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My Way Out Of This World by Larry Hass (Instant Download) A borrowed, SHUFFLED deck is impossibly sorted into red and black by your audience! A game-changer. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Where It Has To Go by Rick Lax (Instant Download) They freely choose how the trick will end. YOU make it happen. A stunning miracle that turns card magic on its head. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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With The Band by David Jonathan & Dan Harlan (Instant Download) A must-have trick for the working pro. A rubber band visually vanishes and finds a SIGNED card in the MIDDLE of the pack. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Sankey Unleashed (PDF E-book) The essential collection of ground-breaking original Sankey for the serious close-up magician. A whopping 81 TRICKS, 192 PAGES! Highly Recommended!
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The Favorite Cards of My Friends by Rafael Benatar (Instant Download) A reputation-making masterpiece from a true professional. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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B&E by Marcus Eddie (Instant Download) Steal ANY card from a secured pack -- or STEAL THEM ALL. B&E adds a whole new dimension to your card magic. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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A Lot of Trouble by Joshua Jay (Instant Download) Create the perfect poker hand by slowly and visually changing five cards into a Royal Flush! This features Marlo's Double Change, one of the slickest and most overlooked color changes in magic!
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Sandwich by Oliver Smith (Instant Download) THREE unique sandwich routines PLUS three bonus ideas.
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A Thought Stumbled Upon by Abhinav Bothra (eBook) (Instant Download) Unconscious Cognition with a deck of cards and two spectators.
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Sandwich Transpo by Charles Sykes (Instant Download) The best card sandwich rountine out there!
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Urban Station Assembly by Creative Artists (Instant Download) Impromptu and visual assembly routine
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Interchange Sandwich by Creative Artists (Instant Download) A new sandwich trick with a kicker ending
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TableSandwich by Creative Artists (Instant Download) A new sandwich trick with a kicker ending
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