So, I have Pure Smoke... Had UltraSmoke (yuk)... Picked this item because Shin Lim was extremely
I don't mind a set up, I don't mind transporting my device, I also don't mind bulky
This kind of disturbed me in a few ways.
1. I like my DVD collection for magic, no
DVD in package.
2. After this $35 purchase I still have to spend a bit more money (aside from
the working mat that is pricey the other materials could equal if not exceed what I already spent
3. What I did receive would have been cheaper to have me buy myself and the actual "smoke"
should have been included
4. Shin basically refuses to provide "mouthing" methods and plugs he
"may or may not" teach it in his next video sale. His statement is clear he doesn't want to reveal
his "mouthing method" BUT is willing to charge us to buy his next effect where he "might" reveal it.
5. I can't use this really, it's at a table clothed table OR buy another expensive item that
wasn't even shown in this vid
6. He shares the mouth card change... Which anyone who's performed
any Jeff McBride type card switch or Daryl or Wayne Houchin or Lance Burton (you get the idea) we
either already know or have a slightly different method that is pretty much the same. We weren't
trying to learn a card switch, we NEED to know how to load the smoke to the mouth. I feel suckered
because that was my buying reason, hoping I could implement one or more of my devices for a mouth
production of smoke.
7. Although it wasn't confirmed until watching the vid it was obvious that
you needed to rig a certain mat a certain way however it was quite misleading to say anywhere any
Ok I'm stopping there even though there are a few more cons...
1. If I can
use this (doubtful, sticking with my Pure Smoke, though you stage or table top performers this might
work well for you) I'll post how well it turned out. Truly thinking it will bomb out because
basically I do impromptu performances, lots of thought and prep before I try.
2. Thick smoke is
amazing, I really hope I can figure out a way to make it work for my needs on the spot.
Genius idea for the table setting.
4. The tutorial on the mat and shirt set up very well
I don't think I'll pick up the next tutorial though. Kind of feel taken advantage
of. This is a revisited method really. When I picked up Clear Choice I was so blown away and happy,
not content but happy. After seeing this I'm cautious. Shin should have shared important things
because honestly, he's making money. Color Change with Smoke in Mouth... That's exactly what it
said. The smoke load would have upped this two more stars for me.
This is my honest review,
whether or not anyone likes it I don't care. The cons to this outnumber the positives. I am not
putting this smoke production down at all just the quality of the packaged sale. Is it worth it?
Knowing how it's done completely for possible future potential use yes. Will something more
efficient come out before I ever attempt to use this? More than likely. At least I have this in my
armory for potential future use, do I see it happening? Not really. And worst part is... I know how
he vanished the markers but I don't know how to load smoke for a production with this device or
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I guess I should have read some of the comments before I purchased. I was just so excited I would be
able to do smoke. I am not happy at all that I will have to spend more money to make the gimmick and
all I got was the tube and a video. Not cool
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Way over priced. Always heard sooner or later you're going to get took, but I got gypped. Doesn't
reach floor only about 18" long. I am not a midget or sit on the floor, so doesn't come close. The
trick is cool I like it, but I feel like it's false advertisement. But the idea is cool or I
wouldn't have suckered myself. 2 stars just because good idea. Everything else I have gotten from
you had been great, but I feel like an idiot buying this and I probably won't be getting anything
else with shin lim name involved.
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This is a really cool effect, but only if you're working at a table. In my opinion, it gets much too
complicated if you were trying to make it work standing up. For myself, I am very amateur and him
still working on performing things to people standing up and walking around. I had absolutely no use
for this, though it is a creative idea. If you have the money, I would go for another Smoke device.
If you want something cheap that you have to build, then this might be good for you. I gave it four
stars for what it is.
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This version of SSS is just a retaught version of the other one, that being said, it does have
touches on the old version that make it different, and in my opinion, better. If you are looking to
do what Shin does, add smoke to a stage show, this is perfect. You can also adapt this to walk
around with one of the versions that are taught. The color change in mouth is also taught, but the
smoke from mouth is not taught, although, he does talk about a few different Ideas. You do also need
to get a few more supplies, and construct it. It isn't hard to construct by any means, but if you
are lazy, I wouldn't recommend it, because there is a little bit of work involved, that being said,
if you put the work into it, it is very well worth your time. Also if your have the old version, and
want a few more touches on it, I would recommend getting this as well. So if you are looking for a
smoke device to make your magic have more of those awestruck moments, I would purchase this, it's
only limited to your imagination.
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There is a lot of assembly to SSS. The magic is strong and the idea is creative. Shin Lim does a
decent enough job explaining how to make the gimmick but if you do not have your own variations on
the performance this is not the trick for you. Expect to spend more money and even more time to make
the gimmick.
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I am a amateur magician, and also under the age of 18. the method used doesn't permit me to use
this trick legally. If you are of age, It seems to be a good solid trick. Assembly is required
though. Be wary before purchasing.
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I recently got mine today.. it required some materials (most materials are found easily) luckily I
had them already creating it was very easy 4.5/5. the idea is genius using it was extremely easy
5/5. teaching now I heard about the previous one and there was lots of bad reviews I personally
never experience the old one but the 2015 edition was very straight forward and his teaching was
great 5/5. overall I think this product is very good congrats on the comeback shin lim.
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ITS amazing effect for tricks
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I hate putting things together myself, especially when making a purchase of a device.