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Pen Through Finger by Matthew Johnson (Instant Download) Learn every subtlety and master this JAW-DROPPING, original pocket illusion and FREAK. PEOPLE. OUT. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Rubber Delusion by Joe Rindfleisch (Instant Download) A series of 8 eye-popping tricks with rubber bands from the world's master of bands. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Melting Point by Casshan Wallace (Instant Download) The most visual rubber band trick we've ever seen. Angle-proof and slow as molasses, you're going to love this. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Abandon by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) Pull solid through solid, inches from peoples faces, using every-day objects! Everything can be examined. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Slow Motion Bill Transpo by Eugene Burger (Instant Download) Learn the trick that Eugene Burger ALWAYS has on him. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Zapping The Aces - Video DOWNLOAD In this download Jay teaches us a brand new handling for the classic effect Twisting the Aces, while taking the plot to a new level. Using never before card techniques to accomplish such visual magic! * No Gimmicks!
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Pip Sleek by Kyle Purnell (Instant Download) Move the pips on cards with NO COVER. Works with ANY deck of cards. START LEARNING INSTANTLY AND SAVE.
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Point Break by Marcus Eddie (Instant Download) Visually break and restore a pencil!
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The Rising by Nicholas Lawrence (Instant Download) This trick defies the laws of physics. And yet you plainly see it happen. Nicholas has discovered a wormhole. START LEARNING INSTANTLY
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EXOPALM THE KARATE CHANGE by SaysevenT (Instant Download) This is the amazing secret sleight of hand from your palm.
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Camouflage by Agustin (Instant Download) Without any gimmicks, perform a visual color change or TNR effect under the cellophane.
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LINKCLIP by Steve Marchello video DOWNLOAD Here's a great way to magically link paper clips together and mesmerize your audience! Use ordinary, borrowed paper clips. Instantly and visually, link them together! You can perform anytime, anywhere, under any conditions. Simple and completely impromptu! Download the video and learn this great eff
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Section C Surgery by Monowar video DOWNLOAD A borrowed bill is folded and as you rub the bill against a card, it starts to penetrate through the card. You show your hand completely empty and you pull the bill up and down after the penetration. Then you pull out the bill and hand out both the card and the bill for examination. No magnets No sp
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