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Exoband by Dr. Cyril THOMAS (Instant Download) The best rubber band trick of the year, maybe the decade. Pass a rubber band through almost anything! Easy to do and uses only a single rubber band!
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Starcle by Dan Harlan (Instant Download) A true stroke of genius. Baffling and beautiful, you'll be performing this miracle every time you see a napkin. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Pen Through Finger by Matthew Johnson (Instant Download) Learn every subtlety and master this JAW-DROPPING, original pocket illusion and FREAK. PEOPLE. OUT. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Borrowed Deck Project COMPLETE by Dani DaOrtiz (Video Series) Learn completely impromptu miracles with a borrowed deck of cards from one of the greatest card magicians in the world!
In stock. $120.00 $90.00
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Pinky Thing by Nick Locapo 10th Anniversary Edition (Instant Download) The best impromptu trick EVER just got even better! Make your finger VANISH and reappear like it's CGI.
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The Teacard by Dani Daortiz (Borrowed Deck Project Chapter 1) (Instant Download) A signed card from a borrowed deck vanishes and reappears inside a steeping tea bag!
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Brimz by Josh Burch Turn your hat into a miracle machine when you use Brimz. Full trick and instructions included, just stick on your hat and you're ready to go!
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Thought of Card Location by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 10) (Instant Download) A thought of card revelation that feels like real magic!
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Think of One by Allan Kronzek (Instant Download) One of the strongest tricks you can possibly do. From a borrowed shuffled deck, you find a MERELY THOUGHT-OF CARD. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Rubber Delusion by Joe Rindfleisch (Instant Download) A series of 8 eye-popping tricks with rubber bands from the world's master of bands. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Tequila Hustler DELUXE by Mark Elsdon, Peter Turner, Colin McLeod and Michael Murray (Instant Download) A true game changer. See why pros are raving. With 100% accuracy, know which hand a coin is being held in, and become a human lie detector. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Watch Over Coin by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) A reputation maker, perfected over 30 YEARS and THOUSANDS of performances. YOU'RE-CRAZY-IF-YOU-DON'T-PERFORM-THIS. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Code Breaker by Michael Murray and Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) Break into a LOCKED iPhone. Yes, really. The best iPhone trick we've ever seen by a million miles. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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VOLITION by Joel Dickinson (VIDEO + PDF) They decide everything, which makes the ending a complete STUNNER. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Champ by Rick Merrill (Instant Download) You've never seen ANYTHING like this. Pure fireworks with nothing but a pen and a coin. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Clutch by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Simple. Powerful. Easy to perform. A high-stakes pickpocketing routine straight from Oz's show. Plays as big for 2 or 3 people as it does for two or three hundred!
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Fred by Any Other Name by John Bannon (Instant Download) A true worker's dream. A miracle from the king of clever card tricks that PACKS FLAT, PLAYS BIG and uses ANY DECK. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Astronomical by Peter Turner (Instant Download) Incredibly powerful anytime, anywhere mind-reading. No props, and nothing written down. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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The Vault - Fizz Master by Paul Harris and Eric Mead video DOWNLOAD The ultimate gimmick-free miracle for close-up and stage! Two completely ordinary, unopened cans of carbonated beverage are honestly displayed. A spectator freely selects one of the two cans and rigorously shakes it up... then sets it down two feet from the unshaken can. There is no doubt they have
In stock. $10.00
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Melting Point by Casshan Wallace (Instant Download) The most visual rubber band trick we've ever seen. Angle-proof and slow as molasses, you're going to love this. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Abandon by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) Pull solid through solid, inches from peoples faces, using every-day objects! Everything can be examined. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Deceit Treat by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) Even magicians get fooled by this hard-core brain buster that uses a borrowed shuffled deck! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Tarbell 7: Impromptu Tricks (Instant Download) An awesome collection of miracles with ordinary objects. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Take Note by Seamus Maguire presented by Atlas Brookings (Instant Download) The best NEW method for reading minds in years. Fools pros and amateurs alike. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Tarbell 11: Impromptu Card Mysteries (Instant Download) Using just an ORDINARY deck of cards, perform EXTRAORDINARY things. A GREAT FIRST LESSON EVEN IF YOU'RE NEW TO MAGIC.
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Viewed ESP Prediction by Richard Osterlind presented by Simone Turkington (Instant Download) An incredibly deceptive secret, used by pro mentalists, and now expertly taught by The Magic Castle's Simone Turkington. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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The Vault - Gerard on Hoy by Andrew Gerard video DOWNLOAD Learn the world's greatest un-gimmicked, impromptu, anytime anywhere book test! Plus 3 incredible new routines based on the Hoy principal from Andrew Gerard. Bro Gilbert joins Andrew Gerard on this first installment of their studio sessions series for a no nonsense, no hype, jam session on David Hoy
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Chaos and Order by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) Super strong card magic using any ORDINARY DECK. ALL NEW TRICKS. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Spectator Finds His Card by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 11) (Instant Download) The most baffling multiple-card selection we have ever seen!
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Symphony of the Bands by Joe Rindfleisch (Instant Download) A full magic routine using 2 rubber bands loaded with eye-candy. Learn from the maestro himself.
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At The Table Live Lecture - Peter Turner May 20th 2015 video DOWNLOAD The man, the myth, the legend himself, Peter Turner joins us for an unforgettable At the Table Experience! Peter is currently consulting on countless TV shows across the world, applying his highly sought after mentalist mind to some of the world's biggest stages. Peter is known for his bold approach
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What am I thinking? by Marc Spelmann (Instant Download) Walk into a room, and walk out knowing EVERYTHING. Pure, no-setup mind-reading at its best. NINE REPUTATION-MAKERS. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Light Speed by Rick Lax (Instant Download) A super-human demonstration of skill. Prove just how quick your hands are. Their eyes don't stand a chance! LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Slow Motion Bill Transpo by Eugene Burger (Instant Download) Learn the trick that Eugene Burger ALWAYS has on him. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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ADCAAN by Alan Rorrison A groundbreaking any-card-at-any-number prediction where YOU NEVER TOUCH THE CARDS. They shuffle. They count. They reveal. It can even be a borrowed deck.
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Zapping The Aces - Video DOWNLOAD In this download Jay teaches us a brand new handling for the classic effect Twisting the Aces, while taking the plot to a new level. Using never before card techniques to accomplish such visual magic! * No Gimmicks!
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Tembus by Robert Bertrance presented by Matthew Johnson (Instant Download) An instant classic. You'll be performing this for years. DOWNLOAD AND START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Transporter Card by Rizki Nanda A jaw-dropping illusion you can carry in your pocket! Make the middle of your finger disappear in the blink of an eye, then restore! COMES WITH 14 GIMMICKS.
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Cameron Francis LIVE 2 (Instant Download) Professional actor and magician shows you his favorite impromptu magic with an unprepared deck of cards. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - Pen and Tell'er Dan Harlan's Karate Cap; Pocket Change; A Quart Low; Ye Old 1089 Tricke; Van Gogh Vanish Section 2 - Reservations Required Dan Harlan's Invisible Cow; Minera
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Eagle by Will Fern (Instant Download) One hand. One coin. The only coin trick you'll ever need to know. A one-handed vanish and reappearance of a quarter that looks like pure magic. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $10.00 $4.95
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Quarter Cup by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) They FEEL the magic. SLAP a coin thru a Starbucks coffee cup while THEY hold it. The cup and coin are 100% examinable after. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Sweet by Matthew Johnson (Instant Download) Read minds anytime, anywhere. Super easy to perform, and the PERFECT coffee-shop trick. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Gregory Wilson LIVE 2: Things I actually carry and use (Instant Download) One of the most creative and versatile magicians in the world came back to Penguin for a record breaking 5-HOUR lecture! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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What am I thinking? by Marc Spelmann (DVD) Walk into a room, and walk out knowing EVERYTHING. Pure, no-setup mind-reading at its best. NINE REPUTATION-MAKERS. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Close Call by Rick Lax (Instant Download) An INCREDIBLE prediction you can perform anytime with just a piece of paper and a pen. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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[S]Witch by Julien L. (Instant Download) SECRETSTUDIO presents [S]Witch, an easy and impromptu method to read people's mind.
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 2 by Dan Harlan - DVD --Blaine Watch--The Ashes on the Palm trick was used by David Blaine on his Street Magic Special.  Dan Harlan teaches a wonderful version of this in this DVD. Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - We'r
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Strike Change by Dan Hauss (Instant Download) An OPEN-HANDED visual coin change that happens so fast, it looks like trick photography. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Ultimate Impromptu Card Magic by Cameron Francis & Big Blind Media (Instant Download) A collection of mindblowing card magic that you can perform with ANY borrowed deck.
In stock. $25.00
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Reset 4 by Ngoc Tu (Instant Download) Reset, Card magic, Impromptu, Visual
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Pip Sleek by Kyle Purnell (Instant Download) Move the pips on cards with NO COVER. Works with ANY deck of cards. START LEARNING INSTANTLY AND SAVE.
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Back Talk by Dalton Wayne (Instant Download) A spectator imagines a chosen card turning face-up.. and it really happens IN THEIR HANDS. Immediately examinable. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 1 by Dan Harlan video DOWNLOAD Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Contents: Section 1 - Good With Your Hands The Long Arm; Knucklebuster; Badfinger; Little Thumbthing; Thumbwhere; Thumbalong; Two Left Hands Section 2 - No Match For You Traveling Match
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The Known by Thom Peterson (Instant Download) A reputation-maker using ANY deck of cards that looks as incredible as it sounds. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. ONE OF OUR HIGHEST RATED TRICKS.
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Savvy by Ren X (Instant Download) An impromptu organic modern mentalism piece that allows the performer peek any thought of word, number… or emoji.
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Gimmick It Yourself by Ben Williams (Instant Download) 5 DIY Gimmicks to make miracles happen!
In stock. $20.00
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Aeon Sun - Ghostdriven (Instant Download) PK Magic, Needle Spin, Halloween Magic, Scary Trick, Selfmoving Needle, Impromptu, Instant Reset, No Gimmicks, Full Examinable, Instant Download, Super easy Method,
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The Sweetest Sound by Scott Cram (Instant Download) The Sweetest Sound involves the spectator at every step of the way. A card is freely chosen, and lost in the center of the deck. The spectator then cuts down into the center of the deck themselves, and their name (which you don't know until this point in the trick!) is used to eliminate all but one
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One for The Money by Bill Goldman (DVD Download) If you only know one card trick this should be it! This revolutionary trick brings one of the most effective plots in all of card magic within the reach of all performers of magic. The effect is a classic-the selected card is found at any number named by a spectator under test conditions. What Bill
In stock. $20.00
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Oculus by Brandon Queen (Instant Download) A revolutionary mind-reading technique with no props, and nothing written down. Impossible to explain... because it's real. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Psyche by Peter Turner (Instant Download) Miracles. Magic that cannot be explained or reverse engineered. Turner's most advanced work to date. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Hidden Eye by David Luu (Instant Download) A great mentalist's dream COME TRUE . NO expensive devices . Perform anytime anywhere
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The Vault - Linking Cigarettes by Akira Fujii video DOWNLOAD Looks as astonishingly real as it can get! The performer holds a borrowed cigarette (or a small twig, or a rolled-up bill) in each hand by the thumb and forefinger. The two objects pass through each other like REAL MAGIC! No switches, nothing is added or taken away. A super visual penetration of two
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Impromptu Magic Project Vol1-3 Pack (Instant Download) Twelve effective and easy-to-do impromptu tricks plus an hour of intimate conversation with some of the most respected names in magic.
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BIGBLINDMEDIA Presents Any Shuffled Deck - Self-Working Impromptu Miracles - DVD This is the ULTIMATE collection of totally impromptu, any shuffled deck in use, self-working card tricks ever! Every single routine featured can be done from a borrowed shuffled deck, with no sleight of hand or prior setup needed. Someone hands you a deck, and you'll be ready to fry their minds with
In stock. $30.00
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 2 by Dan Harlan video DOWNLOAD Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - We're In The Money Presidential Expression; Dan Harlan's Suspended Funds; Acrobaticlips; Dan Harlan's Now U Z It; Dan Harlan's Dirty T&R; Cheap Date; Dan Harlan's Two -
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Self Levitation 2.0 by Shin Lim, Jose Morales & Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD "Since the dawn of mankind...Men have dreamt of defying the laws of gravity." The Self Levitation was a feature and one of the most talked about items on David Blaine's Magic Special. This download teaches you how to perform that unbelievable levitation illusion. On this download, Shin Lim & Pau
In stock. $15.00
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Point Break by Marcus Eddie (Instant Download) Visually break and restore a pencil!
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Foundation by Rizki Nanda & RN Magic Presents (Instant Download) Break the Law of Gravitation anywhere and anytime, use ANY Matchbox and your single fingertips
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Sketch by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) A Card To Impossible Location system
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Driven by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) Impromptu Pen Through Bill
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Gimmick-less Matrix by Zachary Tolstoy (Instant Download) Sleight of hand has never been this easy!
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The Rising by Nicholas Lawrence (Instant Download) This trick defies the laws of physics. And yet you plainly see it happen. Nicholas has discovered a wormhole. START LEARNING INSTANTLY
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ID7 by Rick Lax (Instant Download) A devastating piece of mind-reading using no props. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Alphabet Soup by Steve Wachner (Instant Download) Creative Anagram work by the Underground Genius, Steve Wachner
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Miracle Method by John Carey (Instant Download) Predict anything, anywhere, anytime. The perfect miracle to have when you have nothing on you. Grab a handful of objects and you're ready! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Linking Laces by Paul Harris, David Jockisch and William Goodwin (Instant Download) One of the best impromptu tricks of all time, now better than ever.
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TIP = Totally Impromptu Paddle Trick by Jonathan Royle Jonathan Royle got his first paddle trick inside a magic set. He was given this at the age of four back in 1979, and it has been a regular feature of his magical repertoire and professional work ever since.
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Recovery by Tobias Ismaier video DOWNLOAD Recovery is the easiest and most practical (yet very deceptive!) piece-by-piece Torn and Restored Card Routine you will come across. A card is signed on both sides - it's signed on the face by the spectator and on the back by the performer. Then it is clearly ripped into four separate pieces - the s
In stock. $25.00
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Amaze Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: Magic Tricks, Bar Bets & Scams Amaze Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: Magic Tricks, Bets & Scams You are about to learn various tricks for blowing your friends' minds and having fun with complete strangers anywhere you go. From the office, school, parties or bars, this book is packed with time-tested and simple icebreakers, card tr
In stock. $12.99 $6.50
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MEIR YEDID'S FINGER FANTASIES: EXPANDED EDITION - Book Harry Anderson, David Copperfield, David Blaine and Criss Angel have all performed magic from this book on television! This book contains the collected finger routines, techniques and sequences that Meir Yedid created, introduced or popularized. It includes the complete text of the out-of-print book
In stock. $30.00
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 1 by Dan Harlan - DVD Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Contents: Section 1 - Good With Your Hands The Long Arm; Knucklebuster; Badfinger; Little Thumbthing; Thumbwhere; Thumbalong; Two Left Hands Section 2 - No Match For You Traveling Match
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Mad Mojo by Andrew Mayne - Book EffectThough you probably know Andrew Mayne best from his other books on large-scale illusions, Mad Mojo features Andrew`s favorite impromptu close-up effects. Pages 87 - Softbound
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Magic Anytime Anywhere by Dirk Losander - DVD This DVD is all about doing impromptu magic. Losander presents his show out of pocket. The show is structured to create maximum impact and be highly entertaining for audiences of all ages and demographics. Losander has mastered the craft of being a magician 24/7. Now, he will share his secrets with
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.40
Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere by Wild-Colombini - Book Here's a collection of incredible impromptu card magic compiled by Aldo Colombini. Card magic at it's best performed, anytime, anyplace, anywhere with just a regular deck of cards, no set-up whatsoever and very easy to do.Contributors:Ian Adair Gene Castillon Aldo Colombini Tom Craven Tom Daugherty
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
Ultimate Impromptu Card Magic by Cameron Francis & Big Blind Media - DVD A collection of mindblowing card magic that you can perform with ANY borrowed deck. NO SETUPS. NO PROPS. NO GAFFS. How often has this happened to you - you're at a party and someone comes up and says 'hey, I hear you're a magician... can you show me a trick?'. Your mind goes blank. You have none of
Out of stock. $35.00
Sound Waves by Sankey Magic - Trick Shocking demonstration of pure mind-reading using some of the world's most popular songs! A LETHAL combination of total freedom and absolute control! (A Holy Grail when it comes to mentalism.) Instantly repeat the mind-bending effect with a DIFFERENT mathematical sequence and a DIFFERENT song! So EA
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.00
Simply Impromptu Volume 5 by Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed, deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects! C
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
Faux Show by Cameron Francis and Wild-Colombini - DVD Created and performed by Cameron Francis. An amazing completely impromptu 5-phased card cheating demonstration. Only basic skill required and it uses a regular deck of cards. PHASE 1: STACKING: You remove a bunch of black spot cards from the deck and the four Kings. The Kings are cut into the packet
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
Impromptu Journey by Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD Ten amazing card routines totally impromptu and using just a regular deck of cards.TWO FOR ONE (Aldo Colombini): A stunning prediction and yet so easy to do! OUT OF THIS SMALL WORLD (Tom Daugherty): An impromptu version of the famous trick with just twenty-six cards but several climaxes!IMPULSE (Her
Out of stock. $10.00
Totally Impromptu by Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD Impromptu card magic performed with a regular deck of cards.KNOCK THEM DEAD (Paul Gordon): A freely selected card is revealed as the only face-up card in a packet!NAME YOUR CARD (Roy Baker): After a card is selected you cut the deck into several packets. The spectator picks one and from that one car
Out of stock. $10.00
Dream Deal by Wild-Colombini - DVD An unbelievable routine in three phases with a regular deck of cards and totally impromptu! You have in your possession a great effect by the late George Blake. The routine, in three phases, starts by having you dealing four 'hands' of five cards each. A spectator selects a packet and thinks of a ca
Out of stock. $10.00
Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 3 by Dan Harlan video DOWNLOAD Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - Pen and Tell'er Dan Harlan's Karate Cap; Pocket Change; A Quart Low; Ye Old 1089 Tricke; Van Gogh Vanish Section 2 - Reservations Required Dan Harlan's Invisible Cow; Minera
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On the Spot with Gregory Wilson (2 Volumes on 1 DVD!) On the Spot is a guerilla course in performing impromptu magic. The material is so strong, you could show up at your next gig with no other magic and still entertain the daylights out of them!!!
Out of stock. $49.95
Off the Cuff: A Lecture of Routined Impromptu Magic (DVD) This is the lecture that started it all. Greg Wilson is famous for entertaining people in close up situations with no special props or lengthy set-up.
Out of stock. $35.00
MERCURING by Jay Sankey (Trick Only) (Reg. Size 11) The penetration looks CRAZY and the re-set is automatic! Whether you work the street or the tables, this one's for you!
Out of stock. $20.00 $16.00
Aldo Colombini's Impromptu Card Magic Volume Two (DVD) All you need is any deck of cards and you're ready to perform high-impact routines.
Out of stock. $34.95
Linking Laces by Paul Harris Link a spectator's laces together right before their very eyes!
Out of stock. $25.00
Curveball by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Completely Impromptu. Easy to perform. A deeply personal mind reading routine straight from Oz's show. Plays just as big for 2 or 3 people as it does for two or three hundred!
In stock. $19.95
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