When I ordered this I expected there to
be some fancy roller gimmick that pushes the cards out one at a time. I knew it would have to be
thin because he spreads the cards after the painting, but I at least thought it had to be an
adhesive or something. NOTHING NOTTA ZILCH! You get the painted cards and the DVD that's IT!
This is beyond awesome as all you need to be able to do the trick is the back (Rubber) of a
closeup mat or other such pad and you are all set. A few SIMPLE sleights to convince them the cards
are mixed and you got it! AMAZING!
Sure this is not a trick in itself but if you convince
them that the cards are mixed before you start painting, then this becomes impossible!
I am
a performer at the local renaissance festival and I will be working this into my act as it features
a painting by Leonardo DaVinci. How fitting!