Tarbell 67: Modern Rope Magic (Instant Download) Rope Magic that's WAY beyond the traditional cut-and-restored.
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Tarbell 66: Tarbell Hindu Rope Mysteries (Instant Download) Mysteries that CAN NOT be duplicated with ordinary rope.
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Tarbell 18: Knotty Silks (Instant Download) Get knotty and learn tricks with knots! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Reynold Alexander LIVE (Instant Download) Many touches on classics and clever routines like you've never seen before. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Knot Worthy by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) The stir stick in your coffee automatically ties itself into an impossible knot that can be given away as an unbelievable souvenir. EARLY BIRD PRICE.
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Tarbell 89: Silk Magic (Instant Download) You'll find plenty of surprises here, including the best handkerchief trick ever invented!
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Tarbell 78: Silk & Rope Penetrations (Instant Download) Your audience will love the direct, and puzzling, nature of these effects!
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Tarbell 86: Rope Magic (Instant Download) Great ways to entertain with just a piece of rope or string!
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Phil Van Tee is El Ropo (Instant Download) Enter the crazy world of "El Ropo" and you'll never be the same! Ropes, ropes... and more than ropes! Phil Van Tee is a joy to watch and has much to teach about creating a character and making yoursel
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Inversion by Andrew Mayne (DVD) Andrew Mayne, the creator of Ghost Bills and Ghost Vision, presents an incredible object illusion using a single balloon.The magician shows a round balloon and points out that all the balloons have one thing in common - a nozzle. He then takes the nozzle and pulls it straight off the balloon and mak
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Sale Price! Knot Unexpected 2.0 by Jim Steinmeyer & Tony Clark The best moving knot routine! No Magnets. Real rope!
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Sly Scarves By Tony Clark DVD Set Tony Clark's Version of the Slydini Silks Full routinPlus More!
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Devil's Tail (All Gimmicks & DVD) by Jay Sankey - Trick RING & ROPE MAGIC GOES 'STREET!This monster project features OVER 2 HOURS of mind-bending, hyper visual magic! The Devil's Tail project comes complete with: THE ULTIMATE RINGThe custom-designed, chrome-plated ring is the absolutely perfect weight and size for all of the amazing, 'next level slei
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WANDERFUL by Jay Sankey - Trick "The thick, nylon ropes handle so smoothly and have a gorgeous weight to them."-Jay SankeyLearn the secrets to Jay's especially entertaining version of the original 'Professor's Nightmare' (credited to Bob Carver, who based his trick on the ideas of Hen Fetsch.)Three magicians each have a magic wand
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April 2018 Lecture Notes by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video DOWNLOAD In this video, Amazo demonstrates and teaches fabulous magic from his lecture in Italy. He also explains, for the first time, three new effects including: New jumping knot: the first knot disappears from the rope, while the second one jumps off the rope. Ghost candle: a candle, after levitating, dis
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