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Harlan Kids Birthday Show - DVD How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Video and DVD serie
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In The Trenches with Paul Green (DVD Download) Paul Green performs the kind of magic that audiences love, and that you'll love performing. Practical, powerful, and memorable. Highly Recommended!
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Miracles For Mortals Volume Two by Geoff Williams - DVD Volume Two Contents: BACHELOR'S THREAD - Raj Madhok's marvelous method of magically producing the ring for a Ring & String routine. It just appears out of NOWHERE! THREADY OR NOT - My "improved" handling for the first phase of any Ring & String routine. Originally based on the Earl
In stock. $35.00
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Essential Aldo Vol 3 by Aldo Colombini - DVD The Essential Aldo Colombini -Volume 3 HAVE A NICE DAY - Sure to be one of the most talked about effects in this series, a card is signed and returned to the pack. Several cards are removed and the spectators are shown that the selected card is not among them. A smiley-face sticker is attached to th
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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Squeak Technique (DVD and Squeakers) by Jeff McBride - DVD Feel the Power of The Squeak!Make your sleight-of-hand more effective by adding a "Mc-Sqeaker." Jeff teaches you how to use this great gimmick to add laughs to your show. Filled with ideas, bits of business and sure-fire gags for creating your own comedy magic routines. Includes BRAVO! A Squeaky Cle
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The Greatest Beginner Magic DVD Ever featuring Oz Pearlman and Jessie Geneva (DVD) The perfect place to start. Powerful tricks with beautiful secrets. Fun and easy to perform. Highly recommended!
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Eugene Burger Greater Magic- #4, DVD "My aim was to make the kind of video that I personally would like to own." - Eugene BurgerYou'll be baffled as never before by this professional and his special collection of wonderworks. Eugene Burger intertwines dramatic storytelling and penetrating magic to delight layperson and magic devotees a
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No Filler: Magic of Steve Dacri (Volume 1) - DVD VOLUME 1 SIGNATURE WILD CARD A magic classic with a personalized twist as the performer's name magically appears on blank playing cards! A perfect opening effect! SPONGE BUNNIES Steve's touches make this always-popular trick play for larger audiences. MINI-BLENDO Four small scarves of different col
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Al Schneider Natural Element Series by L&L Publishing - DVD Research in this DVD is dedicated to locating routines that do not use gimmicks. In general, one can carry some simple props or even borrow something from someone to accomplish miracles. Though the props are simple, the experiments presented here are about high complex and advanced logic. There is s
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Earplugs! by Jay Sankey - Added DVD Bonus: 5 BRAND NEW EFFECTS (DVD + Earplugs!) This is the best sponge ball magic video we've ever seen! Includes set of wacky sponge Earplugs!
Out of stock. $35.00
Daryl's Fooler Doolers Volumes 1-3 (DVD) This astonishing three-volume set teaches you some of the most entertaining magic you'll ever see.
Out of stock. $105.00 $91.88
In The Trenches with Paul Green (DVD) Paul Green performs the kind of magic that audiences love, and that you'll love performing. Practical, powerful, and memorable. Highly Recommended!
In stock. $30.00
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As I Recall - Tony Slydini (2 DVD Set) Slydini's students pay tribute to the man, the mentor, and the magic. They recall some of their most cherished moments with the master and perform their favorite effects, keeping his legacy alive.
In stock. $70.00
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Bill in Kiwi with Carl Cloutier (2 DVD set) LEARN THE TRICK CLOUTIER PERFORMED ON NBC'S "THE WORLD'S GREATEST MAGIC". Highly Recommended!
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Live at the Jailhouse - a guide to restaurant magic (DVD) 3 DVD's packed with restaurant ready material, tips and tricks!
In stock. $80.00
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Penguin Pack #1 - Beginner to Pro (Kit) This is the perfect pack for the serious beginner. No prior knowledge is assumed. By the end you'll be seriously experienced.Pack containsBorn to Perform Card Magic with Oz PearlmanIn the Beginning There Were Coins with Jay NoblezadaSPONGE Starring Jay NoblezadaSTEALTH Pen DVD with Oz PearlmanSVENG
Out of stock. $130.00 $99.95
Close Up Magic #3(Worlds Greatest Magic) (DVD) Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place, imagine no more....Imagine owning the most comprehensive magic book ever written. This would surely be a treasured possession for any magician with each chapter focusing on a single aspect of the craft and the very
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Turbo Stick by Richard Sanders (GIMMICK+Online Video) The ultimate magic paddle. As a result of YEARS of real-world use, it comes complete with several PROFESSIONAL routines. LIMITED SUPPLY. NOW SHIPPING
Out of stock. $29.95
Danny Archer's Essential Magic Classics (2 DVD SET) by Big Blind Media - DVD A 2 DVD teaching on some of the greatest classic magic tricks of all time plus the cream of Danny's own repertoire. Danny Archer is a total magic genius. He has performed more magic shows than most people have eaten ANY temperature dinners, and he has a fabulous relaxed performing style that people
Out of stock. $35.00
Daryl LIVE (DVD) One of the world's best close-up performers came to Penguin for an incredible 3 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Sponge Balls (World's Greatest Magic) - DVD Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place.Imagine no more...The Secrets of SPONGE BALLSA virtual goldmine of routines, sleights and subtleties with sponge balls! If you could have one set of magic DVDs, this would be it! This benchmark collection featur
In stock. $19.95 $15.96
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Magic of Steve Dacri Vol 1-3 - DVD Steve Dacri's 30-year career has included such milestones as headline performances at Radio City Music Hall, showrooms in Las Vegas, Atlantic City and Monte Carlo, and television appearances which include "The Tonight Show", "Good Morning America", "The Merv Griffin Show", "That's Incredible" and ma
In stock. $35.00 $7.49
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Papa Rabbit Hits the Big Time (with DVD) by Daryl - Trick EffectThe fun begins when a sponge rabbit and a little bird are magically produced. A clean and baffling transposition is followed by a hilarious comedy of errors expose. Mama and Papa rabbits then appear and disappear in the hands of both the magician and the spectator. For an unforgettable finish,
Out of stock. $14.95 $11.51
Ammar Trilogy (3 DVD Set) by Michael Ammar - DVD This is what professionals call The Real Work. It's all revealed with the trademark technique pioneered by World Champion Magician Michael Ammar that features over-the-shoulder views that show exactly what your own hands should look like as you perform. You'll also discover The Real Secrets - beyond
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Art of Hopping Tables by Mark Leveridge - DVD Part 1 of The Art of Hopping Tables is a magical documentary as you are taken along with Britain's famous Mark Leveridge on one of his commercial bookings. This is a unique opportunity to see exactly what happens in a professional magician's "day at the office." First, Mark explains everything that
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No Jacket Required Carl Andrews, DVD Because Carl works at an outdoor resort/restaurant in the South Pacific, a jacket would not only look out of place, but downright uncomfortable. The effects on this DVD are of the pack small play big variety. They were developed to be carried without a bag, box, briefcase, or bulging pockets. All of
Out of stock. $29.95 $22.46
Maui Book Carl Andrews - Trick Carl Andrews, a leading professional magician in the USA,  has provided much advice and recorded experiences valuable to all magicians from his career in this attractive book, together with nearly 30 effects and presentations for close-up and stand-up. Cards, coins, balls and dice are some of t
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.40
A Life In Magic - From Then Until Now Vol.2 by Wayne Dobson and RSVP Magic - DVD Rsvpmagic are very proud to release this 3 DVD set by our long time friend Wayne Dobson. This is without doubt our largest project to date with all three DVDs running in at just under SIX HOURS in length, featuring some 17 routines that can now be performed in either stage, parlour or close-up situa
Out of stock. $29.95 $23.36
The Exciting World of Magic by Michael Ammar - DVD The amazing magic, performed and clearly explained as only Michael Ammar can-including step-by-step inctructions from the perfect view, isn't the only reason to check out this DVD. Michael also shares his professional advice about all the things he wished he had known when first starting out in magi
In stock. $30.00 $7.50
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HR Sponge Balls, DVD Sponge ball magic is some of the most powerful int eh arsenal of professional magicians. With this introductory DVD on sponge ball tricks, you'll be well on your way to mastering this astonishing branch of the magic art. With DVD technology, learning magic is easier than ever. By freezing frames and
Out of stock. $12.00 $9.60
Gary Jones Live Lecture - DVD 1. Coins to Pocket - A coin repeatedly vanishes from the performer's hand and appears in many different pockets of the spectator. This is a real lesson in sleight-of-hand, audience management and misdirection. This routine will teach you how to load coins, cards or just about anything into people's
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.40
B. Abbott Performs CU for Kids, DVD For over 18 years professional magician Bill Abbott has been developing and performing the material on this 2-disc DVD set. Witness actual, uncut and hilarious performances shot live on location in a family restaurant with children and their parents. Bill's performance focus is on original presentat
Out of stock. $34.95 $26.21
In Concert by Roger Klause - DVD Roger Klause is one of magic's most respected performers and instructors. He has long been referred to as an "underground magician" due to the secretiveness of his methods. This DVD features highlights from his best selling book, "Roger Klause In Concert," giving you an opportunity to experience one
Out of stock. $34.95
All About Sponge Balls - Brad Burt, DVD This 90 minute DVD is packed with information on one of the most entertaining forms of Sleight-of-Hand available. Brad points out that "Sponge Balls" has always been his most requested routine in a show situation. Not only that, but Sponge manipulation is much, much easier to learn and get good at t
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.10
Albert Goshman Lecture by International Magic - DVD Something rare and very special from our archives. In 1985, the legendary Albert Goshman gave a performance for a group of 200 magicians in a secret London venue. By chance, a spectator had one of the first video cameras with him, and was given permission to film the show. He caught lighting in a bo
Out of stock. $45.00 $33.75
No Filler: Magic of Steve Dacri (Volume 2) - DVD VOLUME 2 EXPLODING BUNNIESA single sponge rabbit placed into a spectator's hand literally explodes into a bevy of bunnies when the spectator drops it onto a table. BREAKFAST TRICKA real-world version of the card to impossible place plot as a playing card, selected under extremely fair conditions, va
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Dan Tong: FINALLY! - 50 Years Of Magic Volume 1 - DVD "If you want to learn magic that is practical for performing in the real world, Danny Tong is the magician to look to. If you want to entertain the audience as you fool them, Danny Tong will teach you to do that too.There are a lot of great magic tricks out there, but the majority of them cannot be
Out of stock. $12.00
Very Best of Flip Vol 1 (Flip in Close-Up Part 1) by L & L Publishing - DVD A true international star of magic, Flip has been delighting audiences for decades with his enchanting, whimsical magic. He's been invited to lecture and perform for just about every major magician's convention in the world, and his lectures are always greeted with acclaim by all who have been lucky
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Magic Of Mike Gallo - Vol. 1 by Mike Gallo - DVD Mike Gallo has led a magical life. Growing up in the family of the renowned Lou Gallo, Mike cut his teeth at an early age, performing at the famed Forks hotel under the guidance of his dad and the late Eddie Fechter. Now, he lectures world wide and is considered one of the best close-up magicians in
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.95
Benson Bowl (with DVD) - Trick Benson Bowl & Spongeball Routine.Comes with bowl, the "Growing Ball", (4) - 1.5 inch sponge balls, (1) - 34 inch multi colored thumb tip streamer, purse frame, thumb tip, and DVD. Please note: The DVD in this package appears to be a DVD-R; it may not play in all machines.
Out of stock. $80.00 $60.00
Spongeball Toolbox w/DVD - Trick This toolbox contains everything you need: Props, Sponge Balls, Purse Frame, and a DVD with over 2 hours of personal instructions by Steve Darci, "The Fastest Hands in the World". It's the ultimate collection of the bet and most useful sponge ball moves, routines and advice for all skill levels, som
Out of stock. $23.00 $18.86
Here I Go Again - Volume 2 by Bill Malone - DVD L&L Publishing is proud to again present one of the funniest magicians on the planet, Bill Malone, in "Here I Go Again!" Bill needs no introduction to the magic world and is still one of the busiest magicians in corporate entertainment today! His first DVD set, "On the Loose," is regarded as one
Out of stock. $29.95 $24.56
Bill Abbott Performs Magic For Kids (DELUXE DVD SET) - DVD This Deluxe Edition DVD Set includes the re-edited and re-mastered original performances and explanations from the landmark DVDs Bill Abbott Performs Close-Up For Kids and Bill Abbott Performs Stand-Up For Kids plus over 75 minutes of Deluxe Edition Bonus Features! Original Material from Bill Abbott
Out of stock. $40.00 $30.00
Pure by Peter Eggink - DVD Peter Eggink's name is well known in the field of magic, being synonymous with both the performance of magic and the creation of some of the most amazing magical effects. Pure contains material that has been part of Peter's professional repertoire for over 10 years. Real workers for real people in r
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.95
Reel Magic Quarterly Episode 4 (Bill Malone) - DVD Features: John Lovick - Bill Malone on his Life & Magic John talks to the CEO of Comedy Magic, Bill Malone Andrew Pinard - ContinuumTodd Robbins, performer and Deen of the Coney Island Sideshow school, talks about the workd of the Sideshow, how to make performances meaningful and expresses his c
Out of stock. $10.00
Bob Does Hospitality - Act 1 by Bob Sheets - DVD Bob Sheets has been a top professional magician for decades. He's refined and simplified his working repertoire over the years to the point where each routine has been honed to perfection.Bob Does Hospitality is a series of three DVD's that covers Bob's current close-up repertoire of nine routines.
Out of stock. $29.95
Black I's by Matthew Johnson - Trick Black I's is set to become an instant classic of close-up magic. It has everything you could in a close up routine. Magic, comedy, it's commercial and it instantly resets! Matthew Johnson takes the classic sponge ball plot and turns it on its head with the aid of four very funny sponge letter I's. Y
Out of stock. $35.00 $26.25
An Extension of Me (DVD Set with Gimmick Coin Bonus) by Eric Jones - DVD "Eric Jones is THE real deal!" This is what top magicians from all around the world are saying after seeing Eric Jones perform his stunning close up magic. Eric has long been known to the magic underground, but now he is catching on like a wild fire. Eric is smooth as silk and his magic truly looks
Out of stock. $89.95
The Life and Times of Albert Goshman by Magic by Gosh - DVD This DVD details the Close-up show of Albert Goshman. The act itself is shown along with a detailed explanation of all the major elements of Albert's world class performance. The DVD closes with a talk "The Magic is You!"Come inside for a never to be forgotten experience in presentation, performance
In stock. $15.00 $12.30
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Live at the Magic Castle by Chris Randall - DVD This is Chris Randall's acclaimed live lecture at The Magic Castle in the Parlor of Prestidigitation. This DVD also shows bonus performances in the Close up Gallery and Palace of Mystery. In this lecture Chris tips some of his most prized creations such as: Desert Rose Over 10 effects with a simple
Out of stock. $25.00
Mad Sponges by Magic Geek - Trick Modern technology and classic sponge magic collide in Chris Ballinger's Mad Sponge Ball routine.The Effect: Offer to explain the super-popular mobile device game by pulling one of the creatures straight out of your phone. You then produce a little green sponge pig and explain how on t
Out of stock. $50.00
DOS System (Blue) by Chris Ballinger - Trick Chris Ballinger's DOS system makes it possible to set up for animations, levitations, appearances, and vanishes in the most innocent way right in front of your spectators.The Effects:Many effects and Tips are taught on the instructional DVD. The full routines include...Static Sharpie: Create a stati
Out of stock. $19.99
DOS System (Red) by Chris Ballinger - Trick Chris Ballinger's DOS system makes it possible to set up for animations, levitations, appearances, and vanishes in the most innocent way right in front of your spectators.The Effects:Many effects and Tips are taught on the instructional DVD. The full routines include...Static Sharpie: Create a stati
Out of stock. $19.99
Chaotic by Kieron Johnson and RSVP Magic - DVD Welcome to Chaotic the brand new project from Kieron Johnson. Kieron, creator of RSVP's best selling trick of 2012, To the Max, invite you to join him and he preforms and explains nine of his favorite routines. All are from his current working set and are audience tested in the real world. This real
Out of stock. $31.13 $24.28
Bloom Moon by Gaetan Bloom - DVD Includes original lecture network news and featuresHosted by Jeff HobsonIn-Depth explanationsSeven amazing stage and close-up effects:The Standing CardFishy GameTwo Sponge BallsThe IntercessorSalami SliceQuarteThe Lasso Card
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.40
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