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Master Course Sponge Balls Set Vol. 1-4 by Daryl video DOWNLOAD Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide. Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Ball
In stock. $29.95
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Minotaur The Final Issue by Dan Harlan (2 DVD Set) 25 Incredible Effects with everything from Cards and Coins, to Orange Juice, Popcorn and Beer! NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $60.00
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Flipped Out by Craig Petty video DOWNLOAD On volume one of this video coin series, we will venture into Craig's world of the flipper coin and some of the fantastic effects Craig has created with the gimmick over the years. All in all, Craig has selected 9 of the very best coin routines to put show. From transpositions to disappearances, you
In stock. $30.00
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Hand-picked Astonishments (Thumb Tips) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay video DOWNLOAD A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more! All hand-picked by Paul Harris, Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and
In stock. $19.95
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Encyclopedia of Egg Magic by Donato Colucci - Book The Magic Egg-Fascinating, Mysterious, Perfect in Form and Innately Funny How can one simple object be all these things and more? That is, perhaps, the central mystery of the egg. But with al these things going for it, the egg is a perfect prop for the magician, and magicians have been using it for
In stock. $60.00
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Johnny Thompson Commercial Set (Vol 1 thru 4) video DOWNLOAD Johnny Thompson is one of the last of the living legends in his era. There is only on Vernon, Miller, Elmsley, Jennings, Marlo, and only one Thompson. Fortunately, ten years ago Johnny documented FOUR VOLUMES and nearly his entire close-up repertoire. This is a collection of private magic lessons fr
In stock. $39.95
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SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Jay Sankey Live (DVD) Never been to a magic lecture?? Now is your chance to sit in with one of the most ENTERTAINING lecturers in the world! NOW WITH 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS!
In stock. $30.00 $24.00
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Complete Intro to Coin Magic by Michael Ammar - DVD World-champion magician, Michael Ammar will give you easy, step-by-step instructions on how to astonish people with the coins in your pocket! By understanding what to do and when to do it, you'll be able to perform an endless amount of magic. This material on this DVD is different from any other bec
In stock. $30.00 $15.00
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Extreme Coin Magic by Joe Rindfleisch - DVD Coin magic beyond your wildest imaginings!Unfettered by coin magic's time - worn traditional plots, Joe Rindfleisch has invented some of the most creative magic with coins ever developed and on this digital extravaganza, you'll be able to see - and learn - it all! There's almost two and a half hours
In stock. $29.95 $14.98
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American Hopping Half w/One Dollar and One Quarter Dollar (D0126) Enjoy performing magic with the current coins, Tango Magic present all the classic coin magic effects with the new coins! In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coins in the world. Tango stands behi
In stock. $69.00
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Euro-Dollar Scotch And Soda (50 Cent Euro and Quarter Dollar)(ED001)by Tango-Trick Effect 1The magician shows a 50 cents euro coin and a quarter dollar coin in his left hand. He closes both hands and when he opens his hands, he finds only a 50 cents euro coin, because the quarter dollar coin has traveled to the other hand. Effect 2The magician shows two coins, a quarter dollar and
In stock. $33.00
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Inside the Mind of Garrett Thomas Set (Vol 1 thru 3) by Garrett Thomas video DOWNLOAD Over the last few years, Garrett Thomas has quickly become recognized as a major creative force in magic, so much so that luminaries like David Blaine, Marco Tempest, and many others have retained his services as a consultant for their television specials. In this series, Garrett Thomas tips his mit
In stock. $99.95
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BIGBLINDMEDIA Presents The Double Lift Project by Liam Montier - DVD The Double Turnover (most usually referred to as a double lift) is perhaps the single most essential move in all of card magic. It is the act of turning over two playing cards whilst creating the impression that you are handling just a single card. It is invariably the first sleight magicians learn
In stock. $35.00
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Euro-Dollar Scotch and Soda Magnetic by Tango-Trick (ED002) Effect 1The magician shows a 50 cents euro coin and a quarter dollar coin in his left hand. He closes both hands and when he opens his hands, he finds only a 50 cents euro coin, because the quarter dollar has traveled to the other hand. Effect 2The magician shows two coins, a quarter dollar and a 50
In stock. $37.50
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Euro-Dollar Silver/Copper/Brass Transposition (ED005) by Tango- Trick EffectThe magician shows three coins; a quarter dollar coin, a 1 Euro coin and a 50 Euro cents coin. He places the three coins in his left hand, closes the hand and takes a quarter dollar coin. Places it in his right hand, but incredibly when he opens the left hand, the quarter dollar coin is there
In stock. $42.00
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Euro-Dollar Hopping Half (1 Euro and Quarter Dollar) by Tango Magic-Trick (ED004) EffectTwo coins are shown - a quarter dollar and a euro coin. The magician takes the quarter dollar and puts it in his pocket. When he opens his hand, both coins are in his palm again. He then repeats the action - taking the 1 euro coin and putting in his pocket. But when he opens his hand both coin
In stock. $60.00
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Flipper Coin Magnetic Quarter Dollar (D0043)by Tango - Trick EffectThe magician show two coins, places them on the table and puts a glass (brim upwards) on the coins. Incredibly one of the coins appears inside the glass.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked
In stock. $43.95
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Magic of Michael Ammar #4 by Michael Ammar - DVD Immediately upon its release, The Magic of Michael Ammar became one of the fastest-selling magic books in history. Now, for the first time on DVD, you can actually see the magic that made Michael Ammar a world-champion magician performed by its creator at the very peak of his powers. Then, Michael t
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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Event Horizon by Andrew Mayne - DVD Andrew Mayne, creator of Gut Buster and In Half presents a stunning new illusion. Is it an escape, a penetration or a teleportation? Members of the audience are asked onstage to inspect a 24" metal plate with a 7" hole cut in the center. After they've inspected it to their satisfaction they're invit
In stock. $20.00 $5.00
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American Scotch & Soda (D0125)(TRADITIONAL w/DVD) by Tango Magic - Tricks Tango Magic presents the American Scotch and Soda. This is a new version of an old but extremely popular set of gimmicked coins that allows miracles. Scotch and Soda is one of the most popular and best selling effects in coin magic. And with good reason... it is versatile, easy, and packs an extreme
In stock. $39.00 $37.05
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Magic Circle Lectures by David Penn and Craig Petty - DVD David Penn and Craig Petty were both invited to lecture at the famous Magic Circle in London. In David Penn's lecture you will gain real world insight into performing close up magic in banquet situations. Learn amazing effects such as producing a glass of water from a spectator's jacket, spoon bendi
Out of stock. $35.00
Sanchez Fly by David Gabbay - video - DOWNLOAD Sanchez Fly is David's handling of the classic fingertips coins across. The routine makes use of some of the most visual coin vanishes and appearances to bring you a fingertips coins across routine you will actually perform. Sanchez fly uses a common coin gimmick you already have and has been tediou
In stock. $15.00 $12.30
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Pyrotechnic Pasteboards with Gregory Wilson (DVD) Forget those mind-numbing, deal down, Uncle Charlie card tricks. This is fast and furious, in-your-face card flaunting! Highly Recommended!!!
In stock. $29.95
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Peter Eggink LIVE (Instant Download) One of magic's most creative minds came to Penguin for an exciting 2 1/2 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Expert Cigarette Magic Made Easy - Vol.1 by Tom Mullica - DVD Note: 'Vol.12' refers to VHS releaseCigarette Magic for the non-smoker, and plenty for those that do!In most of our collective lifetimes there has only been one man, and one act, who over and over again fooled the bejeesus out of magicians and laymen alike: Of course, I am talking about Tom Mullica
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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Reel Magic Episode 37 (Asi Wind) In this issue:Feature Asi WindJohn Lovick sits down with Asi Wind to talk about art, magic and creating an impossible moment.ColumnsBill Wisch - OnSlydiniBill shows us an S.O.C. trick!Kainoa Harbottle - Coin UKainoa talks about how "A Whack on the Side of the Head" helped him get creative with a co
In stock. $12.00 $3.00
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Hollywood by Alex Pandrea - DVD Join Alex Pandrea in Hollywood on a journey of card magic. On this DVD Alex teaches 3 moves with cards; a switch, a color change, and a control. In addition to the sleights, Alex provides multiple routines with each move so you can add them to your working repertoire. Filmed on location in Los Angel
In stock. $25.00 $12.50
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Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 3 by Daryl - DVD Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide. Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Ball
In stock. $14.95 $7.48
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Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 4 by Daryl - DVD Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide. Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Ball
In stock. $14.95 $7.48
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Extreme Dean #1 by Dean Dill - DVD No, you're not seeing double, Dean Dill has been extremely busy over the past four years... so busy, they had to put him on two DVDs! For two decades, Dean has been entertaining and teaching some of the finest coin magic around.Not only is he a superb close-up artist, Dean is also a highly sought af
Out of stock. $34.95 $27.96
Extreme Dean #2 Dean Dill, DVD No, you're not seeing double, Dean Dill has been extremely busy over the past four years... so busy, they had to put him on two DVDs! For two decades, Dean has been entertaining and teaching some of the finest coin magic around.Not only is he a superb close-up artist, Dean is also a highly sought af
Out of stock. $34.95 $28.66
Flipper Coin - Canadian Quarter - Trick A coin is shown from both sides. The coin is held between the thumb & first finger of the left hand & held by the outside of the coin. The right hand is shown empty & passes in front of the coin. The left hand now displays 2 coins between the same fingers. The right hand now takes one of
Out of stock. $55.00 $45.10
Real Work On Restaurants And Bars by Jay Sankey - DVD Over the past 20 years Jay has held contracts as the ?house magician? at over a dozen different restaurants and bars. Now on this very special DVD Jay shares with you the real work on both the art and the business of making a very good living performing in these exciting venues. Jay also teaches you
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.00
Fandango - Part 1 by David Forrest - Book NOW AVAILABLE AS A BOOKLET!David Forrest's FANDANGO - Close up magic for the real world. Part 1. Part 1 in a series of releases containing all new material designed with the intent of providing real world close up magicians with fresh, practical material. Six brand new, never before published effect
Out of stock. $17.50 $13.65
S P Wallet - Trick This wallet makes money appear, disappear or even change into a butterfly!EffectNo strapNot a Z folded walletOpening side is the same in any timePossible to have a spectator open walletHigh qualityNo techniqueEasy to useThe instructions illustrate five routines, including "Butterfly Effect."Com
Out of stock. $75.00 $56.25
Half And Half - Volume 1 by Doug Brewer - DVD Practical Magic for the Working Performer!Ultimate (?) Wild Coin RoutineHistory Production: A devilishly clever way to produce 3 coins while ringing in a gaff. Ultimate (?) Wildcoin: Doug's handling of the classic effect. 3 coins change one at a time into a Chinese coin. A super clean, visual change
In stock. $35.00 $8.75
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Half And Half - Volume 2 by Doug Brewer - DVD Practical Magic for the Working Performer!Stand-up and Be Counted RoutineCoin Catch: How do magicians play catch? Based on Fred Kaps Coins & Silk routine. Simplified and amazing.  Shell Fly: Not again! A super clean and logical extension of the previous routine.  Savior&
In stock. $35.00 $28.70
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Flex by Mickael Chatelain and Carlos Cardoso - DVD(PAL) Carlos Cardoso: 7 close-up magic tricks performed for you (4 explained). Carlos' definition of magic is "when the soul acts". An illusion is actually a visual fiction interpreted by each spectator in his own way.Mickael Chatelain: 5 fully-illustrated gimmicks. Mickael's definition of magic is t
Out of stock. $43.40 $33.85
Expanded Shell Chinese Coin made in Brass (Blue) by Tango - Trick (CH005) EffectA coin goes through a note that is borrowed from a member of the audience.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coins in the world. Tango stands behind their products to guarantee your succes
Out of stock. $30.00
The Complete Idiots Guide to Street Magic by Tom Ogden - Book It's the hip-hop of hocus-pocus. Forget about David Copperfield, cruise ship illusionists, and birthday party magicians. They're so twentieth century. Think cutting-edge magickers like David Blaine and Criss Angel. People starting out in magic today want something edgier, grittier, quick, visual, an
Out of stock. $18.95
Flipper Coin 2 Euro by Tango Magic - Trick (E0036) EffectThe magician shows two coins, places them on the table and puts a glass (brim upwards) on the coins. Incredibly one of the coins appears inside the glass.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked
In stock. $75.00
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Expanded Shell Chinese Coin made in Brass (Yellow) by Tango - Trick (CH006) EffectA coin goes through a note that is borrowed from a member of the audience.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coins in the world. Tango stands behind their products to guarantee your succes
Out of stock. $30.00
Expanded Shell Chinese Coin made in Brass (Red) by Tango - Trick (CH007) EffectA coin goes through a note that is borrowed from a member of the audience.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coins in the world. Tango stands behind their products to guarantee your succes
Out of stock. $30.00
Fandango - Part 2 by David Forrest - Book NOW AVAILABLE AS A BOOKLET! Part 2 in the 'Fandango' series continues with yet more innovative close up magic with the focus firmly fixed on practicality and real world performance. Six more, never before published effects fresh from the mind of Dave Forrest. The material contained within has been c
Out of stock. $17.50 $14.00
S.S. Adams Scotch & Soda Jr., US Quarter and Copper Portuguese Coin - Trick S.S. Adams Scotch & Soda Jr., US Quarter and Copper Portugueby S.S. AdamsThis Quarter size Scotch and Soda was often referred to as Gin and Tonic. Our Brand, Scotch and Soda JR. utilizes a quarter and a copper Portuguese coin. Precision made as in S.S. Adams Dime and Penny and Scotch and Soda with H
Out of stock. $12.50 $9.38
Flipper Coin - Canadian Twoonie by Roy Kueppers - Trick EffectA coin is shown from both sides. The coin is held between the thumb & first finger of the left hand & held by the outside of the coin. The right hand is shown empty & passes in front of the coin. The left hand now displays 2 coins between the same fingers. The right hand now takes
Out of stock. $58.00 $43.50
Fast Company (2 DVD Set) by Damian Nieman- DVD "Fast Company" is a 2 disk DVD set that teaches artifice, ruse, and subterfuge at the card table. This is much more than just a demo of gambling sleights. This is a comprehensive instructional resource that explains these moves using slow motion, multiple angels, extreme close ups, over the should s
Out of stock. $80.00 $60.00
Expanded Shell Coin (Half Dollar) (D0007)(Steel Back) by Tango Magic - Trick EffectA coin passes through a note/bill borrowed from a member of the audience.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coins in the world. Tango stands behind their products to guarantee your success
In stock. $36.00
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Expanded Shell Coin - (1 Euro, Steel Back) by Tango Magic - Trick (E0066) EffectA coin passes through a note/bill borrowed from a member of the audience.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coins in the world. Tango stands behind their products to guarantee your success
Out of stock. $57.00
Expanded Shell Coin (50 Cent Euro, Steel Back) by Tango Magic - Trick (E0005) EffectA coin passes through a note/bill borrowed from a member of the audience.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coins in the world. Tango stands behind their products to guarantee your success
In stock. $39.00
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Prodigal Aces by Cosmo Solano - Trick Four separate piles are laid on the table, each clearly containing one of the four aces... Without any moves, counts or sleights the aces INSTANTLY vanish from their piles and are found under the spectator's hand! "Perhaps the simplest, cleanest, fastest and most magical Ace assembly to date.." "Vis
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.70
Hand Wash Utility Technique by Mike Smith - DVD Mike Smith's Hand Wash Utility Technique is the most unique and versatile version of the hand wash to-date. With this technique you can vanish items, produce them and hide almost any small objects whilst showing your hands apparently empty. Cards, coins, notes, rings, balls, pins and keys are just s
Out of stock. $40.00 $30.00
Flipper Coin Pro 2 Euro/50 cent Euro by Tango -Trick (E0079) The magician shows two coins in his left hand. He takes one of his coins with his right hand and closes the right hand. When he opens the right hand the coins have disappeared.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest q
Out of stock. $75.00
Magic of Michael Ammar #1 by Michael Ammar - DVD Immediately upon its release, The Magic of Michael Ammar became one of the fastest-selling magic books in history. Now, for the first time on DVD, you can actually see the magic that made Michael Ammar a world-champion magician performed by its creator at the very peak of his powers. Then, Michael t
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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An Extension of Me (DVD Set with Gimmick Coin Bonus) by Eric Jones - DVD "Eric Jones is THE real deal!" This is what top magicians from all around the world are saying after seeing Eric Jones perform his stunning close up magic. Eric has long been known to the magic underground, but now he is catching on like a wild fire. Eric is smooth as silk and his magic truly looks
Out of stock. $89.95
Live at the Magic Castle by Chris Randall - DVD This is Chris Randall's acclaimed live lecture at The Magic Castle in the Parlor of Prestidigitation. This DVD also shows bonus performances in the Close up Gallery and Palace of Mystery. In this lecture Chris tips some of his most prized creations such as: Desert Rose Over 10 effects with a simple
Out of stock. $25.00
Sleeve Star (DVD and Gimmick) by World Magic Shop and David Jay - DVD For years sleeving has been a Holy Grail for many performers. David Jay is one of the world's greatest sleight of hand experts and has spent the last 20 years taking sleeving to a whole new level. Now Wizard FX Productions are proud to present the release of one of the most anticipated items to hit
Out of stock. $146.00 $119.72
Handle with Carey by John Carey and RSVP Magic - DVD The quotes below are from three of the world's finest card magicians who have had a sneek peek at this brand new DVD from John Carey. Featuring 11 superb routines, all of the effects are from John's working material and all have been worked and refined for many years. This not only makes them extrem
Out of stock. $29.99
Bold by Russ Andrews and Merchant of Magic - DVD Welcome to Bold! Bold is a collection of 'off the wall' effects by UK magician Rus Andrews. Rus works 'day in day out' in bars and nightclubs, so he has developed a repertoire of working routines that pack a punch and are very simple to understand and follow. This isn't to say that he has compr
Out of stock. $26.25 $20.48
Sanchez Fly by David Gabbay - Trick Sanchez Fly is David's handling of the classic fingertips coins across. The routine makes use of some of the most visual coin vanishes and appearances to bring you a fingertips coins across routine you will actually perform. Sanchez fly uses a common coin gimmick you already have and has been tediou
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.70
The Elite Himber Wallet by Heinz Minten This Elite Himber is perfect for your bank note routines, whenever you need to switch or have money appear in a previously shown empty wallet.Of course it can be used for cards, credit cards, predictions. Anything flat. Beautifully made, ultra thin and a slim design. This is made with the highest q
Out of stock. $59.95 $49.16
Jay Sankey's Revolutionary Coin Magic - Plus 30 Minutes of Bonus Material (DVD) The absolute best coin magic DVD on the market. Imagine being able to entertain with just the coins in your pocket - anytime, anywhere! Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $40.00
Flipper Coin (US Quarter) Two half dollars are freely shown and placed in the left hand. Commenting that the weight of the two coins is too heavy, the magician gives his left hand a rest by placing them in his right hand. But alas, his right hand gets tired as well, so to solve his problem he lessens the burden of his righ
Out of stock. $20.00
Flicking Fingers-The Movie (DVD) Tricks and Fiction from the Road. Over 3 1/2 Hours of Mind-Blowing Magic!
Out of stock. $65.00
Lucky Sevens - Volume Three Do you want to learn card tricks that fool magicians? Gerry's back and this time he's taking you with him, backstage that is...
In stock. $34.95
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Out of stock. $45.00 $36.00
The MINI Penguin Cups (Brass) These cups are born to perfom ANYWHERE you roam. Pull them out of your pocket and UNLEASH the CLASSIC of all classics, the cups and balls.
Out of stock. $59.00
Sankey-Tized Volume 1 (DVD) Great routines for using ordinary objects.
Out of stock. $29.95
Sankey-Tized Volume 2 (DVD) This is how Jay got the attention of the world!
Out of stock. $29.95
Backstage Pass with The Dean Go backstage with Jason Dean as he entertains the hard rock superstars of Godsmack after a sold-out show in Las Vegas! Not sold in stores! Exclusive to
Out of stock. $29.95
Ring Thing by Garrett Thomas (DVD) Imagine visibly taking a ring on and off right through your finger! Imagine visibly changing a coin into a ring and then back into a coin again!
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.50
Magic You Can Make w/ Marty Grams (DVD) Learn to make 12 stunning tricks from Marty Grams' personal collection of winners!
In stock. $30.00 $19.95
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Flipper Coin by Tango (50 Cent EURO) Two coins are freely shown and placed in the left hand. Commenting that the weight of the two coins is too heavy, the magician gives his left hand a rest by placing them in his right hand. But alas, his right hand gets tired as well, so to solve his problem he lessens the burden of his right hand by
In stock. $45.00
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Expanded Shell by Tango Magic (10 Cents Euro) One by one coins VISUALLY penetrate a solid table top in the cleanest way possible!
Out of stock. $27.00
Choose Five for 99 (BLACK FRIDAY) Purchase any 5 of the special items on this list together and get them ALL for only $99! JUST ADD INDIVIDUAL ITEMS TO CART, DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT.
In stock. $99.00
Sleeve Star by David Jay (DVD + GIMMICK) You've dreamed about it your whole life-- and now it EXISTS. Hand to hand TELEPORTATION. A SURPRISE SHIPMENT HAS ARRIVED. NOW SHIPPING!
Out of stock. $146.00 $112.42
Extremely Ambitious by Jay Sankey - DVD EXTREMELY AMBITIOUS is exactly that, an extremely ambitious collection of handlings, techniques, ideas and approaches all created with an eye towards taking the classic Ambitious Card effect to an exciting new level. Jay shares many of these for the VERY FIRST TIME!This breakthrough project is divi
Out of stock. $40.00 $32.00
Twizted by Eric Jones (GIMMICK + DVD) Plant this gimmick in your deck to create mind blowing, VISUAL CARD MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. NOW SHIPPING.
In stock. $40.00
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Sankey's Best Coin Magic By Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most powerful and creative coin effects.
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Built to Last by Doug Conn (2 DVD Set) THREE HOURS of creative magic from the underground LEGEND, Doug Conn. NOW SHIPPING. ORDER TODAY FOR SPECIAL BONUS.
Out of stock. $49.95
Freaking Coins by Philippe Bougard and Clement Kerstenne (2 DVD Set) Packed with highly visual coin magic and in-depth instruction. A must-have for every SERIOUS coin worker. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $35.00
Orient Express by Mark Mason (DVD + Gimmicks) One of Mark's favourite professional routines. This is Mark's brilliant handling for copper/silver brass, using NO COPPER, NO SILVER, JUST BRASS. Orient Express uses 3 different colored Chinese coins. The transpositions and exchanges are TWICE as strong and visual as the colors change places and not
Out of stock. $99.95
Senses by Christopher Wiehl (DVD and Gimmick) A simple, single utility that allows for endless possibilities. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $34.95 $17.48
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Overstuft by Bizzaro (2 Gimmicks) Eat the cream out of an Oreo cookie, then visually refill it -- plus so much more! A big hit on The Ellen Show! NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $34.95
The Vanishing by Shin Lim (with gimmick) - DVD Preface: This utility device will allow you to do miracles when it comes to vanishing an object or making it travel from one place to another. It is light to carry and can fit in your wallet. It's not bulky, and no necessary clothing requirements are needed. You can even use this gimmick naked if yo
Out of stock. $29.95
L.O.V.E (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds - DVD Want to ask a cute girl out? Or maybe do something cute and visual for that special someone?This is the trick for you. L.O.V.E. is a quick and visual piece of magic that's straight to the point. You'll be taking away a great multiple card change utility move that lets you end completely clean.This e
Out of stock. $24.95
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 1 by Daryl - DVD Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide. Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Ball
In stock. $19.95 $7.48
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Lightspeed by Perseus Arkomanis and Alakzam Magic - DVD "Great! His moves are totally invisible, natural and very deceptive!"- Rocco Silano "His technique is fantastic; with light speed vanishes and productions that are truly amazing!"- Michael Ammar "Great moves! Great technique! Looks pure magic to me!"- Carl Cloutier "Perseus' moves are very interesti
Out of stock. $35.00 $32.90
Saint Gauden Coin - Trick Each of these Saint Gaudens design Coins contains 1 Avoirdupois Ounce of .999 Fine Copper, measures 39mm in diameter, and will arrive in Brilliant Uncirculated condition!
Out of stock. $2.44
Peter Eggink LIVE (DVD) One of magic's most creative minds came to Penguin for an exciting 2 1/2 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $29.95
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Maelstrom by Tom Stone - Book You are invited to collaborate in a creative experience with a day-and-night, seven-days-a-week professional, the inventive and always-thinking Tom Stone! You will need to bring with you-Playing Cards Coins Silks Multiplying Bottles Book Tests Billiard Balls Dancing Cane Silk to Egg Thimbles Bananas
Out of stock. $55.00
World's Greatest Magic: Expanded Shells - DVD Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place. Imagine no more... If you could have one set of magic DVDs, this would be it! This benchmark collection features just about all of magic's most enduring and classic effects and routines. It's a fabulous compendium w
In stock. $19.95 $9.98
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Paul Harris Presents Rattled (Red) by Dan Hauss - Trick NOW IN 4 COLORS!You display a water bottle cap and put a coin or ring under the cap. You step back from the table so there's no way you can get near the cap or the coin.Your friend now shakes the cap and definitely HEARS and FEELS the coin RATTLE inside.And without you touching ANYTHING, she shakes
Out of stock. $34.95
Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 2 by Daryl - DVD Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide. Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Ball
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Magic of Michael Ammar #2 by Michael Ammar - DVD by L&L Publishing Immediately upon its release, The Magic of Michael Ammar became one of the fastest-selling magic books in history. Now, for the first time on DVD, you can actually see the magic that made Michael Ammar a world-champion magician performed by its creator at the very peak of his powers. Then, Michael t
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Flipper Chinese Coin Black (CH012) by Tango - Trick EffectThe magician shows two coins, places them on the table and puts a glass (brim upwards) on the coins. Incredibly one of the coins appears inside the glass.In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked
Out of stock. $35.00
Ammar Trilogy (3 DVD Set) by Michael Ammar - DVD This is what professionals call The Real Work. It's all revealed with the trademark technique pioneered by World Champion Magician Michael Ammar that features over-the-shoulder views that show exactly what your own hands should look like as you perform. You'll also discover The Real Secrets - beyond
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Euro-Dollar Scotch And Soda (ED000) (Quarter Dollar and 1 Euro) by Tango-Trick Effect 1The magician shows a quarter dollar coin and a one euro coin in his left hand. He closes both hands and when he opens his hands, he finds only a quarter dollar, because the 1 euro coin has traveled to the other hand. Effect 2The magician shows two coins, a quarter dollar and 1 euro coin, he
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Sankey/Sanders Sessions by Jay Sankey and Richard Sanders - DVD In September of 2002, Jay Sankey and Richard Sanders began video corresponding, sending rough magic ideas and handlings back and forth between Toronto and Montreal. During the next year and a half they included many of the routines in their professional performances while continuing to refine the ha
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Electronic Rating Pen - Trick A penny is placed on the back of a spectator's hand. You tap it with your pen and it visually changes to a dime! An impressive, close-up trick that is easy to do. Includes 3 routines.
Out of stock. $9.95 $7.96
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