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Levitator by Vernet - Trick Make CDs, glasses, dishes, almost any object appear to float between your hands!No threads or magnets Completely self-contained No set-up, the gimmick is always ready Comes with the special gimmick and illustrated instructions.
In stock. $8.00 $6.56
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Levitators by Zoen (Instant Download) Visual levitation cards magic
In stock. $5.65
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Jonathan Levit LIVE (DVD) This creator, consultant, and pro entertainer will share his tested methods and routines! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Jonathan Levit LIVE (Instant Download) This creator, consultant, and pro entertainer will share his tested methods and routines! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Levitation By Zaw Shinn (Instant Download) Visual social media effect
In stock. $7.00
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Floating Match on Card Levitation Effect Get huge reactions with this incredibly popular levitation effect! Highly Recommended!
In stock. $6.99
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A Visual History of Theatrical Levitation by David Haversat This is the ultimate book on levitation!Over 340 premium pages loaded with rare photographs, illustrations and schematics. Each copy of this coffee table size publication is a visual treat. This second edition, soft cover is limited to only 350, get your copy while they are still available! Includes
In stock. $100.00
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Jonathan Levit: Ahead of the Game (Instant Download) Let one of the movie industry's leading magic consultants teach you how to be "ahead of the game"!
In stock. $49.99
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Levitation 2.0 By Zaw Shinn (Instant Download) Visual Effect for social media
In stock. $7.00
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The Art of Levitation Part 1 by Dirk Losander video DOWNLOAD Learn from a name synonymous with Levitation: Losander! A specialist in the field of levitation and inventor of the "Floating Table," Losander has compiled a sensational array of effects with some new ideas. Utilizing a new thread system, Losander shares ideas and insights on the performance of levi
In stock. $9.95
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The Art of Levitation Part 2 by Dirk Losander video DOWNLOAD Learn from a name synonymous with Levitation: Losander! A specialist in the field of levitation and inventor of the "Floating Table," Losander has compiled a sensational array of effects with some new ideas. Utilizing a new thread system, Losander shares ideas and insights on the performance of levi
In stock. $9.95
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Ultimate Airborne / levitating glass by Andy Duroe (Instant Download) A unique take on the standard airborne glass.
In stock. $12.00
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Xenon Levitation by Ralf Rudolph aka`Fairmagic (Instant Download) Levitate small objects.Perfect for Zoom, Instagram etc.
In stock. $8.00
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The Vault - Self Levitation 2 by Ed Balducci routined by Gerry Griffin (Taught by Shin Lim/Paul Harris/Bonus Levitation by Jose Morales) video DOWNLOA "Since the dawn of mankind... men have dreamt of defying the laws of gravity." The Self Levitation was a feature and one of the most talked about items on David Blaine's Magic Special. This download teaches you how to perform that unbelievable levitation illusion. On this download, Shin Lim and Paul
In stock. $10.00
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Self Levitation 2.0 by Shin Lim, Jose Morales & Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD "Since the dawn of mankind...Men have dreamt of defying the laws of gravity." The Self Levitation was a feature and one of the most talked about items on David Blaine's Magic Special. This download teaches you how to perform that unbelievable levitation illusion. On this download, Shin Lim & Pau
In stock. $15.00
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Yogi Spirit Levitation & Other Psychic Feats by Jonathan Royle & W. G. Magnuson eBook DOWNLOAD Del-Ardo was the stage name of the late and great W. G. Magnuson who in the 1920-1930's produced a number of manuscripts revealing the innermost secrets of the mediums, mentalists and mystics.These manuscripts were often badly typewritten and are very hard to find in any readable or legible conditio
In stock. $20.00
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IN AIR by Sultan Orazaly video DOWNLOAD Very visual and beautiful levitation!
In stock. $7.00
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Magic For Everyone by Penguin Magic (Magic Kit) The best gift magic kit ever. Under $20 and you get the exact same caliber tricks the pros use! Enough to put on a whole magic show. Only great magic, no filler!
In stock. $19.95
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TIES: The Invisible Elastic System (40-Pack Saver) Levitate objects with confidence, this is the secret weapon pros use. Includes 40 TIES (about 50 cents each) and a 2-hour instructional video. LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Tempo Elf by Mental Tom The world's smallest remote controlled thread reel. So small, it fits in a bottle cap! Watch to the end of the trailer to get just a taste of the possibilities this opens up.
In stock. $99.00
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Hover Card Plus by Dan Harlan and Nicholas Lawrence The best card levitation of all time, now better than ever before. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $39.95
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Loops by Yigal Mesika (8-Pack) The most popular close-up levitation device in the world.
In stock. $9.95
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TIES: The Invisible Elastic System (10-Pack) Levitate objects with confidence, this is the secret weapon pros use. Includes 10 TIES and a 2-hour instructional video FULL of tricks. LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $10.00 $5.00
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Spider Thread by Yigal Mesika (2 piece pack) For levitating and animating objects!
In stock. $14.95
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Shiver by Nathan Kranzo (Instant Download) Anytime. Anywhere! This will be your go-to card levitation. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.99
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FLOAT by David Luu (Instant Download) levitation , stage magic , close up magic , card trick
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Spider Pen X by Yigal Mesika The best electronic thread reel is now better than ever. Levitate objects in new and exciting ways, even more reliably, built into an ordinary looking pen!
In stock. $75.00
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Float FX by Trickmaster - Trick Float FX The Ultimate Levitation SystemWelcome to FLOATFX, The Ultimate Levitation System. This is more than a magic trick; this is a complete levitation kit. Using the secret apparatus enclosed, you will soon be able to perform some of the greatest close-up levitations in the world. Imagine being a
Out of stock. $29.99 $24.59
LDR by Sam Camilo video DOWNLOAD Magician can separate the card in to 3 parts then make it levitation then after that the card back to normal again (no Black Art, no magnet) Instagramable magic.Download now!
In stock. $9.00
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Optical by Rizki Nanda (Instant Download) levitate any playing card over any card Box!!
In stock. $3.00
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Retro-Gravity by Devin Knight - ebook - DOWNLOAD If you haven't heard of Retro-Gravity, it was a self-levitation that Al Mann and Devin Knight created over 20 years ago. It has been kept under wraps all these years. Whispered about on the underground, and hinted that it would be released someday... That day is NOW. Retro-Gravity allows you to levi
In stock. $24.95
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SvenKards (Lined) by Brett Barry INTRODUCING SVENKARDSTHE NEXT EVOLUTION OF FORCING HAS ARRIVED. THE SVENPAD WITHOUT THE PAD. Something so ordinary that no one will suspect the stealthy secret. Our new SVENKARDS were a sellout, and the talk of Magic Live 2024! Many who have seen and handled these used the word "GAME CHANGER." A pow
In stock. $50.00
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L Dimension by Magicat - Trick Introduction You don't need complex set-up for levitation magic anymore You don't have to use thread for levitation magic anymore You don't have to worry about trick exposure with levitating magic anymore. Korean magic company "Magicat" launched a new product in 2021 is Dimension L! With a very s
Out of stock. $225.00
Vacuum By Yanik Kumar (Instant Download) Great & Easy Levitation Effect Of a Card. Not limited to just one side. Float the card anywhere on the deck!
In stock. $4.70
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Super Wand by Bond Lee, HZ Wang & MS Magic Created by HZ WangA super wand allowing you to create multiple routines. Transposition, shapeshift and levitation, all these miracles fit into one magical wand. The perfect magic tool for stage magic performance.Come and experience the Super Wand!Multiple effects in one wand:TranspositionShapeshifti
In stock. $110.00
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SuperElevation 2.0 by Subrata Banerjee (Instant Download) Levitate Any Borrowed Charger Cable/Data cable
In stock. $10.00
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The balanced by Zoen's (Instant Download) Visual balancing cards
In stock. $3.00
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Lighter Than Air by Salvador Molano video DOWNLOAD Take off your shoes and levitate in your socks!Whenever you want to take off your shoes, you stay in socks, show your feet with socks on from all angles, there is nothing to see.Tell a spectator to extend their arms and with their hands out in front of them they grab the yours. In a few seconds you
In stock. $60.00
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High-Six by Spencer Tricks - Video DOWNLOAD "In the right hands, this levitation is like real magic." - LosanderThe brand new and highly practical concept of pre-set levitation!You borrow a bill from your spectator, you make it levitate. But that's not the end. You can move the floating bill freely, up and down, left to right. Then you let th
In stock. $29.95
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Aero BLACK by Bond Lee and ZF Magic Aero - the world's lightest dancing cane, created by Bond Lee and ZF Magic. The dancing cane is one of the best levitations ever invented in magic. Now you can perform this miracle everywhere without limitation. Although it's light, it's still well balanced and easy to manipulate. Thread has always
In stock. $75.00
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Cup Zero by Twister Magic - Trick Another great idea by George Iglesias, comes to us, this time with an incredible NEW levitation trick that will blow everybody's mind! Imagine being able to float on stage a cup full of liquid in the mid air and many heavy objects full of their own contents... Now with Cup Zero it's possible! An ama
In stock. $35.00
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Dancing Vanishing Cane V2 / BLACK (D.V.C.) by Magiclism The perfect finale for dancing cane.Magician can freely levitate a walking cane, at the end of the routine, you can vanish the cane into confetti or transform it into a silk scarf, even do a color changing cane effect. DVC brings a perfect ending for your routine.VanishingTransformationColor changin
In stock. $49.95 $40.96
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The Vault - Fly by Patricio Teran video DOWNLOAD "This looks like real magic" - Takumi Takahashi "This is what levitation should look like. Magic that happens in mid air" - Patrick Kun From South America, Chile, returns Patricio Tern with his great illusions, this time focusing on levitation in a compilation of 8 ideas that you can incorporate and
In stock. $19.95
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ANTI-GRAVITY by Nathan Kranzo (Instant Download) Fools magicians and laypeople alike! Levitate a BORROWED BILL using NO THREADS. Hand it back IMMEDIATELY. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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PeekSmith 3 by Electricks - Trick Your new best friend in magic!PeekSmith 3 is a product of Electricks. A state-of-the-art miniature electronic peek device, compatible with wide range of magic apps and devices.Unmatched in its classDesigned to work seamlessly with leading magic appsEasy to hide, no palm requiredFacebook community wi
In stock. $247.00
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PK Coin by Nathan Kranzo (US Quarter) A worker's dream come true. A coin rises under your complete control with no possible explanation. Each coin is self-contained and hand-made by Roy Kueppers. LIMITED SUPPLY.
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PK Coin by Nathan Kranzo (50 Euro) A worker's dream come true. A coin rises under your complete control with no possible explanation. Each coin is self-contained and hand-made by Roy Kueppers. LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $39.95
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Twister Thread by Twister Magic - Trick After the great success of Cup Zero in the market last year, George finally decided to release Twister Thread to the magic world. This is the same special thread George uses to perform all the effects in Cup Zero and that have been specially and exclusively manufactured by a thread company for Twist
In stock. $19.95
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TOTEMS by Barbumagic (Instant Download) Learn a levitation, a coin bend and a weird rubber band illusion.
In stock. $14.95
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Aero YELLOW by Bond Lee and ZF Magic Aero - the world's lightest dancing cane, created by Bond Lee and ZF Magic. The dancing cane is one of the best levitations ever invented in magic. Now you can perform this miracle everywhere without limitation. Although it's light, it's still well balanced and easy to manipulate. Thread has always
In stock. $75.00 $37.50
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Floating pieces 2.0 By Kenneth Costa (Instant Download) Make the impossible happen with a playing card and make the corner pieces levitate.
In stock. $9.00
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Dancing Vanishing Cane V2 / WHITE (D.V.C.) by Magiclism The perfect finale for dancing cane.Magician can freely levitate a walking cane, at the end of the routine, you can vanish the cane into confetti or transform it into a silk scarf, even do a color changing cane effect. DVC brings a perfect ending for your routine.VanishingTransformationColor changin
In stock. $49.95 $40.96
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Gags by Jim Pace (DVD) On this DVD you'll learn 25 tricks, gags, and bits of business. Get the inside working on Jim's "ProNightmare" routine and much, much more.Highlights include:Making Cards TravelProducing and Endless Amount of CoinsLevitating Your Business CardStopping Your HeartLearning Tons of Hilarious Jokes Along
In stock. $29.95
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Spongeman by Christian Allen (Instant Download) Learn visual and powerful magic with sponge balls
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Magic of the Pendragons #4 by Charlotte and Jonathan Pendragon and L&L Publishing - DVD Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the mechanics are just a small part-but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a breathtaking moment of pure magic. Now, for the first time ever
Out of stock. $29.95 $28.15
The Floating LADY by Zanadu Magic - Trick Magically levitate the princess over a Bicycle Back playing card!Place the princess on the card and she slowly rises only to gracefully returns back to the surface of the card, she may be removed and handed to the spectator for examination. You can even use your own match, toothpick or the supplied
In stock. $5.50 $1.38
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FLAME (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) by Murphy's Magic Supplies - Trick All Magicians know, If you want to get the attention of your audience... USE FIRE!FLAME is by far one of the most amazing visual effects in close-up fire magic.Imagine taking out an ordinary lighter and, at your command, making the flame levitate slowly above the lighter then back down again! FLAME
In stock. $24.95 $22.46
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Locking Micro ITR by Sorcery Manufacturing - Trick Now with Steve Fearson's Vectra and FREE DVD! Imagine all of the routine possibilities with the New Locking ITR, finally we have achieved our goal of a practical locking ITR after 10 years of extensive research and development. The reel opens up many new doors of possibilities we have been limited w
In stock. $79.97 $59.98
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Vectra Virtuoso (Expert Grade Invisible Thread) - Steve Fearson Vectra Virtuoso is the most invisible of the Vectra threads. It is also the most delicate but still surprisingly strong. It's able to hold a credit card or driver's license with ease. This thread can be used in a wide variety of lighting conditions, just INCHES from the noses of your audience! Virtu
In stock. $20.00 $16.40
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Tarbell 101: Comedy Magic (Instant Download) Goofy bits, silly skits, and amusing magic combine to create entertaining magic.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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NEW FLYING SPHERE (With Remote) by Sorcier Magic - Trick Probably the lightest flying ball on the magic market. It lights up! This light sphere turns on and off at your command. Prepare to levitate it near a semi-transparent scarf, behind it, and in front of it. The audience will not have a clue as to the explanation - it looks like real magic! For stage
Out of stock. $120.00
UNSEEN FORCE by TCC - Trick It is a levitation device.We wanted to create a really good levitation system, that is easy for you to carry around.That is why it took us three whole years on and off to complete the very first prototype. It took a further six months of constant refinement and research, and three changes in form fa
In stock. $80.00 $72.00
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DANCING NEON (Lightweight WHITE) by Sorcier Magic We present an ultra-light and easy-to-handle neon. Start by presenting a white neon that begins to levitate in your hands. At your nod the neon lights, up and starts dancing around you and under the full control of your hands. You will perform incredible and inexplicable evolutions for the public. I
In stock. $99.95 $81.96
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ANBERA An item that kills two birds with one stone, "levitation" and "telekinesis", is now available. Levitation (levitation) Borrow a smartphone from the audience and put a white handkerchief on it. From the top of the handkerchief, the smartphone can be seen through. When you apply a spell, your smartpho
Out of stock. $24.00
No Props Needed (Body Magic) by James Coats video DOWNLOAD Have you ever been caught without cards, coins, or props? This DOWNLOAD will show you how to perform magic using only your body. Join world re-known magician James Coats, as he shows you ways to perform magic without props.Featuring the never before seen five person, no gimmick, no prop levitation t
In stock. $9.95
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Body Tricks - Stephen Ablett (Instant Download) Learn magical effects with your hands, feet, eyes and body.
In stock. $10.00
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Penguin Magic Monthly: October 2017 (Magazine) This month features Adrian Vega, Mark Einhorn & Etienne Pradier. Plus tricks and theory from the world's best working magicians.
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Penguin Magic Monthly: June 2016 (Magazine) A QUICK TRICKRub-A-Butt by Dan FleshmanMASTERING THE CLASSICSThe Key Card by Kli BanONE FROM CAREYSimplex Searchers by John CareyGAGS AND GIMMICKSComedy Twin Card Prediction by Nathan KranzoA MOVE FOR MULLICA by Lamont ReamHARLAN'S BRAINBOXThe Invisibility Equation by Dan HarlanTHE BLAINE_DUCCI LEVI
In stock. $6.95
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Magneto By Andrew Salas (Instant Download) Card magic, Impromptu, easy, levitation
In stock. $3.00
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UP (Red) by steve marchello - Trick UP is a tremendous way for card levitation effectNo threadsNo magnetNo forceIt's a classic magic card routine. pick a card, then sign it then put it back to the deck. But what's next will be shocking the spectator, they will experiencing having magic by touch the deck then 'the card' will float on t
In stock. $29.95
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UP (Blue) by steve marchello - Trick UP is a tremendous way for card levitation effectNo threadsNo magnetNo forceIt's a classic magic card routine. pick a card, then sign it then put it back to the deck. But what's next will be shocking the spectator, they will experiencing having magic by touch the deck then 'the card' will float on t
In stock. $29.95
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Gravitation On The Mat by Salvador Molano video DOWNLOAD Walk over to your magic mat and then slowly levitate into the air and the slowly back down again!You can pass a handkerchief under your feet or another object including your assistant's own. The imperceptible gimmick turns on and off. You don't have to take anything off or put anyt
In stock. $25.00
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AMAZING FLOATING PEN by Rodrigo Romano (Instant Download) An insane professional levitation, ideal for virtual shows, using ordinary props. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $10.00 $4.95
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UNSEEN FORCE PRO by TCC - Trick The Unseen Force, our revolutionary levitation product, was first launched on Kickstarter two years ago and was a huge success, reaching 1819% funding. It has also been well received at retail.Now comes the Unseen Force Pro, the new and improved version of the original Unseen Force.The Unseen Force
In stock. $99.95 $81.96
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Vectra Strong Invisible Thread & Online Instructions by Steve Fearson Steve Fearson's Vectra Line is the strongest invisible thread ever offered to the magic community.A single strand can hold nearly a quarter pound! That's a full deck of playing cards!Now, for the first time you can safely levitate large items like CDs, coat hangers, scissors, you name it. Vectra Lin
In stock. $25.00
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iBalance Plus by Mark Elsdon Levitate a borrowed phone IMPOSSIBLY at your fingertips then hand it back. The perfect anytime trick. Works with both iPhone and Android.
In stock. $29.95
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Nick Locapo LIVE (Instant Download) One of the hardest-working magicians in America shares polished presentations and his favorite routines. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Loops Legends (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Yigal Mesika - Trick Yigal Mesika Presents Loops LegendsHere's your once in a lifetime opportunity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Loops and raise the bar on performing real magic and mesmerizing audiences. Whether it's two people in a diner or two hundred in a theater, you'll leave them all with a mind-bending exp
In stock. $24.95 $19.95
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Curtain Call by Barrie Richardson Dozens of wonderful tricks, routines and tools for mentalists, including his entire professional act! Most highly recommended.
In stock. $70.00
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Loops by Yigal Mesika (24-Pack) The most popular close-up levitation device in the world.
Out of stock. $30.00
Body Tricks by Stephen Ablett video DOWNLOAD Body Tricks is a collection of 64 magical effects using nothing but the human body. Learn to remove your own thumb, stretch your fingers, twist your hands and levitate of the ground. This is the ultimate in impromptu magic, tricks that can be performed instantly without the need of any searching for
In stock. $10.00
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Mystical Float by Esya G (Instant Download) NEW Levitation.effect.!
In stock. $8.00
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Static by Alan Rorrison (Instant Download) A fun impromptu Levitation/
In stock. $9.00
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ORBIT by Mark Parker & Jonathan Fox - Trick This is exactly the type of magic effect that peaked your interest and served as thegateway to the art. Why? It's super visual, super fun and pulls people in like amagnet. Even better it's EASY to perform allowing you to focus on the mostimportant aspect of any effect - the performance! It also has
Out of stock. $39.95
Thread Magic (World's Greatest Magic) video DOWNLOAD "Those effects in which an inanimate object moves without any visible cause are perhaps the most mysterious and effective in all magic. Such a trick more than any other seems like real magic, especially when it is close range directly under the noses of the spectators." And, with t
In stock. $14.95
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World's Greatest Magic: Thread Magic - DVD "Those effects in which an inanimate object moves without any visible cause are perhaps the most mysterious and effective in all magic. Such a trick more than any other seems like real magic, especially when it is close range directly under the noses of the spectators." And, with t
In stock. $19.95 $4.99
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Illusionary Appearances by Chris Stolz and Titanas - Book Chris Stolz is known as one of the top up and coming illusion designers in the industry today with incredible creations like his gorgeous looking sawing illusion "4 Way Split" or his incredibly practical levitation for the small stage "Sound Waves".Titanas Magic Productions is please to release this
Out of stock. $65.00 $55.90
Jimmy Fingers LIVE (Instant Download) One of the hardest working magicians in the business came to Penguin for an mind-blowing 2-hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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The Million Dollar Knot (Thread + Download) Finally an easy, inexpensive solution for tying your own invisible elastic bands. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Adam Elbaum LIVE (Instant Download) Strong routines, brilliant touches, awesome moves, and innovative work with invisible thread. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Penguin Magic Monthly: July 2021 / Yigal Mesika (Magazine) The LOOPS issue. Tricks and theory from pros to make you a levitation master. Includes a free pack of Loops!
Out of stock. $9.95
Jacks in the Box DVD & Cards A Great, easy packet trick with specially printed cards by the USPCC
Out of stock. $20.00
Business Card Miracles by Michael Ammar - DVD Make every business card a memorable memento by magically producing, printing, restoring or levitating it as you hand it out. This is a powerful collection of magical surprises that can be performed with any normal business card. Thousands of business cards are handed out every day, yet the ideas ta
In stock. $30.00 $7.50
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Jokes for Tricks by Wolfgang Riebe ebook DOWNLOAD 'CLEAN' & 'POLITICALLY CORRECT' JOKES FOR AND ABOUT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH MAGIC AND MAGICIANS!Are one of the many magicians that has a cupboard and boxes full of unused magic tricks?Why?Maybe it's because you don't have patter/jokes for any of them?Here's your solution!This book solves all your
In stock. $5.99
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Tivoliland by Arthur Tivoli (Instant Download) You'll learn:Coco Chanel - Arthur Tivoli's new touches and story makes the classic gypsy thread a true piece of magic.Youssoupof Three-fly - Once again a story helps the magic, justifying every move and making this coins across effect less impersonal thus more effective.Mono-gobelet - A workable one
In stock. $32.00
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Handz Up trick - Hottrix EffectSo Realistic, You`ll Fool A Surgeon!This system has been known for a while already and has been widely used for paranormal presentations or wacky offbeat acts. Unfortunately the entertainment industry was never able to produce this kind of gimmick because the technology involved in making a pr
Out of stock. $59.95 $49.16
Mysterio's Encyclopedia of Magic and Conjuring - Book Quirk's Amazing Magical Wonder Deck charmed amateur and professional magicians with its gorgeous aesthetic and fiendishly clever card tricks. Now these same readers can experience a complete course in magic with Mysterio's Encyclopedia of Magic and Conjuring-a giant compilation of more than 300 tric
Out of stock. $18.50 $17.39
At The Table Live Lecture - Jay Sankey January 21st 2015 video DOWNLOAD Jay Sankey is an absolute phenom when it comes to magic. Arguably the most prolific magic creator in the world, he has already thought of it all and; then some! We could spend an hour just naming all of the ideas he has released over the years, and Jay himself promises to present hand-selected mater
In stock. $9.95
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