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Watch Over Coin by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) A reputation maker, perfected over 30 YEARS and THOUSANDS of performances. YOU'RE-CRAZY-IF-YOU-DON'T-PERFORM-THIS. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $10.00 $4.95
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Crazy Cash by Dan Harlan (Instant Download) The single best torn and restored trick that has ever existed. A signed, borrowed bill is torn into 4 pieces, and restored in an IMPOSSIBLE way. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Airtight by Jay Sankey presented by Matt Johnson (BALLOONS INCLUDED) Performed on TV by Copperfield. Make a balloon swallow a deck, then PLUCK A SIGNED card through its walls. BONUS IDEAS FROM MATT JOHNSON AND HIGH QUALITY BALLOONS INCLUDED.
In stock. $19.95
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Paul Harris Presents Twilight Angel Full Deck Refill (Blue Mandolin) by Paul Harris Twilight Angels is Paul Harris' all time favorite effect from TA. This classic PH Astonishment is finally available with a full deck of 52 different you can give away a different value card every time you do Twilight Angels! Each 56 card deck also include two double backers and two samp
In stock. $20.00
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Felony by Kyle Purnell (Instant Download) Borrow a bill, tear it and restore it. Then immediately hand it back! You never switch the bills! Ingenious method. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Sleeveless in Seattle by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) The most MIND-WARPING trick to ever hit a Starbucks. PROMO PRICE ENDS AT MIDNIGHT. START LEARNING INSTANTLY AND SAVE.
In stock. $9.95
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Paul Harris Presents Twilight Angel Full Deck Refill (Red Mandolin) by Paul Harris Twilight Angels is Paul Harris' all time favorite effect from TA. This classic PH Astonishment is finally available with a full deck of 52 different you can give away a different value card every time you do Twilight Angels! Each 56 card deck also include two double backers and two samp
In stock. $20.00
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Paul Harris Presents SLR Slims: New Style Refills for Paul Harris SLR - Tricks It is finally ready! A slimmer, sleeker, tougher version of the SLR (Souviner Linking Rubber bands). Each refill contains 20 links and 20 singles. (Original SLR Refills also available)
In stock. $12.00
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Souvenir Linking Loverbands (20 link, 10 single, DVD) by Alan Wong - Tricks TWO NORMAL RUBBER BANDS LINK, VISIBLY MORPH INTO TWO PERMANENTLY LINKED HEARTS...THEN ARE GIVEN AWAY AS A ROMANTIC SOUVENIR!Souvenir Linking LoverBands is created by Alan Wong on the ten-year anniversary of his best selling rubber band effect "Stargazer".Paul Harris and Alan Wong had the same dream
In stock. $35.00 $28.70
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REFILL SLR (Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands) by Paul Harris - Trick Includes 20 linked sets and 10 singles. Heavy-duty bands for extra visibility and strength.
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.00
Paul Harris Presents Refill (RED/YELLOW) Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands SLR Slims by Paul Harris - Tr A slimmer, sleeker, tougher version of the SLR (Souviner Linking Rubber bands). Each refill contains 20 links and 20 singles. This refill includes red and yellow bands.
Out of stock. $12.00
Paul Harris Presents Refill (YELLOW) Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands SLR Slims by Paul Harris - Trick A slimmer, sleeker, tougher version of the SLR (Souviner Linking Rubber bands). Each refill contains 20 links and 20 singles. This refill includes yellow bands.
Out of stock. $12.00
Paul Harris Presents Wings (BLUE)(DVD and Gimmick) by Matthew Mello You show the two little angels printed on the back of your playing card. Separated from each other for almost forever..each angel at opposite ends of the card.. trapped in their dried ink loneliness. But then, a kindly spectator blows them a kiss. There's a moment of stillness...then the angel start
Out of stock. $35.00
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