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Confident Deceptions by Jason Ladanye and Vanishing Inc (Book) - Book Confident Deceptions is the masterful debut book from Jason Ladanye, a star student of Darwin Ortiz. Featuring a potent blend of magic and gambling demonstrations, Confident Deceptions showcases Jason's unparalleled ability to carefully refine a routine until it achieves maximum impact. In total, th
In stock. $60.00
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A Book in English by Woody Aragon - Book Woody Aragn is an outstanding card magician, technical expert, and entertaining performer from Toledo, Spain. As a writer, lecturer, teacher, and performer, Woody has incredible insight and theories about magic that he shares in this book. The card magic in this book will inspire, delight, and fool
In stock. $49.95
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52 Memories (Retrospective Edition) by Andi Gladwin and Jack Parker - Book "52 Memories is one of the most important magic books to be published in the last ten years."- Tomas BlombergMany magic books can be trivialized. They are, after all, just a collection of tricks. But, 52 Memories is more than that; it is the legacy of one of the most promising card magic creators of
In stock. $50.00 $37.50
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Final Four Magic Menu Book After ten years and 60 issues, The Magic Menu ceased being "the international journal for professional restaurant and bar magicians" and became-for one brief, shining volume-"the professional journal for working close-up magicians."Two hard-bound compendiums were issued that contained the initial 60
In stock. $25.00 $20.50
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Definitive Sankey Volume 1 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95
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Definitive Sankey Volume 2 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95 $67.46
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Definitive Sankey Volume 3 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95 $67.46
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Article 52 by Paul Gordon - Book Well, I know I said Quidnunc was to be my last book, but I just couldn't help myself! The last two years have been really creative ones for me and the result is Article 52. Excuse immodesty, but it really is chock-full of killers! Article 52 includes my new handling of my Head To Head Poker (from Go
In stock. $45.00 $36.90
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Encyclopedia of Card Tricks by Dover Publications - Book In the first decades of the twentieth century magicians filled the magic journals with articles on card tricks, giving improvements on classic tricks and inventing new ones. If you could put together a collection of these magazines you would almost have a complete course on card tricks, by some of t
In stock. $24.95 $18.71
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21st Century Card Magic by James Swain - Book "Cards are power; learn to harness that power, and you will be forever rewarded" - From Preface by James Swain. James Swain's book - 21st Century Card Magic - has stunningly effective simple card routines. Improve your sleight-of-hand card skills immediately and with ease. Thorough instructions with
In stock. $49.95 $40.96
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Essential Robert-Houdin - Book All the classic works of the great master of magic, Robert-Houdin, under one cover, lavishly illustrated with hundreds of beautiful prints, engravings, and photos. Robert-Houdin (1805-1871) revolutionized the art of magic with his incredible stage mysteries and lifelike automata, and he thankfully l
Out of stock. $100.00
East Coast Super Sessions #1 - Book EffectFeaturing a unique group of reclusive guests, the East Coast Super Session closeup convention is one of the finest ever assembled. So they had an advantage when publishing the official convention notebook, boasting super-cool super sessions, and killer closeup magic spiral bound! More than a b
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
The Complete Ganson Teach-In Series Deluxe Edition by Lewis Ganson and L&L Publishing - Book SPECIAL COLLECTOR'S EDITION The deluxe version of The Complete Ganson Magic Teach-In Series is a beautiful volume that matches previous collector's editions from L&L Publishing, featuring gold-foil stamping, special matching end papers, and a different binding than the regular edition. What's mo
Out of stock. $175.00 $164.50
WD40 by Wayne Dobson - Book WD40 contains 40 great tricks from Wayne's own professional repertoire, and more than a quarter of them have never been published before. The tricks are real crackers and not too difficult to perform. "Wayne's tricks are brilliant!" says magicseen editor Mark Leveridge, "they do not contain difficul
Out of stock. $49.95 $37.46
How To Levitate by Andrew Mayne - Book Andrew Mayne presents his most practical levitations for the stage and the street. Combining updated material from Touching Sky and step-by-step instructions from Levitator (DVD). Learn how to levitate on the street, in your living room or on stage. 11 different ways to perform the most incredible i
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Fandango - Part 1 by David Forrest - Book NOW AVAILABLE AS A BOOKLET!David Forrest's FANDANGO - Close up magic for the real world. Part 1. Part 1 in a series of releases containing all new material designed with the intent of providing real world close up magicians with fresh, practical material. Six brand new, never before published effect
Out of stock. $17.50 $13.65
Best Of Friends Vol. 3 by Harry Lorayne - Book 20 Years in the making now yields volume 3 of Harry Lorayne's Best of Friends.Some of the contributors in this volume are: Allan Ackerman, Richard Vollmer, Max Maven, J.K. Hartman, Peter Duffie, Michael Ammar, David Regal, Martin Nash, Joshua Jay, Howie Scharzman, Bob Farmer, Simon Lovell, Aldo Colo
Out of stock. $77.00 $57.75
Brass Knuckles by Doug Edwards - Book Brass Knuckles delivers a one-two-three punch that is sure to please anyone interested in hard-hitting dynamic card work. Nothing held back!Over 60 strong, original effects ranging from new palm techniques, shuffles, shifts, controls, changes, lifts and more.Contents Include: Section 1 - Palms, Shuf
Out of stock. $49.00 $46.55
Amazing Miracles Of Shigeo Takagi by Richard Kaufman- Book BACK IN PRINT!"My friend, Shigeo Takagi, is an excellent performer who shows a keen knowledge of magic with all its subtleties. His work is direct and to the point, with no superfluous moves. Even if you are acquainted with the various techniques, he will still deceive you. I greatly admire this Jap
Out of stock. $45.00 $34.65
Black by Dan Army - Book WELCOME TO THE DECEPTIONPrepare yourself for Black. Black is an insane compilation of all of Dan's work many years in the making. All of the following effects are practical, direct, and super creative. These effects have been designed and tested for the real world, anytime, anywhere. Dan has been wo
Out of stock. $22.00 $16.94
Five Forty Seven by Joel Givens and Joshua Jay - Book A companion volume to Session. Contains 8 additional routines not included in the book.Click HERE for a sample from the book. Pages 65 - Softbound - Black and White photographs
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.55
Fresh Mint by Cameron Francis - Book Signed Bill to 'Tic Tac' box! + 3 mind blowing bonus effects! An incredibly clean signed bill to 'tic tac' box. Effect: A bill is borrowed and signed by the spectator. The performer then completely vanishes the bill. The performer then points out a tin of mints that has been in view throughout. The
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
Session (Deluxe Edition) by Joel Givens and Joshua Jay - Book This book is geared toward magicians (sorry normal people) and details the magic of an incredible talent: Joel Givens. He's also a longtime friend. We bucked all the trends and did something very different. You see, for nearly five hundred years, magic has been conveyed "recipe style" in books. Tric
Out of stock. $100.00 $75.00
Cardshark by Darwin Ortiz - Book Cardsharkby Darwin OrtizDarwin Ortiz is unquestionably of the top cardmen in the world today. In this book he offers you the chance to learn the routines that have earned him his living and his reputation, including all of the psychological insights, presentational angles and performing tips which c
Out of stock. $45.00
A Setup With Aldo by Wild-Colombini - Books EffectI am sure that we would all agree that it is the EFFECT THAT IS ALL IMPORTANT and that some of the most astounding effects in card magic can be obtained by setting up the cards in a certain order before the performance commences. Here are five routines of mine which depend on set-ups. CRAZY PO
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere by Wild-Colombini - Book Here's a collection of incredible impromptu card magic compiled by Aldo Colombini. Card magic at it's best performed, anytime, anyplace, anywhere with just a regular deck of cards, no set-up whatsoever and very easy to do.Contributors:Ian Adair Gene Castillon Aldo Colombini Tom Craven Tom Daugherty
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
A Cut Above the Rest by Wild-Colombini - Book 35 new routines totally impromptu, with no set-ups or difficult sleight of hand used and all the routines require just a regular deck of cards and all of them are very easy to do.Contributors:Jack Avis Gene Castillon Aldo Colombini Peter Duffie Karl Fulves Mike Gancia Paul Gordon Marty Kane Ryan Mat
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
The Complete Idiots Guide to Street Magic by Tom Ogden - Book It's the hip-hop of hocus-pocus. Forget about David Copperfield, cruise ship illusionists, and birthday party magicians. They're so twentieth century. Think cutting-edge magickers like David Blaine and Criss Angel. People starting out in magic today want something edgier, grittier, quick, visual, an
Out of stock. $18.95
Lo Mejor De Joshua Jay (L0002) (Spanish) by Tango Magic - Book This is a best-of collection of Joshua Jay's published material, available for the first time in Spanish! You'll learn many of the effects that have taken Joshua around the world, and several effective, powerful sleights you can work into your repertoire.Pages 127 - Perfectbound - Black and White Ph
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.60
Fandango - Part 2 by David Forrest - Book NOW AVAILABLE AS A BOOKLET! Part 2 in the 'Fandango' series continues with yet more innovative close up magic with the focus firmly fixed on practicality and real world performance. Six more, never before published effects fresh from the mind of Dave Forrest. The material contained within has been c
Out of stock. $17.50 $14.00
Echo by Wayne Dobson - Book Echo is an alternative version of 'Teach A Card Trick'. Echo has been used extensively on theatre and TV shows. Echo is ten minutes of commercial and very funny magic. Echo is 100% self working and instantly resets. The booklet is the complete script and routine. Pages 8 - Saddle Stitched"You don't
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.60
A Cut Deeper by Wild-Colombini - Book This is a book of card effects for the magician who's looking for strong impromptu card magic. It contains twenty-five new routines with just a regular deck of cards and as said, strictly impromptu. Contributors: John Bragoli, Stephen Clark, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Paul Gordon,
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
Street Magic by Paul Zennon - Book Street tricks, slight of hand and illusion. Street Magic teaches you the secrets of close-up, under-your-nose, in-your-face magic - the sort you commonly see on television. There are tricks with coins, paper, cards and all sorts of other great ways to impress people! You will learn nearly 100 great
Out of stock. $12.95 $9.71
Final Cut by Wild-Colombini - Book The series continues! Twenty-five incredible impromptu routines performed with just a regular deck of cards (and, of course, all different from my previous books). Contributors: Howard Adams, Gene Castillon, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Karl Fulves, Martin Gardner, Dougie Gibbard, P
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.80
The Dayton Wallet by Ron Dayton - Book EffectAttention all Wallet Collectors and performers who have come to know Ron for quality and simplicity of thinking! Announcing the Dayton Wallet Workshop!!! For sometime this simple but clever idea was shared with a select few subscribers to Oracle Magazine. Now, in new forma, Ron shares for the
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.25
Ascanio Spread by Jon Racherbaumer - Book Arturo De Ascanio of Madrid, Spain started the whole business. His original manuscript, dated December of 1970 and typed in Spanish, was given to Mike Rogers (through the persuasion of Del Cartier) to be published in M-U-M. Rogers realized that the move caused some excitement at the convention in Am
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.00
Card Journal by Aldo Colombini - Books After four books on Impromptu Card Magic stuff, Aldo is back with a book containing different material with cards, impromptu and not so impromptu, but all the routines have the emphasis on strong effects and leave lasting impressions on the audiences.Card Journal is not just 'another card book'... i
Out of stock. $10.00
Ping and Pong by Wayne Dobson - Book Ping and Pong...Is an extremely entertaining and commercial routine for the 'Chinese Sticks' which has been featured on TV and Theatre many times. If you are looking for a funny, tried and tested 'Stand Up' routine; this is it! Plus bonus routines: White Lies....A winning routine for the 'Mental Pho
In stock. $20.00 $5.00
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Stars Of Magic (Hard Cover) by Meir Yedid - Book THE ORIGINAL STARS OF MAGIC - NEW EDITION! The best and most influential book on Close-Up Magic is back. If you have not read and learned the magic contained in this book you have no business calling yourself a close-up magician. The magic by John Scarne, Dai Vernon, Bert Allerton, S. Leo Horowitz,
Out of stock. $35.00
Flick (With DVD) by Wayne Dobson and JB Magic - Trick The animation sensation!From J B Magic comes Wayne Dobson's comedy card to pocket routine. With no deck of cards and no palming. A spectator is asked to think of any card, The pages of a small 6 x 4 inch book are flicked through. The story unfolds, as the pages pass. A small cartoon boy reaches into
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.40
Magic The Complete Course (With DVD) by Joshua Jay - Book Magic is everywhere, from the big spectacle celebrity of David Copperfield and Siegfried and Roy to the quirky Penn and Teller to the spooky David Blaine and Criss Angel to the endless material on YouTube. But until now, learning it has never been easy-that's all about to change with Magic, a book t
Out of stock. $22.95 $18.36
2-in-1 Pro Lecture (CD w/Bonus Book) by Jeff Hobson - Book CONTENTS:Hobservations on the Business of Magic Jeff Hobson tells you what other pros won't about the business of magic. he gives you the inside scoop on dealing with agents, booking venues, and includes real examples of his contracts, riders, and other documents that he uses. Hobson's Choice Lectur
Out of stock. $19.95 $14.96
Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces by Lewis Jones - Book H & R Magic Books is proud to present Encyclopedia of Impromptu Card Forces. There has never been a book quite like this before. It is the first-ever encyclopedic collection of card forces. These forces don't make use of gimmicked cards of any kind. Many of them are well off the beaten track, an
Out of stock. $50.00 $39.00
Monkeyshines Vol. 1 by Doc Dixon - Book PART I: CLOSE-UP MAGIC FOR STROLLING & THE TABLE Memory AcesAbout ten cards are cut off the deck. The face card of the packet is shown and the packet is immediately tabled. This is done four times. The four packets have indifferent cards at their faces. When the packets are turned over, each ind
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Finger Foods by Starke - Book THe Unusual Close-up Stylings of R.T. StarkeA combination of some earlier work, and some other things that have not been published. Close-up magic, off beat thinking, EASY to do. Here are some of the items included:The Whole Miracle: A card is selected, signed and sandwiched between two jokers. Al
Out of stock. $20.00 $16.00
Extreme Magic Makeover by Hal Spear and Paul Romhany - Book Extreme Magic MakeOver is filled with brand new, funny, original, COMPLETE ROUTINES for some of magic's most popular and widely performed effects. Hal Spear and Paul Romhany have put together a book all magicians can use - complete FULL, ORIGINAL patter for the following effects: Torn and Restored N
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.00
Eccentricks by Charlie Frye - Book A rich collection of over 70 tricks, gags, and stunts amusingly presented by one of the world's leading eccentric performers, Charlie Frye. Colorfully illustrated; humorously taught. Balancing stunts, sleight of hand miracles, hilarious gags, and eccentric approaches to everything from manipulation
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Essential Dai Vernon - Book Dai Vernon was the most influential magician of the twentieth century. His vision helped to define and raise the artistry of close-up and platform magic to a degree unequalled by any other magician then or today. His thinking pushed magic into the modern era. His contribution to magic was essential
Out of stock. $125.00 $93.75
Essential Dai Vernon Collectors Edition - Book Dai Vernon was the most influential magician of the twentieth century. His vision helped to define and raise the artistry of close-up and platform magic to a degree unequalled by any other magician then or today. His thinking pushed magic into the modern era. His contribution to magic was essential
Out of stock. $175.00
Crossroads by Ben Harris- Book A spectator is handed a cased deck with the promise that the performer will not touch it! The performer also places his wallet on the table, "This is my money trick..." he explains*. Two spectators are asked to assist. Together, they decide upon what appears to be a "freely chosen card." In this ins
Out of stock. $35.00
A Knight of Magic Devin Knight's 2009 Lecture Tour Notes - Books The lecture notes from Devin Knight's 2009 tour. More than a set of lecture notes this is almost a complete book in itself! Features mind-boggling effects including cards and mentalism. Effects that fooled the majority of magicians in attendance. These notes also contain directions for some of Devin
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.55
Experience: The Magic of Jon Allen by John Lovick and Vanishing Inc. - Book "Stunning effects and jaw-dropping magic!" -Jeff McBride, Creator of the Magic & Mystery School "Jon Allen's magic is so strong and yet so offbeat. And what sets this collection apart is the amount of parlor material he includes. Anyone working on their close-up or stand-up acts would benefit gr
Out of stock. $65.00
Magic Menu (Winter 2010) - Book For more than ten years, from 1990 through 2001, The Magic Menu was a continuing and trusted source of practical information for close-up magicians, particularly those who performed in restaurants, bars and night spots. Each issue brought real-world advice, information, reviews of the latest magic a
Out of stock. $10.00 $7.50
The Complete Ganson Teach-In Series by Lewis Ganson and L&L Publishing - Book Classic magic... legendary magicians... and they're now all in one place for the very first time! L&L Publishing proudly presents: The Complette Ganson Magic Teach-In Series Beginning in the late 1970s, Lewis Ganson, one of magic's most respected writers, produced a series of booklets that featu
In stock. $79.95 $59.96
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Special Effects by Wayne Dobson - Book "Special Effects is my latest, and I honestly believe my best book to date. Within its forty pages, you'll encounter thirteen really strong close-up and stand-up routines, and all my own offerings appear here in print for the very first time. I have stripped away virtually all the sleight-of-hand fr
Out of stock. $35.00 $27.30
Flip Shift by John Born - Book Featuring Influenced and the Modern ACAANIn Meant To Be, we discovered the power and versatility of executing a shift while taking the cards out of the box. This particular project shares a completely different card case shift that is extremely practical, versatile, and deceptive. I have been sittin
Out of stock. $22.50
Magic Menu (Spring 2010) - Book For more than ten years, from 1990 through 2001, The Magic Menu was a continuing and trusted source of practical information for close-up magicians, particularly those who performed in restaurants, bars and night spots. Each issue brought real-world advice, information, reviews of the latest magic a
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
Mega 'Wave by John Bannon - Book Ride the Wave...Seven "Fractal" card tricks from John Bannon:MEGA WAVE - Hocus Pocus and Mumbo Jumbo Hammers four-card Brainwave.FRACTAL RE-CALL - JB popular "Call of the Wild" wild-card routine fractalized.SHORT ATTENTION SCAM - A maximum magic minute. JB's hit "The Royal Scam" for the impatient.MA
Out of stock. $15.00
One Degree by John Guastaferro and Vanishing Inc. "I am excited about this book...This collection oozes style and substance from a true auteur."- John Bannon, from the foreword John Guastaferro embodies everything one admires in a magician: he is smooth but not flashy, soft-spoken yet in control. And he is an expert at crafting intelligent magic tr
Out of stock. $60.00
Above the Fold by Rich Aviles and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Book From the foreword by Daniel Garcia: "Some of the most clever, modern card thinking I have ever seen." Published by Vanishing Inc. Magic, Above the Fold is the debut collection from one of magic's most exciting new talents: Rich Aviles. In this intelligent, praiseworthy collection of card and close-u
Out of stock. $25.00
Del Ray Book (With DVD) - Book Del Ray was considered the most innovative magician of the 20th century. Secretly intermingling technologies with traditional trickery, he performed miracles of magic that were unlike those of any other magician. Throughout his life, he passionately guarded the secrets of both his professional and p
Out of stock. $68.00
3 Card Canasta ( Color Varies )by Docc Hilford - Trick In the early 1960s Chan Canasta was the master of apparent mind control. A recently discovered video shows the mind reader on Dutch TV performing a charming trick with two decks and three cards. The problem was that it required a skilled Classic Force, tons of audience management and it worked only
Out of stock. $29.99 $23.09
Dear Mister Fantasy book John Bannon We are pleased to announce the publication of Dear Mr. Fantasy, John Bannon's first collection of close-up magic since Smoke & Mirrors over a decade ago. DMF is a 200 page, hardbound, photo-illustrated, card magic masterpiece that will impress even the most seasoned professional card magician. D
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.25
Destroyers by Troy Hooser, Joshua Jay, and Vanishing Inc. - Book "Destroyers is filled with killer magic that is both audience tested and practical. Learning Troy's material is well worth your time and investment"- Bob Kohler An immediate sensation when it debuted ten years ago, Destroyers remains relevant, innovative and "highly recommended" (Michael Close, MAGI
Out of stock. $50.00
Moments by Troy Hooser, Joshua Jay, and Vanishing Inc. - Book "Troy Hooser's work in Moments is excellent, and I particularly enjoyed the longer routines. I think anyone who likes coin magic will enjoy Moments. I know I did."- David Roth Moments is a brand new collection of over thirty routines and sleights from heralded creator and performer Troy Hooser. A de
Out of stock. $50.00
Meir Yedid's Card Animations by Harry Lorayne - Book Meir Yedid was the first person to win the Society Of American Magician's Close-Up Magic Championship more than once. He was also awarded the Society's rarely presented Originality Medal. Meir has spent the last 30 years touring throughout the world performing and teaching his brand of creative magi
Out of stock. $14.95
Anate by Dee Christopher and Titanas - Book ANATE is a psychological technique.It's a subtlety that is not 100% sure fire, but when you get the technique down and you hit, You'll know it. Imagine placing one card on the table, face down.The spectator decides on a card, they turn over the card to reveal a perfect match. The place explodes.Imag
Out of stock. $35.00 $27.30
PRR 2.0 by Nefesch and Titanas - Book In 2008 Nefesch released a 3 set DVD. One of the best received effects in the set had the title P.R.R. (Palm reading revelation) 3 years later, Nefesch has outdone him self and now is releasing P.R.R2 So what is P.R.R2? Imagine this: Under test conditions you ask your spectator to simply THINK of a
Out of stock. $22.00 $16.50
A Cut Above Msgr. Vincent Foy - Book A Cut Above is a joyful exploration of one-handed cuts created or documented by Msgr. Vincent Foy, a pioneer of the modern movement of card flourishes. His contributions on this subject that appeared initially in The Linking Ring and in Bertram on Sleight of Hand inspired a new generation of finger-
In stock. $45.00
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Card Magic USA by Peter Duffie and Vanishing Inc. - Book Card Magic USA is an ebook that has received many, many great reviews. We thought that it deserved a wider audience so we worked with Peter Duffie to produce it as a printed, softback book. This new book contains mostly unpublished card magic from some of America's finest magicians and is exclusive
Out of stock. $29.95
Bullet Party by John Bannon - Book Become a card-carrying member of Bannon's Bullet Party. Bannon's back; locked and loaded with over twelve card tricks and moves. High caliber card magic in three chapters.First, "Bullet Party", the next installment in Bannon's "fractal card trick" series. High impact packet magic that ends clean and
Out of stock. $20.00
Best Of Slydini ( 2 Volume SET ) ( Text/Photographs )- Book A must for the serious close up magician! This set of 2 volumes (one text, one photographs) not only teaches professional magic tricks, but how to entertain and present yourself in the most effective manner. Effects include: Slydini Moves, The Purse Frame, Coin Classics, New Card Moves, and much mor
Out of stock. $60.00
Special Effects by Harry Lorayne - Book IMPROMPTU CARD MAGIC- new "killer" effects, routines, ideas, concepts (that Harry has kept to myself for years) - are now HERE in his latest book: Special Effects. "More than 50 impromptu, any deck, effects that you will LOVE - I guarantee it!" - Harry Lorayne About Face, Triple Take, About Face - A
Out of stock. $84.95
Six Masterpieces by Wayne Dobson - Book Introduction by Stephen Tucker, April 2011: Forget The Magnificent Seven and The Famous Five, instead... prepare to encounter Six Masterpieces from the fertile mind of Wayne Dobson.The six jaw-droppingly good routines in this book were originally destined to be either marketed, as individual tricks,
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
Avant-Cards by Tom Gagnon - Book Over twenty years in the making, Tom Gagnon is proud to release the beautifully hardbound, oversized format AVANT-CARDS: Tom's first and only large collection of original, baffling, close-up card magic. Written by Wesley James, edited by Matthew Field, includes 568 illustrations by Tom, over si
Out of stock. $50.00
Six Card Repeat (Pro Series Vol 3) by Paul Romhany - Book The Six Card Repeat is a staple of many professional magicians. For many it has taken years of practice to acquire the skill necessary to perform. Paul Romhany has designed a gimmick that requires no skill, yet makes you look like you've been practicing for years. Paul's gimmick is a very unique des
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
Versatile Card Magic Revisited by Frank Simon - Book In 1981, with little fanfare, a brand new publishing company released a book on card magic by an unknown author. Today, more than 20 years later, Frank Simon's Versatile Card Magic is considered a modern classic. Those lucky enough to own a copy of the first and only edition know that Frank's method
Out of stock. $40.00
Book of Magic Bollocks by The Great Sebastiano - Book From his mysteriously soiled laptop keyboard, The Great Sebastiano has created a magical work of unprecedented bile and vitriol. Whether you're an embittered professional magician working the corporate scene, or a spunky young scamp aspiring to take that first step into the real art of magic, this b
Out of stock. $25.00
Erdnase Unmasked by David Ben - Book For over a hundred years, the identity of the author of Artifice, Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table, known colloquially as The Expert at the Card Table, has perplexed practitioners of magic and historians alike. For many, it is the last great, unresolved mystery of twentieth century magic. That
Out of stock. $35.00
Book of Secrets by John Carney - Book 25 lessons for stage and close upA comprehensive course in the art and psychology of sleight of handCritics and readers alike, proclaim it one of the best magic books ever! This comprehensive course of study is a 377 page hardbound book filled with stand up magic, close up, and essays. JOHN CARNEY I
Out of stock. $58.00
Handcrafted Card Magic Volume 1 by Denis Behr - Book "This is a book that not only justifies its existence by means of innovative material and original thinking, but which represents the mind of a thoughtful and tasteful creator who pays attention to myriad tiny details that can make all the difference between mediocre magic and beautiful illusions. (
Out of stock. $40.00
Experience: The Magic of Jon Allen (SOFT COVER) by John Lovick and Vanishing Inc. Two years ago EXPERIENCE zipped out of print in a matter of months. Why? Because word got around that one of the most creative minds in magic--London's Jon Allen--had tipped his ENTIRE repertoire. Expertly written by John Lovick and filled with photographs, we have brought this highly sought-after b
Out of stock. $40.00
Drawn In by Oliver Meech - Book "One of the coolest magic ideas I've seen in a really long time...The book is clever from start to finish...5 Stars with a Stone Status of Absolute GEM!"- Jeff Stone, My Lovely Assistant reviews A story like no other, set in a ghoulish gallery. Part twisted tale. Part interactive magic trick. Your a
Out of stock. $64.00 $51.20
The Show Doctor [Hard Cover] by Jeff McBride (additional material by Lawrence Hass)- Book The Show Doctor is the first full-length book of magic from Jeff McBride, one of the great magicians of our time. The Show Doctor includes: Eleven of Jeff's previously unpublished routines, including stage illusions, stand-up routines, manipulation, close-up magic, cards, and mentalism. Revised vers
Out of stock. $45.00
Definitive Sankey (3 Book and 1 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Book 1600 pages. 500 tricks. 3 volumes. 1 mind. Welcome to The Definitive Sankey. Four years ago we (Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin) embarked on a literary journey to describe the very best of Jay Sankey's enormous body of work. The idea was simple: if you eliminate the weak tricks from Jay's unparalleled o
Out of stock. $150.00
Definitive Sankey Deluxe Edition (3 Book and 2 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Boo For the collectors, we have an extremely limited supply of Collector's Edition volumes of The Definitive Sankey. For just $250 dollars, you get special edition volumes in sleek black leatherette, plus a gorgeous slipcase, plus TWO feature-length DVDs of Jay performing the best of the best. Finally,
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Transparency, The Boris Wild Marked Deck Book by Boris Wild - Book Everything you ever wanted to know about the marked deck but were afraid to ask! Just think of the power you would have if you could find any face-down card in a shuffled deck in three or four seconds. What would you do? Yes, miracles! All of the most amazing effects that Boris Wild has ever created
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Lessons in Card Mastery (DELUXE - Signed, Numbered, Leatherbound) by Darwin Ortiz - Book DELUXE - Signed, Numbered, Leatherbound! ONLY 100 AVAILABLE! Among Darwin Ortiz' many fans, the only question is which of his card books is the best:  Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table, Cardshark, or Scams & Fantasies with Cards.  Now there is a new candidate:  the aptly-named L
Out of stock. $110.00
Look No Hands Vol. 2 by Wayne Dobson - Book CompatibilityNo need for chat up lines with this trickBest FriendsEverybody will want to be your best friend after performing this miracleAFCAANAnother F#%*$^G card at any numberSharpie 2Like the original but much sharperMind RayFrom the creative genius Jerry SandowitzOn the ButtonBetter than being
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Make 'Em Laugh by Aldo Colombini - Book Over 200 great comedy one-liners for magicians, emcees, speakers, etc. Highly Recommended!!!
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Magic by Gosh by Al Goshman (Book) Learn from one of the best close-up magians EVER. Highly recommended.
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Twenty Years of Magic by Jay Sankey Four of Jay Sankey's most popular sets of lecture notes in a single coil-bound collection!
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Aunt Mary's Terrible Secret by David Williamson A Professional Card Routine in Three Acts, created by David Williamson!
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Laughing Out Loud by Aldo Colombini Laughing Out Loud has over 500 one liners!
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Expert Card Technique (Book) Take your card magic to the next level with SUPERIOR TECHNIQUE taught by the experts.
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The Solution by Atlas Brookings - Book There are some pretty cool things that you can do with a memorized deck. The only trouble is that you have to memorize 52 cards in 52 positions. Not only can that prove challenging, but it is incredibly time consuming -- it requires constant work to move that information from your short term to your
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