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Rene Levand Close-up Artist- #2, DVD Ren Lavand is one of the true artists in the world of Close-Up Magic. His presentations and performances have a poetic and artistic quality to them that never fail to earn standing ovations. Mr. Lavand has achieved legendary status and is without a doubt one of the most highly skilled close-up magic
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One Handed Shuffle (Instant Download) As a working card magician it's important to separate yourself from the everyday regular guy who knows a few card tricks. Highly recommended!
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1HPD: The One Handed Poker Deal by Erik Ostresh (Instant Download) A deft display of card control with just one hand!
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Rene Levand Close-up Artist- #1, DVD Ren Lavand is one of the true artists in the world of Close-Up Magic. His presentations and performances have a poetic and artistic quality to them that never fail to earn standing ovations. Mr. Lavand has achieved legendary status and is without a doubt one of the most highly skilled close-up magic
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One Handed Triumph by Justin Miller video DOWNLOAD If you're looking for a card trick that screams the word, "Classic," and has stood the test of time, it's TRIUMPH! Made famous by The Professor, TRIUMPH has gone through every single method and approach that the annals of magic could throw at it. As we look at this trick, we see what fat has been ta
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The Vault - CAVINI by Kevin Li video DOWNLOAD A Stunning, Modern Color Change! Kevin Li takes the classic Cardini change to new heights with his brilliant new move. As you casually toss your deck of cards from one hand to the other, the face up card on top instantly changes! You can also use CAVINI to: Make a blank deck of cards print itself --
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