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FLIP by Wes Iseli (Instant Download) This trick didn't just fool Penn & Teller.. they actually added it to their OWN show. FLIP is the single best way to predict coin flips period. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Very Best of Modern Coin Magic (DVD) The best of modern coin magic is a collection of sleights and routines from the classic book of coin magic by J.B. Bobo. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $20.00 $0.01
The Ultimate Coin in the Balloon with Michael Bairefoot (DVD) Amaze your audience with this visually stunning reputation maker!
In stock. $40.00 $0.99
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Vanishing Coin in Glass Royal (Plastic) An absolute classic for a reason.. this trick ROCKS.
Out of stock. $2.23 $0.78
Jay Sankey's Metamorph A penny melts into the fibers of a matchbook. Highly visual, easy to perform, and fully inspectable.
In stock. $11.96 $0.01
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Tarbell 38: Modern Coin Effects (Instant Download) Coin magic so ahead of its time, it remains cutting edge even today. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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Tarbell 23: Magic With Coins (Instant Download) Almost 3 hours. Six routines. Lean how to make your coin magic PLAY HUGE. Watch a full performance (see demo 2). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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Fechter's Aces with Obie O'Brien (2 DVD Set) Meet one of magic's most influential people, Obie O'Brien!
Out of stock. $60.00 $3.92
RK CHINESE COIN (BLACK) - HALF DOLLAR SIZE (Black) rk chinese coin coins roy kueppers black colour antique brass
Out of stock. $8.00
Tarbell 3: Sleight of Hand with Coins (Instant Download) An action-packed hour. Learn how to secretly control and manipulate small items without detection. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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Watch Over Coin by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) A reputation maker, perfected over 30 YEARS and THOUSANDS of performances. YOU'RE-CRAZY-IF-YOU-DON'T-PERFORM-THIS. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $10.00 $4.95
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On the Spot with Gregory Wilson (DVD Download) On the Spot is a guerilla course in performing impromptu magic. The material is so strong, you could show up at your next gig with no other magic and still entertain the daylights out of them!!!
In stock. $44.95
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Tarbell 5: More Coin Tricks (Instant Download) This lesson takes coins to the next level. If you thought coin tricks were only for close-up, you've never seen how Dan Harlan performs them. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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Coin Fusion by Gregory Wilson (US QUARTER) Handmade to last a lifetime. Turn borrowed coins into a super powerful electromagnet. NOW INCLUDES GARRETT THOMAS'S BONUS ROUTINE AND HANDLING.
In stock. $39.95
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Tarbell 4: Coin Tricks (Instant Download) Four coin-tricks that play HUGE. If you thought coins were only for close-up, you've never seen how Dan Harlan performs them. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $20.00 $9.96
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RK CHINESE COIN (BLACK) - DOLLAR SIZE (Black) rk chinese coin coins roy kueppers black colour antique brass
Out of stock. $10.00
Open Coins Across by Dean DIll (Instant Download) Dean Dills take on the open hands coins across. Three coins visible vanish from one palm up open hand and appear in the other. Includes an alternative ending where the last coin appears in the spectators closed hand. This includes Deans work on handling the Gravity Flipper gimmick.
In stock. $4.00
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Energy Coins by Matt Mello (Quarter Gimmick) Bend coins with your mind like never before. A gimmick that hides in plain sight. A dream come true. LIMITED SUPPLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $39.95
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Ringside by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) A multi-phase routine so visual, so surprising that it even fools magicians. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Sunrise by Patrick Redford (Instant Download) Reputation-making routines from Patrick's live act. They feel like real mind-reading, yet require no apparatus. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $19.95
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COIN BITE - US QUARTER by Roy Kueppers (US QUARTER) Roy Kueppers coin bite out close up magic coins
In stock. $12.00
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Jay Sankey LIVE (Instant Download) Jay Sankey shared TONS of real-world usable magic AND some killer theory in this 3 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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RK CHINESE COIN (YELLOW) - DOLLAR SIZE (Yellow) rk chinese coin coins roy kueppers yellow black colour antique brass
In stock. $10.00
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Coin On Call by Aljaz Son (Gimmick + Download) Two mind-blowing miracles with a borrowed coin.
In stock. $19.95
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Flipper Coin Quarter Dollars (D0040) Flipper Coin Quarter Dollars...In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coins in the world. Tango stands behind their products to guarantee your success. As a bonus to thank you for your purchase, Tan
In stock. $35.00
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COIN IN BOTTLE - US HALF DOLLAR by Roy Kueppers (HALF DOLLAR) Folding coin coin in bottle bite out half dollar Roy kueppers
In stock. $14.99
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Coin Collector trick by Jay Sankey A Wildly Weird and Startling Effect from the Magical Mind of Jay SankeyYou show two small photographs, each with a picture of a quarter. You place one photo face down in a spectator's hand and the other photo is given a shake...and the quarter visually "pops" out of the picture, appearing in your ha
In stock. $10.00 $7.80
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Hand-picked Astonishments (Thumb Tips) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay video DOWNLOAD A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more! All hand-picked by Paul Harris, Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and
In stock. $19.95
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Cameron Francis LIVE (Instant Download) One of the most creative working pros came to Penguin for a magic-packed 2-hour live event.
In stock. $29.95
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RK CHINESE COIN (BLUE) - HALF DOLLAR SIZE (Blue) rk chinese coin coins roy kueppers black blue colour antique brass
In stock. $8.00
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RK CHINESE COIN (ANTIQUE) - HALF DOLLAR SIZE (Antique Finish) rk chinese coin coins roy kueppers black colour antique brass
In stock. $8.00
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Cameron Francis LIVE 2 (Instant Download) Professional actor and magician shows you his favorite impromptu magic with an unprepared deck of cards. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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At The Table Live Lecture - Greg Wilson August 27th 2014 video DOWNLOAD Greg Wilson finishes out the month with a literal BANG. He produces a bottle of champagne out of a folded paper bag, but don't let the party atmosphere fool you, Greg Wilson knows what he is talking about! He reaches deep into the depths of his personal magic journal and brings you material that he
In stock. $9.95
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Sankey Unleashed (PDF E-book) The essential collection of ground-breaking original Sankey for the serious close-up magician. A whopping 81 TRICKS, 192 PAGES! Highly Recommended!
In stock. $34.95
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Gregory Wilson LIVE (Instant Download) The one man magic army, Gregory Wilson came to Penguin for a massive 4-HOUR lecture. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Quarter Cup by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) They FEEL the magic. SLAP a coin thru a Starbucks coffee cup while THEY hold it. The cup and coin are 100% examinable after. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.99
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Gregory Wilson LIVE 2: Things I actually carry and use (Instant Download) One of the most creative and versatile magicians in the world came back to Penguin for a record breaking 5-HOUR lecture! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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COIN IN BOTTLE - US QUARTER by Roy Kueppers (US QUARTER) Roy Kueppers coin in bottle close-up coin magic us quarter
In stock. $12.99
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Hell Bent by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) First you melt a coin at your fingertips. Then your SPECTATOR melts one in HER hand. The perfect bar trick. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Fist Full of Dollars by Gregory Wilson (Half Dollars) A coin routine that turns audiences into believers. Coin magic never looked so real. LIMITED SUPPLY. COMES COMPLETE WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED.
In stock. $49.95
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Art Of Astonishment by Paul Harris - DVD Paul Harris is perhaps the single most creative force magic has ever had to offer. Known for his offbeat effects, natural presentation, and deceptive methods, Paul has been on the cutting edge of close-up magic for over two decades. On this DVD you will be treated to nine astonishing "pieces of stra
In stock. $30.00 $7.50
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SANKEY MAGIC CLASSICS SERIES: Jay Sankey Live (DVD) Never been to a magic lecture?? Now is your chance to sit in with one of the most ENTERTAINING lecturers in the world! NOW WITH 4 ADDED BONUS EFFECTS!
In stock. $30.00 $24.00
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In the Beginning There Were Coins Starring Jay Noblezada (DVD) NOW SHIPPING! The ULTIMATE introductory course in coin magic. Over TWO HOURS of TRAINING! Make the decision to master coin magic today!
In stock. $29.95
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Coffee House Conjuring by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download) 12 POWERFUL tricks you can do, all with stuff you'll find at the coffeeshop.
In stock. $34.95
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SOLO: The Bachelor Coin Routine by Kainoa Harbottle (Instant Download) A full coin routine with ONE coin. Grab ANY coin and amaze. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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RK CHINESE COIN (RED) - DOLLAR SIZE (Red) rk chinese coin coins roy kueppers red black colour antique brass
In stock. $10.00
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SPLIT COIN (2 COIN SET) - US QUARTER by Roy Kueppers (US QUARTER) Roy Kueppers split coin close up magic coins magnetic quarter
Out of stock. $39.00
In Action Volume 1 by Gregory Wilson - DVD EffectThe Backstage Pass - This has been Greg's secret weapon for fooling the very best magicians all over the world. No flash. No noise. No detection. Body Piercing - A coin penetrates your hand and then the spectator's hand in a very surprising way. You have to experience this "first hand!" Weight
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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In Action Volume 2 by Gregory Wilson - DVD KISSING UP - If you must resort to using magic to meet women, this is it! Admittedly, Greg has used this successfully and shamelessly for many years. VANISH 5000 - The contents of a sugar packet cleanly and cleverly vanish without a trace--- and without a thumbtip! the author of Magic for Dummies pr
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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In the Beginning There Were Coins Starring Jay Noblezada (DVD Download) NOW SHIPPING! The ULTIMATE introductory course in coin magic. Over TWO HOURS of TRAINING! Make the decision to master coin magic today!
In stock. $24.95
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Coin Under Watch Starring Oz Pearlman (DVD) Vanish a coin and make it appear under a spectator's watch. THERE ISN'T A STRONGER MOMENT IN ALL OF COIN MAGIC. Completely impromptu, an absolute MUST for every coin magician.
Out of stock. $20.00 $0.17
Pandora's Box by Jay Sankey - DVD The Effect Based on a Roy Walton idea, Jay has been exploring various gimmicks for years. These are the very best to date! Less than 5 minutes to install into ANY CARD CASE!And the case can STILL HOLD A FULL DECK OF CARDS! "Pandora's Box does so much with so little. I love it." -Gary B. "Like Jay
In stock. $20.00
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Sankey's Best Magic w/Ordinary Objects by Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most celebrated routines with ordinary household objects.
In stock. $25.00 $18.75
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RK CHINESE COIN (BLUE) - DOLLAR SIZE (Blue) rk chinese coin coins roy kueppers blue black colour antique brass
In stock. $10.00
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SPLIT COIN (2 COIN SET) - US HALF DOLLAR by Roy Kueppers (US Half Dollar) Roy Kueppers Split Coins Coin Close Up Magic Trick us eisenhower dollar
In stock. $59.00
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Energy Coins by Matt Mello (Download Only) Bend coins with your mind like never before. A dream come true.
In stock. $9.95 $4.95
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TRANSIENT COINS (SPLIT 3 COIN SET) - US HALF DOLLAR by Roy Kueppers (HALF DOLLARS) Roy Kueppers split coin coins close up magic trick
In stock. $89.00
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TRANSIENT COINS (SPLIT 3 COIN SET) - US QUARTER by Roy Kueppers (US QUARTERS) Roy Kueppers split coins close up magic trick quarter
In stock. $59.00
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Fist Full of Dollars by Gregory Wilson (Eisenhower Dollars) A coin routine that turns audiences into believers. Coin magic never looked so real. COMES COMPLETE WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED.
In stock. $79.95
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In stock. $39.95
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Chinese Coin Set Half - Trick Contains: 5 Chinese Gold coins 2 Matching expanded shells
In stock. $59.95
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Rattle Box (Coin) by Mr. Magic - Trick Effect:The magician places a coin or ring inside a wooden box which is closed with the sliding lid. The magician may shake the box to make sure the coin or ring is inside which is confirmed by a rattle sound. The magician can give the box to the audience to shake the box but there is no sound and th
In stock. $22.94 $17.21
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Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Brass) by Tango (CH033) If you're seeking beautiful and well-made coins for your magic, here they are! These are high-quality, imitation Chinese coins, and they're perfect for all of your routines. They have a highly-polished finish with raised Chinese characters on both sides. These are NOT cheaply stamped and painted was
Out of stock. $10.00
Coin Ovations by Reed McClintock (DVD Download) Discover Reed's rare brand of coin magic-smooth, graceful and in-your-face!
In stock. $24.95
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Four Coins For Jimmy by Nathan Kranzo (Instant Download) That was BAD A$$ it again!- Sean Bugonia, Pro Magician and President of Ultimate MagicWhat is Four Coins For Jimmy you ask?For many years there was a move used in the underground of coin magic. People would be fooled by it and wonder what the heck was that???.Rumors traveled in the inner circ
In stock. $5.99
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COIN IN BOTTLE - 50 CENT EURO by Roy Kueppers (50 CENT EURO) Roy Kueppers coin magic close up magic folding coins
In stock. $20.00 $18.00
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Triple TUC (D0190) Walking Liberty Silver Half Dollar Gimmicks and Online Instructions by Tango - Trick Mr. Tango has done it once again! The Triple TUC is an innovation of the famous TUC, the coin considered to be the best gaffed coin ever, which won the Invention Award in the FISM 2012. Now the Triple TUC offers you the same skills of TUC with many more options. Includes a link with 25 TUC routines
Out of stock. $350.00
Dean's Coin Wallet by Dean Dill and Alan Wong - Trick Dean's Coin Wallet by Dean Dill and Alan Wong with Michael Weber's routine This purse was a favorite of Dean's directly from his repertoire. It allows you to do coin switches within the purse secretly, and at the same time right in front of your audience. Use the coin wallet for your coin routines,
In stock. $35.00 $28.70
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Coin Ovations by Reed McClintock (DVD) Discover Reed's rare brand of coin magic-smooth, graceful and in-your-face!
In stock. $29.95
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Holy Stretch (With DVD) by Jay Sankey - Trick The Effect"Adding Holy Stretch to the original Holy Moly effect is like throwing gasoline on an already blazing fire."-Jay SankeyImagine you have just finished performing the worldwide best-seller HOLY MOLY. The audience is still reeling from the fact that you caused a real hole to mysteriously trav
In stock. $25.00 $6.25
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Sankey's Best Street Magic by Jay Sankey (DVD) 20 of Jay's most devastating street magic effects.
In stock. $25.00 $18.75
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RK CHINESE COIN (RED) - HALF DOLLAR SIZE (Red) rk chinese coin coins roy kueppers black red colour antique brass
In stock. $8.00
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RK CHINESE COIN (YELLOW) - HALF DOLLAR SIZE (Yellow) rk chinese coin coins roy kueppers black yellow colour antique brass
Out of stock. $8.00
Expanded Shell Half Dollar Magnetic (D0159) by Tango - Trick With this gimmick, there are two different effects in which you can use this item perfectly...Effect 1:Four borrowed coins travel, one by one, from left to right hand. Effect 2:A coin borrowed from the public through a ticket which was also provided, finally everything is given to examine. item(s) a
In stock. $40.00
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Energy Coins by Matt Mello (Half Dollar Gimmick) Bend coins with your mind like never before. A gimmick that hides in plain sight. A dream come true. LIMITED SUPPLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $49.95
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Stealth Pro Coin Clip by Pierric (Download + Gimmicks) A new and versatile coin workers’ weapon from the 2015 FISM Grand Prix Close-Up Champion
In stock. $25.00
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Coin Purse Leather by Magic By Gosh Carry your coins in style with these black, genuine leather coin purses. Measuring 2.5 inches wide at the base and 2.25 inches tall, half-dollars, dollars and even larger coins and gimmicks will fit inside. The elegant locking mechanism is hidden inside the purse, eliminating the usual clasp.
Out of stock. $7.80 $6.24
Expanded shell One Dollar Eisenhower Magnetic (D0156) by Tango - Trick With this gimmick, there are two different effects in which you can use this item perfectly...Effect 1:Four borrowed coins travel, one by one, from left to right hand. Effect 2:A coin borrowed from the public through a ticket which was also provided, finally everything is given to examine. item(s) a
In stock. $60.00
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Extreme Possibilities Volume 1 by R. Paul Wilson - DVD A collection of killer material from one of magic's most creative minds. These brand-new DVDs feature some of Paul's favorite close-up effects and stand-up routines. R. Paul Wilson's classical approach combines old and new methods to produce incredible magic for every situation and for every level o
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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Extreme Possibilities Volume 4 by R. Paul Wilson - DVD A collection of killer material from one of magic's most creative minds. These brand-new DVDs feature some of Paul's favorite close-up effects and stand-up routines. R. Paul Wilson's classical approach combines old and new methods to produce incredible magic for every situation and for every level o
In stock. $29.95 $7.49
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X Coin Bend by Steven X - Trick No misdirection required!New principles in coin magic!X Coin Bend is as real as it gets. Your hands are always shown empty throughout performance. Your spectators will be amazed as a borrowed, signed coin bends right in front of their eyes, leaving them speechless! The coin can be examined from star
In stock. $19.95
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In Action Set (Vol 1 thru 3) by Gregory Wilson video DOWNLOAD With snow-capped mountains and plush pine trees as the new L&L backdrop, you'll see people laughing, screaming, losing their breath and simply staring into space from pure astonishment-and that's just from the striking lake view. Greg's magic isn't so bad either. Some of the bonus footage was sh
In stock. $99.95
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At The Table Live Lecture - Marc Lavelle April 18th 2018 video DOWNLOAD As a full-time magician, Marc Lavelle is no stranger when it comes to knowing how to wow a crowd. His routines and effects stem from his passion for tinkering and creating, a passion which has been used to consult on hit TV shows like Magic Kids in France and Tricked in the UK. His charm, wit, and c
In stock. $9.95
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Jay Sankey's Revolutionary Coin Magic - Plus 30 Minutes of Bonus Material (DVD) The absolute best coin magic DVD on the market. Imagine being able to entertain with just the coins in your pocket - anytime, anywhere! Highly recommended!
Out of stock. $40.00
The Coin Roll with Tyas Frantz (Instant Download) Add a flash of flourish to your coin magic. Learn from the former Guiness World Record holder!
In stock. $5.95
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Spiked Coin Baffle your spectators by "nailing" eight spikes through a coin and pulling them out without leaving a mark.
Out of stock. $3.10
Expanded Shell Coin - US Quarter (Sasco) 4 quarters, one by one penetrate through a solid table top in the cleanest possible manner... "Expanded coins are great for coin through table or coins across routines." -Acar Altinsel, Penguin Magic An expanded US quarter.
Out of stock. $22.00 $19.25
In a Flash by Jay Sankey The hottest card trick in magic! Ultra visual. Huge reactions every time!!!
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Flipper Coin (US Quarter) Two half dollars are freely shown and placed in the left hand. Commenting that the weight of the two coins is too heavy, the magician gives his left hand a rest by placing them in his right hand. But alas, his right hand gets tired as well, so to solve his problem he lessens the burden of his righ
Out of stock. $20.00
Flipper Coin (US Half Dollar) Two half dollars are freely shown and placed in the left hand. Commenting that the weight of the two coins is too heavy, the magician gives his left hand a rest by placing them in his right hand. But alas, his right hand gets tired as well, so to solve his problem he lessens the burden of his righ
Out of stock. $22.00
Coin Squeeze (DVD+Equipment) Get huge reactions when you make coins pass thru a solid wall of brass. Fantastic Pocket Trick!!!
Out of stock. $18.95 $10.50
The No-Touch Flip Coin (Precision Made Half Dollar) This is the Ultimate Companion Coin to the Mircro 5.
In stock. $29.00
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On the Spot with Gregory Wilson (2 Volumes on 1 DVD!) On the Spot is a guerilla course in performing impromptu magic. The material is so strong, you could show up at your next gig with no other magic and still entertain the daylights out of them!!!
Out of stock. $49.95
45 with Jay Sankey (DVD) Learn 45 of the most important, most powerful, huge-reaction getting sleights in all of magic. Highly Recommended!!!
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
Sankey's Secret Files Volume 2
Out of stock. $35.00 $28.00
Jay Sankey's Amazing Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do - Vol.1 (DVD) Magic for beginners, taught by a world-renowned master! Hands down the best beginner's guide to magic out there.
Out of stock. $25.00 $20.00
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