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Red Mirror by Helder Guimaraes - DVD

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Learn premier card magic from a master and gain invaluable insight into the art.

Red Mirror is a look inside the mind of a world-class performer and FISM champion who many consider the most important magician of his generation.

Helder Guimarães is a studied practitioner of both magic and theatre with an experienced understanding of the arts. Offered on this volume is a collection of ten original card routines, but more importantly, his creative process and thinking behind each.

Featured is Helder's signature card act, a formal routine developed and refined through years of performing. This act inlcudes the following routines:

  • 4 For Four
  • Helder Skelter
  • The Sculpture
  • Sloth
  • An Invisible Thread
  • Aberto Court
  • Cardesian Coordinate
Over 3.5 hours featuring a live performance at The Magic Castle, an interview, studio performances and explanations shot with multiple HD cameras for superior picture quality and coverage, effect commentary, bad english and more!

Each routine has been broken down into its own segment and includes a separate studio performance and explanation. Helder then provides commentary after each effect, in which he discusses its development and offers ideas for you to take it further.

Besides the many sleights Helder utilizes to achieve his effects, the Ascanio Spread, Stuart Gordon Double Turnover, and Elmsely Count have their own special segments and offer detailed instruction on their technique.

In this one-on-one interview, Helder discusses his background in magic and theatre, why he specializes in card magic, his thinking process, how he constructs routines, practices, and so on. Full of wonderful advice and an inspiring look into one of the most important magicians of his generation, you won't want to pass this up.

2010 Lecture
Excerpts from Helder's 2010 Los Angeles lecture includes discussions about magic and a performance of an impossible Cards Across routine that will leave you in wonder.

A reference of both sleights and effects is included as an aid for further study.

In this section of the DVD you will discover a fun bonus effect, credits and if your lucky a couple more routines that have been hidden. Yes, these are the easter eggs you've heard about. Happy hunting!

About Helder
Helder Guimarães is an international award-winning magician and has been named World Champion of card magic at FISM.

Born in raised in Portugal, Helder has been a magician since he was three years old. Ever since, he has thoughtfully studied, practiced, performed and loved magic. As a result, Helder truly understands the art, craft and business of conjuring. Helder holds a degree in Theater and has had several very successful theatrical shows in Portugal and Spain.

He is a brilliant technician and a diabolical thinker. His magic is elegant and profoundly well constructed. Helder also happens to be a fantastic performer. He is funny, smart and relevant.

Extra Features

Easter Eggs

Running Time Approximately: 3hrs 30min

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Great DVD! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 15th, 2011
I, unlike previous reviewers, don't have any of Helder's other material and I thought this was an AMAZING dvd. I will caution anyone who want's to get this dvd, the effects are HARD! There may be one effect on the dvd that doesn't require palming in some way. I will enjoy this challenge and I'm ready for this level of material, but if you're just coming off of Born to Perform Card Magic, this is not your next choice.

As far as production goes, Dan and Dave did great! No complaints there.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
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Everything everyone said in the reviews were right Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 8th, 2012
First off, yes two of the tricks are on Small Miracles (also a great DVD).

Second, some of the tricks do require an extensive setup.

So why the great review from me?

First off, because Helder Skelter is one of my favorite tricks to do. It never fails to get amazing reactions. Never. It's either the first or second effect I do with cards no matter who I perform for. And it's impromptu. No less than 5 magic moments. Every move is motivated, but the most important part is the structure of the routine. It is structred to lead spectator's down various paths and then surprise them and this moment of surprise is when one of the hardest moves in the routine is done. It's a lesson in on/off beat and clever routining for misdirection. Misdirection is only good if the audience isn't aware they are being misdirected.

Also, the tricks that are repeated on this DVD and Small Miracles are still great to see again. Plus I think the handlings are much more streamlined.

The greatest thing however is the thinking behind everything. Not the "how" but the "why". If you ever watch a routine of his, you can immediately see how all of his moves are motivated. None of the sleights come off as sleights because there is a natural motivation to do them. This is what strong magic is made from. This is what is on the dvd.

Small Miracles is great too don't get me wrong, but I think the theory in this DVD is so valuable. And it does have some amazing tricks that aren't on Small Miracles. I have both and am extremely happy.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Very disappointing Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 5th, 2011
I ordered this item with very high expectations because I own Small Miracles by Helder. What a let down. there are a total of 7 know effects on this DVD (I say know bc he always hides a couple for you to find), and out of the 7, 2 of them were on Small Miracles. Im sorry, but I dont need another copy of the trick. One of the effects you will never perfom bc it requires an enormous set up. So that leaves $40 for 4 effects. Dont get me wrong, Helder has great skills and a wonderful personality. I would just expect more from this DVD. Oh well, you live and you learn
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Dissapointed Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 16th, 2011
I have to agree with the first review. I was excited when i heard Helder was releasing another DVD but boy was i dissapointed. As mentioned earlier 2 of the tricks are from a previous DVD and some of the others require an extensive setup.

I still love the magic Helder comes out with but this DVD was extremely ordinary after the big reviews his first DVD received.

Unless you are desperate to see this DVD i would save your money and get his first DVD.
2 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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