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Copycat by David Parr (Instant Download) The trick that fooled Penn & Teller, and more importantly, entertained them. One of the highest rated tricks of all time. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Tarbell 13: Card Sleights (Instant Download) One of the most valuable lessons for anyone interested in performing great magic with a deck of cards. A GREAT FIRST LESSON EVEN IF YOU'RE NEW TO MAGIC.
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Pyrotechnic Pasteboards with Gregory Wilson (DVD Download) Forget those mind-numbing, deal down, Uncle Charlie card tricks. This is fast and furious, in-your-face card flaunting! Highly Recommended!!!
In stock. $24.95
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The Vault - False Shuffle Project by Patrick Redford video DOWNLOAD The False Shuffle Project is a must have for any stack worker! With a run time of forty-five minutes, this download provides in-depth teaching of SIX different false shuffle techniques. You'll Learn: The Dan Fishman Overhand False Shuffle The Redfish Shuffle (Perform a convincing face-up overhand sh
In stock. $10.00
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The Vault - The False Shuffles and Cuts Project by Liam Montier and Big Blind Media video DOWNLOAD There is nothing more valuable in the card magician's arsenal than the ability to convince your audience you are shuffling the deck, when in actuality you aren't. If your spectators believe the cards are being mixed, whilst all the time you retain control of their order - then you can perform true M
In stock. $30.00
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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 7 by Michael Ammar - DVD Simply the greatest collection of powerful card magic ever. Astonishing and entertaining, this classic collection of card magic is sure to knock you out. Powerful, professional material, so clearly and completely explained that you'll want to perform every effect. Beautiful production quality, a liv
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Card Stunts with Gregory Wilson (DVD) This is extremely visual card magic that hits 'em right between the eyes with speed, impact and mid-air acrobatics!
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GHOST DECK by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A new kind of haunted deck
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Counter Intuitive by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) This trick is RIDICULOUS from start to finish. Ridiculously fooling, gets more ridiculous with every phase, and is ridiculously easy to learn. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 4 by Michael Ammar - DVD The first three volumes took the magic world by storm. Consistently classic effects, broadcast quality filming and editing, free bonus effects which include the props, and teaching that is clear, concise, and effective. Each video contains ten classic effects performed before a live audience, multip
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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 8 by Michael Ammar - DVD Simply the greatest collection of powerful card magic ever.POWERFUL MAGIC.EASY TO MASTER.Astonishing and entertaining, this classic collection of card magic is sure to knock you out. Powerful, professional material, so clearly and completely explained that you'll want to perform every effect. Beauti
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Classic Renditions #4 by Michael Ammar video DOWNLOAD Learning Roll Over Aces can convince an audience you have a supernatural level of skill with a deck of cards. Here you'll learn everything-the full handling, thinking, theatrics and presentation that Michael Ammar has been performing for over 25 years. "The Tonight Show," "World's Greatest Magic," "
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In Action Set (Vol 1 thru 3) by Gregory Wilson video DOWNLOAD With snow-capped mountains and plush pine trees as the new L&L backdrop, you'll see people laughing, screaming, losing their breath and simply staring into space from pure astonishment-and that's just from the striking lake view. Greg's magic isn't so bad either. Some of the bonus footage was sh
In stock. $99.95
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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 9 by Michael Ammar - DVD Simply the greatest collection of powerful card magic ever. Astonishing and entertaining, this classic collection of card magic is sure to knock you out. Powerful, professional material, so clearly and completely explained that you'll want to perform every effect. Beautiful production quality, a liv
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Definitive Sankey Volume 1 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95
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Definitive Sankey Volume 2 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95 $67.46
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Definitive Sankey Volume 3 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
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Paul Harris Presents Daniel Garcia Project Vol #6 by Daniel Garcia - DVD In 2005, Daniel Garcia started production on a 3 volume DVD set that what was soon to become an instant classic among the magic community. With highly visual effects, and off the wall techniques, The Daniel Garcia Projects became a must-have for a new generation of magicians as well as seasoned prof
In stock. $35.00 $8.75
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Definitive Sankey (3 Book and 1 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Book 1600 pages. 500 tricks. 3 volumes. 1 mind. Welcome to The Definitive Sankey. Four years ago we (Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin) embarked on a literary journey to describe the very best of Jay Sankey's enormous body of work. The idea was simple: if you eliminate the weak tricks from Jay's unparalleled o
Out of stock. $150.00
Definitive Sankey Deluxe Edition (3 Book and 2 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Boo For the collectors, we have an extremely limited supply of Collector's Edition volumes of The Definitive Sankey. For just $250 dollars, you get special edition volumes in sleek black leatherette, plus a gorgeous slipcase, plus TWO feature-length DVDs of Jay performing the best of the best. Finally,
Out of stock. $250.00
Deep Astonishment by Paul Harris - Trick A spectator cuts a deck of cards at a random spot and remembers the card they cut to. Their card is covered with your wallet to keep it safe. You then ask the spectator to "dig deep into her mind for a personal magic word." She has a free choice of almost any word she can think of! Let`s say the spe
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Ammar Exciting World of Magic video DOWNLOAD The amazing magic, performed and clearly explained as only Michael Ammar can-including step-by-step inctructions from the perfect view, isn't the only reason to check out this download. Michael also shares his professional advice about all the things he wished he had known when first starting out in
In stock. $30.00
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Michael Ammar - Easy to Master Card Miracles - Volume 1 - DVD Volume One contains: 8 Card Brainwave (Nick Trost); Red Hot Mama (Ryan/Everhart/Leech); Acrobatic Aces; The Secret To A Perfect Royal Flush; Triumph (Dai Vernon); Further Than That (Stewart James); Las Vegas Leaper (Paul Harris)l; Cannibal Cards (Lin Searles); Card Thru Table; "A Night at the Improv
Out of stock. $35.00 $24.56
Michael Ammar - Easy to Master Card Miracles - Volume 2 - DVD Volume Two contains: Twisting The Aces (Dai Vernon); Daley's Last Trick (Dr. Jacob Daley); Card Warp (Roy Walton); Poker Routine (Dai Vernon); Poker Face (Al Baker); Overkill (Harris/Ackerman/Emberg); Card Through Handkerchief; Card Penetration Change (Cy Endfield); The Ambitious Card; Bonus Effect
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Michael Ammar - Easy to Master Card Miracles - Volume 3 - DVD Volume Three contains: Haunted Pack (Al Baker); Between The Palms (Alex Elmsley); Twins (Brother John Hamman); Title Bout (Martin Nash); Opening Stab (Nate Leipzig); Card In Wine Glass (Navio Martini/Michael Ammar); Jazz Aces (Darwin Ortiz/Peter Kane); Card In Wallet (Gary Plants/Michael Ammar) Colo
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45 with Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn 45 of the most important, most powerful, huge-reaction getting sleights in all of magic. Highly Recommended!!!
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Sankey's Secret Files Volume 2
Out of stock. $35.00 $28.00
Twenty Years of Magic by Jay Sankey Four of Jay Sankey's most popular sets of lecture notes in a single coil-bound collection!
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Sankey's Greatest Hits (3 DVDs) The essential collection for the serious close-up magician! Highly Recommended! Exclusively at Penguin!
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SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Sankey 1999 (DVD) Learn 25 extremely original effects plus 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS with coins, cards, matches, and drinking straws!
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The Sankey Sanders Sessions (2 DVDs) This is the underground hit of the year. Get ready to session with two of the most innovative minds in sleight-of-hand magic. These guys will FRY you again and again! Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $60.00 $48.00
Sankey Very Much by Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn innovative sleights and an exciting collection of original close-up plots with cards, rubber bands, sugar packets, pool chalk and even band-aids!
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Gregory Wilson JAM PACK (LIMITED QTY) LIMITED TIME OFFER "In Action" PLUS "PIP STREAK" - A practical and MASSIVE collection of miracles you can do anywhere with minimal setup.
Out of stock. $135.00 $79.95
Sleight Of Hand With Cards by Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn the sleight-of-hand secrets of professional magicians.
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Definitive Sankey SAMPLER (6 Trick PDF) Here's a taste of the 1600 pages. 500 tricks. 3 volumes. 1 mind. Welcome to The Definitive Sankey.
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Magical Arts Journal (Regular Edition) by Michael Ammar and Adam Fleischer - Book The Art and Business of Magic The Magical Arts Journal is a ground breaking magical publication devoted to both the art and business of magic that was published and edited by FISM world champion magician Michael Ammar and magic publishing and event production innovator Adam J. Fleischer. You'll find
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Royal Flush Triumph by Nguyen Quang Teo (Instant Download) An Impromptu trick in “Triumph” plot. Visual, Clean, and Easy to do….
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Canamla - By Matt Pilcher (Instant Download) PREDICT THEIR CHOSEN CARD IN ADVANCE!
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Paul Harris Presents Hand-picked Astonishments (Card Forces) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - DVD A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more! All hand-picked by Paul Harris, Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and
Out of stock. $19.95
Cut to the Chase (Instant Download) A knock-out, self-working, hands-off prediction!
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The Locking Deck (BLUE) by Tim Spinosa - Trick You have seen cards rise... But have you seen a deck unlock? The Locking Deck unlocks a creative new approach to entertaining with card magic. Imagine having a card freely selected and shuffled into the deck. Then, out of nowhere, a lock face appears on top of the cards! The magician explains that h
Out of stock. $29.95
REVOLT by SaysevenT (Instant Download) Get & Learn 3 utility Tricks includes 1 title.
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Breather Stickers (King of Diamonds) by Magic Trick Stickers - Trick Breather Stickers is a fun addition to your deck of cards. Simply add this sticker to your King of Diamonds and instantly be able to cut to it whenever you like. Use it as a key card and you or your spectator can cut to it every single time! Perfect for anyone learning or performing card magic. Alwa
Out of stock. $6.95
Vermillion by Think Nguyen - DVD Hot on the heels of Think's Debut DVD, Parallels, comes Vermillion -- a DVD packed with jaw-dropping card magic. Vermillion also explores Think's take on estimation (a power weapon for any card worker). Think is fast becoming one of the most talked-about card magicians in the world, with the top nam
In stock. $30.00 $7.50
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Card Magic Masterclass (False Shuffles and Cuts) by Roberto Giobbi - DVD Introducing THE best way to build a card magic foundation. Twenty years ago, Roberto Giobbi, card magic's most distinguished author, wrote Card College, a series of books now considered THE Bibles on card magic. This DVD teaches a full collection of false shuffles and cuts, all curated by Roberto hi
Out of stock. $25.00
Magic Encarta Presents Nubes video DOWNLOAD An easy, smooth packet cut with 2 cool displays. Nubes by cardistry champion of India's first ever Cardistry & Magic Convention - CARDMACON, Sushant!!! Available for INSTANT DOWNLOAD!!!
In stock. $2.99
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Magic Encarta Presents S-Cut video DOWNLOAD A unique twist on the L Cuts. Here's S-Cut, which looks even better when mixed with the L Cuts!! S-Cut by cardistry champion of India's first ever Cardistry & Magic Convention - CARDMACON, Sushant!!! Available for INSTANT DOWNLOAD!!!
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Magic Encarta Presents Siplay video DOWNLOAD A cool, one-handed cut with an aerial finish. Siplay by cardistry champion of India's first ever Cardistry & Magic Convention - CARDMACON, Sushant!!! Available for INSTANT DOWNLOAD !!!
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