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Link King by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) The most visual and impromptu rubber band linking effect we've ever seen
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Exoband by Dr. Cyril THOMAS (Instant Download) The best rubber band trick of the year, maybe the decade. Pass a rubber band through almost anything! Easy to do and uses only a single rubber band!
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Convergence by Joe Rindfleisch and Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) The most innovative new rubber band routine we've seen in ages. Tear and restore a rubber band in multiple phases with no funny moves. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Breaking Band by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) You won't believe your eyes. A rubber band breaks and restores in full view! ONLY $5 TODAY.
In stock. $10.00 $4.99
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Intrickation by Dr.Cyril Thomas & Justine Cesari (Instant Download) The most visual and impromptu rubber band penetration we've ever seen. Use any rubber band! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Rubber Blend by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) 10 eye-popping rubber band penetration effects that look like CGI. Toss some bands in your pocket and it's always showtime! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $24.95
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Banderaction by Dr. Cyril Thomas A barrage of SEVEN eye-popping rubber band tricks you can do in THEIR hands. This is the future of rubber-band magic. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $24.95
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Faith Hacker by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) Slowly erase a rubber band into thin air. The most visual rubber band vanish ever created. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Multiverse by Dr. Cyril Thomas Two worlds collide. Rubber-band meets card magic. Hyper-visual revelations, and impromptu tricks unlike anything you've seen before.
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Abandon by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) Pull solid through solid, inches from peoples faces, using every-day objects! Everything can be examined. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $6.95
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Impossible Conditions by Dr. Schwartz Dr. Schwartz's Impossible Conditions Probably one of the finest mechanical marvels Dr. Schwartz has ever invented, so easy to do. Imagine this: A card is elected signed and placed back into the pack. The deck is placed into the card box and the box is sealed inside a plastic Ziplock bag. You sta
In stock. $75.00
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Conviction Prediction by Dr. Michael Rubinstein "A brilliant prediction effect, that you never see coming. Five stars."- Marc Salem Finally, a coin, poker chip, and mentalism effect, all rolled into one! Here's what happens:Three different color poker chips are freely chosen by three different spectators. Four-coin envelopes are then introduced,
In stock. $45.00
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Parasite by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) The most shockingly visual rubber band trick we've ever seen. Put a rubber band in your eye and pull it out your nose. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $4.99
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Holy trap! By Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) Hyper-visual band magic. A single rubber band clearly wrapped around the deck TWICE, disappears and finds a SIGNED card in the MIDDLE OF THE DECK! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Dr Nevin's Psychic Testing Cards (ESP Set) by Dead Rebel Productions Dead Rebel Productions presents this beautiful variation on the standard ESP Cards.They come complete in a decorative calling card metal case which comes inside a replica vintage Elkington and Co presentation box with silk effect lining. Also included is a copy of Dr Nevins first ever journal entry
In stock. $45.00
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Chrysalised by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) A hyper-visual collection of innovative new rubber band tricks. You've never seen anything like this before. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.99
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Trypophobia by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) You'll think you're hallucinating. Gaps appear and disappear in rubber bands. Cutting edge magic from the doctor. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $14.99
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Bondage by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) Three new rubber-band miracles from the mind of Dr. Cyril Thomas START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Trybil: Dr. Bill's Book of Pendulums (Instant Download) Pendulums are real magic. You will be as amazed as your audience.
In stock. $55.00
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Rubber Things by Dr. Cyril Thomas (Instant Download) 3 of the strangest rubber band tricks we've ever seen. And today it's only $5. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $4.99
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Telephone Bill by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download) "When Dr. Bill did this effect for me over the phone, I was stunned! The procedure is fast and easy (no boredom here as in many phone tricks) requiring only a deck of playing cards. There seems to be no way for the performer to know anything about the number of cards since he is on the phone and can
In stock. $10.00
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Salt Trick (Dr. Daley) by Vernet - Trick The famous salt pour effect has never been easier! This special gimmick makes the steal easier to do and very hard to detect. Effect: The magician takes a salt shaker from the table and removes its lid. Immediately he begins to pour salt from it into his left fist. After some magical passes, the lef
In stock. $8.00 $6.56
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Canvas Ball Bag (80 MM) for Contact Juggling Balls & Chop Cups by Dr. Bob's Magic Shop - Trick These bags are heavy duty canvas on the outside - and soft plush lined on the inside. Locking draw string - and sturdy cord grommets to prevent tearing. BALL SOLD SEPARATELY! BAG ONLYDimensions Approximately 5 3/4" x 6" (14.6cm x 15cm)
In stock. $14.45 $11.85
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World's Greatest The Last Trick of Dr. Jacob Daley by L&L Publishing video DOWNLOAD As one goes through the literature of magic, the name of Dr. Jacob Daley crops up quite frequently, particularly in reference to card magic. Dr. Daley was a New York plastic surgeon but also an avid amateur magician who was skillful enough to keep company with many sleight-of-hand legends of the era
In stock. $14.95
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Magnetic Coins by Dr. Michael Rubinstein "I have seen Michael fool knowledgeable magicians with his Magnetic Coins routine. The one simple technique taught to make any two coinlike objects seem magnetic is more than worth the asking price."- Meir Yedid A Magnetic Coins routine that does not use magnets! Simple, Startling, and Surreal! Two
In stock. $40.00
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Mirabill by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download) "Bill has taken a modern classic and put some nice touches into it. He's made it into an "untouched" routine... it all happens in the spectator's hands. It's a kind of remote viewing experiment with almost laboratory conditions. It's always the simple ideas like this one that become the true stunner
In stock. $15.00
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The Fource by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download) "Performing effects with all of the spectators is something that many mentalists and magicians miss out on. The Fource gives you several very strong options to employ with the entire audience. I am using it in every show. Thanks Bill!" - Lior Manor"Hi Bill. Eureka! Why the hell didn't I think of tha
In stock. $50.00
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The Vault - Dr. Fun by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD Dr. Fun by Paul Harris (From the TA Box Set) Imagine the emotional impact when you are able to predict the happiest moment of someone's life! After over forty attempts, Paul finally nailed the perfect fun method for this biggie that has all the impact of Deep Astonishment and The Anything Deck, exce
In stock. $9.95
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Dr. Schwartz's FLOATING LIGHT BULB by Martin Schwartz - Trick The Floating Light Bulb, a classic of magic has now been perfected by the mechanical innovations of Dr. Marty Schwartz. You can now perform Floating Light Bulb flawlessly leaving your audience amazed. A light bulb is resting on your table. The music starts. You pick up a cloth and cover the light bu
In stock. $175.00
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Whispering Shadows The Art of Covert Hypnosis, Conversational Hypnotism & NLP Mind Control by Dr. Jonathan Royle & Mr Paul Gutteridge eBook DOWNLOAD Between the covers of this Large Format book are 40 information packed pages containing a detailed introduction into the Crystallised Pure Gold Inside Real World consistently proven to work techniques of Covert Hypnosis, Conversational Hypnotism, Influence, Persuasion, Negotiation, Rapid Seduction &
In stock. $10.00
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DR DALEY REMASTERED by Jordan Victoria (Jack) Dr Daley's Remastered is my take of the classic Dr Daley's Last Trick published in 1976 by Karl Fulves in Self Working Card Tricks. A four of a kind is used. For each step, you will ask your spectator to keep an eye on one of them. For the first step, one chance out of two. But for the two others.
In stock. $19.95
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The Doctor Is In - The New Coin Magic of Dr. Sawa Vol 1 - DVD The Professor, Dai Vernon, summed up Dr. Sawa this way: "One of the most creative magicians I have ever known. As the saying goes, you have to see it to believe it-and even then, you won't!" Find out why. When Dr. Sawa burst onto the magic scene back in the 1970s, he caused an international sensatio
In stock. $29.95 $24.56
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Suggestabilities by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download) "Sit down, relax, and breathe deeply... When you have finished reading this book you'll have the tools to make yourself a better performer. Read this book.... think about what this book has to say... and practice the ideas within. You'll soon feel like you are under Bill's spell. Luckily he uses his
In stock. $25.00
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Dr. Bill's Bend by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download) The best key bend we've EVER seen. This is the one the pros use. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $25.00
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The Dr's Billet Tear by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download) Imagine discretely learning what's written on a TWICE FOLDED piece of paper with NO props, NO funny moves and NO COVER. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $34.95
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Fusion Coins Half Dollar (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Dr. Michael Rubinstein Routines with impossible objects as their surprise ending always over-perform. This is one of Michael Rubinstein's favorites.The basic routine features you handing two coins to your friends for examination (a Half Dollar and a Penny) as you explain the different metals they are made of.You then plac
In stock. $30.00 $28.50
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MIGRATE DLX COIN by Dr. Michael Rubinstein - Trick Are you tired of the same old coin tricks that only last for 30 seconds to a minute? Do you want to add true variety to your act? Do you want to perform a memorable showpiece? Then you want Dr. Michael Rubinstein's NEW coins across routine, MIGRATE! What makes this coins across routine different?- I
In stock. $55.00
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Strolling Smiley (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Dr. Michael Rubinstein - Trick This is one of the rare, seemingly impromptu routines that puts a smile on people's faces.You begin by borrowing a Quarter from someone and drawing a sad face on it while explaining that coins can sometimes reflect the emotions of their owners.To make the coin feel better by rubbing it, it begins sm
In stock. $30.00
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System 88 by Docc Hilford and Dr. Lisa Chin - Book Successful members of the PEA or PUA communities understand the most powerful demonstration of worth is the ability to approach a woman cold, yet instantly and accurately reveal her deepest intimate secrets and desires. This is more than mentalism, it's a POWER. A power that attracts - it attracts m
Out of stock. $75.00 $56.25
Cards Dr. Leon Deck (Yellow) by Hiro Sakai - Trick This is a new, different looking deck.Manufactured to the exacting specifications of both Hiro Sakai and the US Playing Card Company.Hiro Sakai is recognized as one of the finest magicians and magic creators within the magic community. He was recently honored with being selected as a FISM judge. Hir
Out of stock. $5.85 $4.56
Cards Dr. Leon Deck (black) USPCC - Trick This is a new, different looking deck.Manufactured to the exacting specifications of both Hiro Sakai and the US Playing Card Company.Hiro Sakai is recognized as one of the finest magicians and magic creators within the magic community. He was recently honored with being selected as a FISM judge. Hir
Out of stock. $5.27
The Greater Magic Video Library Volume 43 - Dr. Hiroshi Sawa - DVD Now you can enjoy Japan's prolific magician without leaving your home. Dr. Sawa follows the distinguished tradition of Tenkai and Shigeo Takagi but adds a modern-day twist to his presentations. his delightful magic has earned him a reputation around the world as a great practitioner. His methods for
Out of stock. $29.95
Canvas Ball Bag (70 MM) Contact Juggling Balls & Chop Cups by Dr. Bob's Magic Shop - Trick These bags are heavy duty canvas on the outside - and soft plush lined on the inside. Locking draw string - and sturdy cord grommets to prevent tearing.BALL SOLD SEPARATELY! BAG ONLY Dimensions Approximately 5 1/2" x 6" (14.6cm x 15cm)
Out of stock. $14.00 $10.50
Card Sorcery with Salt by Dr. Geroge E Casaubon - Book Introduction by Ross Bertram. He explains who Dr. George Casaubon really is. Over 25 tricks with salt including: Salting a card Unsalting a card Simple salt card control Salt and the Glimpse Salt and the Pass Salt and the Palm Salt and the Force Over 90 pages of original tricks with salt. Never befo
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.25
The Doctor Is In - The New Coin Magic of Dr. Sawa Vol 2 - DVD The Professor, Dai Vernon, summed up Dr. Sawa this way: "One of the most creative magicians I have ever known. As the saying goes, you have to see it to believe it-and even then, you won't!" Find out why. When Dr. Sawa burst onto the magic scene back in the 1970s, he caused an international sensatio
In stock. $29.95 $28.45
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The Doctor Is In - The New Coin Magic of Dr. Sawa Vol 3 - DVD The Professor, Dai Vernon, summed up Dr. Sawa this way: "One of the most creative magicians I have ever known. As the saying goes, you have to see it to believe it-and even then, you won't!" Find out why. When Dr. Sawa burst onto the magic scene back in the 1970s, he caused an international sensatio
In stock. $29.95 $28.45
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The Doctor Is In - The New Coin Magic of Dr. Sawa Vol 4 - DVD "The Doctor Is In!"When Dr. Sawa burst onto the magic scene back in the 1970s, he caused an international sensation. His work with paper, seashells, ropes and especially coins, was simultaneously whimsical and astonishing. Some years ago, for private reasons, Dr. Sawa vanished from the magic world.
In stock. $29.95 $24.56
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The Doctor Is In - The New Coin Magic of Dr. Sawa Vol 5 - DVD When Dr. Sawa burst onto the magic scene back in the 1970s, he caused an international sensation. His work with paper, seashells, ropes and especially coins, was simultaneously whimsical and astonishing. Some years ago, for private reasons, Dr. Sawa vanished from the magic world. Happily, he has res
Out of stock. $29.95 $25.76
The Life and Times of Alexander (Dr. Q)- Book Did you know that Claude (Alexander) Conlin rubbed elbows with such notables as Harold Lloyd, Clara Bow and Margaret Sullavan? That he had as many wives as Mickey Rooney? Or how about the fact that he loaned Houdini $500 and he was never paid back? Read all about these facts and more in The Life and
Out of stock. $100.00 $75.00
Dr. Zomb Poster - Trick Dr. Zomb is watching you! High quality full color print. Perfect addition to any collection of magic. Dimensions Approximately: 26" x 16"
Out of stock. $18.00 $13.50
World's Greatest The Last Trick of Dr. Jacob Daley by L&L Publishing - DVD As one goes through the literature of magic, the name of Dr. Jacob Daley crops up quite frequently, particularly in reference to card magic. Dr. Daley was a New York plastic surgeon but also an avid amateur magician who was skillful enough to keep company with many sleight-of-hand legends of the era
In stock. $18.95
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Skymember Presents Psychobands by Dr. Cyril Thomas ft Calvin Liew- Trick This is Psychobands.A collection of 9 beautiful rubber band tricks all the way from France. Created by psychologist Dr. Cyril Thomas with contribution by Calvin Liew. Cyril is an underground rubber band talented magician who has received a lot of compliments from Dan Harlan, Joe Rindfleisch and Hans
Out of stock. $29.95
Rubinstein Coin Magic (Hardbound) by Dr. Michael Rubinstein - Book RUBINSTEIN COIN MAGIC is FINALLY here!Dr. Michael Rubinstein has finally taken a lifetime of coin magic and put it inside his new book, RUBINSTEIN COIN MAGIC. Packed within these 500 pages you will find twenty chapters with over fifty original techniques, over ninety complete routines and signature
In stock. $85.00
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The Secrets Of Dr. Tao by Docc Hilford - Trick Three Original Close-Up Monu-Mental Effects Designed For Walk Around Cocktail Parties. From the Secret Books of Dr. Tao come three original tricks of the mind. In this tome the mysterious doctor also reveals three of his innermost ancient secrets to effective mentalism. Each lesson is more than mere
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Celestar by Dr. Cyril Thomas Celestar is one of the most ingenious and practical gimmicks ever created. Its method is so new and clever that it is guaranteed to make you smile every time you use it.This deceptively simple piece of plastic offers not just one, but two ultra-visual card revelations.With Celestar, you'll create a
In stock. $36.00
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Dr. Schwartz's Cobra Deck - Trick Good news! Dr. Martin Schwartz is once again making his famous Cobra Deck! The most wonderful version of the Haunted Pack ever! Have a card selected from a Bicycle poker-size deck. No force. The card can even be signed. The spectator returns the card to the deck. You square up the pack and set it on
In stock. $175.00
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Conviction Prediction Walking Liberty Edition by Dr. Michael Rubinstein THE EXPERTS ALL AGREE:"I think you'll really enjoy playing with this! A great effect, a baffling prediction that can not be backtracked!"- Rick Holcombe "It is brilliant! I love this trick, I love it so much! This is a real commercial workable routine! This is actually quite easy to do."- Craig Pett
In stock. $60.00
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Mind Index by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download) "Read Mind Index over a couple of times. It contains very thoughtful (that's a joke son) and well constructed performance pieces built around established methodology that well versed mentalists are familiar with, but all too often don't explore deep enough to extract maximum entertainment value. Wit
In stock. $40.00
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RhymeTime Sublime by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download) "Good news! Dr. Bill has exploited the RhymeTime principle to create an impromptu, gimmick-free book or magazine test. With my permission (and endorsement), Bill has created a presentation that raises the bar considerably." - Mick AyresYour presentation is truly great and an incredible application o
In stock. $10.00
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Subliminal Squares by Dr. Bill (PDF Instant Download) "This is not technically an improvement over classic magic square methods or presentations, but an entirely new and ingenious direction for the presentation and handling of magic squares. That, of course, is its strength and its caveat. If this direction suits you, then you'll love this.If a new p
In stock. $50.00
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Mind-reader Cups By DrDenis (Instant Download) Very easy to perform, no sleight of hand. The magician discover the color chosen among the possible five.
In stock. $10.00
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Rising Card Miracle (Poker) by Dr. Schwartz - Trick Have you ever wished to do the Rising Card effect while the deck is in the spectator's hand? Now you can! Effect: Three freely selected cards rise from the deck while the deck is held in the spectator's hand! The gimmick consists of a special miniature motor concealed in the deck. Unique to this met
In stock. $95.00
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Super Sonic Dr Jack Super Sonic Dr Jack...
Out of stock. $65.00 $48.75
Dr. Rhine Improved - David Hoy A volunteer from the audience is shown the board with the six cards inserted behind the elastics. The performer removes three of the symbol cards, fairly showing the board. The performer closes the board, and then permits the spectator to remove the three remaining cards. The performer then repl
Out of stock. $89.95 $67.46
Creative Coin Magic - 1986 Lecture by Dr. Michael Rubinstein - DVD Dr. Michael Rubinstein's 1986 live lecture features some excellent original coin magic and techniques. Routines include: Crazy Coins Across, Twilight Zone Wild Coin, Quadra Coin Reverse Matrix, and Triple Coin To Card. Please note that this is a DVD-R and might not play on all machines. Encoded for
Out of stock. $35.00 $27.30
Dr Bull's Patented Bullshit Repellent by David Bonsall and PropDog - Trick PropDog understand the need for comedy in every performance, especially for the working pros. So we've come up with a great gag and heckler stopper idea - Dr Bull's Patented Bullshit Repellent!...helps cure chronic bullshitting!' So when that time comes, simple pull it out of your pocket, give it a
Out of stock. $8.00 $6.40
ANOTHER by Dr. Mutobe - DVD Any Coin man knows his name... Dr. Mutobe (Yoshihiko Mutobe) is a legend in the art of coin magic.This DVD explains his nine original techniques, routines and variations. Simply, the very best."If you ever wanted to learn the Mutobe palm, then this DVD will teach you. How to get into it, how to get
Out of stock. $35.00
Jumping Gem Pen (Dr. Prace Eye Care) by Jeff Prace - Trick A modern adaptation of the Jumping Gem! This pen combines one of magic's most iconic paddle tricks and an innocent prop to create a fresh approach to the classic routine.Presented as an eye exam, a circle jumps all around the pen's body before visually splitting into two! But the eye test does not e
Out of stock. $9.95
Secret Vol. 5 Dr. Sawa by Tokyo Magic Carnival - DVD The one and only DVD that both beginners and advanced performers can enjoy. "The Professor," Dai Vernon, one of the most respected magicians in the world, visited Japan for the first time, and he shed tears of praise after watching a young Japanese man perform magic. "There is poetry in his magic...
Out of stock. $34.95
Dr. Schwartz's Fantasy Rising Card - Trick Fantasize about the perfect Rising Card effect and it might go something like this. From ANY PACK, two or three cards are freely selected and initialed. The cards are then put back into the deck and the deck is placed back into the card box. The box is then put on a wooden stand. You walk away from
Out of stock. $95.00 $90.25
Liftoff by Dr.Lee & Himitsu Magic - Trick The magician presents a toy rocket and displays both sides of the rocket. There are two slots in the rocket, one on top of the other. The magician places a ribbon in the top slot. Magically, the ribbon visually moves to the bottom slot of the rocket! Very visual!
Out of stock. $10.00
The Vault - Skymember Presents Space Bander by Dr. Cyril Thomas The creator of Psychobands, Dr. Cyril Thomas is back with another piece of eye candy!Say hello to Space Bander; an extremely visual rubber band penetration effect that is suitable for everyone. It is practical, easy to do, and yes, it is insanely visual.You present two rubber bands and stretch them
In stock. $9.95
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Fusion Coins Quarter (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Dr. Michael Rubinstein Routines with impossible objects as their surprise ending always over-perform. This is one of Michael Rubinstein's favorites.The basic routine features you handing two coins to your friends for examination (a Quarter and a Penny) as you explain the different metals they are made of.You then place th
In stock. $30.00 $15.00
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MIGRATE POKER CHIP by Dr. Michael Rubinstein - Trick Are you tired of the same old coin tricks that only last for 30 seconds to a minute? Do you want to add true variety to your act? Do you want to perform a memorable showpiece? Then you want Dr. Michael Rubinstein's NEW coins across routine, MIGRATE! What makes this coins across routine different?- I
Out of stock. $35.00
Dr. Schwartz's COINS by Martin Schwartz - Trick Thanks to the ingenuity of Dr. Marty Schwartz his latest mechanical marvel Coins is now available to mystify and entertain your audiences.Four half dollars and two plastic tumblers are displayed. One tumbler is covered with a handkerchief. Four half dollars are now dropped into the other tumbler and
Out of stock. $125.00
Dr. Schwartz's Pencil-Tration (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Martin Schwartz - Trick (Deck color may vary) From the inventive mind of Dr. Marty Schwartz comes an incredible penetration effect - PENCIL-TRATION. The effect is straightforward. A spectator freely selects a card and you place it back into the deck. You show a pencil, maybe examined, and explain you are looking for a soft spot in the deck. You
In stock. $45.00 $42.75
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Dr. Schwartz's Alexander The Man Knows Rising Cards by Martin Schwartz - Trick Dr. Schwartz has invented many mechanical marvels. ALEXANDER'S RISING CARDS is probably going to be his best.A completely new idea in rising cards. Completely baffling as the selected cards rise from the metal container. This is doneas you are no where near the prop, yet completely under your contro
In stock. $150.00
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Hanson Chien Presents COLORSCOPE by Dr. Perl Lee - Trick AN IMPROMPTU READING TOOL At times of instability and insecurity, people seek advice. Some read horoscopes, some go to psychics, others do personality tests. People want to know more about themselves, they want to find the answer to their misery. With that in mind, Colorscope is borned. This is a to
Out of stock. $29.95
S.E.M. by Dr. Michael Rubinstein S.E.M.(The Sun, the Earth, the Moon)FINALLY, A SUN AND MOON ROUTINE REALLY ABOUT THE SUN AND MOON! What is S.E.M.?S.E.M. is a routine with special props that turns the classic sun and moon copper/silver transposition on its head! It can either be performed as a five minute showpiece (stand up or sit
In stock. $325.00
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Dr. Schwartz's Applause Applause by Martin Schwartz - Trick Get the attention and create laughter with Applause Applause. You will have lots of fun performing Applause Applause.You explain to your audience that you never get the applause, cheering and recognition you deserve. Why not have an audience that will always applaud, cheer for you and get the respec
In stock. $49.99
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DR. SCHWARTZ'S RISING FLOATING CARD (Poker) by Dr. Schwartz - Trick A brand-new idea on the rising cards from Dr. Schwartz. Just imagine not only the selected card rising out of the deck, it now floats up into space. No wires, threads loops, weights, springs, zombie gimmick, glue tube and totally sealed inside an inverted glass that has been examined. You can walk a
In stock. $125.00
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DR DALEY REMASTERED by Jordan Victoria (King) Dr Daley's Remastered is my take of the classic Dr Daley's Last Trick published in 1976 by Karl Fulves in Self Working Card Tricks. A four of a kind is used. For each step, you will ask your spectator to keep an eye on one of them. For the first step, one chance out of two. But for the two others.
In stock. $19.95
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DR DALEY REMASTERED by Jordan Victoria (Queen) Dr Daley's Remastered is my take of the classic Dr Daley's Last Trick published in 1976 by Karl Fulves in Self Working Card Tricks. A four of a kind is used. For each step, you will ask your spectator to keep an eye on one of them. For the first step, one chance out of two. But for the two others.
In stock. $18.95
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