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One Car Garage trick - Sankey An Animated Miracle With A Pack Of Cards EFFECT: The spectator selects and signs a card. The magician draws a small "garage door" on the back of the card. Then, slowly and in full view of everyone present, the drawing of the garage door is impossibly SLID OPEN to reveal a car parked inside! The
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Wishbone by Paul Harris and Bro Gilbert An impossible souvenir with two wood coffee stirrers. They can even be signed! Snap off two ends, put them in her hand.The two initialed pieces impossibly melt into a single seamless "wishbone"...which she can keep forever and ever. Be a Star at Starbucks...or wherever you hang out for coffee. Very
Out of stock. $34.95
Switchcraft by Greg Wilson and Karl Hein (DVD) TWO master magicians. SIX field-tested money MIRACLES.
Out of stock. $35.00
Out of stock. $89.95
Revolution by Greg Wilson This ingenious device lets you spin ANY deck of cards on the tip of your finger. Easy to do and works with any cards! LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $34.95 $31.46
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Paul Harris Presents Phone Phreak by Jeff Prace & Paul Harris (iPhone 4) Paul Harris PresentsPhone PhreakCreated by Jeff Prace The PHREAKY automatic bill change! Nothing to palm, ditch, or steal. Everything can be examined! "This is literally the best idea involving a cell phone I've ever seen. Versatile, visual, and the method is revolutionary. If you have an iPhone, yo
Out of stock. $44.95
Paul Harris Presents Phone Phreak by Jeff Prace & Paul Harris (iPhone 5) Paul Harris PresentsPhone PhreakCreated by Jeff Prace The PHREAKY automatic bill change! Nothing to palm, ditch, or steal. Everything can be examined! "This is literally the best idea involving a cell phone I've ever seen. Versatile, visual, and the method is revolutionary. If you have an iPhone, yo
Out of stock. $44.95
Paul Harris Presents Phone Phreak by Jeff Prace & Paul Harris (iPhone 6) Paul Harris PresentsPhone PhreakCreated by Jeff Prace The PHREAKY automatic bill change! Nothing to palm, ditch, or steal. Everything can be examined! "This is literally the best idea involving a cell phone I've ever seen. Versatile, visual, and the method is revolutionary. If you have an iPhone, yo
Out of stock. $44.95
Jay Sankey LIVE (DVD) Jay Sankey shared TONS of real-world usable magic AND some killer theory in this 3 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $29.95
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Street Thief by Paul Harris (U.S. Dollar) Paul Harris Presents Street Thiefby A.G. The Super Human Pickpocket Gimmick Make your wallet instantly vanish and re-appear in a SPECTATOR'S POCKET! All you need is the special Street Thief Wallet and you'll always be ready to steal the spotlight! WATCH THE DEMO NOW Easy to do Spectator places and r
In stock. $39.95 $19.98
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Street Thief by Paul Harris (British Pound) Paul Harris PresentsStreet Thiefby A.G.The Super Human Pickpocket GimmickMake your wallet instantly vanish and re-appear in a SPECTATOR'S POCKET!All you need is the special Street Thief Wallet and you'll always be ready to steal the spotlight!WATCH THE DEMO NOWEasy to do Spectator places and removes
Out of stock. $39.95
Street Thief by Paul Harris (Japanese Yen) Paul Harris PresentsStreet Thiefby A.G.The Super Human Pickpocket GimmickMake your wallet instantly vanish and re-appear in a SPECTATOR'S POCKET!All you need is the special Street Thief Wallet and you'll always be ready to steal the spotlight!WATCH THE DEMO NOWEasy to do Spectator places and removes
Out of stock. $39.95
Out of stock. $39.95
Jay Sankey's Revolutionary Coin Magic - Plus 30 Minutes of Bonus Material (DVD) The absolute best coin magic DVD on the market. Imagine being able to entertain with just the coins in your pocket - anytime, anywhere! Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $40.00
Snowstorm by Jay Sankey (Trick Only) With this innovative card magic trick you will be able to make a drawing on a signed card come to life!
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
In a Flash by Jay Sankey The hottest card trick in magic! Ultra visual. Huge reactions every time!!!
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Astral Projection by Jay Sankey A brand new self-working mentalism effect guaranteed to astonish lay people and magicians alike!
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Jay Sankey's Earplugs Refill Pack Includes four bright yellow "earplug"sponges, specially designed for maximum visibility and ease of handling. Video not included.
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
Streeetch! by Jay Sankey A wand visually stretches to 6 times its size!
Out of stock. $14.95
On the Spot with Gregory Wilson (2 Volumes on 1 DVD!) On the Spot is a guerilla course in performing impromptu magic. The material is so strong, you could show up at your next gig with no other magic and still entertain the daylights out of them!!!
Out of stock. $49.95
Public Transit by Jay Sankey The most VISUAL and EASIEST "travelling hole" with a SIGNED card EVER! Highly Recommended!!!
Out of stock. $12.00 $0.52
45 with Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn 45 of the most important, most powerful, huge-reaction getting sleights in all of magic. Highly Recommended!!!
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Dishonest Abe by Gregory Wilson A jumbo penny routine that anyone can learn! Highly Recommended!!!
Out of stock. $19.95
Lip Smacker by Paul Harris Pouring a couple of breath mints onto someone's hand is one of the most natural social interactions known to modern man (and woman).
Out of stock. $19.95
Cardian Angel by Paul Harris This effect is HIGHLY VISUAL. The Animated Angel Finds Your Friend's Card... AND Their Name!
In stock. $15.00 $7.50
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Twilight Angels by Paul Harris Vanish an angel off the back of a bicycle card!!! A beautiful effect! It's visually stunning, unexpected, and memorable!!! Highly recommended!!!
Out of stock. $15.00
Sankey's Secret Files Volume 2
Out of stock. $35.00 $28.00
Jay Sankey's Amazing Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do - Vol.1 (DVD) Magic for beginners, taught by a world-renowned master! Hands down the best beginner's guide to magic out there.
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Twenty Years of Magic by Jay Sankey Four of Jay Sankey's most popular sets of lecture notes in a single coil-bound collection!
Out of stock. $19.95 $15.96
Jay Sankey's 3 Ring Circus (DVD + Rings) Finally! A breathtaking linking ring routine with ORDINARY OBJECTS that can be EXAMINED before and after! Plus: 8 BRAND NEW Sankey routines with cards, coins and dollar bills!
Out of stock. $39.95
Transfusion by Jay Sankey A Bloody Good Card Trick. EASY TO DO! Comes With Specially Printed Cards. That's just the half of it. Two tricks in one...
In stock. $13.13
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Jay Sankey's Amazing Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do - Volumes 1-2 (DVD) Magic for beginners, taught by a world-renowned master!
Out of stock. $50.00 $40.00
Jay Sankey's Amazing Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do - Volume 2 (DVD) Astound friends and family!
In stock. $25.00 $20.00
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Sankey's Greatest Hits (3 DVDs) The essential collection for the serious close-up magician! Highly Recommended! Exclusively at Penguin!
Out of stock. $74.95
Jay Sankey's ORIGINAL Wrap It Up! (Trick Only) A lump of bubble gum instantly wraps itself up in full view!
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.60
Amazing Psychic Feats Anyone Can Do with Jay Sankey (DVD) For ages 10 to 80! Whether you are in grade school, a college graduate, or even a grandfather, you too can learn the closely guarded secrets behind a collection of incredible psychic illusions!
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
One and Only Trick by Paul Harris & Tony MaClaren An Invisible Deck without the deck!
Out of stock. $19.95
22 Blows to the Head by Jay Sankey (DVD) From the mind of one of magic's most creative thinkers comes a mind-blowing collection of psychic effects!
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.00
Out of stock. $45.00 $36.00
SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Sankey 1999 (DVD) Learn 25 extremely original effects plus 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS with coins, cards, matches, and drinking straws!
Out of stock. $29.95
The Sankey Sanders Sessions (2 DVDs) This is the underground hit of the year. Get ready to session with two of the most innovative minds in sleight-of-hand magic. These guys will FRY you again and again! Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $60.00 $48.00
Sankey Very Much by Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn innovative sleights and an exciting collection of original close-up plots with cards, rubber bands, sugar packets, pool chalk and even band-aids!
In stock. $29.95
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Private Property by Jay Sankey This KILLER mentalism gimmick will keep an EYE on the pack no matter where you're looking! Highly Recommended!
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Jay Sankey's Revolutionary Card Magic (DVD) Over FOUR HOURS of powerful techniques to MAXIMIZE your impact with a deck in front of REAL spectators. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. NOW SHIPPING.
Out of stock. $60.00 $40.00
Boris Pocus Extremely Mental (DVD + Book) HE'S NOT FAKING IT! Boris Pocus is truly mental. In fact, since his first mental experience at the age of two with a frog in the grass behind his father's gas station...
Out of stock. $29.95
Jay Sankey's FIRESTARTERS (DVD) The Real Secrets to Getting Dates with Close-Up Magic & Mentalism.
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.00
MERCURING by Jay Sankey (Trick Only) (Reg. Size 11) The penetration looks CRAZY and the re-set is automatic! Whether you work the street or the tables, this one's for you!
Out of stock. $20.00 $16.00
Jay Sankey's HOLY MOLY! (DVD + Trick) "The most devastating coin routine I have ever created." -- Jay Sankey
Out of stock. $29.95 $24.95
Front Row Sankey (DVD) FINALLY HERE! Your chance to see Sankey work for real people.
Out of stock. $29.95
Gregory Wilson's Double Take (DVD) HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO THAT? You'll hear this and more when you master the double lift - the most vital move in card magic.
Out of stock. $35.00
Deep Astonishment II by Paul Harris & Rodney Whitlock Everything about Deep Astonishment has been improved, simplified, and beautified!
Out of stock. $45.00
Sankey-Tized Volume 1 (DVD) Great routines for using ordinary objects.
Out of stock. $29.95
Omnilope by Jay Sankey (DVD + Gimmick) An incredible switching device! The ingenious OMNILOPE design combines the powerful visual element of a clear switch bag with the angle-proof practicality of traditional switch bags. Even better, OMNILOPE features a very ordinary-looking white paper envelope! The combination of all those valuable qu
Out of stock. $24.95
Sankey-Tized Volume 2 (DVD) This is how Jay got the attention of the world!
Out of stock. $29.95
Paul Harris Presents Darryl Vanamburg's "Black Widow" Could this make sleight of hand obsolete?
Out of stock. $250.00
Snowstorm by Jay Sankey (DVD + trick) With this innovative card magic trick you will be able to make a drawing on a signed card come to life!
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Joe Russell's DIS JOINTED Arm Twist (DVD) DIS JOINTED is a revolutionary new method for "Shinko's classic Arm Twist" that turns the screws on the scream factor.
Out of stock. $19.95
The Incredible Shrinking Finger by Dan Hauss (Additional handling by Paul Harris) "SHRINK YOUR VERY OWN PINKIE INTO A WEIRD STUMPY THING"
Out of stock. $20.00
Juan Hundred Dollar Bill Switch by Doug McKenzie (DVD) Destined to become the new standard in bill switches...
Out of stock. $35.00
Paul Harris Presents Hand-picked Astonishments (Invisible Deck) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - DVD A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more! All hand-picked by Paul Harris, Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and
In stock. $19.95 $9.98
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Paul Harris Presents Hand-picked Astonishments (Thumb Tips) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - DVD A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more! All hand-picked by Paul Harris, Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and
Out of stock. $19.95
MONEY (Euro) by Nahuel Olivera - Trick The magician holds an envelope in his hand and tells his audience that he has a euro banknote inside and that this will serve as his prediction. He announces that this bill is only one among the seven existing possibilities (5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500). A spectator freely selects one of these s
Out of stock. $35.00 $17.50
Stars Of Magic #2 (Paul Harris) - DVD Paul Harris is regarded as one of the most creative forces in the history of magic. Innovative methods, entertaining plots and great audience appeal are hallmarks of Paul's effects. PAUL HARRISIMMACULATE CLOSE-UP! (VOL 4)Bleached Blackjack The J.A.P.H. Maneuver Mondo Nifty False Count Cellophan
Out of stock. $14.95 $12.26
STACKED (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Christopher Dearman and Uday - Trick There's not much people get excited over more than money! Not just money, but STACKS of it!STACKED is the ultimate in money magic. EFFECT:Imagine you take a pack of cards from the box, and while holding the cards you pass your finger through the deck asking someone to stay stop. They remember the ca
In stock. $30.00
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Unholy by Jay Sankey - Trick UNHOLY' requires only basic sleight-of-hand! Comes complete with printed instructions and 3 specially machined washers! Looks exactly like an ORDINARY 'hardware store washer!' VISUAL close-up magic at its best! Great on its own or performed with HOLY MOLY and HOLY STRETCH! Perform countless effects
Out of stock. $20.00 $16.00
W.M.D. (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Seth Race - Trick "If you're looking for a WTF moment... W.M.D. has got it for you!!!" - Eric Jones "I love this hyper-visual modern take on the Matrix, made for the worker in mind!!" - Rodney Reyes "I'm a huge fan of Matrix effects and what I just saw blew my mind! I'll be waiting by the mailbox for this one. Love i
Out of stock. $35.00
Envylope Refill (3) - Trick Refill pack comes with three envelopes for Paul Harris Presents Envylope.Note: Instructions are not included.
Out of stock. $14.95
Definitive Sankey Volume 1 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95
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Definitive Sankey Volume 2 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95 $67.46
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Definitive Sankey Volume 3 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95 $67.46
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Foreign Affair by Gregory Wilson - Trick EffectThe magician explains how he makes money while traveling the world by taking advantage of currency exchange rates in various countries. Starting with a one-dollar bill (green), he folds it in half to reveal an Australian note (bright green). Folds it in half again to reveal a twenty-euro note
Out of stock. $20.00 $16.40
pal Short & Sweet video Sankey Short & Sweet video Sankey
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
pal Sankey Very Much video Sankey Very Much video
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
pal Jay Sankey Live video Jay Sankey Live video
Out of stock. $29.95 $23.96
pal Sankey 99 video Sankey 99 video
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
pal 45 video Jay Sankey A DVD for the entire magic world! 55-minutes of Jay Sankey on DVD totally without dialogue! 45 doesn't require that you know the English language, or any other language for that matter, as there's simply an acid jazz soundtrack accompanying Jay while he demonstrates an astonishing forty-five of
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Supermagic by Paul Harris - Book Look! Up in the sky. It's a Goshman. It's a Dingle. NO, it's - SUPER MAGIC! This book is about a strange being from the West Coast possessing miraculous skills and incredible ideas. SUPER MAGIC. Able to create innovative routines at a single bound. Faster than a speeding billet. More powerful than a
Out of stock. $13.50 $10.39
Slay Bells Trick Jay Sankey Three small bells are shown to the audience. Two of the bells ring and one doesn't. The magician mixes them around on the table ala "Three Card Monte" and the spectator chooses the wrong bell twice in a row! To finish, the performer causes the sound from one bell to mysteriously travel to another b
Out of stock. $16.00 $12.80
Sankey Panky book Sankey Panky contains the kind of close-up magic that'll knock your socks off. It's ingenious, it's startling, it's innovative and it's all the creation of Jay Sankey. Written and illustrated with pictures that seem to move in the style for which he is world famous, Richard Kaufman once again brings
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.95
Sankedelic book Jay Sankey The notes from Jay's 2001 lecture tour! 9 honest-to-goodness miracles with cards, borrowed bills, sugar packets, credit cards, finger rings and even a chop cup! Including: Raising Sugar Cane-the cleanest torn & restored sugar packet in the world! Pandora's Envelope-a signed card VISIBLY appears i
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.60
Quick Copy trick Sankey One by one, three blank playing cards become "copies" of a freely selected card. The first an ordinary copy, the second a "reduced" copy and the last an "enlarged" copy! And at the end, all the cards may be closely examined! With its super visual moments and instant reset, this powerful effect is
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Las Vegas Close-Up by Paul Harris - Book Las Vegas Close-up by Paul Harris Effect Lots of new material from this wild and crazy and CLEVER young man. This one is actually written in ENGLISH! Softbound, 150 pages, tons of illustrations.
Out of stock. $13.50 $10.13
Naked Angels on Bikes by Paul Harris - Tricks EffectPrinted on the back of every card in a deck of Bicycle playing cards are two naked angels on bicycles. These two separate angels have been riding toward each other for all eternity...doomed to never meet. Bummer! But perhaps just this one time, with your help, we can bring these clothing-chall
Out of stock. $21.00 $15.75
Memorable Images book Jay Sankey One of Jay's "earliest" sets of lecture notes. Including: The Tragicomic Keys-two keys change places in a series of startling moments! The Price of Admission-an astonishing torn & restored movie ticket. A real magician fooler! Sugarless Gum-a gum wrapper comes to life and wraps itself around a c
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
Measles Deck Jay Sankey EffectAfter taking a card with the measles out of his pocket, the magician causes an entire pack of cards, at first one-by-one, then suddenly all at once, to also get the measles! A contagious, easy-to-perform effect great for audiences of any age. Comes complete with specially-printed deck on Hoyle
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
2003 Sankey Lecture Notes Didn't have a chance to catch Jay on his most recent lecture tour? No problem, you can still get the notes. Jay's 2003 notes contain: They Know Under the Influence Bullet Proof Coins Across Re-Enactment $100 Top Change Dowsing New Arrivals Drawing a Blank Echo 14 pages, staplebound
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Inner Circle by Paul Harris - Book Effect: A card is selected from a borrowed deck, returned and the cards are shuffled. A rubber band is stretched around the deck, and the band visibly melts away! One card then emerges from the deck, it's the selected card with the rubber band around it!There is no preparation, no gimmicks and no fo
Out of stock. $5.00 $3.90
Drop Zone trick Jay Sankey The perfect card effect for both stand-up and walk-around performers! A card is selected, returned to the deck and a spectator shuffles the pack. Two other spectators hold a handkerchief between them, forming a cloth table and the pack is placed on top. The spectator merely thinks of her card as
Out of stock. $16.00 $12.80
Close-Up Seductions by Paul Harris - Book EffectPaul Harris has created some of the most original effects ever invented in magic and in Close-up Seductions Paul reveals many more of these fine routines. Another classic Paul Harris publication. Pages 152 - Hardbound
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.40
Close Up Entertainer by Paul Harris - Book A Robbins Publication of Paul Harris' Close-Up Entertainer Book including magic of cards, coins, cigarettes, Wax Lips, and many more. 29 Tricks including Ackerman's Face Lift. Paul Harris' tricks are illustrated with detailed descriptions. Also a classical move that every magician performing a matri
Out of stock. $18.00 $14.04
Close Up Fantasies Finale by Paul Harris - Book 19 vintage Paul Harris creations, including: The Vacuum Cleaner Card Case, Torn and Restored Deck, Thumb Break, Very Strange Exchange, Just Call Me Mr. Wonderful, The Incredible Shrinking Hand, Electric Aces, and many more. Pages 175 - Hardbound
Out of stock. $17.50 $13.47
Behind the 8 Ball trick - Sankey Effect: Here's a fun routine for the classic Two In The Hand, One In The Pocket. You approach your audience with a closed fist and ask someone to guess what's inside. Finally, you tell them..."8 Balls!" With that you open your hand to reveal three miniature 8 Balls. You place one ball in your pock
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
Paul Harris Presents Daniel Garcia Project Vol #1 by Daniel Garcia - DVD Paul Harris presents the Daniel Garcia Project! Daniel Garcia absolutely fries the most discerning spectators, using the best of both classic effects and real-world technique updated with some new stuff that only Daniel could have created. Volume 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed: Starts where most All Back
Out of stock. $35.00
Paul Harris Presents Daniel Garcia Project Vol #3 by Daniel Garcia - DVD Paul Harris presents the Daniel Garcia Project! Daniel Garcia absolutely fries the most discerning spectators, using the best of both classic effects and real-world technique updated with some new stuff that only Daniel could have created. Volume 3: Your journey through the Daniel Garcia Project con
Out of stock. $35.00
Firestarters by Jay Sankey - DVD The Real Secrets to Getting Dates with Close-Up Magic & Mentalism!Your love life will never be the same!Featuring 17 brand new MAXIMUM INTIMACY close-up and mentalism effects, this DVD is guaranteed to turn up the heat between you and your audience! At the same time, Jay teaches you exactly how
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.00
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