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Starcle by Dan Harlan (Instant Download) A true stroke of genius. Baffling and beautiful, you'll be performing this miracle every time you see a napkin. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Cold Case by Greg Wilson (Download + Gimmick) Even if you TOLD people you're going to switch decks, THEY WON'T SEE IT.
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Watch Over Coin by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) A reputation maker, perfected over 30 YEARS and THOUSANDS of performances. YOU'RE-CRAZY-IF-YOU-DON'T-PERFORM-THIS. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Ringside by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) A multi-phase routine so visual, so surprising that it even fools magicians. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Gregory Wilson's Ring Leader (DVD Download) This 6 phase ring and rope routine will make your audience wonder if they'll ever see their ring again... outside of a pawnshop! Highly Recommended!!!
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Fake Pocket by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) A reputation-making THREE-PHASE pick pocket routine ANYONE can do. For entertainment purposes only. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Stain Alive by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) One of the most powerful predictions we've ever seen. You'll be doing it EVERYWHERE. START LEARNING INSTANTLY
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Hand-picked Astonishments (Thumb Tips) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay video DOWNLOAD A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more! All hand-picked by Paul Harris, Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and
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Sugar Substitute by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) A PRACTICAL and VISUAL sugar packet color change that will make an ordinary visit to a coffeeshop a little more interesting.
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Sankey Unleashed (PDF E-book) The essential collection of ground-breaking original Sankey for the serious close-up magician. A whopping 81 TRICKS, 192 PAGES! Highly Recommended!
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Money Comes & Goes by Rick Lax (Instant Download) The most engaging bank-night we've ever seen. Using raw cash, it creates BRILLIANT tension, playing on psychology every step of the way. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Tall Order by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) A true coffee shop miracle experience from the MASTER of strong magic moments. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Venti Diagram by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) Two coffee rings LINK on a napkin. Perform this miracle anytime, anywhere. Totally Impromptu, 10-second setup and nothing to hide! LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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A Different Side of Me by Joshua Jay (6 Instant Downloads) Six fresh and original tricks from the mind of Joshua Jay! Highly commercial and fun to perform. Features Joshua Jay's s workhorse card routine + Cornered, an ingenious new concept in money magic!
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Sleeveless in Seattle by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) The most MIND-WARPING trick to ever hit a Starbucks. PROMO PRICE ENDS AT MIDNIGHT. START LEARNING INSTANTLY AND SAVE.
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Hand-picked Astonishments (Card Forces) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay video DOWNLOAD A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more! All hand-picked by Paul Harris, Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and
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Self Levitation 2.0 by Shin Lim, Jose Morales & Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD "Since the dawn of mankind...Men have dreamt of defying the laws of gravity." The Self Levitation was a feature and one of the most talked about items on David Blaine's Magic Special. This download teaches you how to perform that unbelievable levitation illusion. On this download, Shin Lim & Pau
In stock. $15.00
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Coffee Break by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) Super easy and impromptu! You'll want to do this EVERY time you go out for coffee. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Triple Shot by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) An impromptu mental miracle you can do at ANY coffee shop. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Restrawed by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) The PERFECT restaurant trick. A STUNNING restoration. Just grab a straw and you're ready! LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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The Vault - The Big Tiny by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD This effect is the perfect closer and is simply AMAZING! You will fool yourself with the method. A spectator's signature reassembles itself on the side of a deck of ordinary playing cards and then multiplies in their hands. Your spectator truly mixes up the cards, and then the ink morphs into their
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