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Cheater Chips by Craig Petty A set of casino-quality poker chips that hides a devastating secret in plain sight.
In stock. $59.95
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Color Sync by David Jonathan Each of you secretly chooses a color, five times. When the cards are turned over, THEY MATCH PERFECTLY. Self-working, no skill required! Pros are raving.
In stock. $29.95
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Punchline by Alvo Stockman A hilarious ESP trick where you match jokes to punchlines.
In stock. $14.95
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The Big Coincidence by Dani DaOrtiz (Chaos Project Chapter 5) (Instant Download) An impossible coincidence! Two spectators mix freely chosen packets and in the end they have the same number of cards.. and the cards are in the same order!!
In stock. $9.95
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The Memorist by Alex (Instant Download) We have all played match pairs memory game. And there you rely on your short term memory. But what if you can remember and find each pair perfectly without any guesswork. In this effect you`re using a real memory technique. It is very simple and practical. You will never loose at this game again.P
In stock. $8.00
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