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Jay Sankey LIVE (Instant Download) Jay Sankey shared TONS of real-world usable magic AND some killer theory in this 3 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Tom Stone LIVE (Instant Download) One of the most creative magicians and performers on the planet came to Penguin for a MASSIVE 2 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Pandora's Box by Jay Sankey - DVD The Effect Based on a Roy Walton idea, Jay has been exploring various gimmicks for years. These are the very best to date! Less than 5 minutes to install into ANY CARD CASE!And the case can STILL HOLD A FULL DECK OF CARDS! "Pandora's Box does so much with so little. I love it." -Gary B. "Like Jay
In stock. $20.00
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Pockets Full of Miracles by Diamond Jim Tyler - DVD This DVD contains the original volumes 1&2, cramming in 23 of the routines from Diamond Jim's "sold-out" book. The performance shots were filmed impromptu in a restaurant and at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA. This DVD will teach you some of Diamond Jim's best work, audience tested, mind blow
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Greater Magic Volume 7 - Daryl - DVD "I could have done this years ago, but I'm glad I waited to work with a top-rated team in the finest production possible."- DarylEnjoy a firsthand look at dazzling magic known to impress both amateurs and professionals. These close-up miracles have been an around-the-world ticket to winning some of
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Michael Ammar - Easy to Master Thread Miracles - Set (Vols. 1-3) - DVD There is more powerful potential in just a few feet of invisible thread than almost anything else in magic. This is magic that becomes the stuff of legends. No matter what type of magic you perform, from the purest sleight of hand to the largest grand illusions, this is the type of magic that create
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The Pro PK Kit (a.k.a. The New Micro 5) Your spectators will scream. This REACTION MACHINE will enable you to perform the most powerful street and mentalism effects in the world. Easy to use. Highly Recommended!!!
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Jay Sankey's Amazing Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do - Volumes 1-2 (DVD) Magic for beginners, taught by a world-renowned master!
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Invisible by Damien Savina (DVD + Gimmick) Make a BORROWED ring hover over your hand as you push it across your palm in mid-air. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Tom Stone LIVE (DVD) One of the most creative magicians and performers on the planet came to Penguin for a MASSIVE 2 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Jay Sankey LIVE (DVD) Jay Sankey shared TONS of real-world usable magic AND some killer theory in this 3 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Maelstrom by Tom Stone - Book You are invited to collaborate in a creative experience with a day-and-night, seven-days-a-week professional, the inventive and always-thinking Tom Stone! You will need to bring with you-Playing Cards Coins Silks Multiplying Bottles Book Tests Billiard Balls Dancing Cane Silk to Egg Thimbles Bananas
Out of stock. $55.00
Vortex by Tom Stone and Hermetic Press - Book A whirlwind of routines, tricks, ideas and opinions-- Inspired and inspiring. Open this book and you enter the mind of Tom Stone, one of Sweden's finest professional magicians and one of the world's most wildly innovative magical thinkers. Within a few pages you will be swept up and carried away by
Out of stock. $55.00
Pockets Full of Miracles (Anniversary Edition) by Diamond Jim Tyler - DVD Features 23 mind-blowing routines on one disc!To date over 2000 copies of this video have sold! To celebrate DJ has released this "Anniversary Edition" DVD in a new slim-shell case. The performance shots were filmed impromptu in a restaurant and at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA. Learn the routin
Out of stock. $35.00
Challenge Magic by Richard Osterlind - DVD Richard Osterlind's Challenge Magic, first released in 1990, was a landmark video in many ways. In addition to being twice as long as most magic videos of the day, it was also much less expensive. It set the trend for reasonably-priced instructional videos for the magic and mentalism fraternities. N
Out of stock. $24.95
Banding Around by Russell Leeds - DVD Welcome to a brand new style of Rubber Band Magic. On this DVD you will find a collection of revolutionary new plots and techniques. Throughout this DVD you will learn some awesome visual magic. Within a very short space of time and with minimum practice, you will be Banding Around. Join Russell Lee
Out of stock. $30.00
Essential Dai Vernon Collectors Edition - Book Dai Vernon was the most influential magician of the twentieth century. His vision helped to define and raise the artistry of close-up and platform magic to a degree unequalled by any other magician then or today. His thinking pushed magic into the modern era. His contribution to magic was essential
Out of stock. $175.00
In Action Volume 3 by Gregory Wilson - DVD Time Card - tidy technique for telling time with a deck of cards. The Slot Machine Scam - A secret way to scam, sham and flim-flam a real slot machine for a real jackpot! You'll immediately book the next flight to Vegas after watching this. Chip on Shoulder -An appearing and disappearing casino chip
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Finger Ring Magic (World's Greatest Magic) - DVD Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place.Imagine no more...Finger Ring MagicIf you could have one set of magic DVDs, this would be it! This benchmark collection features just about all of magic's most enduring and classic effects and routines. It's a fabulo
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