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Chris Rawlins LIVE (Instant Download) Modern, unique and creative mentalism that will captivate! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Pseudo by Chris Rawlins (Instant Download) A multi-phase masterpiece that will convince even the most skeptical audiences that you have super-human memory. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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One Card Poker by Chris Rawlins (Instant Download) The most powerful, entertaining and practical four ace production we’ve seen. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Psychic Criminal by Chris Rawlins (Instant Download) A power-house mind-reading routine you'll instantly add to your act. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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REPLICATE by Chris Rawlins (Instant Download) One of the purest forms of mind-reading, now has a method to match. You'll want to add this to your act immediately. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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At The Table Live Lecture - Chris Rawlins 1 May 3rd 2017 video DOWNLOAD "Chris is the real deal. Original presentations that will grab your audiences and not let go. Highly recommended." - Bob Cassidy "Chris is a creative, original thinker and a truly great performer, his skills and talents mesmerized me. I highly recommend you all to see him in action." - Uri Geller "I
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At The Table Live Lecture - Chris Rawlins 2 May 15th 2019 video DOWNLOAD "Chris is the real deal. Original presentations that will grab your audiences and not let go. Highly recommended." - Bob Cassidy "Chris is a creative, original thinker and a truly great performer, his skills and talents mesmerized me. I highly recommend you all to see him in action." - Uri Geller "I
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Hide the Colored Ball by Chris Rawlins (Instant Download) A bullet-proof secret that you'd SWEAR involves expensive electronics, combined with a powerful multi-phase routine. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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I.D.D. by Chris Rawlins - DVD Chris Rawlins is back with an offbeat and amazing solution to the classic drawing duplication. As in the classic effect, someone is invited to walk away from the group and draw any shape or thing she likes. You are able to duplicate what she drew with uncanny accuracy. What makes this cool and so ve
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Roulette By Chris Rawlins (Instant Download) Nine solid, clever, thought-provoking mentalism routines.
In stock. $18.00
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Chris Rawlins LIVE (DVD) Modern, unique and creative mentalism that will captivate! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Definitive (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Chris Rawlins - Trick Definitive is a new thought test from Christopher Rawlins. You will receive a specially designed and printed book that perfectly resembles a real dictionary, though it hides many professional secrets. You will also gain access to detailed video instructions that run over 140 minutes and teach 6 full
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CTRL-C by Chris Rawlins Under the most impossible conditions, read what is on a piece of paper.. sealed in an envelope... across the room. No electronics, and you never even touch the drawing.
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Leading Thoughts (2 DVD Set) by Chris Rawlins - DVD Chris Rawlins is an emerging voice in the field of mentalism. His no-nonsense, direct approach to mindreading is at once realistic and utterly amazing. On this DVD-his first-he shares seven of his most coveted original creations. You'll learn "Hack," the fairest newspaper test we've seen, "Lucky Lot
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Drawing Thoughts by Chris Rawlins - Book Drawing Thoughts is a culmination of work by Christopher Rawlins, centered around Christopher's favorite premise within Mentalism... the drawing duplication.Inside this fully illustrated, and professionally formatted, pocket book you will find six methods that have been carefully created and thoroug
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Drop Card by Chris Rawlins - Book This is Chris' latest offering to the Mentalism and Magic Community.This book is an in depth exploration of a premise that has captured Christopher's imagination for many years.In 2010 Christopher shared his effect Drop Card; a routine in which one spectator thinks of a playing card and focuses. The
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At The Table Live Chris Rawlins - DVD "Chris is the real deal. Original presentations that will grab your audiences and not let go. Highly recommended." - Bob Cassidy "Chris is a creative, original thinker and a truly great performer, his skills and talents mesmerized me. I highly recommend you all to see him in action." - Uri Geller "I
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Invisible Thoughts by Chris Rawlins - Book Invisible Thoughts will reinvigorate your appreciation and excitement for a tool that you already own.Invisible Thoughts is my work on and with the Invisible Deck.These notes cover everything from set up through to routines and a brief history of the deck itself.My full and most used Invisible Deck
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XIDD by Chris Rawlins - Book Demonstrate with undoubtable proof that you knew and understood an image only thought of - not drawn, not written, not selected from a list.Learn how to draw potential clients in with a virtual, fully interactive and exciting demonstration of mind reading.Duplicate an image over digital media and un
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UN LUCK by Chris Rawlins - Book "A clever principle for clever performers."- R. Paul. WilsonImagine having the ability to let your spectator legitimately shuffle and cut the deck, make every single choice and arrive at only four cards, and for those cards to be under your complete control the entire time. Un-luck will teach you ho
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RUDIMENT by Chris Rawlins - Book A direct demonstration of thought reading. Your spectator thinks of a random word and nothing else. They do not write or speak their word. You begin to verbalise the thoughts you receive in real time and commit to one specific word. This is the exact word your spectator thinks of. You suggest that t
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