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TIP = Totally Impromptu Paddle Trick by Jonathan Royle (DRM Protected Download)

Price: $6.00
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Jonathan Royle got his first paddle trick inside a magic set. He was given this at the age of four back in 1979, and it has been a regular feature of his magical repertoire and professional work ever since.

You will also learn how to perform an "impromptu" Hot Rod style routine using normal everyday objects which you can find whilst you are out and about in the real world.

As well as the standard paddle move, you will also learn how to easily do the paddle move with two paddles held in one hand at the same time. You will also learn Royle's solution to using the paddle move with objects such as knives with thin flat handles. It is typically next to impossible to easily do the move within the conventional manner.

He will also reveal to you an ingenious way to use a drinking straw in conjunction with one of those round handled, cocktail mixing sticks found in bars. This technique makes it far easier to do a paddle move with those round handled sticks.

And along the way you'll learn a bit of business that, when combined with your paddle routine, will cause laughter, joy, and merriment for all those who witness it. This will also ensure that the memory of you as a truly entertaining magical performer is instantly burned into the minds of your audiences.

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