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Think of One by Allan Kronzek (Instant Download) One of the strongest tricks you can possibly do. From a borrowed shuffled deck, you find a MERELY THOUGHT-OF CARD. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Tequila Hustler DELUXE by Mark Elsdon, Peter Turner, Colin McLeod and Michael Murray (Instant Download) A true game changer. See why pros are raving. With 100% accuracy, know which hand a coin is being held in, and become a human lie detector. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Code Breaker by Michael Murray and Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) Break into a LOCKED iPhone. Yes, really. The best iPhone trick we've ever seen by a million miles. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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VOLITION by Joel Dickinson (VIDEO + PDF) They decide everything, which makes the ending a complete STUNNER. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Astronomical by Peter Turner (Instant Download) Incredibly powerful anytime, anywhere mind-reading. No props, and nothing written down. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Take Note by Seamus Maguire presented by Atlas Brookings (Instant Download) The best NEW method for reading minds in years. Fools pros and amateurs alike. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Viewed ESP Prediction by Richard Osterlind presented by Simone Turkington (Instant Download) An incredibly deceptive secret, used by pro mentalists, and now expertly taught by The Magic Castle's Simone Turkington. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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At The Table Live Lecture - Peter Turner May 20th 2015 video DOWNLOAD The man, the myth, the legend himself, Peter Turner joins us for an unforgettable At the Table Experience! Peter is currently consulting on countless TV shows across the world, applying his highly sought after mentalist mind to some of the world's biggest stages. Peter is known for his bold approach
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The Vault - Gerard on Hoy by Andrew Gerard video DOWNLOAD Learn the world's greatest un-gimmicked, impromptu, anytime anywhere book test! Plus 3 incredible new routines based on the Hoy principal from Andrew Gerard. Bro Gilbert joins Andrew Gerard on this first installment of their studio sessions series for a no nonsense, no hype, jam session on David Hoy
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What am I thinking? by Marc Spelmann (Instant Download) Walk into a room, and walk out knowing EVERYTHING. Pure, no-setup mind-reading at its best. NINE REPUTATION-MAKERS. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - Pen and Tell'er Dan Harlan's Karate Cap; Pocket Change; A Quart Low; Ye Old 1089 Tricke; Van Gogh Vanish Section 2 - Reservations Required Dan Harlan's Invisible Cow; Minera
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Sweet by Matthew Johnson (Instant Download) Read minds anytime, anywhere. Super easy to perform, and the PERFECT coffee-shop trick. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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What am I thinking? by Marc Spelmann (DVD) Walk into a room, and walk out knowing EVERYTHING. Pure, no-setup mind-reading at its best. NINE REPUTATION-MAKERS. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Ultimate Impromptu Magic Vol 2 by Dan Harlan - DVD --Blaine Watch--The Ashes on the Palm trick was used by David Blaine on his Street Magic Special.  Dan Harlan teaches a wonderful version of this in this DVD. Dan will give you the ability to do miracles on the spur of the moment with whatever props happen to be available! Section 1 - We'r
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Savvy by Ren X (Instant Download) An impromptu organic modern mentalism piece that allows the performer peek any thought of word, number… or emoji.
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Oculus by Brandon Queen (Instant Download) A revolutionary mind-reading technique with no props, and nothing written down. Impossible to explain... because it's real. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Psyche by Peter Turner (Instant Download) Miracles. Magic that cannot be explained or reverse engineered. Turner's most advanced work to date. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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ID7 by Rick Lax (Instant Download) A devastating piece of mind-reading using no props. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Alphabet Soup by Steve Wachner (Instant Download) Creative Anagram work by the Underground Genius, Steve Wachner
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Miracle Method by John Carey (Instant Download) Predict anything, anywhere, anytime. The perfect miracle to have when you have nothing on you. Grab a handful of objects and you're ready! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Impromptu Magic Project Vol1-3 Pack (Instant Download) Twelve effective and easy-to-do impromptu tricks plus an hour of intimate conversation with some of the most respected names in magic.
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Curveball by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Completely Impromptu. Easy to perform. A deeply personal mind reading routine straight from Oz's show. Plays just as big for 2 or 3 people as it does for two or three hundred!
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Swipeit by Jose Prager (Instant Download) Mind reading with any iPhone!
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Final Destination by Dalton Wayne (Instant Download) An incredible prediction, on a BORROWED phone.
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Ratiocination by Ben Cardall (Instant Download) Impromptu propless mentalism. Know with 100% certainty if someone is lying or telling the truth
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Fooling With Freud by Mark Elsdon I've never seen anything quite like Fooling with Freud! It is a beautiful composition from a man whose knowledge of techniques is nearly encyclopaedic. Mark's exhaustive understanding of methodology has allowed him to create exactly what he visualized - a mind blowing three phase demonstration of
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Rhine's Dice by Matt Mello Read a spectator’s mind using an ordinary set of dice.
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Proteus by Phedon Bilek - Book IF MIND READING EXISTED, IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS! Coming from a purely sleight-of-hand background, Phedon designs PRACTICAL methods that actually WORK, leaving no space for approximation. After having witnessed Proteus, spectators have no other alternative than to truly believe they have witnessed t
In stock. $55.00
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Instant Knockout by Shaun Dunn & Matt Mello (Instant Download) A mentalist's DREAM COME TRUE. Liberate yourself from expensive devices. Obtain secret information anytime anywhere. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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True Mysteries Lite by Fraser Parker and 1914 - DVD True Mysteries Lite is a DVD + eBook combo containing breakthrough principles which, when applied to your existing repertoire, elevate the magic you perform beyond the boundaries of what is considered possible without hypnosis. Previously only available as an expensive limited-edition package and so
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Coin Classics Greater Magic- #2, DVD Professional coin effects presented by professionals! The ninth volume of the Greater Magic Video Library Teach-In Series is by popular request and due to the wonderful success of our Coin Classics, Volume 1. Available in both video and DVD. More professional effects and routines by top coin aficion
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Ultimate Impromptu Card Magic by Cameron Francis & Big Blind Media - DVD A collection of mindblowing card magic that you can perform with ANY borrowed deck. NO SETUPS. NO PROPS. NO GAFFS. How often has this happened to you - you're at a party and someone comes up and says 'hey, I hear you're a magician... can you show me a trick?'. Your mind goes blank. You have none of
Out of stock. $35.00
Sound Waves by Sankey Magic - Trick Shocking demonstration of pure mind-reading using some of the world's most popular songs! A LETHAL combination of total freedom and absolute control! (A Holy Grail when it comes to mentalism.) Instantly repeat the mind-bending effect with a DIFFERENT mathematical sequence and a DIFFERENT song! So EA
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.00
Andreu's Intimum Sacrarium (Hardcover) by Andreu - Book Intimum Sacrarium is a private and exclusive release which contains Andreu's latest impromptu mentalism creations. Most of this material can be performed in AAA (anytime, anywhere, for anyone) conditions as it has been designed with the "impromptu" premise in mind - from minimal to zero preparation
Out of stock. $150.00
Andreu's Intimum Sacrarium (Softcover) by Andreu - Book Intimum Sacrarium is a private and exclusive release which contains Andreu's latest impromptu mentalism creations. Most of this material can be performed in AAA (anytime, anywhere, for anyone) conditions as it has been designed with the "impromptu" premise in mind - from minimal to zero preparation
Out of stock. $100.00 $78.00
Mental-Feign by Justin Miller video DOWNLOAD An imaginary game turns real in the cellophane of a card, cigarette, or gum case. Ask your spectator to play a game in which three imaginary coins are present. In playing the game, the spectator is left with one coin. That EXACT coin is now shown to be the ONLY REAL coin inside the cellophane, predi
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