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Melting Point by Casshan Wallace (Instant Download) The most visual rubber band trick we've ever seen. Angle-proof and slow as molasses, you're going to love this. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - Pen and Tell'er Dan Harlan's Karate Cap; Pocket Change; A Quart Low; Ye Old 1089 Tricke; Van Gogh Vanish Section 2 - Reservations Required Dan Harlan's Invisible Cow; Minera
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 2 by Dan Harlan - DVD --Blaine Watch--The Ashes on the Palm trick was used by David Blaine on his Street Magic Special.  Dan Harlan teaches a wonderful version of this in this DVD. Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - We'r
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One for The Money by Bill Goldman (DVD Download) If you only know one card trick this should be it! This revolutionary trick brings one of the most effective plots in all of card magic within the reach of all performers of magic. The effect is a classic-the selected card is found at any number named by a spectator under test conditions. What Bill
In stock. $20.00
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On the Spot with Gregory Wilson (2 Volumes on 1 DVD!) On the Spot is a guerilla course in performing impromptu magic. The material is so strong, you could show up at your next gig with no other magic and still entertain the daylights out of them!!!
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Off the Cuff: A Lecture of Routined Impromptu Magic (DVD) This is the lecture that started it all. Greg Wilson is famous for entertaining people in close up situations with no special props or lengthy set-up.
Out of stock. $35.00
Aldo Colombini's Impromptu Card Magic Volume Two (DVD) All you need is any deck of cards and you're ready to perform high-impact routines.
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Linking Laces by Paul Harris Link a spectator's laces together right before their very eyes!
Out of stock. $25.00
Tear Down by Andrew Mayne (DVD) Andrew Mayne presents a radical twist on the classic newspaper tear (based on Jim Steinmeyer's Incessant Newspaper) - a completely impromptu and inspectable newspaper tear! EffectA spectator is asked to sign a totally unprepared newspaper right off the newsstand. The magician then takes the paper an
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.55
Clean Thru - Clear Thru by Lonnie Chevrie (DVD) What would a Pen-Thru-Dollar look like with NO PEN? Ideally, LIKE THIS. Borrow a bill, tear it, restore it. Highly recommended. NOW SHIPPING.
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The Corner Project by G. (2 DVD Set) Limited to 500 sets worldwide, learn 32 IMPROMPTU CLOSE-UP MIRACLES. The most surprising collection of magic to come out of nowhere. LIMITED SUPPLY. ONLY 0 LEFT.
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Detach by Rick Lax (DVD) IMPOSSIBLY split and restore an ordinary balloon. ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. NOW SHIPPING. MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Rubber Thruhand by Dan Hauss & Blake Vogt (DVD) A band penetrates thru your fingers one-at-a-time, ANYTIME ANYWHERE. NO GIMMICKS. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Uprising by Richard Sanders (DVD) The PERFECT slow-motion rising card trick. Use ANY deck, even BORROW one. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 1 by Dan Harlan - DVD Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Contents: Section 1 - Good With Your Hands The Long Arm; Knucklebuster; Badfinger; Little Thumbthing; Thumbwhere; Thumbalong; Two Left Hands Section 2 - No Match For You Traveling Match
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Magic Anytime Anywhere by Dirk Losander - DVD This DVD is all about doing impromptu magic. Losander presents his show out of pocket. The show is structured to create maximum impact and be highly entertaining for audiences of all ages and demographics. Losander has mastered the craft of being a magician 24/7. Now, he will share his secrets with
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.40
Paul Harris Presents Daniel Garcia Project Vol #1 by Daniel Garcia - DVD Paul Harris presents the Daniel Garcia Project! Daniel Garcia absolutely fries the most discerning spectators, using the best of both classic effects and real-world technique updated with some new stuff that only Daniel could have created. Volume 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed: Starts where most All Back
Out of stock. $35.00
Greater Magic Volume 20 - Impromptu Magic Vol.1 - DVD "After three years of working with some of magic's premier artists in the 'Greater Magic Video Library,' I'm excited to share with you the release of what I feel is the strongest collection of magic effects ever produced on DVD. These are the effects the pros use when someone says 'show me a trick',
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Coin Classics Greater Magic- #2, DVD Professional coin effects presented by professionals! The ninth volume of the Greater Magic Video Library Teach-In Series is by popular request and due to the wonderful success of our Coin Classics, Volume 1. Available in both video and DVD. More professional effects and routines by top coin aficion
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Greater Magic Volume 34 - Impromptu Vol.2 - DVD Back by popular demand. The first volume was met with accolades, so we're bringing you 11 more effect never before released on video. Ideal for any skill level. Now the request "show me a trick," won't strike fear into your heart. After learning these tricks, you'll perform miracles wherever you go.
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Ultimate Impromptu Card Magic by Cameron Francis & Big Blind Media - DVD A collection of mindblowing card magic that you can perform with ANY borrowed deck. NO SETUPS. NO PROPS. NO GAFFS. How often has this happened to you - you're at a party and someone comes up and says 'hey, I hear you're a magician... can you show me a trick?'. Your mind goes blank. You have none of
Out of stock. $35.00
Simply Impromptu Volume 5 by Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed, deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects! C
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
Faux Show by Cameron Francis and Wild-Colombini - DVD Created and performed by Cameron Francis. An amazing completely impromptu 5-phased card cheating demonstration. Only basic skill required and it uses a regular deck of cards. PHASE 1: STACKING: You remove a bunch of black spot cards from the deck and the four Kings. The Kings are cut into the packet
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
Dream Deal by Wild-Colombini - DVD An unbelievable routine in three phases with a regular deck of cards and totally impromptu! You have in your possession a great effect by the late George Blake. The routine, in three phases, starts by having you dealing four 'hands' of five cards each. A spectator selects a packet and thinks of a ca
Out of stock. $10.00
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