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MO: Modus Operandi Book by Jon Racherbaumer 50 PLUS ITEMS, 20 PLUS CONTRIBUTORS, 240 PLUS PAGES, and 180 PLUS PHOTOGRAPHS!If you ever heard the expression magic underground and wondered what were the secrets being shared by the elite, this is your chance to take a small peek at the underground tricks and techniques that we're being tossed a
In stock. $55.00
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Twenty Years of Magic by Jay Sankey Four of Jay Sankey's most popular sets of lecture notes in a single coil-bound collection!
Out of stock. $19.95 $15.96
Expert Card Technique (Book) Take your card magic to the next level with SUPERIOR TECHNIQUE taught by the experts.
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793.8 by Jeff Stone - Book Presentation is where it's at. The connection between you and the audience is the true source of real magic. Gone are the "Put and Take" so called "presentations" of so called "magic." How do you connect with your audience? How do you find the magic in your effects? 793.8 turns magic, presentations
Out of stock. $39.95
Andrus Deals You In by Jerry Andrus - Book Long out of print! Andrus Deals You In is finally available again! This classic of card magic is considered by many to be as important as his famous Andrus Card Control books. This 160 page booklet has dozens of Andrus sleights, flourishes and routines, all illustrated by hundreds of drawings by the
Out of stock. $39.95
Anneman's Card Magic - Book Anneman's Card MagicHave you ever done card tricks, and people yawned? Then you know what it means to be embarrassed and discouraged. The way out of this dilemma, however, is not immediate, but it is reliable: not only practice and a surer mastery of technique, but a more effective presentation, amu
Out of stock. $8.95 $6.71
Close Up Illusions by Gary Ouellet This far-reaching and influential work contains many magical masterpieces including Gary's Touch Force, his Paradise Counts, his remarkable work on the Kosky change, some unbelievable coin concepts, as well as many essays on the real work. No one who loves close-up magic should be without this class
Out of stock. $45.00 $34.65
Baroque Cards book Colombini Includes two Gaff cards and an extensive illustrated instruction booklet with 27 different routines, most of which are previously unpublished.
Out of stock. $19.95 $15.96
Andrus Card Control (2 book set) Imagine having a card signed and inserted into the deck, stopping when the card is sticking out of the deck 1/8th of an inch, so the spectator can see it (his actual card), going in. The card is pushed in the rest of the way, then the spectator is asked to name a number between 1-15. You, without AN
Out of stock. $45.00
Long And Short Of It by Mark Lewis - Book Everything you've ever wanted to know about a Svengali deck!!!In this book, Mark Lewis teaches you everything you need to know about a Svengali deck. From mechanics and handling, to Mark's elaborate and refined routine, to an assortment of other tricks and effects that can be performed with the deck
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Mind Mysteries Guide Book Vol. 2: The Breakthrough Card System by Richard Osterlind - Book "The Breakthrough Card System has built into it a number of absolutely wonderful features that allow you to concentrate on routining. The second volume of the Mind Mysteries videos explored some of those best routines. This guide book sharpens your performance skills and allows you to perform with t
Out of stock. $30.00 $22.50
Approaching Magic by David Regal (Book) Over 500 Pages and 1000 Photographs Bills, beer, socks, envelopes, DVDs, coffee cups, baskets, boxes, borrowed rings, portable darkness, pieces of paper, paperback books, a bulletin board, a glass canister, a wand, a pencil, and a Cards & Coins. Magic for Stand Up, Sit Down, Near
In stock. $75.00 $61.50
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Isabella's Star 2 by Peter Turner: The Star Goes Supernova (Book) Reveal a participants star sign or even their EXACT DATE OF BIRTH without any pre-show. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $64.00
The Newsletter Tricks - Regular Edition by Mathieu Bich (Book+DVD) The first ever DVD/book by Mathieu Bich! Get all 10 tricks of the project "Newsletter Tricks" in one volume, as well as 5 new and never-before-published bonus effects and 2 hidden bonuses ! You'll blow away both spectators and seasoned magicians. This DVD (for the demonstrations) / Book (for the exp
Out of stock. $35.00 $25.03
The Newsletter Tricks - COLLECTOR'S EDITION by Mathieu Bich (Book+DVD) This Collector's Edition is signed and numbered (out of 200) by Mathiew Bich and includes prepared gimmicks for all 10 tricks and the 5 bonus effects!The first ever DVD/book by Mathieu Bich! Get all 10 tricks of the project "Newsletter Tricks" in one volume, as well as 5 new and never-before-publish
Out of stock. $85.00
Maelstrom by Tom Stone - Book You are invited to collaborate in a creative experience with a day-and-night, seven-days-a-week professional, the inventive and always-thinking Tom Stone! You will need to bring with you-Playing Cards Coins Silks Multiplying Bottles Book Tests Billiard Balls Dancing Cane Silk to Egg Thimbles Bananas
Out of stock. $55.00
Vortex by Tom Stone and Hermetic Press - Book A whirlwind of routines, tricks, ideas and opinions-- Inspired and inspiring. Open this book and you enter the mind of Tom Stone, one of Sweden's finest professional magicians and one of the world's most wildly innovative magical thinkers. Within a few pages you will be swept up and carried away by
Out of stock. $55.00
Basic Skill with Cards book EffectBasic Skill With Cards A basic reference book for people who want to learn fundamental card handling skills! It contains no tricks, but includes chapters on topics such as "Forcing", "False Shuffles", "Palming", etc. Each chapter contains methods that combine simplicity of working with maximum
Out of stock. $17.50
Definitive Sankey Volume 1 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95
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Definitive Sankey Volume 2 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95 $67.46
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Definitive Sankey Volume 3 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95 $67.46
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Plot Twists by Oliver Meech "10/10. Go buy this. Now. You'll be glad you did"- Online Visions "Definite GEM."- Stone Cold Magic Magazine "He certainly delivers the goods."- Magic Week "The production of the book is excellent...An infusion of magic oxygen."- The Magic Circular "A terrific book! Drop whatever you're doing, pull
In stock. $22.00 $18.04
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Z-6 Book Only (No Wallet) by Wayne Dobson - Book This booklet includes six fantastic routines hatched from Wayne Dobson's slightly Z wallet obsessed brain. Wayne has come up with a host of effects designed for the extremely versatile "Z wallet." Each effect is explained thoroughly, detailing; materials required, Set Up, and Performance. Effects In
Out of stock. $16.00 $13.12
The Pass Book - Gary Ouellet Finally a practical and discerning handbook for all lovers of card magic wishing to read about, learn, and master the pass of the most legendary card sleights. Gary Ouellet has analyzed the pass in all its forms and brings you the result of years of study: which passes to learn, why some arches are
Out of stock. $30.00 $22.50
Street Monte book This book is meant to teach you how the Monte was performed on the street where there is no room for error. This is not a book on how to hustle people out of their hard earned money. Instead, it is intended to teach you the"real" Three Card Monte as it is meant to be performed.Table of Contents: His
Out of stock. $19.95 $15.36
Street Magic Book Whit Haydn Thirty-six pages of fascinating accounts from Whit Haydn's street performing career during the 1960s and '70s-including stories from the streets of New York, Washington, DC, London, and Paris.Whit explains how his philosophy of magic changed through his experiences and gives the first in-depth descr
Out of stock. $30.00 $25.80
Sankey Panky book Sankey Panky contains the kind of close-up magic that'll knock your socks off. It's ingenious, it's startling, it's innovative and it's all the creation of Jay Sankey. Written and illustrated with pictures that seem to move in the style for which he is world famous, Richard Kaufman once again brings
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.95
Sankedelic book Jay Sankey The notes from Jay's 2001 lecture tour! 9 honest-to-goodness miracles with cards, borrowed bills, sugar packets, credit cards, finger rings and even a chop cup! Including: Raising Sugar Cane-the cleanest torn & restored sugar packet in the world! Pandora's Envelope-a signed card VISIBLY appears i
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.60
Sam's book Sam Schwartz/Zingg Sam Schwartz has been publishing his routines, ideas and techniques in various magazine publications for more than 50 years. He has also released a number of marketed effects through Louis Tannen, Inc. and has contributed to dozens of Karl Fulves publications. This book is a compilation of many of h
Out of stock. $40.00 $30.80
Inner Circle by Paul Harris - Book Effect: A card is selected from a borrowed deck, returned and the cards are shuffled. A rubber band is stretched around the deck, and the band visibly melts away! One card then emerges from the deck, it's the selected card with the rubber band around it!There is no preparation, no gimmicks and no fo
Out of stock. $5.00 $3.90
Fake Card Tricks by Leo Behnke - Trick How to do super-looking tricks with special cards. Fake Card Tricks contains 25 baffling tricks using a deck of special "Fake Deck" cards. Designed for the newcomer in magic as well as the skilled performer. Does not include gimmicked deck**. Pages 63 - Staplebound, Illustrated.
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
How To Levitate by Andrew Mayne - Book Andrew Mayne presents his most practical levitations for the stage and the street. Combining updated material from Touching Sky and step-by-step instructions from Levitator (DVD). Learn how to levitate on the street, in your living room or on stage. 11 different ways to perform the most incredible i
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Fandango - Part 1 by David Forrest - Book NOW AVAILABLE AS A BOOKLET!David Forrest's FANDANGO - Close up magic for the real world. Part 1. Part 1 in a series of releases containing all new material designed with the intent of providing real world close up magicians with fresh, practical material. Six brand new, never before published effect
Out of stock. $17.50 $13.65
A Cut Above the Rest by Wild-Colombini - Book 35 new routines totally impromptu, with no set-ups or difficult sleight of hand used and all the routines require just a regular deck of cards and all of them are very easy to do.Contributors:Jack Avis Gene Castillon Aldo Colombini Peter Duffie Karl Fulves Mike Gancia Paul Gordon Marty Kane Ryan Mat
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
The Complete Idiots Guide to Street Magic by Tom Ogden - Book It's the hip-hop of hocus-pocus. Forget about David Copperfield, cruise ship illusionists, and birthday party magicians. They're so twentieth century. Think cutting-edge magickers like David Blaine and Criss Angel. People starting out in magic today want something edgier, grittier, quick, visual, an
Out of stock. $18.95
Fandango - Part 2 by David Forrest - Book NOW AVAILABLE AS A BOOKLET! Part 2 in the 'Fandango' series continues with yet more innovative close up magic with the focus firmly fixed on practicality and real world performance. Six more, never before published effects fresh from the mind of Dave Forrest. The material contained within has been c
Out of stock. $17.50 $14.00
A Cut Deeper by Wild-Colombini - Book This is a book of card effects for the magician who's looking for strong impromptu card magic. It contains twenty-five new routines with just a regular deck of cards and as said, strictly impromptu. Contributors: John Bragoli, Stephen Clark, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Paul Gordon,
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
Street Magic by Paul Zennon - Book Street tricks, slight of hand and illusion. Street Magic teaches you the secrets of close-up, under-your-nose, in-your-face magic - the sort you commonly see on television. There are tricks with coins, paper, cards and all sorts of other great ways to impress people! You will learn nearly 100 great
Out of stock. $12.95 $9.71
Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces by Lewis Jones - Book H & R Magic Books is proud to present Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces. There has never been a book quite like this before. It is the first-ever encyclopedic collection of card forces. These forces don't make use of gimmicked cards of any kind. Many of them are well off the beaten track, an
Out of stock. $50.00 $39.00
Essential Dai Vernon Collectors Edition - Book Dai Vernon was the most influential magician of the twentieth century. His vision helped to define and raise the artistry of close-up and platform magic to a degree unequalled by any other magician then or today. His thinking pushed magic into the modern era. His contribution to magic was essential
Out of stock. $175.00
A Knight of Magic Devin Knight's 2009 Lecture Tour Notes - Books The lecture notes from Devin Knight's 2009 tour. More than a set of lecture notes this is almost a complete book in itself! Features mind-boggling effects including cards and mentalism. Effects that fooled the majority of magicians in attendance. These notes also contain directions for some of Devin
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.55
Del Ray Book (With DVD) - Book Del Ray was considered the most innovative magician of the 20th century. Secretly intermingling technologies with traditional trickery, he performed miracles of magic that were unlike those of any other magician. Throughout his life, he passionately guarded the secrets of both his professional and p
Out of stock. $68.00
PRR 2.0 by Nefesch and Titanas - Book In 2008 Nefesch released a 3 set DVD. One of the best received effects in the set had the title P.R.R. (Palm reading revelation) 3 years later, Nefesch has outdone him self and now is releasing P.R.R2 So what is P.R.R2? Imagine this: Under test conditions you ask your spectator to simply THINK of a
Out of stock. $22.00 $16.50
A Cut Above Msgr. Vincent Foy - Book A Cut Above is a joyful exploration of one-handed cuts created or documented by Msgr. Vincent Foy, a pioneer of the modern movement of card flourishes. His contributions on this subject that appeared initially in The Linking Ring and in Bertram on Sleight of Hand inspired a new generation of finger-
In stock. $45.00
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Avant-Cards by Tom Gagnon - Book Over twenty years in the making, Tom Gagnon is proud to release the beautifully hardbound, oversized format AVANT-CARDS: Tom's first and only large collection of original, baffling, close-up card magic. Written by Wesley James, edited by Matthew Field, includes 568 illustrations by Tom, over si
Out of stock. $50.00
Book of Magic Bollocks by The Great Sebastiano - Book From his mysteriously soiled laptop keyboard, The Great Sebastiano has created a magical work of unprecedented bile and vitriol. Whether you're an embittered professional magician working the corporate scene, or a spunky young scamp aspiring to take that first step into the real art of magic, this b
Out of stock. $25.00
The Show Doctor [Hard Cover] by Jeff McBride (additional material by Lawrence Hass)- Book The Show Doctor is the first full-length book of magic from Jeff McBride, one of the great magicians of our time. The Show Doctor includes: Eleven of Jeff's previously unpublished routines, including stage illusions, stand-up routines, manipulation, close-up magic, cards, and mentalism. Revised vers
Out of stock. $45.00
Definitive Sankey (3 Book and 1 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Book 1600 pages. 500 tricks. 3 volumes. 1 mind. Welcome to The Definitive Sankey. Four years ago we (Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin) embarked on a literary journey to describe the very best of Jay Sankey's enormous body of work. The idea was simple: if you eliminate the weak tricks from Jay's unparalleled o
Out of stock. $150.00
Definitive Sankey Deluxe Edition (3 Book and 2 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Boo For the collectors, we have an extremely limited supply of Collector's Edition volumes of The Definitive Sankey. For just $250 dollars, you get special edition volumes in sleek black leatherette, plus a gorgeous slipcase, plus TWO feature-length DVDs of Jay performing the best of the best. Finally,
Out of stock. $250.00
Transparency, The Boris Wild Marked Deck Book by Boris Wild - Book Everything you ever wanted to know about the marked deck but were afraid to ask! Just think of the power you would have if you could find any face-down card in a shuffled deck in three or four seconds. What would you do? Yes, miracles! All of the most amazing effects that Boris Wild has ever created
Out of stock. $50.00
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