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Gregory Wilson's Ring Leader (DVD) This 6 phase ring and rope routine will make your audience wonder if they'll ever see their ring again... outside of a pawnshop! Highly Recommended!!!
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On the Spot with Gregory Wilson (DVD Download) On the Spot is a guerilla course in performing impromptu magic. The material is so strong, you could show up at your next gig with no other magic and still entertain the daylights out of them!!!
In stock. $44.95
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Gregory Wilson's Ring Leader (DVD Download) This 6 phase ring and rope routine will make your audience wonder if they'll ever see their ring again... outside of a pawnshop! Highly Recommended!!!
In stock. $44.95
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Pyrotechnic Pasteboards with Gregory Wilson (DVD Download) Forget those mind-numbing, deal down, Uncle Charlie card tricks. This is fast and furious, in-your-face card flaunting! Highly Recommended!!!
In stock. $24.95
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Hundy 500 with Gregory Wilson (DVD) A Full-Throttle, Turbo-Charged Money Miracle. Money is power, and this is one of the most powerful effects in the whole shop. Highly recommended!
In stock. $30.00
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Card Stunts with Gregory Wilson (DVD Download) This is extremely visual card magic that hits 'em right between the eyes with speed, impact and mid-air acrobatics!
In stock. $24.95
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SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Jay Sankey Live (DVD) Never been to a magic lecture?? Now is your chance to sit in with one of the most ENTERTAINING lecturers in the world! NOW WITH 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS!
In stock. $30.00 $24.00
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Card Stunts with Gregory Wilson (DVD) This is extremely visual card magic that hits 'em right between the eyes with speed, impact and mid-air acrobatics!
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Coffee House Conjuring by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) 12 POWERFUL tricks you can do, all with stuff you'll find at the coffeeshop.
In stock. $34.95
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In Action Volume 1 by Gregory Wilson - DVD EffectThe Backstage Pass - This has been Greg's secret weapon for fooling the very best magicians all over the world. No flash. No noise. No detection. Body Piercing - A coin penetrates your hand and then the spectator's hand in a very surprising way. You have to experience this "first hand!" Weight
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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In Action Volume 2 by Gregory Wilson - DVD KISSING UP - If you must resort to using magic to meet women, this is it! Admittedly, Greg has used this successfully and shamelessly for many years. VANISH 5000 - The contents of a sugar packet cleanly and cleverly vanish without a trace--- and without a thumbtip! the author of Magic for Dummies pr
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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Pandora's Box by Jay Sankey - DVD The Effect Based on a Roy Walton idea, Jay has been exploring various gimmicks for years. These are the very best to date! Less than 5 minutes to install into ANY CARD CASE!And the case can STILL HOLD A FULL DECK OF CARDS! "Pandora's Box does so much with so little. I love it." -Gary B. "Like Jay
In stock. $20.00
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Sankey's Best Magic w/Ordinary Objects by Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most celebrated routines with ordinary household objects.
In stock. $25.00 $18.75
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Pip Streak by Gregory Wilson (download + Equipment) Eye-popping, VISUAL Card Magic. Your deck comes to life and the pips start STREAKING across the cards from each and every corner. Doug Conn invented the concept. Gregory Wilson SIMPLIFIED it.
In stock. $19.95
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Pyrotechnic Pasteboards with Gregory Wilson (DVD) Forget those mind-numbing, deal down, Uncle Charlie card tricks. This is fast and furious, in-your-face card flaunting! Highly Recommended!!!
In stock. $29.95
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Sankey's Best Street Magic by Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most devastating street magic effects.
In stock. $25.00 $18.75
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On the Spot with Gregory Wilson (2 Volumes on 1 DVD!) On the Spot is a guerilla course in performing impromptu magic. The material is so strong, you could show up at your next gig with no other magic and still entertain the daylights out of them!!!
Out of stock. $49.95
45 with Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn 45 of the most important, most powerful, huge-reaction getting sleights in all of magic. Highly Recommended!!!
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Sankey's Greatest Hits (3 DVDs) The essential collection for the serious close-up magician! Highly Recommended! Exclusively at Penguin!
Out of stock. $74.95
SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Sankey 1999 (DVD) Learn 25 extremely original effects plus 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS with coins, cards, matches, and drinking straws!
Out of stock. $29.95
The Sankey Sanders Sessions (2 DVDs) This is the underground hit of the year. Get ready to session with two of the most innovative minds in sleight-of-hand magic. These guys will FRY you again and again! Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $60.00 $48.00
Sankey Very Much by Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn innovative sleights and an exciting collection of original close-up plots with cards, rubber bands, sugar packets, pool chalk and even band-aids!
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Jay Sankey's FIRESTARTERS (DVD) The Real Secrets to Getting Dates with Close-Up Magic & Mentalism.
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.00
Front Row Sankey (DVD) FINALLY HERE! Your chance to see Sankey work for real people.
Out of stock. $29.95
Gregory Wilson's Double Take (DVD) HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO THAT? You'll hear this and more when you master the double lift - the most vital move in card magic.
Out of stock. $35.00
Sankey-Tized Volume 1 (DVD) Great routines for using ordinary objects.
Out of stock. $29.95
Omnilope by Jay Sankey (DVD + Gimmick) An incredible switching device! The ingenious OMNILOPE design combines the powerful visual element of a clear switch bag with the angle-proof practicality of traditional switch bags. Even better, OMNILOPE features a very ordinary-looking white paper envelope! The combination of all those valuable qu
Out of stock. $24.95
Sankey-Tized Volume 2 (DVD) This is how Jay got the attention of the world!
Out of stock. $29.95
Snowstorm by Jay Sankey (DVD + trick) With this innovative card magic trick you will be able to make a drawing on a signed card come to life!
Out of stock. $15.00 $12.00
Pointless by Gregory Wilson (DVD + Gimmick) You would NEVER GUESS how crazy the reactions are for this trick. PERFECT for the bar, school or office.
Out of stock. $44.95
Kaleidoscope by Jay Sankey (DVD) Over 3 HOURS OF BRAND NEW EFFECTS. Some of Jay's most CREATIVE work in years. Highly recommended.
Out of stock. $34.95
Gregory Wilson In Action (3 DVD SET) An incredibly practical and MASSIVE collection of closeup miracles you can do anytime, anywhere with minimal setup.
Out of stock. $105.00 $39.95
Gregory Wilson JAM PACK (LIMITED QTY) LIMITED TIME OFFER "In Action" PLUS "PIP STREAK" - A practical and MASSIVE collection of miracles you can do anywhere with minimal setup.
Out of stock. $135.00 $79.95
Blockbuster by Jay Sankey (DVD) Make a serious impact with Blockbuster. Rough and rugged, create an ULTRA-memorable magic moment.
Out of stock. $40.00 $30.00
Out of stock. $182.00 $99.00
Exact Change by Gregory Wilson A perfect prediction for pros, refined through years of real world performance. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $75.00
Sankey's Best Coin Magic By Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most powerful and creative coin effects.
Out of stock. $25.00 $18.75
Sankey's Best Mentalism by Jay Sankey (DVD) An amazing collection featuring 20 of Jay's most startling and creative mental effects
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Unleashed by Greg Wilson (DVD + Gimmicks) Your spectator pushes a dog tag through your shirt attaching it to the chain that around your neck. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $34.95
IMPRISONED by Jay Sankey SPECIAL OFFER: Order Imprisoned TODAY and receive Jay's fun coin trick called "HYPERSENSITIVE" - Guess the dates on three coins without seeing them. (This is a download and will appear as Imprisoned in your MyPenguinMagic access area)!Borrow a coin and have it initialed with a marker. Then hand out
Out of stock. $30.00 $24.60
FreaKey by Gregory Wilson (DVD + Gimmicks) Finally, a Copper/Silver that really makes sense. How many people carry an American half dollar or English penny-especially at the same time? Exactly! Get FREAKEY and you'll be ready with a miracle in your pocket anytime, anywhere. Two distinctly different house keys switch places repeatedly in a fl
Out of stock. $95.00
Jay Sankey LIVE (DVD) Jay Sankey shared TONS of real-world usable magic AND some killer theory in this 3 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $29.95
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In Action Volume 3 by Gregory Wilson - DVD Time Card - tidy technique for telling time with a deck of cards. The Slot Machine Scam - A secret way to scam, sham and flim-flam a real slot machine for a real jackpot! You'll immediately book the next flight to Vegas after watching this. Chip on Shoulder -An appearing and disappearing casino chip
In stock. $35.00 $7.49
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Sankey/Sanders Sessions by Jay Sankey and Richard Sanders - DVD In September of 2002, Jay Sankey and Richard Sanders began video corresponding, sending rough magic ideas and handlings back and forth between Toronto and Montreal. During the next year and a half they included many of the routines in their professional performances while continuing to refine the ha
In stock. $29.95 $14.98
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Vanishink by Jay Sankey - DVD Easy to do! Visually shocking! Perfect for school, at work or in the bar! No pulls or palming and with your sleeves rolled up! Includes "Mike Skutt's Killer Handling!" Also recommended: DOUGH, ZERO GRAVITY, SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION! Imagine being able to make your Sharpie marker COMPLETELY VANISH at a
Out of stock. $25.00 $19.50
Brainwash by Sankey Magic - Trick 'BRAINWASH' is a reputation-making combination of magic and mentalism! The spectator cuts the pack ANYWHERE they want! TOTALLY FREE CHOICE! EASY to perform! Requires only the most BASIC sleight-of-hand! You will be amazing people with 'BRAINWASH' 5 minutes after opening the package! The magic happen
Out of stock. $20.00 $15.00
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