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Monkey in the Middle by Bill Goldman presented by Magick Balay The ultimate sandwich effect. No monkey business. Just pure magic. LIMITED QUANTITY
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NFW by Gary Freed One of the best card tricks of all time JUST GOT WAY BETTER. TWO ALL NEW PRESENTATIONS BY RICK LAX.
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Touch by Paul Curry presented by Nick Locapo They touch ANY card, and you immediately show your prediction is 100% correct. No secret writing, no sleight-of-hand. FINALLY BACK IN PRINT.
In stock. $29.95
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Upper Hand by Gary Jones & Chris Congreave (RED BIKE BACK) A jaw dropping transportation of FOUR signed cards. Pro caliber magic that anybody can do.
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Backdraft by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) A self-contained, straight forward, diabolical prediction effect that will leave your spectators STUNNED!
In stock. $9.95
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Club Sandwich by Andrew Normansell and JB Magic - DVD One of JB Magic's best selling effects now comes with a step by step instructional dvd EffectA regular deck of cards are shown and shuffled, two cards are selected one is signed. Both cards are replaced into the deck. Two jokers are flipped face down onto the top of the deck. Without any moves the t
In stock. $20.00
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Middle Earth by Paul Gordon (Instant Download) The most direct sandwich trick we've ever seen. Gently place the jokers on top of the deck, and they FIND THE CHOSEN CARD. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Sandwich Transpo by Charles Sykes (Instant Download) The best card sandwich rountine out there!
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Sovereign Sandwich (Blue Gimmicks & Online Instructions) by David Jonathan The Spectator Makes The Sandwich As They Shuffle The Deck!
In stock. $15.00
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Panda Sandwich By Teo Nguyen Quang (Instant Download) AMAZING Sandwich Magic Trick !!!
In stock. $3.00
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Incredible sandwich by Nhat Quy (Instant Download) A incredible sandwich effects
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The Flying Sandwich Tornado Kick - by Tom Phoenix (Instant Download) A visual, practical and challenging piece of magic
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In Wonderland by Creative Artists (Instant Download) A super visual card trick, completely impromptu!!!
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Interchange Sandwich by Creative Artists (Instant Download) A new sandwich trick with a kicker ending
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TableSandwich by Creative Artists (Instant Download) A new sandwich trick with a kicker ending
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Galaxy Sandwich by Cao Luan (Instant Download) A super-visual sandwich routine featuring galaxy control. The spectator will get crazy when watching you perform this routine because it's too visual, smooth and perfectly magical.
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Second Sandwhich By TheMystefyer1 (Instant Download) One Of The Most Visual Sandwhich Tricks With No Gimmicks
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Ghost Sandwich 2.0 by Agustin (Instant Download) A unique Card Sandwich effect.
In stock. $3.00
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Z Sandwich By Zi Tian (Instant Download) card-magic, download, sandwich
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Sovereign Sandwich (Red Gimmicks & Online Instructions) by David Jonathan The Spectator Makes The Sandwich As They Shuffle The Deck!
In stock. $15.00
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Burglar Box - By Matt Pilcher (Instant Download) ''No idea how it's done!'' - Dan Ebery (Magician and Filmmaker) ''Looks good.'' - David Rangel (Award Winning Magician) ''You're a creative genius, I love you.'' - Justin Miller (Magician, Creator, Co
In stock. $34.95
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Transwich by Yaksmagic (Instant Download) Best sandwich trick you have ever seen!!!
In stock. $5.00
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The Triple Finally Sandwich by Paul Andrich (Instant Download) By the time your sandwich'll already be full.
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NEO by Radja Syailendra (Instant Download) Find a card selection.
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Future Sandwich by Geni (Instant Download) Geni, Trick, Card trick
In stock. $12.75
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CRASH JOKER 2.0 (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Sonny Boom - Trick Do you ever wonder what to do with the Joker? Why not make him CRASH! The magician shows the Joker card behind the cellophane of the card case. He claims that he doesn't like to mix the Joker with the rest of cards. In fact, he really doesn't like the Joker. At a moment's notice, the magician takes
Out of stock. $29.95
Trapped In Between by Dan Tudor (Instant Download) A selected card gets TRAPPED in between the two jokers! EXCITING new method! START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECCOMENDED.
In stock. $4.95
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Club Sandwich by Andrew Normansell Your spectators will love this HOT new walk-a-round effect. No re-setting, so you'll hop from table to table with ease. Easy Handling! Highly Recommended!
Out of stock. $19.95
Sandwich by Oliver Smith (Instant Download) THREE unique sandwich routines PLUS three bonus ideas.
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Triumphant Sandwich by Ben Goodall (Instant Download) A triumph effect and a sandwich effect COMBINED! Super practical and fun. Audience tested.
In stock. $3.00
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Pop Sandwich by Oliver Smith (Instant Download) A card is lost in the pack and then visually jumps in between the two black kings.
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Clipnotize by Chris Annable (Instant Download) One Deck of cards. One Paperclip.
In stock. $10.00
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The Perfect Sandwich By Kyle Mckee (Instant Download) A sweet sandwich effect +utility gimmick to replace that pesky exposed double sided tape that tons of tricks use.
In stock. $3.95
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Avoid Sandwich by Kelvin Trinh (Instant Download) An amazing card sandwich effect for street magic.
In stock. $3.50
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Skymember Presents Blood Amber by The One Playing Cards Blood Amber, one of the decks in "The One" playing cards series specially designed for cardists and magicians. The deck's design is centered on the experience of striving as a human being. Jokers: Every human will have lost their freedom of being - or freedom of expression - the moment they set foot
In stock. $15.00
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Decon Blue (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Danny Weiser - Trick Just when you thought the envelope could not be pushed any further, Danny Weiser takes it one more step with his brand new effect 'DECON'.Imagine having a spectator select a card from the deck... the card is then returned to the deck... with a bit of a shake, a card leaps to the top of the box!! Wai
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.40
Decon Red (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Danny Weiser - Trick Just when you thought the envelope could not be pushed any further, Danny Weiser takes it one more step with his brand new effect 'DECON'.Imagine having a spectator select a card from the deck... the card is then returned to the deck... with a bit of a shake, a card leaps to the top of the box!! Wai
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.40
Second Form By Nick Vlow and Sergey Koller Produced by Shin Lim - DVD Second form is a collection of 15 modern thoughts in card magic focused on visual and practical applications. Here you will find completely new ideas and reassembled classical moves for your performances. Nick Vlow & Sergey Koller go into great detail on the moves and motivation surrounding thes
Out of stock. $14.95
Bizarre Assembly by Fooler Doolers - Trick Here is a great little packet trick that you will want to perform over and over again! Four spectators are each given a Joker to hold between their hands. The magician claims that three of the Jokers (the "followers") will vanish from the spectators' hands and magically join the fourth Joker (the "l
Out of stock. $14.95 $11.51
DVD - Metamorfosis by Zack Lach video DOWNLOAD Incredible moves - some quite visual, ALL extremely magical! You will learn a lot of techniques and moves, all with cards. These are easy to do, yet quite impressive! Cards change into other cards. Cards are sandwiched, and more. Changes: - Daf Change - Lach Change - Aznek Change - Kejji Change - Th
In stock. $13.00
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The Invisible Jokers by Alessandro Criscione video DOWNLOAD Imagine this... Show a deck of card having no Jokers... The spectator selects any card from the deck, and the card vanishes! Now the magician says that he has two special Jokers... The Invisible Jokers! He states that he will place them inside the deck face up... When he snaps his fingers, the Joker
In stock. $5.00
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Mistaken by Zack Lach video DOWNLOAD A fun and intriguing routine that you can learn! It's got several magical moments! Here's the Effect: Place the two Jokers on the table, or give them to the spectator. The spectator selects any card, and you insert it somewhere in the deck. Take back the Jokers and put them on top of the deck. Magic
In stock. $5.00
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ONE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Wayne Dobson - Trick ONE deck! ONE prediction! ONE outcome! The deck is first spread face up to show that all is fair. The magician then shows a prediction of ONE face-down card placed between the face-up Jokers. The spectator then deals cards from deck and stops at any ONE card - it matches the ONE prediction. ONE incr
Out of stock. $15.00
Joker Surprise by Wolfgang Riebe video DOWNLOAD If you are searching for a visual 'packet style' card trick with normal (even borrowed) cards, then this is the trick for you! Three red numbered cards are removed from a regular deck of cards and all simultaneously shown to be normal cards. One at a time, each card changes into a Joker. The last ch
In stock. $10.00
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Torzsch (Ornament X-Sandwich) by SaysevenT video DOWNLOAD I now proudly present a "card trick" I named Torzsch. This is a very effective and special move that will come in handy for you as a MAGICIAN who loves card magic. This is NOT just a CARD CHANGE -- this technique can be used for other card routines and combinations. INCLUDED IN TUTORIAL: - Torzsch (
In stock. $7.95
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Neo Sandwich by SaysevenT video DOWNLOAD Most magicians like to perform card sandwich effects. This is my favorite sandwich routine - it's called Neo Sandwich. It utilizes a brand new and very clever method that you'll love! And, audiences are amazed! Points of interest: It's impromtu. MEDIUM skill requirement [Intermediate to Advanced]. U
In stock. $6.95
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