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Entourage by Gordon Bean Your audience names ANY queen, and it's the only card you have. The rest are jokers! Not only that, they pick the card blindly from the packet. High interactivity, and HUGE reactions.
Pre-order. $19.95
Ishihara Test by Liam Levanon They see 5 cards, front and back. They're all CLEARLY grey. After a "color-blindness test", somehow they can finally see their super bright colors. Everything is examinable!
In stock. $19.95
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Challenge Coin by R. Paul Wilson A one-in-six choice becomes a prediction engraved in steel and immortalized in enamel.
In stock. $29.95
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The Limited Edition Deluxe by Gordon Bean & Larry Jennings Pro magicians' favorite think-of-a-card trick, now better than ever! A thought-of card vanishes from your hand or theirs!
In stock. $19.95
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Tidal Wave by Spidey Fully show 4 cards and make them magically turn over one-by-one. Then your spectator THINKS of one while the deck is ON THE TABLE and IT TURNS OVER!
In stock. $19.95
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The Card That Matters by Rick Lax The most anticipated card trick of the year. One card is face-up in a poker hand, and your spectator guesses it correctly. No sleight-of-hand. LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Trost-Worthy by David Regal (Instant Download) No extra cards, nothing hiding in your back pocket. You and a spectator trade cards and they're a perfect match! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $10.00 $7.50
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