most of these effects are very, VERY basic; sure anyone can do them, but many laymen also know them
already. If you are a 12-year old performing for your friends you'll astound them with all of the
tricks in the dvd; if you have an adult audience, you'll want to select your effects carefully, or
will want to add layers to disguise the original method. However, there's a lot of value here in the
recommendations Sankey gives about the handling and the psychology behind the tricks; that is
valuable material even if you already know the tricks.
In any case, the dvd is worth more
than its cost for just ONE of the tricks - which is not exactly a trick by a utility device,
Omnilope. Omnilope is a fantastic device you'll use in a huge variety of situations. And, yes,
Omnilope is also published sold separately for $25, while here it is one of the TWELVE effects
included in this $20 dvd. You do the math...