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Bill To Marker by Nicholas Einhorn In less than ONE SECOND you're MILES ahead of your audience. A diabolical secret built into a common marker found at walmart, amazon and more.
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Gregory Wilson LIVE (Instant Download) The one man magic army, Gregory Wilson came to Penguin for a massive 4-HOUR lecture. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Jay Sankey Live (DVD) Never been to a magic lecture?? Now is your chance to sit in with one of the most ENTERTAINING lecturers in the world! NOW WITH 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS!
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Sankey's Best Magic w/Ordinary Objects by Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most celebrated routines with ordinary household objects.
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In Action Volume 2 by Gregory Wilson - DVD KISSING UP - If you must resort to using magic to meet women, this is it! Admittedly, Greg has used this successfully and shamelessly for many years. VANISH 5000 - The contents of a sugar packet cleanly and cleverly vanish without a trace--- and without a thumbtip! the author of Magic for Dummies pr
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Showdown by Jason Wethington (Instant Download) Your new favorite impromptu miracle. Do it anywhere, anytime. Borrow a bill, borrow a pen and you're READY TO ROCK. All you need to do is SHOW UP. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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The Vault - Dr. Fun by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD Dr. Fun by Paul Harris (From the TA Box Set) Imagine the emotional impact when you are able to predict the happiest moment of someone's life! After over forty attempts, Paul finally nailed the perfect fun method for this biggie that has all the impact of Deep Astonishment and The Anything Deck, exce
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In Action Set (Vol 1 thru 3) by Gregory Wilson video DOWNLOAD With snow-capped mountains and plush pine trees as the new L&L backdrop, you'll see people laughing, screaming, losing their breath and simply staring into space from pure astonishment-and that's just from the striking lake view. Greg's magic isn't so bad either. Some of the bonus footage was sh
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Sankey's Best Street Magic by Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most devastating street magic effects.
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A.E. 2.0 by Peter Eggink - DVD EffectThe magician borrows a bill from the spectator. The bill is folded in half, and a pen or pencil is placed in the fold. Instantly and visually, the pencil penetrates through the bill, but this time the pencil melts through in slow motion! This is so visual, it's like watching a special effect i
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
Snap Pen trick The performer takes what appears to be a pen out of his pocket. After he removes the cap, the audience realizes that instead of a tip, this pen has a small loop of elastic at the end. "It's a small game of ability", says the performer. "As you can see, the tip of this pen has a small loop of elastic
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.25
SympathetInk by Mathieu Bich - Trick Effect 12 routines and loads of tips in order to allow you to get the best out of this pen, worthy of the most secret of secret agents!Comes complete with Pen and 10 page booklet.
Out of stock. $14.00 $10.50
Paul Harris Presents Freedom Writer by Mark Allen and Paul Harris Presents - Trick (Gimmick & Online Video Instruction) Paul Harris Presents Mark Allen's FREEDOM WRITER The Evolution of a Classic Mindreading Device. The Swami Gimmick has finally left your finger. You never have to fumble to find the gimmick. You never stick anything onto your finger or hide anything in your hands. Your fingers and hands are always em
Out of stock. $59.95
SION by John Bukowski - Trick A US Quarter visually appears in your hand under impossible conditions. Includes a quarter, pen and complete instructions with additional ideas.
Out of stock. $34.99 $27.99
In Action Volume 3 by Gregory Wilson - DVD Time Card - tidy technique for telling time with a deck of cards. The Slot Machine Scam - A secret way to scam, sham and flim-flam a real slot machine for a real jackpot! You'll immediately book the next flight to Vegas after watching this. Chip on Shoulder -An appearing and disappearing casino chip
In stock. $35.00 $28.45
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Bliss (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Noel Qualter - Trick BLISS - Bill Loaded Into Sharpie SystemSMASH HIT AT BLACKPOOL 2018Six years in the making, dozens of prototypes and thousands of hours of problem solving, Noel Qualter is finally ready to release BLISS.BLISS is a breakthrough system that allows you to vanish a borrowed, signed bill and cleanly show
In stock. $150.00
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Sankey/Sanders Sessions by Jay Sankey and Richard Sanders - DVD In September of 2002, Jay Sankey and Richard Sanders began video corresponding, sending rough magic ideas and handlings back and forth between Toronto and Montreal. During the next year and a half they included many of the routines in their professional performances while continuing to refine the ha
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Electronic Rating Pen - Trick A penny is placed on the back of a spectator's hand. You tap it with your pen and it visually changes to a dime! An impressive, close-up trick that is easy to do. Includes 3 routines.
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Pen Through Dollar Penguin Award for best all-time pocket trick. Money can't buy a better close-up effect.
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45 with Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn 45 of the most important, most powerful, huge-reaction getting sleights in all of magic. Highly Recommended!!!
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Sankey's Secret Files Volume 2
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Twenty Years of Magic by Jay Sankey Four of Jay Sankey's most popular sets of lecture notes in a single coil-bound collection!
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Sankey's Greatest Hits (3 DVDs) The essential collection for the serious close-up magician! Highly Recommended! Exclusively at Penguin!
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SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Sankey 1999 (DVD) Learn 25 extremely original effects plus 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS with coins, cards, matches, and drinking straws!
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The Sankey Sanders Sessions (2 DVDs) This is the underground hit of the year. Get ready to session with two of the most innovative minds in sleight-of-hand magic. These guys will FRY you again and again! Highly recommended!
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Sankey Very Much by Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn innovative sleights and an exciting collection of original close-up plots with cards, rubber bands, sugar packets, pool chalk and even band-aids!
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Sankey-Tized Volume 2 (DVD) This is how Jay got the attention of the world!
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Penguin Pack #1 - Beginner to Pro (Kit) This is the perfect pack for the serious beginner. No prior knowledge is assumed. By the end you'll be seriously experienced.Pack containsBorn to Perform Card Magic with Oz PearlmanIn the Beginning There Were Coins with Jay NoblezadaSPONGE Starring Jay NoblezadaSTEALTH Pen DVD with Oz PearlmanSVENG
Out of stock. $130.00 $99.95
TA: True Astonishment by Paul Harris (Box Set) (9 DVDs + Props) The best DVD set of the last 5 years just got EVEN BETTER. From the most influential man in modern closeup magic, Paul Harris. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $300.00
Pointless by Gregory Wilson (DVD + Gimmick) You would NEVER GUESS how crazy the reactions are for this trick. PERFECT for the bar, school or office.
Out of stock. $44.95
Gregory Wilson In Action (3 DVD SET) An incredibly practical and MASSIVE collection of closeup miracles you can do anytime, anywhere with minimal setup.
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Gregory Wilson JAM PACK (LIMITED QTY) LIMITED TIME OFFER "In Action" PLUS "PIP STREAK" - A practical and MASSIVE collection of miracles you can do anywhere with minimal setup.
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Definitive Sankey SAMPLER (6 Trick PDF) Here's a taste of the 1600 pages. 500 tricks. 3 volumes. 1 mind. Welcome to The Definitive Sankey.
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Flash Pen by Alan Wong Finally, an alternative to FISM Flash without the bulky and burdensome hook-up under your shirt.With the simple push of a button, you provide a sudden burst of light to enhance a disappearance, reappearance, transposition, transformation and many other special effects.Flash Pen comes with a recharge
Out of stock. $60.00 $22.50
Vortex Magic Presents FALL by Banachek and Philip Ryan - Trick This is one of the strongest effects you can do with a Sharpie marker. A Sharpie is placed on a table or on a glass. The performer concentrates and the pen falls dramatically to the floor. Simple, direct yet powerful. Both Banachek and Ryan have had people screaming and even running out of a room!NO
Out of stock. $24.95
MOVE by Danny Weiser and Taiwan Ben - Trick From the mind of Danny Weiser comes a new twist on the Kineti-key effect! MOVE Imagine using a pen throughout your performance, allowing the spectator to use AND inspect it as well. Then, under your complete control, you cause the clip to detach from the cap and move along the body of the pen. You t
Out of stock. $34.95
Definitive Sankey Volume 1 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95
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Definitive Sankey Volume 2 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
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Definitive Sankey Volume 3 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
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Wonder Penetration trick EffectYou borrow a bill from a spectator and without any sleight-of-hand you penetrate it with a Paper Mate pen, then rip it across the bill, and yet the bill is unharmed! Then what seems like real magic (no switching) you cause the point of the pen to appear under the cap and everything can be exam
Out of stock. $45.00 $33.75
Electronic Rating Pen Rate Your Friends On A Scale Of One to Ten!The magician displays a regular Bic pen, stating that it is an "electronic rating pen" with a computer chip inside which rates people on a scale from one to ten. He then places a penny on the back of a spectator's hand, stating that "this is a one...the low
Out of stock. $5.00 $3.75
Sankey Very Best of #3 - DVD Get ready to see Jay Sankey like you've never seen him before-filmed live in front of a studio audience with three broadcast-quality cameras!  Volume Three-"These are the routines that originally 'put me on the map' in the magic world."-Jay SankeyThis is your chance to watch one of magic's most
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Real Work On Restaurants And Bars by Jay Sankey - DVD Over the past 20 years Jay has held contracts as the ?house magician? at over a dozen different restaurants and bars. Now on this very special DVD Jay shares with you the real work on both the art and the business of making a very good living performing in these exciting venues. Jay also teaches you
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.00
Hemispheres by Jay Sankey - DVD "Mentalism is the art of exploring and revealing hidden connections." - Jay Sankey Featuring OVER 3 HOURS of outstanding "magic of the mind," HEMISPHERES is an ingenious collection of 20 startling psychic effects, many of which Jay is sharing for the very first time. This exciting dvd includes "expe
Out of stock. $40.00 $34.40
Smashed (With Canadian Coin) by Jay Sankey - Trick No palming! Super easy! If you can hold a pencil you can perform this reputation-maker! Can be performed with an ordinary pencil and a BORROWED COIN! You can even perform this shocking effect with an INITIALED coin! You can immediately HAND-OUT the pencil with the coin still stuck on it! The PERFECT
Out of stock. $30.00 $22.50
Xtreme Beginners (2 DVD Set) Vol.2 - DVD Learn Card Throwing, Pen Spinning, Dice Stacking, and XCM from the world's best! This brand new 2 DVD set from Handlordz destroys the traditional thoughts of manipulation. Never before has such a diverse group of manipulators been assembled to create such an incredible DVD, packaged in classic Handl
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Refill TA Pen (Pen Set Only- No Instructions) by Paul Harris - Trick Refill Pens for Paul Harris's True Astonishment routine. Includes one complete TA pen and one spare parts pen, plus beads and tabs.
Out of stock. $30.00
Mercury Coin (US Half Dollar) by Alan Wong - Trick A completely new and impossible pen through coin effect where the coin can be shown before and after the penetration...ON BOTH SIDES!
Out of stock. $100.00 $75.00
Descendent by Jay Sankey - Trick This effect has A LOT going for it. It's simple, direct, very easy to perform, visually POWERFUL, and you end clean! It also doesn't require a whole lot of scripting. As with some of my favorite effects, I've even performed it in total silence (at a gig where the band or ambient sound was just too l
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Counterfeit Money (Props and DVD) by Cody Fisher - DVD This is Cody's fantastic handling for the classic "Pen Thru Bill" effect. There have been many versions of this effect on the market over the years but none that actually make any sense! Cody has thought this routine through and worked out all the problems normally associated with similar routines.
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Mercury Coin (US Quarter) by Alan Wong - Trick A completely new and impossible pen through coin effect where the coin can be shown before and after the penetration...ON BOTH SIDES!
Out of stock. $100.00 $75.00
Definitive Sankey (3 Book and 1 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Book 1600 pages. 500 tricks. 3 volumes. 1 mind. Welcome to The Definitive Sankey. Four years ago we (Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin) embarked on a literary journey to describe the very best of Jay Sankey's enormous body of work. The idea was simple: if you eliminate the weak tricks from Jay's unparalleled o
Out of stock. $150.00
Definitive Sankey Deluxe Edition (3 Book and 2 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Boo For the collectors, we have an extremely limited supply of Collector's Edition volumes of The Definitive Sankey. For just $250 dollars, you get special edition volumes in sleek black leatherette, plus a gorgeous slipcase, plus TWO feature-length DVDs of Jay performing the best of the best. Finally,
Out of stock. $250.00
The School of Cool by Greg Wilson and Big Blind Media - DVD 24 Mad Skills and Stunts to Make You Stand Out in the Crowd World renowned magician, pickpocket, trickster and all-round scamp Gregory Wilson invites you to attend THE SCHOOL OF COOL! A DVD jam packed with teachings on all those crazy skills you always wanted to learn but didn't know how. Walk a coi
Out of stock. $25.00
End-for-End by Michael Feldman video DOWNLOAD An exciting new pen routine developed by Michael Feldman. Incorporating classic ideas and new concepts, Feldman has constructed a fun routine full of magical surprises. Watch as an ordinary pen vanishes, reappears and changes color right before your eyes!
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The School of Cool by Greg Wilson and Big Blind Media video DOWNLOAD 24 Mad Skills and Stunts to Make You Stand Out in the Crowd World renowned magician, pickpocket, trickster and all-round scamp Gregory Wilson invites you to attend THE SCHOOL OF COOL! A Download jam packed with teachings on all those crazy skills you always wanted to learn but didn't know how.
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The Vault - Backlash 2 by Paul Harris/Bro Gilbert video DOWNLOAD Hypnotize them with a deck of cards! Backlash 2 is an updated, streamlined version of Paul Harris's famous Backlash effect. A playing card is clearly signed on both sides by your spectator. They push their signed card into your pocket themselves... Without you ever going near your pocket, you show t
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