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Beyond Perfect ESP by John George The ultimate ESP test. The best. The one you want. The one that will make them BELIEVE.
In stock. $19.95
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Act Two by Barrie Richardson (Standard Hardcover) 54 tricks, ideas and routines most including full professional presentations. A must-have addition to any mentalist's library.
In stock. $70.00
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ESP Testing Deck (marked w/routines) by Vernet - Tricks These cards are built with the best material and the marking system is clearly visible to the performer but completely invisible to the audience.With this deck you have a powerful marked and ordered deck that allows you to perform clear and shocking miracles.You receive 25 marked ESP cards of the be
In stock. $9.00 $7.38
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Hands-Off Multiple E.S.P. System (Download + 2 Decks) By Neil Tobin Make your mentalism seem more real. Finally, ESP cards that look authentic! Easy to read. Original routine included. "The quality and design FAR EXCEED any ESP cards on the market." -- Genii
In stock. $35.00
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Black Flame by Tom Phoenix presented by Alexander Marsh (Instant Download) Reveal ANY thought in REAL TIME with this smokin' hot method from a master mystic. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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ESPecially Wild trick EffectTwo sets of colored ESP symbols are shown. You select an ESP symbol from your set and the spectator selects one from his set (Free Choice). The selected cards match. Stop right now, and you have a miracle! But, this routine has a kicker. Using the freely selected symbol you magically transform
In stock. $19.95
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ESP Cards (Red Bicycle Back, 25 cards, No Instructions) - Trick This is a set of 25 cards. These are printed on USPCC Red Rider backed playing cards. There is 5 of each symbol. No instructions.
Out of stock. $8.95 $6.89
ESP Card Magic Volume 13 by Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD Includes:DESIGN BY ACCIDENT: A card is selected. A packet is dealt into four piles and the top card of each pile matches the selection!ESP PARADOX OF PAIRS: A spectator picks three pairs while you deal the cards. These pairs are the only ones containing two matching symbols!DUAL ESP TEST LOCATION: T
Out of stock. $10.00
ESP Cards (Blue Bicycle Back, 25 cards, No Instructions) - Trick This is a set of 25 cards. These are printed on USPCC Red Rider backed playing cards. There is 5 of each symbol. No instructions.
Out of stock. $8.95 $6.89
ESP Deck by Royal Magic (25 Cards) ESP cards were developed and introduced by Dr. J. B. Rhine of Duke University for the purpose of testing for Extrasensory Perception. They consist of five basic symbols: Circle, Cross, Wavy Lines, Square, and Star. It is very easy to remember these symbols by using a quick and easy numbering system.
Out of stock. $7.50 $4.50
Rhine's Revenge by Clint Barron (DVD + Gimmick) One of the cleanest, fairest ESP tests we have ever seen! NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $28.99 $23.77
ESP Jumbo Anglo Deck (Blue) (BLU) ESP Jumbo Anglo Deck (blu)...
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Extra Sensory Perception by Rolf Andra - Trick E.S.P Extra Sensory Perceptionby Rolf AndraEffect An amazing effect involving two sets of ESP cards. A spectator has a free choice and shuffles the chosen set. The remaining set is taken by the magician who requests the spectator to merely think of a card. Concentrating on the spectators thoughts, t
Out of stock. $22.50 $16.88
ESP Mind Set by James Biss - Trick EffectFeaturing two exclusive presentations: "Zenerbocker" Five audience members are choosen and asked to choose any numbered seat that they feel drawn towards. The magician hands out five envelopes to be shuffled by a participant and then are handed out. The envelopes are opened and remembered. The
Out of stock. $99.00 $74.25
Evogram (Seven of Diamonds) by Jay Crowe & Eureka Magic - Trick evogram is the evolution of the traditional wiregram. You show a piece of wire and visually transform it into your spectators thought of ESP symbol or card! evogram is available in the 5 ESP symbols: star, circle, square, cross, and wave. But there's more! evogram is also available in 7 of diamonds
Out of stock. $14.95
Evogram (Eight of Hearts) by Jay Crowe & Eureka Magic - Trick evogram is the evolution of the traditional wiregram. You show a piece of wire and visually transform it into your spectators thought of ESP symbol or card! evogram is available in the 5 ESP symbols: star, circle, square, cross, and wave. But there's more! evogram is also available in 7 of diamonds
Out of stock. $14.95
Evogram (Circle) by Jay Crowe & Eureka Magic - Trick evogram is the evolution of the traditional wiregram. You show a piece of wire and visually transform it into your spectators thought of ESP symbol or card! evogram is available in the 5 ESP symbols: star, circle, square, cross, and wave. But there's more! evogram is also available in 7 of diamonds
Out of stock. $3.99
Evogram (Cross) by Jay Crowe & Eureka Magic - Trick evogram is the evolution of the traditional wiregram. You show a piece of wire and visually transform it into your spectators thought of ESP symbol or card! evogram is available in the 5 ESP symbols: star, circle, square, cross, and wave. But there's more! evogram is also available in 7 of diamonds
Out of stock. $14.95 $11.66
Evogram (Square) by Jay Crowe & Eureka Magic - Trick evogram is the evolution of the traditional wiregram. You show a piece of wire and visually transform it into your spectators thought of ESP symbol or card! evogram is available in the 5 ESP symbols: star, circle, square, cross, and wave. But there's more! evogram is also available in 7 of diamonds
Out of stock. $4.99
Evogram (Star) by Jay Crowe & Eureka Magic - Trick evogram is the evolution of the traditional wiregram. You show a piece of wire and visually transform it into your spectators thought of ESP symbol or card! evogram is available in the 5 ESP symbols: star, circle, square, cross, and wave. But there's more! evogram is also available in 7 of diamonds
Out of stock. $14.95
Evogram (Waves) by Jay Crowe & Eureka Magic - Trick evogram is the evolution of the traditional wiregram. You show a piece of wire and visually transform it into your spectators thought of ESP symbol or card! evogram is available in the 5 ESP symbols: star, circle, square, cross, and wave. But there's more! evogram is also available in 7 of diamonds
Out of stock. $4.99 $3.89
ESP Card Magic (Howard Adams Routines Part 1) Vol. 3 by Aldo Colombini - DVD THIS IS THE THIRD IN A SERIES OF DVDS DEDICATED TO TRICKS AND ROUTINES USING ESP CARDS. HOWARD ADAMS IS CERTAINLY ONE OF THE MOST PROLIFIC CREATORS WITH REGARD TO ESP CARDS. Contents: CIDENTAQUIN: One of the best routines with ESP cards. A spectator picks a card (free choice). You split the deck int
Out of stock. $10.00
Breath (ESP) by Sumit Chhajer - Trick  "A young faro lost in the desert walks aimlessly. He happens upon a beautiful stone half buried in the sand. As he blows the sand off of the stone to view it more clearly, he instantly notices a design that was not there a moment before. The design on the stone was an arrow pointing the young
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
Breath (card) by Sumit Chhajer - Trick  "A young faro lost in the desert walks aimlessly. He happens upon a beautiful stone half buried in the sand. As he blows the sand off of the stone to view it more clearly, he instantly notices a design that was not there a moment before. The design on the stone was an arrow pointing the young
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
ESP Card Magic Volume 18 by Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD Performed by Aldo Colombini. All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever.Werner Miller is certainly one of the most prolific creators with regard to ESP cards.MIXED DOUBLE: Two spectators pick a card each and they lose it in the middle of two packets. At the end of the rou
Out of stock. $10.00
ESP Card Magic Volume 20 by Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD This is the last DVD of the series! We are very proud of this series. 20 DVDs, 200 tricks and routines with ESP cards. A unique, complete collection. This is the twentieth in the series of DVDs dedicated to effects using ESP cards. A tribute to Howard Adams, Warner Miller and Nick Trist that are cer
Out of stock. $10.00
Spellbinder Volume 1 - Part 3 - by Stephen Tucker and Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD ROUTINES PERFORMED BY ALDO COLOMBINI. Spell-binder was published for three years (36 issues) by Stephen Tucker and included the best close-up magic of that time. Collaborators included: Stephen himself with over 100 routines, David Britland, Peter Duffie, Wayne Dobson, Max Maven, Joe Digman and many
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
ESP by Wayne Dobson Wayne has always been fascinated with "out" effect. They are very direct and straight to the point. The following effect was created due to an obsession of his, to get five very convincing "outs" from five ESP symbols. He has performed this effect on countless occasions, and it never fails to obtain
Out of stock. $17.50 $13.47
At the Table Live Lecture Anton James - DVD Anton James took his act "The Naked Mentalist" from concept to performing for hundreds of thousands of people in 6 MONTHS! His versatile, ready for anything approach has helped him navigate over 15 years of real world performance. This is a opportunity to learn mentalism that you can and will use.Ge
Out of stock. $9.95 $7.76
CONTROLE (Blue) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick A fabulous mentalism effect! Five predictions, each one correct! The effect is as simple as it is mysterious! 5 blank cards in 5 plastic, see-through pockets, nothing else! ROUTINE 1: ESP TEST A sticker is applied to each of the plastic pockets. You take the cards from the pockets and place them on
Out of stock. $29.95
CONTROLE (Red) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick A fabulous mentalism effect! Five predictions, each one correct! The effect is as simple as it is mysterious! 5 blank cards in 5 plastic, see-through pockets, nothing else! ROUTINE 1: ESP TEST A sticker is applied to each of the plastic pockets. You take the cards from the pockets and place them on
In stock. $29.95
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Divination ESP Test by Amazo Magic - Trick Your audience will think either you or they have mind reading abilities! With these 5 ESP cards, you will be able to present mysterious experiments to the audience. For example, after showing the 5 ESP cards, place them next to each other on the table. Ask a spectator to choose a card and put the ca
Out of stock. $19.95
Alien Mind Reading by Mariano Goi - Trick From the creator of Defiance and Coffee Cup comes the most Direct Mentalism Device. Alien Mind Reading runs on your browser, always updated! The spectator only needs a browser with internet (any device). Access the system from your phone with internet. It comes with a very special electronic gimmick
Out of stock. $250.00
Simplimental by Mark Elsdon - DVD Simplimental - Eight incredible mentalism routines that are all quickly learned and easy-to-do. Presented by, and featuring material created by, renowned magician, mentalist and TV consultant Mark Elsdon. The array of mind-tricks on Simplimental comprise real-world, professional-level material that'
Out of stock. $31.00 $24.80
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