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Doc Dixon LIVE (Instant Download) One of the greatest professional workers of our time came to Penguin for an inspiring 3-hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Michael Finney LIVE (Instant Download) This multi-award winning comedy magician is sure to be extremely educational AND entertaining! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Binary Code 2 by Rick Lax (Instant Download) This isn't the trick that fooled Penn & Teller -- IT'S WAY BETTER. The most anticipated card trick of the year. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $14.95
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Punch Too by R. Paul Wilson (Instant Download) Give your audience that unforgettable magician-fail moment. This is a finale-caliber miracle from a true professional. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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$100,000 Location by Jason Ladanye (Instant Download) A pro-caliber showpiece that's easy to learn and proves beyond a doubt that you are a card master.
In stock. $9.95
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Harry Anderson LIVE (Instant Download) World famous street magician, con-man and "Night Court" star came to Penguin for a MASSIVE 4-hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Cosmos Duo by Greg Rostami (Download + Gimmick) The odds against you are ASTRONOMICAL. Yet you're about to pull off one of the greatest miracles ever seen with a deck of cards. IN STOCK.
In stock. $24.95
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Scott Alexander LIVE (Instant Download) One of the busiest professionals in the business came to Penguin for a jaw-dropping 4-hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Walk on the Wild Side by Dan Harlan (Download + Gimmicks) One of the greatest MIRACLES of card magic JUST GOT BETTER.
In stock. $19.95
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Deceit Treat by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) Even magicians get fooled by this hard-core brain buster that uses a borrowed shuffled deck! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Pivotal Peek by Ryan Schlutz (Instant Download) This is the peek the pros use, immediately after getting fooled by it. Secretly learn what card ANYONE picks. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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J.C.'s Super Closer by J.C. Wagner presented by Michael Ammar (Instant Download) Multiple phases, each one more impossible than the last. Make sure to perform this trick last, cause NOTHING will top it. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Deck to Shoe by Matt Mello (Instant Download) An unforgettable multi-phase miracle, featured in Nick Locapo's Magic Castle Act! A SIGNED card appears under your foot, then the whole deck! START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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10 Card Poker Deal by Luke Jermay (Instant Download) Your spectators pick the cards and you win every time! Watch the demo 100 times. This insane poker demonstration defies explanation.
In stock. $14.95
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Brent Braun LIVE (Instant Download) One of the world's most deviously clever creators came to Penguin for a MASSIVE 3-hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Mark Elsdon LIVE (Instant Download) One of the world's finest magic creators came to Penguin for a very special 4 1/2 Hour LIVE event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Arthur Trace LIVE (Instant Download) Learn beautiful, ingenious close-up from one of the most unique acts in the world of magic today! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Colossal Blizzard 2.0 by Anthony Miller and Magick Balay (CARDS INCLUDED) A reputation making masterpiece, perfected over 1000s of performances. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $29.95
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Muldoon Match by Paul Gordon (Instant Download) A stunning triple prediction of 3 cards. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Where It Has To Go by Rick Lax (Instant Download) They freely choose how the trick will end. YOU make it happen. A stunning miracle that turns card magic on its head. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $12.95
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Stargate by Roddy McGhie Create a PORTAL in your card box, sending a sharpie through another dimension. Then hand it out for examination! EACH UNIT HAND-MADE BY RODDY MCGHIE. VERY LIMITED SUPPLY.
In stock. $59.95
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One Card and One Card Only by Larry Hass (Instant Download) A diabolical trick that couldn't feel more fair! From a borrowed shuffled deck, they peek ANY card, no force. Then... the impossible happens. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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With The Band by David Jonathan & Dan Harlan (Instant Download) A must-have trick for the working pro. A rubber band visually vanishes and finds a SIGNED card in the MIDDLE of the pack. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Easy Aces by Martin Braessas After a spectator GENUINELY shuffles, you find the 4 aces in a DAZZLING demonstration that makes you look like a card master, and it's SUPER EASY to do!
In stock. $29.95
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Hyper Color by Bizzaro Just when you think the trick is over... a FULL deck transforms IN MID-AIR into a completely different deck. AND WITH NO SLEIGHT-OF-HAND!!!
In stock. $24.95
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Docc Hilford LIVE (Instant Download) Docc performed and explained his prized complete act that is virtually prop free! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Out/In by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) A powerful combo of eye-popping visuals guaranteed to fry everyone in the room. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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Joshua Jay LIVE 2 (Instant Download) Finely-crafted and highly-deceptive routines... many of which have never been revealed before.SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Twins by Brother John Hamman presented by Michael Ammar (Instant Download) Tell a compelling story while IMPOSSIBLE things happen. Everything is examinable and uses ordinary cards. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $4.95
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Dorset by Woody Aragon (Instant Download) It's hard to say what's more impressive, the effect or the secret. 4 queens disappear, appear then turn into aces. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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C.I.S. (Card in Sharpie) by Mark Calabrese (Instant Download) A staple in Mark's working repertoire, CIS is a surreal teleportation of a SIGNED card into a sharpie that's been on the table the whole time. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $14.95
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Dunn Deal by Shaun Dunn presented by Dan Harlan (Instant Download) The most streamlined Out-of-this-World ever. This fools everyone, eliminates all process and doesn't require a deck switch.
In stock. $9.95 $7.50
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Free by Think Nguyen (CAAN) (Instant Download) They freely choose ANY card and ANY number. You grab the SHUFFLED BORROWED DECK, count down and THERE IT IS. USE ANY DECK. NO SETUP. INSTANT RESET. A WORKER'S DREAM.
In stock. $9.95 $4.95
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Airtight by Jay Sankey presented by Matt Johnson (BALLOONS INCLUDED) Performed on TV by Copperfield. Make a balloon swallow a deck, then PLUCK A SIGNED card through its walls. BONUS IDEAS FROM MATT JOHNSON AND HIGH QUALITY BALLOONS INCLUDED.
In stock. $19.95
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David Regal LIVE (Instant Download) One of the cleverest, and most prolific magicians alive comes to Penguin for a 2-HOUR lecture. DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE LECTURE INSTANTLY AND SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC.
In stock. $29.95
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Jay Sankey LIVE (Instant Download) Jay Sankey shared TONS of real-world usable magic AND some killer theory in this 3 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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All In by Jack Carpenter (Instant Download) One of the highest rated products in magic. Powerful, entertaining card magic from a true master. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $49.95
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Ian Rowland LIVE (Instant Download) Master mentalist and cold reader Ian Rowland came to Penguin for a mind altering 2 hour LIVE seminar. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Triumphless Triumph by Francis Menotti (Instant Download) The perfect effect when you only have SECONDS to leave an impression. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $3.00
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Lonnie Chevrie LIVE (Instant Download) A world class sleight of hand expert came to Penguin for a SPECIAL MID-WEEK 4-HOUR EVENT! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Michael Vincent LIVE: The Quest for Mastery (Instant Download) A true MASTER magician came to Penguin a truly inspiring and incredible LIVE event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Chi Card by Rick Lax (Instant Download) Bend a playing card WITH YOUR MIND. Angle-proof. Instantly examinable. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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Reverse Psychology by Rick Lax (Instant Download) Get deep inside your spectators' brains with this diabolical, and thoroughly entertaining mind-game. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Melt 2.0 by Matthew Johnson (DVD + Download) The perfect bar trick. Borrow a dollar, take out a card and create a SURREAL moment of wonder. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Out of stock. $0.01
Final Destination by Paul Gordon (Instant Download) So deeply deceptive it fools even the cleverest audiences. And the kicker ending FRIES EVERYONE. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Totally Hands Off by Dani DaOrtiz (Instant Download) A masterpiece that puts everyone on the edge of their seats and you at the center of attention. A thought-of card appears at a thought-of number. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Ringnature by Ed Ellis (Instant Download) It looks like special effects, and that's just the beginning! A vanish, penetration and card revelation in ONE AWESOME MIRACLE. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Woody Aragon LIVE (Instant Download) One of the deepest thinkers in magic came to Penguin for a mind-expanding 2-hour live seminar. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Backdraft by Cameron Francis (Instant Download) A self-contained, straight forward, diabolical prediction effect that will leave your spectators STUNNED!
In stock. $9.95
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Box Set (Boxed Reset & Ace Case) by John Guastaferro (Instant Download) John Guastaferro's magic is creative, smooth, and compelling, and were thrilled to release two BRAND-NEW, UNPUBLISHED John Guastaferro routines: Boxed Reset and Ace Case.The two routines work harmoniously together, or they can be performed individually. Each routine is sequenced to maximize impact,
In stock. $10.00
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Allan Ackerman LIVE (Instant Download) One of the world's leading card EXPERTS came to Penguin for an astonishing 2 1/2 hour live event! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Loaded by Marcus Eddie (Instant Download) Show a box completely empty, then produce AN ENTIRE DECK OF CARDS. The easiest, most powerful method ever invented. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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Freeform Mentalism by Peter Turner (Instant Download) Mentalism can be life-changing, Peter Turner proves it every day. And today, he's going to teach YOU how he does it. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $49.95
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Further Than Ever (Roberto Giobbi on Further Than That by Stewart James) (Instant Download) The only card trick you'll ever need. An entire SHOW in one trick. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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Tomas Medina LIVE (Instant Download) One of the funniest and most entertaining REAL WORLD working magician came to Penguin LIVE. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Curtis Kam LIVE (Instant Download) Join us for a combination of exceptionally creative magic and world-class technical skills! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Follow the Leader presented by Roberto Giobbi (Instant Download) An incredibly powerful yet EASY-TO-DO card trick with ANY DECK that will make you look like a sleight-of-hand EXPERT. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $4.95
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Chaptrick by Mark Jenest presented by Matthew Johnson (Instant Download) Grab ANY brand of chapstick and some cards, and you're ready to FREAK. PEOPLE. OUT. START LEARNING INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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Nicholas Lawrence LIVE (Instant Download) Impossible-looking, visually-strong magic with common objects. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Dani DaOrtiz LIVE ACT (Instant Download) One of the world's best card magicians presents a new, devastating card ACT with only ONE standard deck of cards. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. START LEARNING THE FULL ACT TODAY.
In stock. $39.95
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Groove Electric 2.0 by Doc Docherty (Instant Download) An unbelievable card switch for pros with a TON of uses. Putting in the time to learn this will leave you with a bullet-proof weapon that leaves spectators rubbing their eyes.
In stock. $9.95
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The EP Principle by Woody Aragon (Instant Download) A self-working miracle from the master. No preparation needed. Grab a deck, you're ready to rock. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Gazzo LIVE: Tricks for the Street. (Instant Download) The most influential street magician alive comes to Penguin for a massive 2-HOUR lecture. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD THIS ENTIRE LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Gazzo LIVE 2: Professional Busking. (Instant Download) Back by popular demand. An ENTIRE 2-HOURS dedicated to busking! You asked, we delivered. DOWNLOAD THE RECORDED EVENT NOW. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $29.95
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Marcus Eddie LIVE (Instant Download) One of the most creative magicians on the planet came to Penguin for a magic-packed 2-hour live event.
In stock. $29.95
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Dan Harlan LIVE 2 (Instant Download) One of the most creative magicians in the world came to Penguin for an incredible 2-HOUR live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE NOW.
In stock. $29.95
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Threek by Bizzaro (DVD + Gimmick) A practical and EASY to do card-stab that is perfect for walk around and restaurant workers. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $29.95
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Melt 2.0 by Matthew Johnson (Instant Download) The perfect bar trick. Borrow a dollar, take out a card and create a SURREAL moment of wonder. DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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Divining Fork by Scott Alexander (Instant Download) Borrow a fork, borrow a napkin, then blow their mind.
In stock. $9.95
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Light Speed by Rick Lax (Instant Download) A super-human demonstration of skill. Prove just how quick your hands are. Their eyes don't stand a chance! LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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Rafael Benatar LIVE (Instant Download) This internationally loved magician teaches the card routines and methods that made him famous! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Slice by Pierric (Instant Download) A STUNNING demonstration. Throw a card and penetrate the deck at the EXACT position of a freely selected card. Requires an inexpensive secret something that most magicians already own.
In stock. $9.95
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The Butterfly by Bruno Copin (Gimmick + Download) A surreal moment of beauty that fools and stuns everyone who witnesses it.
In stock. $19.95
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The End by Rick Lax (Instant Download) Your new secret weapon. When it's mission critical that your final trick fool EVERYONE, it's time for THE END. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Dunn Deal by Shaun Dunn presented by Dan Harlan (GIMMICK INCLUDED) The most streamlined Out-of-this-World ever. This fools everyone, eliminates all process and doesn't require a deck switch.
In stock. $24.95
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In stock. $39.95
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ADCAAN by Alan Rorrison A groundbreaking any-card-at-any-number prediction where YOU NEVER TOUCH THE CARDS. They shuffle. They count. They reveal. It can even be a borrowed deck.
In stock. $19.95
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Red Medicine by Mark Calabrese (Instant Download) SO DEVIOUS. This one fools even top pros. A thought-of card is revealed in THEIR hands.. and they do ALL THE WORK. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95
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Dyno by Joe Rindfleisch (Instant Download) You'll fool yourself, it's that good. One of the most exciting magic discoveries of the decade, Dyno will change the way you look at rubber bands. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $19.95
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Bipolar by Ram Cohen (Bicycle Rider Back) A breakthrough in visual magic. No bad angles. The most visual card change of all time. The front AND BACK of a card change in full view. EACH ONE HAND-MADE. LIMITED SUPPLY.
Out of stock. $19.95
The Frog by Manuel Llaser (Instant Download) The most entertaining, most fooling card to impossible location we've seen. A cute origami frog hops and finds chosen cards, then literally changes into one.
In stock. $9.95
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Cameron Francis LIVE (Instant Download) One of the most creative working pros came to Penguin for a magic-packed 2-hour live event.
In stock. $29.95
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Bottom Shot by Michael Eaton (Instant Download) The FASTEST card production you've ever seen. Super versatile, it'll change the way you reveal cards. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $4.95
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Steve Reynolds LIVE (Instant Download) One of the most creative and deceptive card magicians around came to Penguin for a MASSIVE 2-hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Bizzaro Flip by Bizzaro (Instant Download) An impossible demonstration of flipping over a FREELY SELECTED CARD in the MIDDLE OF THE DECK, all while merely springing the cards! And so much more!
In stock. $4.95
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Aaron Fisher LIVE (Instant Download) One of the most best card magicians ALIVE came to Penguin for a MASSIVE 3 1/2 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Geoff Williams LIVE (Instant Download) One of the world's most creative, comedic and talented magicians came to Penguin for a fun-filled 3 1/2 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Miguel Angel Gea LIVE (Instant Download) One of the greatest magicians of our time came to Penguin for a jaw-dropping 2 1/2 hour live event. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Thetalia by Ian Rowland (Instant Download) A reputation-maker with a GENUINELY SHUFFLED DECK. Without looking at a SINGLE CARD you begin, and look like the god of card-cheats. LEARN INSTANTLY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $9.95
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Born to Perform Card Magic by Oz Pearlman (DVD) The most influential card DVD of the last decade. COMPLETELY UPDATED AND EXPANDED. Go from beginner to PRO with a deck of cards! NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $29.95
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John Carney LIVE (Instant Download) Powerful presentations and solid sleight-of-hand.SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Stealing Second by R. Paul Wilson (Instant Download) A mental BEAR-TRAP. Fool your audience BADLY while supposedly teaching them. You're going to love this. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $9.95 $4.95
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Hello My Name Is by Cameron Francis (DVD + Gimmicks) The PERFECT party trick. Totally impossible, multiple phases AND EASY TO LEARN. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
In stock. $19.95
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Jim Krenz LIVE (Instant Download) A well-studied creator and entertainer shares his tested close-up routines and techniques! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Rip & Fold by Rick Lax (Instant Download) As powerful as it is practical. A miracle you can do anytime. No advanced prep!! START LEARNING INSTANTLY AND SAVE.
In stock. $9.95
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LOCKJAW by Pierric (Instant Download) The FISM Grand Prix winner's reputation making card routine. Multiple phases of audience-tested perfection. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
In stock. $15.00 $7.50
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Upper Hand by Gary Jones & Chris Congreave (RED BIKE BACK) A jaw dropping transportation of FOUR signed cards. Pro caliber magic that anybody can do.
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John (Fast Jack) Farrell LIVE (Instant Download) All the real work, and incredible stories, from his fifty years as a professional hustler. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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Cameron Francis LIVE 2 (Instant Download) Professional actor and magician shows you his favorite impromptu magic with an unprepared deck of cards. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
In stock. $29.95
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