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Starcle by Dan Harlan (Instant Download) A true stroke of genius. Baffling and beautiful, you'll be performing this miracle every time you see a napkin. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Watch Over Coin by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) A reputation maker, perfected over 30 YEARS and THOUSANDS of performances. YOU'RE-CRAZY-IF-YOU-DON'T-PERFORM-THIS. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Fred by Any Other Name by John Bannon (Instant Download) A true worker's dream. A miracle from the king of clever card tricks that PACKS FLAT, PLAYS BIG and uses ANY DECK. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Champ by Rick Merrill (Instant Download) You've never seen ANYTHING like this. Pure fireworks with nothing but a pen and a coin. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Clutch by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Simple. Powerful. Easy to perform. A high-stakes pickpocketing routine straight from Oz's show. Plays as big for 2 or 3 people as it does for two or three hundred!
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Deceit Treat by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) Even magicians get fooled by this hard-core brain buster that uses a borrowed shuffled deck! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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The Vault - Gerard on Hoy by Andrew Gerard video DOWNLOAD Learn the world's greatest un-gimmicked, impromptu, anytime anywhere book test! Plus 3 incredible new routines based on the Hoy principal from Andrew Gerard. Bro Gilbert joins Andrew Gerard on this first installment of their studio sessions series for a no nonsense, no hype, jam session on David Hoy
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Light Speed by Rick Lax (Instant Download) A super-human demonstration of skill. Prove just how quick your hands are. Their eyes don't stand a chance! LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Zapping The Aces - Video DOWNLOAD In this download Jay teaches us a brand new handling for the classic effect Twisting the Aces, while taking the plot to a new level. Using never before card techniques to accomplish such visual magic! * No Gimmicks!
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Strike Change by Dan Hauss (Instant Download) An OPEN-HANDED visual coin change that happens so fast, it looks like trick photography. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Close Call by Rick Lax (Instant Download) An INCREDIBLE prediction you can perform anytime with just a piece of paper and a pen. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Ultimate Impromptu Card Magic by Cameron Francis & Big Blind Media (Instant Download) A collection of mindblowing card magic that you can perform with ANY borrowed deck.
In stock. $25.00
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Reset 4 by Ngoc Tu (Instant Download) Reset, Card magic, Impromptu, Visual
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The Sweetest Sound by Scott Cram (Instant Download) The Sweetest Sound involves the spectator at every step of the way. A card is freely chosen, and lost in the center of the deck. The spectator then cuts down into the center of the deck themselves, and their name (which you don't know until this point in the trick!) is used to eliminate all but one
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Foundation by Rizki Nanda & RN Magic Presents (Instant Download) Break the Law of Gravitation anywhere and anytime, use ANY Matchbox and your single fingertips
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ID7 by Rick Lax (Instant Download) A devastating piece of mind-reading using no props. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Self Levitation 2.0 by Shin Lim, Jose Morales & Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD "Since the dawn of mankind...Men have dreamt of defying the laws of gravity." The Self Levitation was a feature and one of the most talked about items on David Blaine's Magic Special. This download teaches you how to perform that unbelievable levitation illusion. On this download, Shin Lim & Pau
In stock. $15.00
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Instant Knockout by Shaun Dunn & Matt Mello (Instant Download) A mentalist's DREAM COME TRUE. Liberate yourself from expensive devices. Obtain secret information anytime anywhere. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Ring Tricks 2.0 by Stephen Ablett video DOWNLOAD Ring Tricks 2.0 is the ultimate in impromptu magic using an ordinary borrowed finger-ring. First, see the various routines several times in different places to different people, all with their own unique endings. Then watch a full explanation explaining all the effects in details. This 2.0 version f
In stock. $10.00
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Curveball by Oz Pearlman (Instant Download) Completely Impromptu. Easy to perform. A deeply personal mind reading routine straight from Oz's show. Plays just as big for 2 or 3 people as it does for two or three hundred!
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Restrawed by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) The PERFECT restaurant trick. A STUNNING restoration. Just grab a straw and you're ready! LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Moment's Notice (Instant Download) Five Impromptu Card Tricks
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Moment's Notice 7 (Instant Download) Seven impromptu card effects
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Flare Ring by Calvin Liew and Skymember (Instant Download) An evolution of the classic coin bite with the finger ring
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The Swab Change By Andrew Salas (Instant Download) Card magic, Impromtu, color change
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Ratiocination by Ben Cardall (Instant Download) Impromptu propless mentalism. Know with 100% certainty if someone is lying or telling the truth
In stock. $45.00
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Disappear by Joseph Farrington (Instant Download) You will add this to your IMPROMPTU card trick performances in no time
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Xu by HG (Instant Download) Appearing coin
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Sandwich Transpo by Charles Sykes (Instant Download) The best card sandwich rountine out there!
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Moment's Notice 10 by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) Six Impromptu Card Effects
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Impromptu Rising By VanBien (Instant Download) Imagine you have a normal and shuffled deck to show your spectator. Any card is picked and lost in the deck. You put the deck half-way into the cardbox and hold the deck. And then the box is mysteriously rises up. You take the deck out and your spectator can see a card rase up in the middle of the d
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Black diamond by Quang CD (Instant Download) sleight of hand,Card trick,Impromptu
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Urban Station Assembly by Creative Artists (Instant Download) Impromptu and visual assembly routine
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Floater - by Tom Phoenix (Instant Download) Add this visual effect to your ambitious card routine
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Zinger by MAG - Magic Heart Team (Instant Download) Zinger is a bunch of ring tricks using only sleight of hand.These tricks are actually practical and can be performed live. You just need to practice, practice and practice and when you get it down, you can handle the tricks easily.
In stock. $6.45
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Connect by GENI (Instant Download) Self Working Card Effect
In stock. $15.75
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TRU by Menny Lindenfeld - Trick From the creative mind of Menny Lindenfeld comes the most POWERFUL & VISUALLY STUNNING rubber band penetration effect you'll ever perform! A rubber band is wrapped around your forefinger. And while it's being stretched out, the rubber band literally PASSES THROUGH the center of your forefinger a
In stock. $24.95
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NOWHERE by Tri Ryuzaki (Instant Download) coin magic, impromptu, coin vanish, retention vanish
In stock. $12.00
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