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Paul Harris Presents SLR Slims: New Style Refills for Paul Harris SLR - Tricks It is finally ready! A slimmer, sleeker, tougher version of the SLR (Souviner Linking Rubber bands). Each refill contains 20 links and 20 singles. (Original SLR Refills also available)
In stock. $12.00
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Souvenir Linking Loverbands (20 link, 10 single, DVD) by Alan Wong - Tricks TWO NORMAL RUBBER BANDS LINK, VISIBLY MORPH INTO TWO PERMANENTLY LINKED HEARTS...THEN ARE GIVEN AWAY AS A ROMANTIC SOUVENIR!Souvenir Linking LoverBands is created by Alan Wong on the ten-year anniversary of his best selling rubber band effect "Stargazer".Paul Harris and Alan Wong had the same dream
In stock. $35.00 $28.70
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Inner Circle by Paul Harris - Book Effect: A card is selected from a borrowed deck, returned and the cards are shuffled. A rubber band is stretched around the deck, and the band visibly melts away! One card then emerges from the deck, it's the selected card with the rubber band around it!There is no preparation, no gimmicks and no fo
Out of stock. $5.00 $3.90
Sankey-Tized Volume 1 (DVD) Great routines for using ordinary objects.
Out of stock. $29.95
SLR Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands (DVD) The perfect pocket illusion, now with the perfect giveaway at the end!
In stock. $35.00
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HARDCORE by Jay Sankey (DVD + Gimmicks) The most powerful collection of magic Jay's released in YEARS. This is HARDCORE. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. NOW SHIPPING.
Out of stock. $35.00
REFILL SLR (Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands) by Paul Harris - Trick Includes 20 linked sets and 10 singles. Heavy-duty bands for extra visibility and strength.
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.00
Paul Harris Presents Refill (RED/YELLOW) Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands SLR Slims by Paul Harris - Tr A slimmer, sleeker, tougher version of the SLR (Souviner Linking Rubber bands). Each refill contains 20 links and 20 singles. This refill includes red and yellow bands.
Out of stock. $12.00
Paul Harris Presents Refill (YELLOW) Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands SLR Slims by Paul Harris - Trick A slimmer, sleeker, tougher version of the SLR (Souviner Linking Rubber bands). Each refill contains 20 links and 20 singles. This refill includes yellow bands.
Out of stock. $12.00
Paul Harris Presents Daniel Garcia Project Vol #4 by Daniel Garcia - DVD In 2005, Daniel Garcia started production on a 3 volume DVD set that what was soon to become an instant classic among the magic community. With highly visual effects, and off the wall techniques, The Daniel Garcia Projects became a must-have for a new generation of magicians as well as seasoned prof
In stock. $35.00 $8.75
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The School of Cool by Greg Wilson and Big Blind Media video DOWNLOAD 24 Mad Skills and Stunts to Make You Stand Out in the Crowd World renowned magician, pickpocket, trickster and all-round scamp Gregory Wilson invites you to attend THE SCHOOL OF COOL! A Download jam packed with teachings on all those crazy skills you always wanted to learn but didn't know how.
In stock. $25.00
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