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AiRBAND by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Produce a rubber band visually!
In stock. $9.95
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GHOST DECK by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A new kind of haunted deck
In stock. $6.95
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BLOODYMARY by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Extract your blood and reveal a chosen card.DISCOUNTED PRICE! LIMITED TIME ONLY.
In stock. $3.00
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Devils Pad by : Arnel Renegado and RMC trick (Instant Download) A pad opens by itself on your spectators hand
In stock. $6.95
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CANDEMONIUM aka UNCANNY by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Open a soda can with the power of your mind.
In stock. $10.00
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G-MIX by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Easy to do visual gimmick
In stock. $10.00
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LIQUID and HAUNTED BOTTLE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Two amazing effects using a bottled water.
In stock. $6.95
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Choco Stuff by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A very fun and cool effect using a HERSHEY'S chocolate.
In stock. $6.95
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Exodus by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) An x mark visually move by itself.
In stock. $3.00
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iCEBERG by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A coin freeze on your spectators hand
In stock. $9.95
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Ghost Tictac by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Ghost Tictac is an effect where a tic tac candies penetrate into the box visually.
In stock. $3.00
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iGNiTER by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A self-igniting lighter
In stock. $9.95
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FROZEN FLAME by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Control a lighter with your mind
In stock. $9.95
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Gifted by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A coin vanish and found inside a pouch visually
In stock. $6.95
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iCE COLD by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Turn water into a block of ice
In stock. $9.95
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CLIPTISM by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Two amazing routines using a paper clips.
In stock. $3.00
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CAPTION by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Visually and instantly unbend,balance,and restore a bottle cap.
In stock. $3.00
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SHOCKWAVE by Arnel Renegado and RMC trick (Instant Download) A simple gimmick that allows you to create static sensation to reveal a selected card
In stock. $6.95
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Engaged by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A unique and visual linking and moving pips
In stock. $6.95
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RETRACT by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Write,Vanish,Change,Transfer.
In stock. $6.95
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EXCHANGE By Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A knacky move that is fun to perform.
In stock. $3.00
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MANHOLE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) The Ultimate Penetration
In stock. $6.95
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DEVIL BLADE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Bend and unbend a razor blade visually
In stock. $6.95
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Ghost Sharpie by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) mysteriously a sharpie is uncapped by itself
In stock. $6.95
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PSYCHO CAN by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A modern take on a classic spirit of the glass effect
In stock. $14.95
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The Vault - The Fog by Arnel Renegado video DOWNLOAD A spooky reveal that happens with their water bottle and in their own hands!You ask your spectator to choose any card they want. You borrow their bottled water and ask them to hold it between both hands. They see nothing on the bottle until an image slowly appears on the bottle -- it's their chosen
In stock. $10.00
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Creepy Card by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A self bending card, highly recommended to use it for ambitious card routine
In stock. $6.95
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BillGrave by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A card or bill penetrate on each other visually
In stock. $3.00
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UNHOLEY by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A sharpie passes through a small hole
In stock. $6.95
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Mysterious Wallet by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A bill visually appear in between your wallet
In stock. $6.95
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PLASTIC SURGERY By Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A plastic bottle heals by itself
In stock. $9.95
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MinThru by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Visually with no cover penetrate a tictac mint inside the box
In stock. $6.95
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TOUCHABLE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A new development in moving dot effect
In stock. $6.95
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LIQUID COIN by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A coin passes through in and out of the can.
In stock. $6.95
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CANDY CRASH by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Crash a tictac mint with your mind.
In stock. $4.95
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LABELIZE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A label of the tictac box vanishes and found inside .
In stock. $9.95
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The Fog by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) SALE! LIMITED TIME ONLYThe Fog is a mysterious and unique way to reveal a signed or any chosen card!
In stock. $19.95
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SINK HOLE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A sharpie visually penetrate into the face of the card
In stock. $9.95
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iNKTIOUS by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A new kind of moving ink
In stock. $9.95
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HALLUCINATION by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A gimmick that allows you to make a card from the middle appear on top
In stock. $9.95
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TORKTION by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A plastic bottle eerily open itself
In stock. $4.95
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The Hole Effect by Arnel Renegado and RMC (Instant Download) A real hole move into a card mysteriously
In stock. $4.95
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TUCK by Arnel Renegado and RMC (Instant Download) RIP the flap of the box and visually restored it
In stock. $3.00
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WONDER WALLET by Arnel Renegado and RMC (Instant Download) A wallet gimmick that allows you to produce real money visually l money
In stock. $9.95
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ARC ANGEL by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) An Angel visually comes to life.
In stock. $3.95
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WITCHCRAFT by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) An ASH Vanish, Appear, penetrate and reveal.
In stock. $9.95
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MYSTERIOUS iNK by Arnel Renegado and RMC (Instant Download) An iNK mysteriously move visually into the card.
In stock. $6.95
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FULL MOON by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) An ink jumps and change shapes from circle to half moon image.
In stock. $3.00
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DiSTORN by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A new method in torn and restored card
In stock. $9.95
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DEVIOUS DECK by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A deck of card slowly vanishes
In stock. $9.95
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TORN X by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Spectator restore the card by them self.
In stock. $9.95
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PAD MARK By Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A pad marker penetrate
In stock. $6.95
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GHOST RING by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A ring vanish and re-appear
In stock. $9.95
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Spirit by Arnel Renegado (DVD + Gimmick) Eerily rotate an ordinary bottle or bottle cap WITHOUT TOUCHING IT. The perfect feat of mental concentration, or world's best ghost story! NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $24.95
CreepyCard 2.0 by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A unique and visual rising card effect
In stock. $9.95
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TITANIUM by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Incredible rip a borrowed signed coin and visually restored in an instant.
In stock. $6.95
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Creased by Arnel Renegado (DVD + Gimmick) Welcome to RSVP's brand new release "Creased' by Arnel Renegado. A new effect that can stand alone at the end of any card routine or be THE impossible finish to your Ambitious Card Routine! When you watch the trailer, you'll think that it can't really be that good. It is! It looks like trick photogr
Out of stock. $30.00
HELLRAISER by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Make a drawing mysteriously move and rise by it self.
In stock. $6.95
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SURGE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A rubber band penetrates through a whole deck of cards.
In stock. $4.95
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TORNATE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Tear, vanish, and produce a torn piece of a playing card from your empty hand.
In stock. $4.95
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SURFACE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A tictac mysteriously melts though and escapes from a tictac box.
In stock. $4.95
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MUTATION by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Heal a wound on any part of your body.
In stock. $4.95
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SHADOW X by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Move and transfer pips from a playing card onto a spectators hand and turn into a real ink.
In stock. $4.95
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UNSEEN by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Penetrate a selected card into an entire deck of playing cards.
In stock. $4.95
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BIZZARE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A freely selected card passes through a folded card.
In stock. $3.00
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Z-BOX by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Vanish a coin and make it appear inside a box within a sealed bag.
In stock. $4.95
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MUMMIES by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Make a card or coin rise by itself
In stock. $3.95
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WRECKCUP by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Make water boil inside a Styrofoam cup causing the cup to cut in half.
In stock. $6.95
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ANDROID by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A gimmick that allows you to make a freely selected card rise from the middle onto the top of the deck.
In stock. $3.00
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HYPERCLIPS by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Impromptu linking paper clips.
In stock. $3.95
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LEAKAGE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Create a hole in a plastic bottle or soda can and instantly heal it.
In stock. $3.95
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THE HAUNTED RING by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A ring mysteriously moves on and off of your finger.
In stock. $6.95
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E-WALLET by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Bills instantly appear inside your empty wallet
In stock. $3.00
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INMATE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A freely selected card passes right through a whole pack of cards and end up sandwiched into two jokers
In stock. $3.95
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REtab by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Rip a soda can tab and instantly fuse it back.
In stock. $6.95
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UNFOLD by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A bill and a playing card mysteriously unfold by itself.
In stock. $6.95
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HAVOX by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A card box opens by itself.
In stock. $3.95
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CREASE EFFECT by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Make a card crease jump,appear and vanish visually.
In stock. $6.95
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WITCHCRAFT IV by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A chosen card slowly appear and revealed on playing card box tab just by holding it.
In stock. $6.95
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SURFACE II by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A very visual penetration of a tictac into the tictac box.
In stock. $6.95
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SLIDER by Arnel Renegado and RMC trick (Gimmick + Download) A dot mark moves by itself and then vanishes. list price .95
In stock. $19.95
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THE HIVE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Make a borrowed ring, nail, key, paper clip move and rise by itself!
In stock. $6.95
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CELSIUS by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A coin heat at your finger tips
In stock. $6.95
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SCARECOIN by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Move object and perform the easiest haunted deck effect using a coin
In stock. $9.95
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GHOST BAND by Arnel Renegado and RMC trick (Instant Download) The best opener for any rubber bands routine
In stock. $3.00
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SOLID by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) With a wave of the hand a coin melted and fused on your spectators hand
In stock. $6.95
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3CHANGE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A visual coin into a bill change
In stock. $3.00
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HELLRAISER 2 by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Mysteriously make a drawing rise.
In stock. $6.95
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OMNi Band by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Super visual rubberband effect
In stock. $10.00
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INFECTED by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A dot mark vanish and found on spectators hand
In stock. $6.95
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RIPRAGE by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Rip a card and make it jump into another corner
In stock. $9.95 $6.95
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WITHIN by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Effects that will change your coffee experience
In stock. $6.95
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POSSESS Haunted Can by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A can rattles and mysteriously moves by itself.
In stock. $6.95
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POSSESS INTOUCH by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) A unique haunted bill effect.
In stock. $6.95
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CreepyCoin by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) Mysteriously change the color of any coin into black
In stock. $6.95
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REBAND by Arnel Renegado (Instant Download) With a shake you cause a rubber band to restore.
In stock. $6.95
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