Waxed by Lonnie Chevrie (Instant Download)
Snap off 5-6 pieces of dental floss, and FUSE THEM TOGETHER. With bare hands, in full view, a true FOOLER. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
Vince Mendoza LIVE (Instant Download)
A wide variety of wonderful and fun magic from a polished performer. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
Fluoresthread (60 meters) by PACKSMALLPLAYBIG - Trick
The best option on the market to do the gypsy thread. It is 100% cotton, easy to break and UV or blue LED light sensitive. Even with normal light, you will love this thread.
Gypsy Balloon by Tony Clark (DVD)
Tony has created the perfect presentation for this timeless secret. An awe inspiring moment of WOW you can use to close your show. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.