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Diamonds are Forever by Rick Lax (Cards Included) Create an impossible object they'll NEVER forget -- because they get to keep it! The brilliant cards do all the work, you get all the glory. 25 REUSABLE GIMMICKS INCLUDED.
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Duplicity by John Bannon (Instant Download) In their hands, multiple phases, building climaxes and here's the part we couldn't believe -- it's all examinable. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Siamese Waltz by Bennie Chickering (5 GIMMICKS INCLUDED) A pro-caliber reputation-maker that you'll want have with you when you NEED to make a big impression. INTRO PRICE. EACH GIMMICK IS HAND-MADE. ONLY 5 IN STOCK.
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Modern Transportation by David Regal (Instant Download) The trick David Regal has performed hundreds of times at the Magic Castle. Maybe more than any other trick he knows! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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My Way Out Of This World by Larry Hass (Instant Download) A borrowed, SHUFFLED deck is impossibly sorted into red and black by your audience! A game-changer. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Equal Finality by Ryan Schlutz (Instant Download) Impossible to reverse engineer, this fools EVERYONE. Spectators have a TRULY free choice and NO SWITCHES. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Tattoo You by John Bannon (Instant Download) Visually move a signature from one card to another—then immediately hand it out as a souvenir! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Diamonds are Forever by Rick Lax (REFILL) 25 REUSABLE GIMMICKS INCLUDED.
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Dani DaOrtiz LIVE 3 (Instant Download) One of the most original card magicians in the world reveals just how calculated his unconventional style really is. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. START LEARNING TODAY.
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KFC by Michael Kaminskas (Instant Download) Miracles are made possible with this secret technique that will replace your old mercury card fold. KFC is easier and has ZERO tells. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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$100,000 Location by Jason Ladanye (Instant Download) A pro-caliber showpiece that's easy to learn and proves beyond a doubt that you are a card master.
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Where It Has To Go by Rick Lax (Instant Download) They freely choose how the trick will end. YOU make it happen. A stunning miracle that turns card magic on its head. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Stargate by Roddy McGhie Create a PORTAL in your card box, sending a sharpie through another dimension. Then hand it out for examination! EACH UNIT HAND-MADE BY RODDY MCGHIE. VERY LIMITED SUPPLY.
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One Card and One Card Only by Larry Hass (Instant Download) A diabolical trick that couldn't feel more fair! From a borrowed shuffled deck, they peek ANY card, no force. Then... the impossible happens. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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With The Band by David Jonathan & Dan Harlan (Instant Download) A must-have trick for the working pro. A rubber band visually vanishes and finds a SIGNED card in the MIDDLE of the pack. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Dunn Deal by Shaun Dunn presented by Dan Harlan (Instant Download) The most streamlined Out-of-this-World ever. This fools everyone, eliminates all process and doesn't require a deck switch.
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Free by Think Nguyen (CAAN) (Instant Download) They freely choose ANY card and ANY number. You grab the SHUFFLED BORROWED DECK, count down and THERE IT IS. USE ANY DECK. NO SETUP. INSTANT RESET. A WORKER'S DREAM.
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Twins by Brother John Hamman presented by Michael Ammar (Instant Download) Tell a compelling story while IMPOSSIBLE things happen. Everything is examinable and uses ordinary cards. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Totally Hands Off by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) A masterpiece that puts everyone on the edge of their seats and you at the center of attention. A thought-of card appears at a thought-of number. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Final Destination by Paul Gordon (Instant Download) So deeply deceptive it fools even the cleverest audiences. And the kicker ending FRIES EVERYONE. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Dani DaOrtiz LIVE ACT (Instant Download) One of the world's best card magicians presents a new, devastating card ACT with only ONE standard deck of cards. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. START LEARNING THE FULL ACT TODAY.
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Nicholas Lawrence LIVE (Instant Download) Impossible-looking, visually-strong magic with common objects. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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The EP Principle by Woody Aragon (Instant Download) A self-working miracle from the master. No preparation needed. Grab a deck, you're ready to rock. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Red Medicine by Mark Calabrese (Instant Download) SO DEVIOUS. This one fools even top pros. A thought-of card is revealed in THEIR hands.. and they do ALL THE WORK. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Slice by Pierric (Instant Download) A STUNNING demonstration. Throw a card and penetrate the deck at the EXACT position of a freely selected card. Requires an inexpensive secret something that most magicians already own.
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Dunn Deal by Shaun Dunn presented by Dan Harlan (GIMMICK INCLUDED) The most streamlined Out-of-this-World ever. This fools everyone, eliminates all process and doesn't require a deck switch.
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Flight Of The Kings by Paul Gordon (Instant Download) Coincidences, miracles, and the killer ending. A masterpiece of a card trick from one of the best, Paul Gordon. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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High Rise by Reynold Alexander (Instant Download) A chosen card magically RISES out of the box, and everything is immediately examinable. The biggest innovation in rising card tricks in YEARS. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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The Favorite Cards of My Friends by Rafael Benatar (Instant Download) A reputation-making masterpiece from a true professional. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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John Carey LIVE (Instant Download) Streamlined, practical card and coin magic for discerning magicians. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Anagnorasis by Patrick Redford (Instant Download) You play the part of the psychic, then let your spectator try it. Things start out great but quickly get INSANE. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $15.00
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Stealth Aces by John Carey (Instant Download) On your command, all the aces teleport to one pile in front of you, with a borrowed, shuffled deck. The "ace assembly" you should be doing. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Perfect Position Prediction by Adam Elbaum A DEVASTATING reputation-maker from Adam's live act. Super STRAIGHT-FORWARD and absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to figure out. LIMITED SUPPLY.
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One Card Poker by Chris Rawlins (Instant Download) The most powerful, entertaining and practical four ace production we’ve seen. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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SCASN: Secret Card at Secret Number by Chris Westfall (Instant Download) A number is SECRETLY thought of, and a card SECRETLY thought of. SCASN brings them together! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Destiny's Child by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) They'll never guess what happens next in this multi-phase masterpiece, each phase more surprising than the last.
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Middle Earth by Paul Gordon (Instant Download) The most direct sandwich trick we've ever seen. Gently place the jokers on top of the deck, and they FIND THE CHOSEN CARD. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Shrink, Fall, Squeeze presented by Dan Harlan (Instant Download) Tommy Wonder was an incredible performer, well-known for his smooth sleight-of-hand, masterful misdirection, and devious devices. And now, a modern master of magical creativity shares his favorite Tommy Wonder creations with you as Dan Harlan presents "The Best of the Books of Wonder." Lesson five i
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Counter Intuitive by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) This trick is RIDICULOUS from start to finish. Ridiculously fooling, gets more ridiculous with every phase, and is ridiculously easy to learn. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Little Vernon by John Carey (Instant Download) Using any deck of cards, find a THOUGHT-OF card with no fishing, no math, no keycards. An impromptu masterpiece.
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Simpatico Plus by David Regal A reputation-making card miracle 30 years in the making, with a personal premise that makes it UNFORGETTABLE. INCLUDES GIMMICK AND VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS FROM DAVID REGAL.
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Overly Ambitious by Dan Harlan & Shaun Dunn The greatest card trick just got even better! Plus learn Dan Harlan's full Ambitious Card routine. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Mahdi Gilbert LIVE ACT (Instant Download) He fooled Penn & Teller, and he will fool you too. More importantly, he will inspire you, and teach you everything. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. START LEARNING THE FULL ACT TODAY
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Mind Readers Triumph by Luis Carreon (Instant Download) Triumph on steroids. MRT lets you secretly learn which card your spectator chose BEFORE spreading the cards. WORKER. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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DJ Control by Luis Carreon and Carmen D'Amico (Instant Download) This underground routine fools 100% of laypeople and 99.99% of magicians. One of the best kept secrets in card magic. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Bulldog by Joel Dickinson (Instant Download) A groundbreaking new method. A card in full view SINCE BEFORE THE TRICK is the card your spectator SIGNS DURING THE TRICK. START LEARNING NOW.
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B&E by Marcus Eddie (Instant Download) Steal ANY card from a secured pack -- or STEAL THEM ALL. B&E adds a whole new dimension to your card magic. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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The Rising by Nicholas Lawrence (Instant Download) This trick defies the laws of physics. And yet you plainly see it happen. Nicholas has discovered a wormhole. START LEARNING INSTANTLY
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Co-Sign by Mark Calabrese (Instant Download) A reputation-making double-coincidence that makes for an UNFORGETTABLE souvenir. INTRO PRICE ENDS AT MIDNIGHT. START LEARNING INSTANTLY AND SAVE.
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Here and Not presented by Dan Harlan (Instant Download) Tommy Wonder was an incredible performer, well-known for his smooth sleight-of-hand, masterful misdirection, and devious devices. And now, a modern master of magical creativity shares his favorite Tommy Wonder creations with you as Dan Harlan presents "The Best of the Books of Wonder." This is a dee
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Triumphant Return by Michael Kaminskas (Instant Download) One of Michael's signature pieces.
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