breath-taking new techniques including the Mephisto Change, Sickle Switch, Corkscrew Vanish, Merlin Sequence, Body Shi
Out of stock. $40.00 $32.00
Illusion Coins (DVD+Equipment) Learn step by step from the new face of coin magic, Steve Tippeconnic. Steve performs the greatest coin trick ever and then gives excellent instructions so you too can perform this miracle. All the coins are included with the DVD! Steve will show you everything you need to know!
Out of stock. $98.99
Sankey's Best Coin Magic By Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most powerful and creative coin effects.
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Freaking Coins by Philippe Bougard and Clement Kerstenne (2 DVD Set) Packed with highly visual coin magic and in-depth instruction. A must-have for every SERIOUS coin worker. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $35.00
Tango Ultimate Coin (T.U.C) U.S. Quarter by Tango (Gimmick) The only coin to EVER win the FISM Invention award. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $60.00
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Tango Ultimate Coin (T.U.C) U.S. Half Dollar by Tango (Gimmick) "The TUC is a devious coin gimmick!! It allows you to do magic previously only possible with advanced sleight of hand. Its unique construction makes it possible to have two or one coins cleanly in your hand at any given time. This allows you to improve your handling of any routine that needs to secr
In stock. $75.00
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Imagination Coins by Garrett Thomas (US Quarter) A coin trick so good, MENTALISTS do it. Make people feel like they're dreaming. 0 IN STOCK. INCLUDES BONUS TUTORIAL.
In stock. $50.00
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Coin Flux by Wayne Dobson and JB Magic - DVD The most diabolical, easy to do Matrix on the planet!Effect3 coin matrix with twist. If you are looking for a no move, unbelievable coin effect this is the one for you. Perform anywhere any time. 3 coins all gather under one card without any pick up moves, extra coins, shells etc. this is a serious
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.95
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