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Premise Power & Participation Vol. 1 by David Regal and L & L Publishing - DVD Vol. 1PREMISE Look at Me, I'm Special (unpublished) - A four-Ace production that leads to an ultra-clean moment of magic. Carried Away (from Constant Fooling) - An any-deck, any time incredible transportation. Eight Ball (from Constant Fooling) - Ink slides off a playing card and forms itself into a
In stock. $10.00 $5.00
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Premise Power & Participation Vol. 3 by David Regal and L & L Publishing - DVD Vol. 3PARTICIPATION Lucky Seven (from Constant Fooling) - An incredible self-working prediction effect, presented complete with Regal's latest touches. Control Yourself (from Constant Fooling) - A shuffled-deck impossibility. Two spectators are given the ability to find their own selections. Clandes
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Premise Power & Participation Vol. 2 by David Regal and L & L Publishing - DVD Vol. 2POWER Isolated Force (from Close-Up & Personal) - A unique and convincing force of a card in which the back of the card is never seen. Half & Half (from Star Quality) - A signed card changes color in an atypical fashion. Perfectly Oiled (from Star Quality) - A very clear Oil & Wate
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Vernon Revelations #1 (1 and 2) - DVD History was made September 2-6, 1982 in a filming studio in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, as the life and magic of Dai Vernon was permanently recorded for future generations. Inspired by Bill Larsen, the project was undertaken by Videonics, owned and operated by Hans Zahn. The co-hosts of the fi
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Bar Magic Doc Eason (Vol #3) - DVD Your front row seat is reserved for this rare, in-depth look at the working repertoire of the master bar magician of our time. Peppered with lines, bar bits and jokes, this "Doc"umentary features guarded, highly commercial secrets which bring celebrities and locals back again and again. Twenty years
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Harlan Kids Birthday Show - DVD How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Video and DVD serie
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It's The Rules ( DICE ROUTINE ) by Bob Sheets - DVD Bob Sheets has taken the Sachs Dice Routine, and cranked it up a serious notch! Magicians are being fooled by the new and deceptive handling. It's just not the same trick anymore. IT'S THE RULES can be performed anywhere, anytime, and without any set-up. You'll love the killer climax! What People Ar
In stock. $25.00 $12.50
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World's Greatest Magic: Triumph Vol. 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD If card magicians were to make a list of what they believed were the most powerful effects in card magic, Dai Vernon's Triumph would almost certainly be on every list. Though the plot of Triumph - cards mixed face-up and face-down magically righting themselves while at the same time revealing a sele
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World's Greatest Magic: Magic With Everyday Objects - DVD Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place.Imagine no more...The Secrets ofMAGIC WITH EVERYDAY OBJECTSperform miracles with ordinary items that people see and use everyday.If you could have one set of magic DVDs, this would be it! This benchmark collection fe
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Vernon Revelations #3 (5 and 6)- DVD History was made September 2-6, 1982 in a filming studio in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, as the life and magic of Dai Vernon was permanently recorded for future generations. Inspired by Bill Larsen, the project was undertaken by Videonics, owned and operated by Hans Zahn. The co-hosts of the fi
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Harlan All Purpose Show - DVD How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Video and DVD serie
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World's Greatest Magic: Triumph Vol. 3 by L&L Publishing - DVD If card magicians were to make a list of what they believed were the most powerful effects in card magic, Dai Vernon's Triumph would almost certainly be on every list. Though the plot of Triumph - cards mixed face-up and face-down magically righting themselves while at the same time revealing a sele
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - Pen and Tell'er Dan Harlan's Karate Cap; Pocket Change; A Quart Low; Ye Old 1089 Tricke; Van Gogh Vanish Section 2 - Reservations Required Dan Harlan's Invisible Cow; Minera
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World's Greatest Magic: Ring on Rope - DVD On this DVD, you'll find seven different approaches to the Ring on Rope from six masters. Aldo Colombini begins and ends this volume with two distinctly different - and decidedly Aldo-esque - routines. The first combines a plastic ring, a length of rope and some great gags into a routine that will a
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GREED Starring Daniel Garcia (DVD) The complete routine with FOUR ULTRA-VISUAL PHASES and THE KICKER ENDING that leaves everybody laughing. VINTAGE GARCIA. Highly recommended!
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Very Best of Gary Ouellet (Vol 3) by L&L Publishing - DVD He was a trusted advisor to some of magic's biggest stars. Now, see the man behind the legend and his own incredible close-up illusions.Gary Ouellet has written several excellent books and he was also the producer of the "World's Greatest Magic" television specials. He was most knowledgeable in all
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Vernon Revelations #2 (3 and 4)- DVD History was made September 2-6, 1982 in a filming studio in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, as the life and magic of Dai Vernon was permanently recorded for future generations. Inspired by Bill Larsen, the project was undertaken by Videonics, owned and operated by Hans Zahn. The co-hosts of the fi
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Banachek's PSI Series Vol 3 - DVD Do you want to find a needle in a haystack? Using the power of your mind and a little help from your volunteer, you can find anything through your heightened sense of touch. Almost anything you can do in mentalism can be re-enacted using Psychophysiological ThoughtReading. This DVD also includes Ban
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Stars Of Magic #5 (Bernard Bilis) - DVD Bernard Bilis is France's leading card magician. His moves and techniques are totally original.  You will enjoy his subtleties and clever routines.  BERNARD BILIS (VOL 9)It's Really Wild Open Travellers Cut & Restored Card Envelope Prediction & Bilis Switch Watch, Watch My Watch Sa
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Essential Aldo Vol 1 by Aldo Colombini - DVD JOKER DILEMMA - A spectator selects a card, which is shown to match the performer's prediction. The audience suspects that the cards are all the same which the performer confirms. However, they're all Jokers!DRAW A BLANK - A card, freely thought of by a spectator, is found to be the only printed car
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Essential Aldo Vol 2 by Aldo Colombini - DVD POCKET REPEAT - Aldo takes the best elements of the Six Card Repeat and Card to Pocket and combines them into a new magic classic.4'WAVE - Aldo's version of Phil Goldstein's neo-classic "B'wave" with regular cards. This also features a forcing system that you'll find dozens of additional uses for.HY
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 2 by Dan Harlan - DVD --Blaine Watch--The Ashes on the Palm trick was used by David Blaine on his Street Magic Special.  Dan Harlan teaches a wonderful version of this in this DVD. Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - We'r
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In Action Volume 1 by Gregory Wilson - DVD EffectThe Backstage Pass - This has been Greg's secret weapon for fooling the very best magicians all over the world. No flash. No noise. No detection. Body Piercing - A coin penetrates your hand and then the spectator's hand in a very surprising way. You have to experience this "first hand!" Weight
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Art Of Astonishment by Paul Harris - DVD Paul Harris is perhaps the single most creative force magic has ever had to offer. Known for his offbeat effects, natural presentation, and deceptive methods, Paul has been on the cutting edge of close-up magic for over two decades. On this DVD you will be treated to nine astonishing "pieces of stra
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Armstrong Magic Vol. 1 by Jon Armstrong - DVD Jon Armstrong has made a living with his quick wit and a deck of cards for most of his life and the material in his exciting new DVD series is right out of his working repertoire. Learn how to turn boring card tricks into entertaining card magic! Jon Armstrong has performed for some of the world's m
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Magic and Mentalism of Barrie Richardson Vol 1 by Barrie Richardson and L&L - DVD VOLUME ONE - PLATFORM MAGIC Ovation Position - A surprising opening routine that involves the entire audience and ends with the production of a huge glass of water - and no gimmick is required! Impossible Knot Routine - A metaphor for how most of us say something is impossible when in fact it can be
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Magic and Mentalism of Barrie Richardson Vol 3 by Barrie Richardson and L&L - DVD VOLUME THREE - MENTAL AEROBICS: MEMORY AND METAPHOR Quartet - Playing cards are fairly shuffled by a spectator and yet, when the cards are distributed to four participants, the performer reveals them with stunning speed and inerrancy. This is an extremely commercial effect that looks and feels like
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Stargazer by Alan Wong and JB Magic - DVD Star gazer now comes with a step by step instructional DVD. After performing crazy mans handcuffs or any other rubber band effects, you offer to show your spectator one last trick. Using the SAME TWO rubber bands, you make several different shapes. These shapes are all pretty cool. Finally you make
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Mentalities By Stefan Olschewski - DVD Get to know one of Germany's top mentalists and multi-award winner with this amazing 2 DVD set. MENTALITIES by Stefan Olschewski presents a complete, one hour show, filmed in front of a live audience. Experience a new way of mentalism. No boring revelations or pseudo mysterious patter - just cr
In stock. $50.00 $25.00
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Complete Intro to Coin Magic by Michael Ammar - DVD World-champion magician, Michael Ammar will give you easy, step-by-step instructions on how to astonish people with the coins in your pocket! By understanding what to do and when to do it, you'll be able to perform an endless amount of magic. This material on this DVD is different from any other bec
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Stars Of Magic Volume 4 (Derek Dingle) - DVD The only video currently available from this master of close-up magic. Dingle's reputation as one of the world's best sleight-of-hand artists is unsurpassed. DEREK DINGLE (VOL 8)We'll Twist Elmsley Aces Universal Card Bertram Coin Assembly All Backs Cigarette Through Quarter"A magician's magici
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In Action Volume 2 by Gregory Wilson - DVD KISSING UP - If you must resort to using magic to meet women, this is it! Admittedly, Greg has used this successfully and shamelessly for many years. VANISH 5000 - The contents of a sugar packet cleanly and cleverly vanish without a trace--- and without a thumbtip! the author of Magic for Dummies pr
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Extreme Coin Magic by Joe Rindfleisch - DVD Coin magic beyond your wildest imaginings!Unfettered by coin magic's time - worn traditional plots, Joe Rindfleisch has invented some of the most creative magic with coins ever developed and on this digital extravaganza, you'll be able to see - and learn - it all! There's almost two and a half hours
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Multiplicity by Max Maven (DVD) Control the all-consuming question of free choice vs destiny. Learn the techniques of the grand master himself. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 7 by Michael Ammar - DVD Simply the greatest collection of powerful card magic ever. Astonishing and entertaining, this classic collection of card magic is sure to knock you out. Powerful, professional material, so clearly and completely explained that you'll want to perform every effect. Beautiful production quality, a liv
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Larry Jennings Classic Magic - DVD Larry Jennings was one of the most prolific creators of close-up and card magic the world has ever known. For over 35 years, his name was synonymous with the upper echelon of the magic world. As one of Dai Vernon's foremost students, he created magical effects that have become standards in just abou
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Banachek's PSI Series Vol 4 - DVD Learn how to bend cold, hard steel with the "power of your mind." Make physical objects move, twist and curl up like a wet noodle at will. In true Banachek style, each move, gesture and psychological subtlety is covered in detail. This DVD stands alone from Banachek's previous work by presenting new
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Banachek's PSI Series Vol 1 - DVD Make a pen stand up and write the exact word a spectator is thinking . . . all by itself! Predict a corporate image chosen by a CEO! Reveal the serial number of a borrowed dollar bill. All these and more are included in this DVD.These effects run the gamut from psychokinesis, telepathy, predictions
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The Al Schneider Technique Vol 2 Close up by L&L Publishing - DVD More than just a collection of tricks, the material demonstrated and taught in the second volume of Al Schneider's landmark video series could easily form the backbone of an entire close-up act! Master any of these magical showpieces and you'll quickly earn a reputation for performing professional-c
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Expert Topiting Made Easy by Carl Cloutier - DVD Learn to make your magic MORE POWERFUL from the World Champion of Close-Up Magic!Building on the basics popularized by Michael Ammar and Patrick Page, Carl Cloutier has taken the Topit and turned it into an art form.Carl's use of the Topit transcends simple vanishes; he uses the Topit as a third han
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Docc Hilford: Curse Of Monster Mentalism Volume 2 - DVD Mentalism is killing people - but not in a good way. Death by dullness. However a MONSTER is loose. A creature that's set on revenge. Vowing to destroy a contemporary tediousness that's growing like a cancer. Tear away from the safety of your father's mentalism. Give yourself completely to the curse
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Docc Hilford: Bride Of Monster Mentalism Volume 3 - DVD A dreadfully seductive beauty has emerged from the depths. She begins by humorously entertaining her victims and leaves them with an insatiable urge to believe in her awful abilities. This bride is dangerous. She is MENTALISM!Docc Hilford is the crazed creator of the renowned Cassandra Deck, author
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Armstrong Magic Vol. 2 by Jon Armstrong - DVD Jon Armstrong has made a living with his quick wit and a deck of cards for most of his life and the material in his exciting new DVD series is right out of his working repertoire. Learn how to turn boring card tricks into entertaining card magic! Jon Armstrong has performed for some of the world's m
In stock. $35.00 $8.75
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Armstrong Magic Vol. 3 by Jon Armstrong - DVD Jon Armstrong has made a living with his quick wit and a deck of cards for most of his life and the material in his exciting new DVD series is right out of his working repertoire. Learn how to turn boring card tricks into entertaining card magic! Jon Armstrong has performed for some of the world's m
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Encased (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by David Forrest - Trick This is the all new updated version of the best-selling 'Encased'. The easiest, most versatile and most practical 'signed card to card case' system ever devised.It's hard to overstate the ease with which the 'Encased' system allows you to cause a spectator's signed card to suddenly appear inside the
In stock. $26.00 $6.50
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Art of Magic by Wayne Houchin - DVD Wayne Houchin's Art of Magic is a groundbreaking instructional DVD on classic and contemporary magic tricks. This 120 minute - performance and instructional DVD features a unique look at the current state of magic. Including interviews with David Regal, Aaron Fisher, Dan and Dave Buck and (of course
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Essential Aldo Vol 3 by Aldo Colombini - DVD The Essential Aldo Colombini -Volume 3 HAVE A NICE DAY - Sure to be one of the most talked about effects in this series, a card is signed and returned to the pack. Several cards are removed and the spectators are shown that the selected card is not among them. A smiley-face sticker is attached to th
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World's Greatest Magic: Metal Bending by L&L Publishing - DVD In the world of prestidigitation, there are magic tricks . . . and then there's metal bending. Ever since Uri Geller set the imagination of the world on fire by bending silverware with seemingly nothing more than just his mind power, people have been fascinated by this arcane ability. On this DVD, y
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Flip's Truly Magical Rope Magic - DVD Join international magic star Flip Hallema on this special double-length video as he performs and teaches his original rope creations-and it's rope magic unlike any you've ever seen before. In most of the effects, the rope isn't even cut, yet the sequences are funny, whimsical-and very magical. And,
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The Al Schneider Technique Vol 3: More Close up by L&L Publishing - DVD A splendid opener for any close-up routine. Two cards are shown on both sides. The cards are placed together and a half-dollar drops out from between them. This is repeated three times though the cards are shown on both sides before each production.COIN THRU RING COIN THRU HANK RING AND PENCIL SPLIT
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The Collected Secrets of Lubor Fiedler - DVD For decades, Lubor Fiedler's name has been associated with some of the most innovative, magical, visual illusions ever created. Now, for the first time, watch the man himself as he demonstrates, and then reveals, the secrets behind some of his most diabolical creations. Lubor Fiedler's magic is so i
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Very Best of Gary Ouellet (Vol 1) by L&L Publishing - DVD He was a trusted advisor to some of magic's biggest stars. Now, see the man behind the legend and his own incredible close-up illusions. Gary Ouellet has written several excellent books and he was also the producer of the "World's Greatest Magic" television specials. He was most knowledgeable in all
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Vernon Revelations #4 (7 and 8) - DVD History was made September 2-6, 1982 in a filming studio in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, as the life and magic of Dai Vernon was permanently recorded for future generations. Inspired by Bill Larsen, the project was undertaken by Videonics, owned and operated by Hans Zahn. The co-hosts of the fi
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Harlan Mentalism Show - DVD How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Video and DVD serie
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Alex Elmsley Tahoe Sessions #4 - DVD Alex Elmsley is unquestionably one of close-up magic's modern masters. You probably know him from the Elmsley Count. He has long been recognized as one of the Twentieth Century's most brilliant innovators of card and close-up magic. This is magic of the highest caliber from one of the greatest minds
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Alex Elmsley Tahoe Sessions #2 - DVD Alex Elmsley is unquestionably one of close-up magic's modern masters. You probably know him from the Elmsley Count. He has long been recognized as one of the Twentieth Century's most brilliant innovators of card and close-up magic. This is magic of the highest caliber from one of the greatest minds
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World's Greatest Magic: Cannibal Cards - DVD Imagine owning the most comprehensive magic book ever written. This would surely be a treasured possession for any magician with each chapter focusing on a single aspect of the craft and the very best routines ever created for it. That's the idea behind L&L Publishing's critically-acclaimed DVD
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World's Greatest Magic: The Last Word on Three Card Monte Vol. 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD Games of chance have a rich and colorful history but perhaps the most famous - and notorious - of them all is the simple three-in-one proposition game known alternatively as Find the Lady, Tossing the Broads, and most popularly, Three-Card Monte. While written descriptions of early versions of this
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Shuffles & Cuts - by Rich Ferguson - DVD With the Shuffles & Cuts DVD, you will master 50 ways of Shuffling and Cutting cards. You will definitely look like you know what you are doing now! You will learn...Shuffles: Riffle Table Riffle In Hands Riffle Bridge Hindu Overhand Asian Back & Forth Strip Shuffle Top Packet Pull Bottom Pa
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World's Greatest Magic: Silk Magic Volume 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD Handkerchiefs have been a part of the magician's arsenal at least since the 1500s but it wasn't until the mid-1800s that handkerchiefs made of silk made their appearance as magical apparatus. The first recorded use of silk handkerchiefs in the literature of magic was by none other than Robert-Houdin
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Close-Up, Up Close Vol #1 by Joshua Jay - DVD Joshua tips the work on his twelve-minute act, including his Ambitious Card and borrowed ring routines. He's performed this award-winning act all over the world, and now you'll have a peek at the thinking behind it. Also included are performance clips from his acclaimed one-man show, a detailed stud
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Close-Up, Up Close Vol #2 by Joshua Jay - DVD The material on this volume ranges from close-up to stand-up, from easy to difficult, and from cards to coins to ropes to tape measures to bills. But from start to finish, it's all audience-tested and approved magic. Also included are performance clips from Joshua's one-man show, a detailed discussi
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Close-Up, Up Close Vol #3 by Joshua Jay - DVD Volume 3 explores Joshua's favorite genre: formal card magic. It's Joshua Jay, a deck of cards, and an astounded audience. The range of effects is equaled only by the range of methods-Joshua uses a clever blend of subtlety, sleight-of-hand, and gaffs for maximum impact. Also included is a detailed s
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Extreme Rubber Band Magic Joe Rindfleisch - DVD Magic performed with rubber bands has grown in popularity with close-up magicians in recent years mostly because it encompasses all of the elements that make for effective close-up magic. The effects are easy to understand, highly visual, very magical and are done with everyday objects that everyone
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Extreme Card Magic Volume 2 by Joe Rindfleisch - DVD And now to complete the Rindfleisch series, a Brand New 2-Volume Set Joe Rindfleisch's Extreme CARD Magic - Card magic . . . with the emphasis on MAGIC! There are card tricks . . . you know the ones - the pick-a-card-any-card affairs that are usually boring to perform and even more so to watch. Then
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Extreme Card Magic Volume 1 by Joe Rindfleisch - DVD And now to complete the Rindfleisch series, a Brand New 2-Volume Set Joe Rindfleisch's Extreme CARD Magic - Card magic . . . with the emphasis on MAGIC! There are card tricks . . . you know the ones - the pick-a-card-any-card affairs that are usually boring to perform and even more so to watch. Then
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Magic Italian Style by Aldo Colombini - DVD Magic Italian Style - cards and coins with that "mamma-mia" style!Mamma-Mia! Thatsa Spicy Magic!The master of Mamma-Mia magic, Aldo Colombini serves up a second heaping helping of top-notch magic for beginners, professionals and everyone in between.Highlighting this broadcast quality DVD is a comple
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Business Card Miracles by Michael Ammar - DVD Make every business card a memorable memento by magically producing, printing, restoring or levitating it as you hand it out. This is a powerful collection of magical surprises that can be performed with any normal business card. Thousands of business cards are handed out every day, yet the ideas ta
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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 4 by Michael Ammar - DVD The first three volumes took the magic world by storm. Consistently classic effects, broadcast quality filming and editing, free bonus effects which include the props, and teaching that is clear, concise, and effective. Each video contains ten classic effects performed before a live audience, multip
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Vernon Revelations #7 (13,14 and 15)- DVD History was made September 2-6, 1982 in a filming studio in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, as the life and magic of Dai Vernon was permanently recorded for future generations. Inspired by Bill Larsen, the project was undertaken by Videonics, owned and operated by Hans Zahn. The co-hosts of the fi
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Harlan Premium Blend #1 - DVD Brand-New Innovative Magic Brewed by One of Our Best...From the highest fertile grounds of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe, California comes one of America's most prized collections of high-quality close-up magic. Dan Harlan's Premium Blend performances have been hand-selected from only
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Very Best of Flip Vol 3 (Flip-Ringmaster in the Ropes) by L & L Publishing - DVD A true international star of magic, Flip has been delighting audiences for decades with his enchanting, whimsical magic. He's been invited to lecture and perform for just about every major magician's convention in the world, and his lectures are always greeted with acclaim by all who have been lucky
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Bubble Gum Magic by James Coats and Nicholas Byrd - Volume 1 - DVD Byrd and Coats are known for their unique forms of magic. This magic duo has teamed up with Wrigley Jr. Co. to bring you one of the most unique forms of magic, BUBBLE GUM MAGIC. This DVD will teach you step-by-step how to perform hard hitting illusions with bubble gum. Gum Through Window - A spectat
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World's Greatest Magic: MacDonald's Aces - DVD Seven versions of magic's strongest card trick... assembled just for you!Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place. Imagine no more... If you could have one set of magic DVDs, this would be it! This benchmark collection features just about all of magic's mos
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Docc Hilford: Attack Of Monster Mentalism Volume 1 - DVD Contemporary mentalism can be as fun and exciting as a hot night at a drive-in movie. The giant screen portrays regular people, leading mundane lives until - DUNH DUNH DUNH - an unexpected monstrous event influences their lives forever. That's what good mentalism can be - a MONSTER.Docc Hilford is t
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Docc Hilford: Night Of Monster Mentalism Volume 4 - DVD It's a dark night when audiences scratch at your door . . . demanding actual entertainment. A single taste of your new mentalism isn't enough. They need more! Following you on the street, reaching through the hallways of restaurants or even breaking thewindows of your own home, what will you do when
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Dan Tong Live by Dan Tong and Kozmo Magic - DVD Dan Tong is a living underground legend in magic. On this DVD you will see Dan performing stand-up material for a live theater audience. Dan performs a full show from beginning to end giving viewers a rare glimpse at how a professional performer structures an act. Learn the real work on audience man
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Reel Magic Episode 22 (Michael Ammar) - DVD FEATURE:Feature Interview - Michael Ammar Michael Ammar talks to kozmo about "coming out" as a magician and performing on Letterman. REVIEWS:David Regal - tricks of the trade David explores the magical world of vice! Wayne Kawamoto - choice cuts Reviews street magic in Sin City, as well as Function
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The Mark Lewis Lecture by International Magic - DVD Mark Lewis is one of the world's most prominent psychics, he's done thousands of readings and hit the headlines numerous times. On this DVD he gives an introduction into the world of 'Cold Reading'. He teaches the beginner how to do readings in both 'Chinese Numerology' & 'Palmistry' and even includ
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Al Schneider Linking Rings by L&L Publishing - DVD Project Codeword: Quantum RingsFrom the L&L Underground Research Facility The goal for these experiments was to push the envelope of existing Linking Rings technology far beyond its normal limits. We believe these goals have been realized in the Quantum Rings project.You'll find two Linking Ring
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Killer Kitson Miracle by Bob Sheets - DVD The killer Kitson Miracle is Bob Sheets powerful and entertaining routine for Patrick Page's Three - Card Monte You're doing walk-around surrounded at a corporate function, and everyone has a gooey spare-rib in one hand and a drink in the other. You don't have a table to set anything down on and you
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Inside the Mind of Garrett Thomas Vol 3 - DVD BRASS BLOCK - This one's worth the price of the entire DVD set! It's a Card to Matchbox routine with a stunning climax that will blow your spectators away. In fact, this is the one trick the studio audience kept talking about long after the shoot was over. LOOK A CARD - Garrett's multi-phase version
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Richard Osterlind Mind Mysteries Too Volume 7 - DVD --Blaine Watch--On David Blaine's Magic Man TV Special, he features a design duplication effect.  A variation of this is taught on this DVD. On David Blaine's Magic Man TV Special he makes initials mysteriously appear on his arm after rubbing ashes over his arm.  This effect is taught on t
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No Filler: Magic of Steve Dacri (Volume 1) - DVD VOLUME 1 SIGNATURE WILD CARD A magic classic with a personalized twist as the performer's name magically appears on blank playing cards! A perfect opening effect! SPONGE BUNNIES Steve's touches make this always-popular trick play for larger audiences. MINI-BLENDO Four small scarves of different col
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World's Greatest Magic: Scotch And Soda, Dime And Penny, ChinaTown Half - DVD This volume features three more ingenious gimmicked coins and the miracles that can be accomplished with them. David Roth begins by demonstrating and teaching one of the most popular gimmicked coin effects ever created, Scotch and Soda, and you'll learn the proper way to handle the coin set to maxim
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Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.1 by Tom Mullica - DVD Note: 'Vol.12' refers to VHS releaseCigarette Magic for the non-smoker, and plenty for those that do!In most of our collective lifetimes there has only been one man, and one act, who over and over again fooled the bejeesus out of magicians and laymen alike: Of course, I am talking about Tom Mullica
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The Drop'N Project by Michael Eaton (DVD) Four baffling, visual, killer effects from the mind of Michael Eaton.NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Easy to Master Card Miracles Volume 8 by Michael Ammar - DVD Simply the greatest collection of powerful card magic ever.POWERFUL MAGIC.EASY TO MASTER.Astonishing and entertaining, this classic collection of card magic is sure to knock you out. Powerful, professional material, so clearly and completely explained that you'll want to perform every effect. Beauti
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Truth Trade Show by Eddie Tullock - DVD Learn the real work on trade show magic from the legendary figure who literally invented the concept - Eddie Tullock. Eddie has stopped traffic in trade show aisles for more than four decades with nothing more than a deck of cards and some powerful techniques. You'll learn the strong effects he uses
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Vernon Revelations #8 (16 and 17) - DVD History was made September 2-6, 1982 in a filming studio in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, as the life and magic of Dai Vernon was permanently recorded for future generations. Inspired by Bill Larsen, the project was undertaken by Videonics, owned and operated by Hans Zahn. The co-hosts of the fi
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Vernon Revelations #6 (11 and 12) - DVD History was made September 2-6, 1982 in a filming studio in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, as the life and magic of Dai Vernon was permanently recorded for future generations. Inspired by Bill Larsen, the project was undertaken by Videonics, owned and operated by Hans Zahn. The co-hosts of the fi
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Coin Magic - Vol. 2 by David Stone - DVD The French magician David Stone is back... with a progressive lesson in Coin Magic and 9 brand new routines, including one of the wildest Flurry routine ever made and 25 moves and sleights you can do anywhere, in any stand-up conditions. No expense has been spared : professionally produced and fil
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Daryl's Card Revelations Vol 4 - DVD Daryl - World-champion magician and sleight of hand artist extraordinaire brings you the finest methods for revealing previously selected cards. 140 different ways to bring your card routines to stunning conclusions! Daryl has extensively researched literally hundreds of magic books, magazines and l
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Harlan Stand Up With Cards - DVD How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Video and DVD serie
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Harlan Premium Blend #3 - DVD Brand-New Innovative Magic Brewed by One of Our Best...From the highest fertile grounds of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe, California comes one of America's most prized collections of high-quality close-up magic. Dan Harlan's Premium Blend performances have been hand-selected from only
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Harlan Premium Blend #2 - DVD Brand-New Innovative Magic Brewed by One of Our Best...From the highest fertile grounds of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe, California comes one of America's most prized collections of high-quality close-up magic. Dan Harlan's Premium Blend performances have been hand-selected from only
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Alex Elmsley Tahoe Sessions #3 - DVD Alex Elmsley is unquestionably one of close-up magic's modern masters. You probably know him from the Elmsley Count. He has long been recognized as one of the Twentieth Century's most brilliant innovators of card and close-up magic. This is magic of the highest caliber from one of the greatest minds
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Very Best of Flip Vol 4 (Flip-Stick and Much More) by L & L Publishing - DVD A true international star of magic, Flip has been delighting audiences for decades with his enchanting, whimsical magic. He's been invited to lecture and perform for just about every major magician's convention in the world, and his lectures are always greeted with acclaim by all who have been lucky
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Second Storm Volume 2 by John Guastaferro - DVD Who says lightning doesn't strike twice? Presenting John Guastaferro's Second Storm, a follow-up to his popular Brainstorm DVDs released in 2003. Second Storm continues John's brand of close-up magic; that is, strong, creative, practical and entertaining-ideal for strolling and formal close-up venue
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Here I Go Again - Volume 3 by Bill Malone - DVD L&L Publishing is proud to again present one of the funniest magicians on the planet, Bill Malone, in "Here I Go Again!" Bill needs no introduction to the magic world and is still one of the busiest magicians in corporate entertainment today! His first DVD set, "On the Loose," is regarded as one
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