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Showdown by Jason Wethington (Instant Download) Your new favorite impromptu miracle. Do it anywhere, anytime. Borrow a bill, borrow a pen and you're READY TO ROCK. All you need to do is SHOW UP. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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The Vault - Dr. Fun by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD Dr. Fun by Paul Harris (From the TA Box Set) Imagine the emotional impact when you are able to predict the happiest moment of someone's life! After over forty attempts, Paul finally nailed the perfect fun method for this biggie that has all the impact of Deep Astonishment and The Anything Deck, exce
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Bliss (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Noel Qualter - Trick BLISS - Bill Loaded Into Sharpie SystemSMASH HIT AT BLACKPOOL 2018Six years in the making, dozens of prototypes and thousands of hours of problem solving, Noel Qualter is finally ready to release BLISS.BLISS is a breakthrough system that allows you to vanish a borrowed, signed bill and cleanly show
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Paul Harris Presents Freedom Writer by Mark Allen and Paul Harris Presents - Trick (Gimmick & Online Video Instruction) Paul Harris Presents Mark Allen's FREEDOM WRITER The Evolution of a Classic Mindreading Device. The Swami Gimmick has finally left your finger. You never have to fumble to find the gimmick. You never stick anything onto your finger or hide anything in your hands. Your fingers and hands are always em
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TA: True Astonishment by Paul Harris (Box Set) (9 DVDs + Props) The best DVD set of the last 5 years just got EVEN BETTER. From the most influential man in modern closeup magic, Paul Harris. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Refill TA Pen (Pen Set Only- No Instructions) by Paul Harris - Trick Refill Pens for Paul Harris's True Astonishment routine. Includes one complete TA pen and one spare parts pen, plus beads and tabs.
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The Vault - Backlash 2 by Paul Harris/Bro Gilbert video DOWNLOAD Hypnotize them with a deck of cards! Backlash 2 is an updated, streamlined version of Paul Harris's famous Backlash effect. A playing card is clearly signed on both sides by your spectator. They push their signed card into your pocket themselves... Without you ever going near your pocket, you show t
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