Mac King LIVE (Instant Download) The world's BEST comedy magician came to Penguin LIVE! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Reel Magic Episode 7 (Mac King) - DVD Features:Caught on Tape: Mac KingJohn Lovick has a hilarious conversation with the king of comedy magic, Mac King Columns:Simon Lovell Simon Said It!Simon gives us a guided tour of the IBM/SAM Dealer room, with unexpected results Tarrett Thomas Try This At Homea thorough explanation of Garrett's pen
In stock. $9.50
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Monkey Guts With DVD by Mac King - Tricks
Out of stock. $7.00 $5.25
Where's the Dang Quarter? by Mac King - Tricks Where's the Dang Quarter?by Mac King View ClipEffectThe victim's quarter disappears and re-appears in an impossible location. Reaps a 25 cent profit each time it's performed!Contains:Everything to perform 3 befudding tricks, It also comes with a BONUS TRICK TRADING CARD with a Bonus Vault-o-Magic pa
Out of stock. $3.00
Mummified Monkey Finger by Mac King - Tricks Mummified Monkey Fingerby Mac King View ClipEffectA mummified monkey finger scares the bejeesus out of everyone when it suddenly comes to life!Contains:Everything to perform 4 befudding tricks, It also comes with a BONUS TRICK TRADING CARD with a Bonus Vault-o-Magic password to learn even more magic
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Mental Floss by Mac King - Tricks Mental Flossby Mac King View ClipEffectMac's cranium is penetrated, not once, but twice. In the Barrel-O-Magic bonus trick, Mac escapes unharmed from this magical predicament.Contains:Everything to perform 4 befudding tricks, It also comes with a BONUS TRICK TRADING CARD with a Bonus Vault-o-Magic p
Out of stock. $3.00
Bored Of Education With DVD by Mac King - Tricks Board Of Education With DVDby Mac King View ClipEffectYour friend thinks of any number. That many pencils appear in the previously empty pencil box! Also, any objects placed in the box disappears. Includes many extra Back-To-School tricks.Contains:everything to perform 4 flabbergasting tricks, It al
Out of stock. $7.00 $5.25
Cereal Thriller With DVD by Mac King - Tricks Cereal Thriller With DVDby Mac King View ClipEffectBreakfast cereal appears from nowhere, doubles in quantity, and then changes to milk. The most important trick of the day. Contains:everything to perform 4 flabbergasting tricks, It also comes with a BONUS TRICK TRADING CARDS with a BonusVault-O-Mag
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Devilish Deck-O-Cards With DVD by Mac King - Tricks EffectThis innocent looking(but very tricky) box, and the deck of cards it contains, enable anyone to perform the greatest card tricks in the universe. Includes a 52 card deck and 10 extra tricky cards. Contains: Everything to perform 6 flabbergasting tricks, It also comes with a BONUS TRICK TRADING
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Tricks With Your Head by Mac King and Mark Levy - Book Hilarious Magic Tricks and Stunts to Disgust and DelightTricks With Your Head is the world's greatest (and only!) collection of hilarious, mystifying and sometimes repulsive magic tricks that you can perform with your very own head.If you've only thought of your head as a receptacle for so-called hi
Out of stock. $16.25 $12.68
Scorpion Moth by Mac King and Peter Studebaker - Trick EffectApproach your victim and casually steer the conversation to poisonous insects. Ask something ominous like, "Have you heard about the infestation? Those swarms of stinging, poisonous scorpion moths?" When your friend professes ignorance, say, "Oh yeah, they're coming in from Utah (name a nearby
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.60
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