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The Card That Matters by Rick Lax The most anticipated card trick of the year. One card is face-up in a poker hand, and your spectator guesses it correctly. No sleight-of-hand. LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Buzzwords by Dan Harlan & Milbourne Christopher (Instant Download) A brilliant and powerful prediction that's so pure you can do it via videoconference AND on stage. It uses no switches, and it's not a force. START LEARNING INSTANTLY
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Lost & Phoned by Max Maven (Instant Download) Your spectator does 100% of the work themselves, never even showing you the cards, and is shocked when you find their card! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Virtual Visions by Max Maven (Instant Download) Purchase this digital product and get all six tricks for the price of five plus an exclusive bonus video.
In stock. $49.95
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