Gabriel Werlen LIVE (Instant Download) The highest rated magic video in 5 years. Learn how to perform direct mind reading without any props from one of the greatest propless mentalists in the world.
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Peter Turner LIVE 2 (Instant Download) Peter Turner returns to Penguin LIVE to share more of his unique brand of incredible mentalism! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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4 Volume Set of Reading, Billets, Dual Reality and Psychological Playing Card Forces by Peter Turner eBook DOWNLOAD In Volume 1 Peter Turner teaches you all the nuances of psychological forces and most importantly how to make it hit every time.This eBook does not just teach you a simple technique. In this 42 page eBook you are going to learn how to force EVERY SINGLE PLAYING CARD just by using words.Imagine that
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4 Volume Set (Numbers, Psychological Forces, Character Building and Storytelling and Star Sign Divination) by Peter Turner eBook DOWNLOAD This is a four volume set of Peter Turner's Mentalism Master Class. This set includes volumes 6, 7, 8, and 9. The 6th Volume of Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass is about numbers. This is the only volume where Peter talks about his feelings and thoughts during the creation procedure so you have a
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11 Volume Set of Peter Turner eBooks DOWNLOAD This series of eleven eBooks from Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass is fascinating and will enlighten you on the topic of mentalism. Peter Turner's amazing thinking on an eclectic assortment of mentalism topics can make you into an expert and versatile mentalist. He covers the psychology of menta
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A State of Mind by Dennis Hermanzo - Book Dennis Hermanzo is back! A State of Mind is in the same style as what he has become known for with his other books... making memorable mentalism by using classical principles with audience-tested routines from his own repertoire! In other words, stuff that works in the "real world!" This book will t
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