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Harlan All Purpose Show - DVD How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Video and DVD serie
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Johnny Thompson Commercial Set (Vol 1 thru 4) video DOWNLOAD Johnny Thompson is one of the last of the living legends in his era. There is only on Vernon, Miller, Elmsley, Jennings, Marlo, and only one Thompson. Fortunately, ten years ago Johnny documented FOUR VOLUMES and nearly his entire close-up repertoire. This is a collection of private magic lessons fr
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Sankey's Best Magic w/Ordinary Objects by Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most celebrated routines with ordinary household objects.
In stock. $25.00 $18.75
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CROSS CHOICE by Magie Climax - Trick With CROSS CHOICE, you can control and predict your spectator's choice! CROSS CHOICE is the perfect finale to the classic effect from Ali Bongo, "Bongo's Big Balloon Burst". The effect: You ask your spectator to freely select a balloon among five balloons of different colors. His choice is completel
In stock. $65.00
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Finney Live at Lake Tahoe Volume 2 by L & L Publishing - DVD Cane to Hat Table - A great openr for a comedy magic act. Six-Card Repeat - A venerable classic with the Finney touch, complete with a story that hangs it together and a pure show-biz ending. Professor's Nightmare - A trick many have discounted comes to life in the hands of a comedy master. "No" - I
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Harlan Stand Up With Cards - DVD How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Video and DVD serie
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Harlan Premium Blend #2 - DVD Brand-New Innovative Magic Brewed by One of Our Best...From the highest fertile grounds of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe, California comes one of America's most prized collections of high-quality close-up magic. Dan Harlan's Premium Blend performances have been hand-selected from only
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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Tarbell 87: Novelty Magic Part 1 (Instant Download) 9 tricks for $1.67 each. An INCREDIBLE variety of powerful tricks from multiple genres, overflowing with entertaining possibilities! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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Mark Jenest's Miracles While-U-Wait (DVD Download) Innovative routines that fit in your pocket and play everywhere. Shot live on the streets of Hollywood. Highly recommended!
In stock. $24.95
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Extreme Possibilities Volume 1 by R. Paul Wilson - DVD A collection of killer material from one of magic's most creative minds. These brand-new DVDs feature some of Paul's favorite close-up effects and stand-up routines. R. Paul Wilson's classical approach combines old and new methods to produce incredible magic for every situation and for every level o
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Extreme Possibilities Volume 4 by R. Paul Wilson - DVD A collection of killer material from one of magic's most creative minds. These brand-new DVDs feature some of Paul's favorite close-up effects and stand-up routines. R. Paul Wilson's classical approach combines old and new methods to produce incredible magic for every situation and for every level o
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Harlan All Purpose Show video DOWNLOAD How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Download series. Th
In stock. $34.95
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Harlan Stand Up With Cards video DOWNLOAD How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Download serie
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David Regal Set (Vol. 1 thru 3) video DOWNLOAD Remember when these DVDs were released? People were BLOWN OVER by the variety of material, and the strength of David Regal's performances. They are densely packed DVDs, with each disc crammed full of terrific and unusual magic. This set was BEGGING for a downloadable release, and we are pleased to s
In stock. $99.95
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Sankey Panky book Sankey Panky contains the kind of close-up magic that'll knock your socks off. It's ingenious, it's startling, it's innovative and it's all the creation of Jay Sankey. Written and illustrated with pictures that seem to move in the style for which he is world famous, Richard Kaufman once again brings
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.95
Sankedelic book Jay Sankey The notes from Jay's 2001 lecture tour! 9 honest-to-goodness miracles with cards, borrowed bills, sugar packets, credit cards, finger rings and even a chop cup! Including: Raising Sugar Cane-the cleanest torn & restored sugar packet in the world! Pandora's Envelope-a signed card VISIBLY appears i
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.60
Sam's book Sam Schwartz/Zingg Sam Schwartz has been publishing his routines, ideas and techniques in various magazine publications for more than 50 years. He has also released a number of marketed effects through Louis Tannen, Inc. and has contributed to dozens of Karl Fulves publications. This book is a compilation of many of h
Out of stock. $40.00 $30.80
Five Keys to Fame/Fortune Calvert After 65+ years of performing, living legend John Calvert parts with his most valued secrets, effects and tips to the magic fraternity!The Five Keys is a collection five different booklets from John's time-tested and audience-tested act! Each effect is a mastered piece of showmanship, enabling you
Out of stock. $74.95 $56.21
Harry Allen Comedy Bits and Magic Routines Vol 2 - DVD Comedy Bits and Magic Routines features Harry in his natural environment, in front of a fun-loving audience, demonstrating his favorite magic effects and showing off his encyclopedic supply of one-liners. Along the way, you'll gain insights and learn finesses on tricks you may have resigned to your
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Dustin' It Off by Julie Sobanski and Dean Montalbano - Book This book is the first in our magical appetizers series. This series will be dedicated to a set of small "idea" books and single effect manuscripts. The idea is to spark creativity or offer powerful clever thinking in small packets to get your creative juices flowing. The Complete 10 Minute Guide To
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Examining The Thumbtip by Alexander DeCova - DVD View Clip"I have persuaded Bavarian magician Alexander de Cova to finally release his work on the thumbtip. This is like nothing you have ever seen before. I promise his innovative handling of this tool will astound you."-Martin Lewis First Alex performs and explains three original routines, ea
Out of stock. $25.00
Lost Fish (Large) by Aprendemagia - Trick Lost Fish is an incredible magic trick that provides your audience with a truly unforgettable moment. The magician shows a book with some pictures from the famous movie, Finding Nemo. The book is comprised of various characters from the film, along with their names. The spectator chooses one of the
In stock. $45.00 $36.90
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Lost Fish (Small) by Aprendemagia - Trick Lost Fish is an incredible magic trick that provides your audience with a truly unforgettable moment. The magician shows a book with some pictures from the famous movie, Finding Nemo. The book is comprised of various characters from the film, along with their names.The spectator chooses one of the c
In stock. $35.00 $28.70
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Bendix Bombshell Wallet by Dave Bendix and Martin Breese - Trick FOR THE FIRST TIME IN COUNTLESS YEARS"If the wallet were not enough Martin gives you a fantastic book incorporating lots of great routines and idea by some of the greatest names in magic. Needless to say it 's produced to the very high standard that we have come to expect from Martin." -- Barrie Seg
Out of stock. $120.00 $92.40
At the Table Live Lecture Greg Wilson - DVD Greg Wilson finishes out the month with a literal BANG. He produces a bottle of champagne out of a folded paper bag, but don't let the party atmosphere fool you, Greg Wilson knows what he is talking about! He reaches deep into the depths of his personal magic journal and brings you material that he
Out of stock. $9.95 $7.66
Ted Lesley's Cabaret Mindreading & Cabaret Magic Set (DVD) A living legend of magic finally shares his very best...with you!
In stock. $70.00 $61.25
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Sankey's Secret Files Volume 2
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Twenty Years of Magic by Jay Sankey Four of Jay Sankey's most popular sets of lecture notes in a single coil-bound collection!
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Jeff Sheridan Genius At Work: Volume 1 - The Street Act As popular as the concept is now, contemporary street magic can all be traced back to one time, one place and to one performer-Jeff Sheridan. A ubiquitous figure on the busy streets of Manhattan for decades, Sheridan's cool demeanor and red-hot magic stopped busy urbanites dead in their tracks and n
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Jeff Sheridan Genius At Work: Volume 3 - Original Magic Creations Jeff Sheridan is one of magic's most original thinkers and on this video, he shares some of his favorite and most closely guarded effects.Lost And Found Bill - A borrowed bill's serial number matches the performer's prediction - which just happens to be gold-embossed on his wallet.Triple Headline Pr
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Genius at Work: The Jeff Sheridan DVDs Vol. 1-4 (entire set) Four new DVDs from "The Father of Modern Street Magic".
Out of stock. $140.00 $122.50
Sankey's Greatest Hits (3 DVDs) The essential collection for the serious close-up magician! Highly Recommended! Exclusively at Penguin!
Out of stock. $74.95
The Sankey Sanders Sessions (2 DVDs) This is the underground hit of the year. Get ready to session with two of the most innovative minds in sleight-of-hand magic. These guys will FRY you again and again! Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $60.00 $48.00
Omnilope by Jay Sankey (DVD + Gimmick) An incredible switching device! The ingenious OMNILOPE design combines the powerful visual element of a clear switch bag with the angle-proof practicality of traditional switch bags. Even better, OMNILOPE features a very ordinary-looking white paper envelope! The combination of all those valuable qu
Out of stock. $24.95
Backstage Pass with The Dean Go backstage with Jason Dean as he entertains the hard rock superstars of Godsmack after a sold-out show in Las Vegas! Not sold in stores! Exclusive to
Out of stock. $29.95
Enigmatic Vol. 1 by Alexander DeCova We filmed eccentric Bavarian Magic Alexander de Cordova perform, when he made his only lecture here in America. Later we got him aside and he revealed in detail the methods, history, and thinking behind the dozen knockout effects on the two ENIGMATIC volumes.Alex's unconventional ideas for parlour a
Out of stock. $35.00
The Complete Jeff Sheridan Collection (7 DVDs + Supplies) The ultimate collection for you to cross from hardcore street enthusiast to professional. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - LIMITED TIME OFFER.
Out of stock. $240.00 $149.95
The Original Tarbell Lessons In Magic (Hardcover) 60 essential lessons, 900 pages. Covering the core skills for any true professional, and presented with over 3,100 illustrations. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Out of stock. $75.00
Definitive Sankey SAMPLER (6 Trick PDF) Here's a taste of the 1600 pages. 500 tricks. 3 volumes. 1 mind. Welcome to The Definitive Sankey.
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EMC 2012 by Essential Magic Conference (8 DVD Box Set) Relive the greatest magic event of the year including 16 HOURS of magic from the best magicians in the world.NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $150.00
Angle of Attack by Jeff Sheridan (DVD) An innovative collection of deeply fooling miracles from the father of modern street magic. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $30.00 $19.95
VAPR by Will Tsai (DVD + Gimmick) A new smoke device with several nice improvements. Remote control, small size, quiet operation, and lots and lots of smoke! NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $179.95
Danny Archer's Essential Magic Classics (2 DVD SET) by Big Blind Media - DVD A 2 DVD teaching on some of the greatest classic magic tricks of all time plus the cream of Danny's own repertoire. Danny Archer is a total magic genius. He has performed more magic shows than most people have eaten ANY temperature dinners, and he has a fabulous relaxed performing style that people
Out of stock. $35.00
Maelstrom by Tom Stone - Book You are invited to collaborate in a creative experience with a day-and-night, seven-days-a-week professional, the inventive and always-thinking Tom Stone! You will need to bring with you-Playing Cards Coins Silks Multiplying Bottles Book Tests Billiard Balls Dancing Cane Silk to Egg Thimbles Bananas
Out of stock. $55.00
Beautiful Moves (2 DVD set) by Michael Boden - DVD Beautiful Movesby Michael BodenMichael Boden is one of magic's best kept hidden secrets, until now! Anyone who has checked out Michael's FREE Downloads at Hocus Pocus will know that his thinking usually takes the road less traveled, making his effects unexplainably magical yet easy to do. BEAUTIFUL
Out of stock. $30.00 $22.50
Definitive Sankey Volume 1 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95
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Definitive Sankey Volume 2 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95 $67.46
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Definitive Sankey Volume 3 by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic After years of being out of print, The Definitive Sankey is finally back in stock. This extensive collection of Jay Sankey's best material offers more than 500 effects across three beautiful hardcover books. The Definitive Sankey was one of the first major projects Vanishing Inc. embarked on when it
In stock. $74.95 $67.46
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Amazing Magic and Mentalism Volume 2 by Jay Sankey - DVD AMAZING MAGIC AND MENTALISM ANYONE CAN DO! (VOLUME 2) Penetrating Around the World Behind Your Back Heavy Metal Stop Sign M.A.G.I.C. Hypnotized Handkerchief Psychic's Choice Rising Card Bender Two in the Hand Shout 10,000 Words Tap Vanish Seeing Things Reunion Long Distance Magic Dust Spirit Writing
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.70
S P Wallet - Trick This wallet makes money appear, disappear or even change into a butterfly!EffectNo strapNot a Z folded walletOpening side is the same in any timePossible to have a spectator open walletHigh qualityNo techniqueEasy to useThe instructions illustrate five routines, including "Butterfly Effect."Com
Out of stock. $75.00 $56.25
Extreme Magic Sets (With DVD) by Fantasma - Trick An exciting magic set that will astonish your friends with over 200 high impact effects! The set includes incredible illusions like the 360 degree arm twister, die penetration and a production box! An instructional DVD is included that also has bonus footage of Legends of Magic such as Houdini perfo
Out of stock. $62.50 $46.88
Incredible Magic At The Bar - Set 1 (Volumes 1 - 3) by Michael Maxwell - DVD - All 6 Vol. HighlightsMichael Maxwell's Incredible Magic...Made Easy! is a multi-volume DVD series designed to teach you how to easily master and performm some of the greatest magic tricks ever created! Each set in the series covers a different and unique type of magic, such as Bar Magic, Card Magi
Out of stock. $60.00 $45.00
Incredible Magic At The Bar - Set 2 (Volumes 4 - 6) by Michael Maxwell - DVD - All 6 Vol. HighlightsMichael Maxwell's Incredible Magic...Made Easy! is a multi-volume DVD series designed to teach you how to easily master and performm some of the greatest magic tricks ever created! Each set in the series covers a different and unique type of magic, such as Bar Magic, Card Magi
Out of stock. $60.00 $45.00
Extreme Magic Makeover by Hal Spear and Paul Romhany - Book Extreme Magic MakeOver is filled with brand new, funny, original, COMPLETE ROUTINES for some of magic's most popular and widely performed effects. Hal Spear and Paul Romhany have put together a book all magicians can use - complete FULL, ORIGINAL patter for the following effects: Torn and Restored N
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.00
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 1 - Book The most respected course in magic! The classic volumes cover every aspect and interest in the art of magic performance. A must have for every magic library! THIS VOLUME INCLUDES: History of Magic, Magic as a Science, Sleight of Hand with Coins, Coin Tricks, More Coin Tricks, The Thumb Tip, Imprompt
Out of stock. $25.00
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 2 - Book The most respected course in magic! The classic volumes cover every aspect and interest in the art of magic performance. A must have for every magic library! THIS VOLUME INCLUDES: Pleasing Your Audience, Magic with Wands, Double Paper Mysteries, Magic with Coins, Cigarette Magic, Card Manipulations,
Out of stock. $30.00
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 3 - Book The most respected course in magic! The classic volumes cover every aspect and interest in the art of magic performance. A must have for every magic library! THIS VOLUME INCLUDES: Routining a Magic Show, How to Make People Laugh, Intimate Magic, Conjuring with Currency, Modern Coin Effects, Fundamen
Out of stock. $30.00
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 4 - Book The most respected course in magic! The classic volumes cover every aspect and interest in the art of magic performance. A must have for every magic library! THIS VOLUME INCLUDES: Novelty Magic, Thimble Magic, Swallowing Needles and Blades, Unique Card Magic, Novelty Rising Cards, Card Transition Tr
Out of stock. $30.00
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 5 - Book The most respected course in magic! The classic volumes cover every aspect and interest in the art of magic performance. A must have for every magic library! THIS VOLUME INCLUDES: Unique Magic, More Unique Mysteries, Four-Ace Effects, Modern Mental Mysteries, Hat and Coat Productions, Oriental Magic
Out of stock. $30.00
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 6 - Book The most respected course in magic! The classic volumes cover every aspect and interest in the art of magic performance. A must have for every magic library! THIS VOLUME INCLUDES: Novel Ball Magic, Unique Card Effects, Novelty Magic, Rope Magic, Mindreading Mysteries, X-Ray Eyes and Blindfold Effect
Out of stock. $30.00
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 7 - Book The most respected course in magic! The classic volumes cover every aspect and interest in the art of magic performance. A must have for every magic library! THIS VOLUME INCLUDES: More Mental Magic, Card Magic, Rope Magic, Novelty Magic, Money Magic, Silk Magic, Illusions You Can Make, Late Arrivals
Out of stock. $30.00
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 8 - Book The most respected course in magic! The classic volumes cover every aspect and interest in the art of magic performance. A must have for every magic library! Newest addition to the Tarbell Course, this volume contains original material on many aspects of magic performance, including tips, routines a
Out of stock. $35.00
Tarbell Course in Magic Volume 1 thru 8 - Book The most respected course in magic! The classic volumes cover every aspect and interest in the art of magic performance. A must have for every magic library! 8 hardcover volumes in all. More than 100 detailed lessons in all aspects of magic and magic performance. Totaling more than 3370 pages!
Out of stock. $240.00
The Lightning Box (Props and DVD) by Bob Kohler - DVD HISTORYGerman magician Bruno Hennig invented the "Signed Card To Box". This powerhouse effect has seen countless improvements and modifications over the decades since it's creation. The effect has been used by thousands of magicians and has fooled countless spectators. The effect is so powerful that
Out of stock. $189.95
Crafty Power (Magnetic Coin Routines - No Coins Included) by Kreis Magic - DVD COINS ACROSS Magician holds four coins in his left hand. The coins jump into his right hand one by one. This effect is super visual. COIN ACROSS WITH GLASS The coin visually jumps between two glasses. COIN THROUGH THE GLASS Magician quickly knocks a coin against the bottom of a glass, and the coin p
Out of stock. $30.00
Spiritual Applications For Tarbell - Book Jule L. Miller, an authority on the use of "Gospel Magic" has written a highly detailed and useful book concerning the spiritual applications of Volume 1, of the Tarbell Course in Magic. Each effect in Tarbell 1 is used in several different ways to prove or explain an appropriate gospel message, and
Out of stock. $24.00
Definitive Sankey (3 Book and 1 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Book 1600 pages. 500 tricks. 3 volumes. 1 mind. Welcome to The Definitive Sankey. Four years ago we (Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin) embarked on a literary journey to describe the very best of Jay Sankey's enormous body of work. The idea was simple: if you eliminate the weak tricks from Jay's unparalleled o
Out of stock. $150.00
Definitive Sankey Deluxe Edition (3 Book and 2 DVD set) by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc. Magic - Boo For the collectors, we have an extremely limited supply of Collector's Edition volumes of The Definitive Sankey. For just $250 dollars, you get special edition volumes in sleek black leatherette, plus a gorgeous slipcase, plus TWO feature-length DVDs of Jay performing the best of the best. Finally,
Out of stock. $250.00
Handcrafted Card Magic Volume 2 by Denis Behr - Book hardbound with dustjacket, 5.8 x 8.3 inches, about 90 page"The warning, "You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover" is a lie because if a book has Denis Behr's name on the cover you can be sure it is well-written and filled with card magic that will delight your mind, your hands, your heart and your audie
Out of stock. $40.00 $30.00
Electric Chair(2 DVD set)by Paul Roberts - DVD Here for the first time on DVD is Paul Robert's version of the famous ELECTRIC CHAIRS routine. A number of spectators are chosen at random and asked to sit on normal chairs. The magician then has the ability to control them with a series of shocks leading to them to performing a whole host of stra
Out of stock. $39.95 $29.96
My First Magic Set (0C486BL) by Ideal - Trick Designed with little hands in mind, this magic set by Ideal builds the confidence of young magicians with great, easy-to-learn tricks. Make candy appear in an empty box! Watch a picture magically paint itself! Amaze your friends with disappearing crayons, and more! Instructions and supplies for over
Out of stock. $29.95 $23.06
Spectacular 100 Trick Magic Suitcase (0C4769) by Ideal The ultimate magic set from Ideal in a durable suitcase-style carrying case for aspiring magicians! Filled with 100 of the greatest tricks and props, including - the fabric magic hat, deck of magician's cards, performance table, instructional DVD and Secrets of 100 Magic Tricks book. With over 110 c
Out of stock. $68.00
The Elite Himber Wallet by Heinz Minten This Elite Himber is perfect for your bank note routines, whenever you need to switch or have money appear in a previously shown empty wallet.Of course it can be used for cards, credit cards, predictions. Anything flat. Beautifully made, ultra thin and a slim design. This is made with the highest q
Out of stock. $59.95 $49.16
Extreme Magic Makeover by Hal Spear and Paul Romhany - eBook DOWNLOAD Extreme Magic MakeOver is filled with brand new, funny, original, COMPLETE ROUTINES for some of magic's most popular and widely performed effects. Hal Spear and Paul Romhany have put together a book all magicians can use - complete FULL, ORIGINAL patter for the following effects: Torn and Restored N
In stock. $29.95
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Harry Allen's Comedy Bits and Magic Routines Volume 2 video DOWNLOAD Comedy Bits and Magic Routines features Harry in his natural environment, in front of a fun-loving audience, demonstrating his favorite magic effects and showing off his encyclopedic supply of one-liners. Along the way, you'll gain insights and learn finesses on tricks you may have resigned to your
In stock. $34.95
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Magigram Vol.11 by Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD MAGIGRAM magazine ran from 1966 to 1995. It was printed by SUPREME MAGIC CO. and edited with superb ability by Ken de Courcy. The collaborators were the best ever, just to name a few: Ken de Courcy, Edwin, Ian Adair, Peter Warlock, Max Maven, Lewis Ganson, Maurice Fogel, Arthur Carter, George Blake,
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
Magigram Vol.9 by Wild-Colombini Magic - DVD MAGIGRAM magazine ran from 1966 to 1995. It was printed by SUPREME MAGIC CO. and edited with superb ability by Ken de Courcy.The collaborators were the best ever, just to name a few: Ken de Courcy, Edwin, Ian Adair, Peter Warlock, Max Maven, Lewis Ganson, Maurice Fogel, Arthur Carter, George Blake,
Out of stock. $10.00 $8.00
TBS Wallet Reloaded (Grained Texture) by Taiwan Ben - Trick The TBS Wallet is a modern, stylish card wallet enabling you to change bills, cards, billets, etc. Beautifully handcrafted with high quality leather and stitching. The best part is, you will want to use this as your everyday wallet. This does not look like a "magician's" wallet. The package includes
Out of stock. $59.95 $46.16
Yu Ho Jin Teaches Magic On The Go video DOWNLOAD Yu Ho Jin has handpicked the most practical, hard-hitting tricks that can be performed anytime and anywhere in his exclusive Magic On The Go. By end of the tutorial, you are always "On the Go" to perform magic, anytime and anywhere! The tricks taught are assisted by FISM 2015 winner, Kyoung Doc (DK)
In stock. $30.00
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LOTZ of MAGIC for KIDZ by John Breeds - Book John Breeds' previous book, the best-selling, How To Create Kids' Magic, is still acknowledged as the best book of its kind. David Kaye described this publication as "...the A to Z of all aspects of being a professional children's entertainer". It embraced the business of earning a good living as a
Out of stock. $49.95 $39.96
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