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Thumb Tip Type (Grease Marker 4 mm.) Vernet These gimmicks are the most powerful tools a magician or mentalist can use. It's really very difficult to believe that with such a little and inexpensive gimmick, you can produce the quality and the quantity of effects that look like real miracles.You can write letters, numbers, check marks, etc.sur
In stock. $17.10
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Thumb Tip Type (Pencil Lead 2mm)- Vernet. These gimmicks are the most powerful tools a magician or mentalist can use. It's really very difficult to believe that with such a little and inexpensive gimmick, you can produce the quality and the quantity of effects that look like real miracles.You can write letters, numbers, check marks, etc.sur
In stock. $17.10
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Swami Thumb Writer (Pencil Lead) by Powell Magic - Trick Dave Powell's Swami Writer Trick Imagine being able to predict the amount of change in anyone's pocket, at anytime. Or imagine being able to predict a number that anyone is thinking, at anytime! That's exactly what happens with the help of the Swami Writer!
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