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At The Table Live Lecture - Peter Turner May 20th 2015 video DOWNLOAD The man, the myth, the legend himself, Peter Turner joins us for an unforgettable At the Table Experience! Peter is currently consulting on countless TV shows across the world, applying his highly sought after mentalist mind to some of the world's biggest stages. Peter is known for his bold approach
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ID7 by Rick Lax (Instant Download) A devastating piece of mind-reading using no props. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Something Old by Aire Allegro eBook DOWNLOAD In this first book of the series, Aire revisits some of her older work and breathes new life into it as only she can. These effects were first made available 5 years ago on Lybrary, and it is only now that these are being released with all of Aire's latest updates and subtleties. Discover these prev
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