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Stars Of Magic #2 (Paul Harris) - DVD Paul Harris is regarded as one of the most creative forces in the history of magic. Innovative methods, entertaining plots and great audience appeal are hallmarks of Paul's effects. PAUL HARRISIMMACULATE CLOSE-UP! (VOL 4)Bleached Blackjack The J.A.P.H. Maneuver Mondo Nifty False Count Cellophan
Out of stock. $14.95 $12.26
Envylope Refill (3) - Trick Refill pack comes with three envelopes for Paul Harris Presents Envylope.Note: Instructions are not included.
Out of stock. $14.95
Supermagic by Paul Harris - Book Look! Up in the sky. It's a Goshman. It's a Dingle. NO, it's - SUPER MAGIC! This book is about a strange being from the West Coast possessing miraculous skills and incredible ideas. SUPER MAGIC. Able to create innovative routines at a single bound. Faster than a speeding billet. More powerful than a
Out of stock. $13.50 $10.39
Las Vegas Close-Up by Paul Harris - Book Las Vegas Close-up by Paul Harris Effect Lots of new material from this wild and crazy and CLEVER young man. This one is actually written in ENGLISH! Softbound, 150 pages, tons of illustrations.
Out of stock. $13.50 $10.13
Naked Angels on Bikes by Paul Harris - Tricks EffectPrinted on the back of every card in a deck of Bicycle playing cards are two naked angels on bicycles. These two separate angels have been riding toward each other for all eternity...doomed to never meet. Bummer! But perhaps just this one time, with your help, we can bring these clothing-chall
Out of stock. $21.00 $15.75
Inner Circle by Paul Harris - Book Effect: A card is selected from a borrowed deck, returned and the cards are shuffled. A rubber band is stretched around the deck, and the band visibly melts away! One card then emerges from the deck, it's the selected card with the rubber band around it!There is no preparation, no gimmicks and no fo
Out of stock. $5.00 $3.90
Close-Up Seductions by Paul Harris - Book EffectPaul Harris has created some of the most original effects ever invented in magic and in Close-up Seductions Paul reveals many more of these fine routines. Another classic Paul Harris publication. Pages 152 - Hardbound
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
Close Up Entertainer by Paul Harris - Book A Robbins Publication of Paul Harris' Close-Up Entertainer Book including magic of cards, coins, cigarettes, Wax Lips, and many more. 29 Tricks including Ackerman's Face Lift. Paul Harris' tricks are illustrated with detailed descriptions. Also a classical move that every magician performing a matri
Out of stock. $18.00 $14.04
Close Up Fantasies Finale by Paul Harris - Book 19 vintage Paul Harris creations, including: The Vacuum Cleaner Card Case, Torn and Restored Deck, Thumb Break, Very Strange Exchange, Just Call Me Mr. Wonderful, The Incredible Shrinking Hand, Electric Aces, and many more. Pages 175 - Hardbound
Out of stock. $17.50 $13.47
Paul Harris Presents Daniel Garcia Project Vol #1 by Daniel Garcia - DVD Paul Harris presents the Daniel Garcia Project! Daniel Garcia absolutely fries the most discerning spectators, using the best of both classic effects and real-world technique updated with some new stuff that only Daniel could have created. Volume 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed: Starts where most All Back
Out of stock. $35.00
Paul Harris Presents Daniel Garcia Project Vol #3 by Daniel Garcia - DVD Paul Harris presents the Daniel Garcia Project! Daniel Garcia absolutely fries the most discerning spectators, using the best of both classic effects and real-world technique updated with some new stuff that only Daniel could have created. Volume 3: Your journey through the Daniel Garcia Project con
Out of stock. $35.00
Screwed Deck Paul Harris The magician "screws" two halves of a deck together like a pool cue, but's mis-matched!He gives it another twist and the deck becomes an ordinary, examinable pack of cards!Easy to Learn and Perform
Out of stock. $50.00 $37.50
The Vault - The Big Tiny by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD This effect is the perfect closer and is simply AMAZING! You will fool yourself with the method. A spectator's signature reassembles itself on the side of a deck of ordinary playing cards and then multiplies in their hands. Your spectator truly mixes up the cards, and then the ink morphs into their
In stock. $9.95
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The Vault - Backlash 2 by Paul Harris/Bro Gilbert video DOWNLOAD Hypnotize them with a deck of cards! Backlash 2 is an updated, streamlined version of Paul Harris's famous Backlash effect. A playing card is clearly signed on both sides by your spectator. They push their signed card into your pocket themselves... Without you ever going near your pocket, you show t
In stock. $10.00
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