Think of One by Allan Kronzek (Instant Download) One of the strongest tricks you can possibly do. From a borrowed shuffled deck, you find a MERELY THOUGHT-OF CARD. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Tequila Hustler DELUXE by Mark Elsdon, Peter Turner, Colin McLeod and Michael Murray (Instant Download) A true game changer. See why pros are raving. With 100% accuracy, know which hand a coin is being held in, and become a human lie detector. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Code Breaker by Michael Murray and Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) Break into a LOCKED iPhone. Yes, really. The best iPhone trick we've ever seen by a million miles. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Astronomical by Peter Turner (Instant Download) Incredibly powerful anytime, anywhere mind-reading. No props, and nothing written down. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Viewed ESP Prediction by Richard Osterlind presented by Simone Turkington (Instant Download) An incredibly deceptive secret, used by pro mentalists, and now expertly taught by The Magic Castle's Simone Turkington. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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At The Table Live Lecture - Peter Turner May 20th 2015 video DOWNLOAD The man, the myth, the legend himself, Peter Turner joins us for an unforgettable At the Table Experience! Peter is currently consulting on countless TV shows across the world, applying his highly sought after mentalist mind to some of the world's biggest stages. Peter is known for his bold approach
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Savvy by Ren X (Instant Download) An impromptu organic modern mentalism piece that allows the performer peek any thought of word, number… or emoji.
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Impromptu Magic Project Vol1-3 Pack (Instant Download) Twelve effective and easy-to-do impromptu tricks plus an hour of intimate conversation with some of the most respected names in magic.
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